1617 in music

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List of years in music (table)

The year 1617 in music involved some significant events.




Classical music




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  1. Jerome Roche and Roark Miller, "Grandi, Alessandro (i)", The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, second edition, edited by Stanley Sadie and John Tyrrell (London: Macmillan Publishers, 2001).
  2. Susi Jeans and O.W. Neighbour, "Bull [Boul, Bul, Bol], John [Jan] [Bouville, Bonville, Jean]", The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, second edition, edited by Stanley Sadie and John Tyrrell (London: Macmillan Publishers, 2001).
  3. Monique Rollin, "Gautier [Gaultier], Jacques [Gwaltier, James]", The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, second edition, edited by Stanley Sadie and John Tyrrell (London: Macmillan Publishers, 2001).
  4. Classical Music Diary, 8-30-2015, accessed 11-7-2017
  5. Classical Music Diary, 8-30-2015, accessed 11-7-2017
  6. IMSLP La Maddalena, accessed 11-8-2017
  7. Library of Congress, Notated Music accessed 11-8-2017
  8. Full Online Text at University of Michigan Early English Books Online,accessed 11-7-2017
  9. Palisca, Claude V. (1991) [1968]. Baroque Music. Prentice Hall History of Music (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall. p. 147. ISBN   0-13-058496-7.
  10. Palisca, Claude V. (1991) [1968]. Baroque Music. Prentice Hall History of Music (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall. p. 213. ISBN   0-13-058496-7.