Whitehead product

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In mathematics, the Whitehead product is a graded quasi-Lie algebra structure on the homotopy groups of a space. It was defined by J. H. C. Whitehead in ( Whitehead 1941 ).


The relevant MSC code is: 55Q15, Whitehead products and generalizations.


Given elements , the Whitehead bracket

is defined as follows:

The product can be obtained by attaching a -cell to the wedge sum


the attaching map is a map

Represent and by maps


then compose their wedge with the attaching map, as

The homotopy class of the resulting map does not depend on the choices of representatives, and thus one obtains a well-defined element of


Note that there is a shift of 1 in the grading (compared to the indexing of homotopy groups), so has degree ; equivalently, (setting L to be the graded quasi-Lie algebra). Thus acts on each graded component.


The Whitehead product satisfies the following properties:

Sometimes the homotopy groups of a space, together with the Whitehead product operation are called a graded quasi-Lie algebra; this is proven in Uehara & Massey (1957) via the Massey triple product.

Relation to the action of

If , then the Whitehead bracket is related to the usual action of on by

where denotes the conjugation of by .

For , this reduces to

which is the usual commutator in . This can also be seen by observing that the -cell of the torus is attached along the commutator in the -skeleton .

Whitehead products on H-spaces

For a path connected H-space, all the Whitehead products on vanish. By the previous subsection, this is a generalization of both the facts that the fundamental groups of H-spaces are abelian, and that H-spaces are simple.


All Whitehead products of classes , lie in the kernel of the suspension homomorphism


This can be shown by observing that the Hopf invariant defines an isomorphism and explicitly calculating the cohomology ring of the cofibre of a map representing . Using the Pontryagin–Thom construction there is a direct geometric argument, using the fact that the preimage of a regular point is a copy of the Hopf link.

See also

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The Whitehead product is a mathematical construction introduced in Whitehead (1941). It has been a useful tool in determining the properties of spaces. The mathematical notion of space includes every shape that exists in our 3-dimensional world such as curves, surfaces, and solid figures. Since spaces are often presented by formulas, it is usually not possible to visually determine their geometric properties. Some of these properties are connectedness, the number of holes the space has, the knottedness of the space, and so on. Spaces are then studied by assigning algebraic constructions to them. This is similar to what is done in high school analytic geometry whereby to certain curves in the plane are assigned equations. The most common algebraic constructions are groups. These are sets such that any two members of the set can be combined to yield a third member of the set. In homotopy theory, one assigns a group to each space X and positive integer p called the pth homotopy group of X. These groups have been studied extensively and give information about the properties of the space X. There are then operations among these groups which provide additional information about the spaces. This has been very important in the study of homotopy groups.
