Antonio Brunelli – Prato di sacri fiori musicali (Meadow of sacred musical flowers) for one voice and eight voices with continuo, Op. 7 (Venice: Giacomo Vincenti)
Sethus Calvisius – Bicinia book two (Leipzig: Jacob Apel), an expanded edition of book one from 1599
Antonio Cifra – Fifth book of motets for two, three, and four voices, Op. 11 (Rome: Giovanni Battista Robletti)
William Corkine – The second book of ayres, some, to sing and play to the base-violl alone: others, to be sung to the lute and base violl (London: Matthew Lownes, John Brown, Thomas Snodham for William Barley), also includes pieces for the lyra viol
Giovanni Croce – Sacre cantilene for three, five, and six voices with a four-part ripieno (Venice: Giacomo Vincenti)
Ignazio Donati – Sacri concentus for one, two, three, four, and five voices (Venice: Giacomo Vincenti)
John Dowland – A Pilgrimes solace for three, four, and five voices (London: Matthew Lownes, John Brown, Thomas Snodham for William Barley)
Giacomo Finetti – Concerti for four voices with organ bass (Venice: Angelo Gardano)
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