1901 in Afghanistan

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Flag of Afghanistan (1901-1919).svg
See also: Other events of 1901
List of years in Afghanistan

The following lists events that happened during 1901 in Afghanistan .




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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Abdur Rahman Khan</span> Emir of Afghanistan from 1880 to 1901

Abdur Rahman Khan also known by his epithets, The Iron Amir, was Amir of Afghanistan from 1880 to his death in 1901. He is known for perpetrating the Hazara Genocide, but also uniting the country after years of internal fighting and negotiation of the Durand Line Agreement with British India.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">European influence in Afghanistan</span> Overview of the influence of European colonial powers in Afghanistan

European influence in Afghanistan has been present in the country since the Victorian era, when the competing imperial powers of Britain and Russia contested for control over Afghanistan as part of the Great Game.

The following lists events that happened during 1911 in Afghanistan.

Related to 1896 in Afghanistan: Negotiations are going on between the Indian government and the amir tending to the appointment of a joint commission for determining the last 100 miles (160 km) of Indo-Afghan frontier yet unsettled, from Landi Kotal in the Khyber to Nawar Kotal on the Kunar River.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Third Anglo-Afghan War</span> 1919 war between the British Empire (India) and the Emirate of Afghanistan

The Third Anglo-Afghan War began on 6 May 1919 when the Emirate of Afghanistan invaded British India and ended with an armistice on 8 August 1919. The Anglo-Afghan Treaty of 1919 resulted in the Afghans gaining control of foreign affairs from Britain, and the recognition of the Durand Line as the border between Afghanistan and British India.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Habibullah Khan</span> Emir of Afghanistan from 1901 to 1919

Habibullah Khan was the Emir of Afghanistan from 1901 until his assassination in 1919. He was the eldest son of the Emir Abdur Rahman Khan, whom he succeeded by right of primogeniture in October 1901. His grandfather was Mohammad Afzal Khan.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Amanullah Khan</span> Emir then King of Afghanistan from 1919 to 1929

Ghazi Amanullah Khan was the sovereign of Afghanistan from 1919, first as Emir and after 1926 as King, until his abdication in 1929. After the end of the Third Anglo-Afghan War in August 1919, Afghanistan was able to relinquish its protected state status to proclaim independence and pursue an independent foreign policy free from the influence of the United Kingdom.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Eidgah Mosque</span> Mosque in Kabul, Afghanistan

The Eidgah Mosque is one of the oldest mosques in Kabul, Afghanistan. It is located to the southeast of the affluent Wazir Akbar Khan neighborhood, near the Ghazi Stadium and Chaman-e-Hozori. It was built during the late 19th century and early 20th century, when the country was ruled by Emir Abdur Rahman Khan and his son Habibullah Khan. It is now a historical site for tourists to visit.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Nasrullah Khan (Afghanistan)</span> Emir of Afghanistan

Nasrullah Khan, (1874–1920), sometimes spelt as Nasr Ullah Khan, was shahzada of Afghanistan and second son of Emir Abdur Rahman Khan. He held the throne of Afghanistan as Emir for one week, from 21 to 28 February 1919.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Mohammadzai</span> Subtribe of the Barakzai Durrani Pashtuns

Mohammadzai, also spelled Moḥammadzay, is a Pashtun sub-tribe or clan of the Barakzai which is part of the Durrani confederacy of tribes. They are primarily centered on Kandahar, Kabul and Ghazni in Afghanistan as well as in the city of Charsadda in neighbouring Pakistan. The Mohammadzai ruled Afghanistan from 1823 to 1978, for a total of 155 years. Their rule ended under Daoud Khan when the Communists took power via a Soviet-backed coup.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Khalilullah Khalili</span> Afghan Persian writer and poet (1907–1987)

Khalilullah Khalili was Afghanistan's foremost 20th century poet as well as a noted historian, university professor, diplomat and royal confidant. He was the last of the great classical Persian poets and among the first to introduce modern Persian poetry and Nimai style to Afghanistan. He had also expertise in Khorasani style and was a follower of Farrukhi Sistani. Almost alone among Afghanistan's poets, he enjoyed a following in Iran where his selected poems have been published. His works have been praised by renowned Iranian literary figures and intellectuals. Many see him as the greatest contemporary poet of the Persian language in Afghanistan. He is also known for his major work "Hero of Khorasan", a controversial biography of Habībullāh Kalakānī, Emir of Afghanistan in 1929.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Emirate of Afghanistan</span> Monarchy in Central Asia from 1823 to 1926

The Emirate of Afghanistan, known as the Emirate of Kabul until 1855, was an emirate in Central Asia and South Asia that encompassed present-day Afghanistan and parts of present-day Pakistan. The emirate emerged from the Durrani Empire, when Dost Mohammad Khan, the founder of the Barakzai dynasty in Kabul, prevailed.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Sahibzada Abdul Latif</span> Afghan royal adviser and Ahmadi martyr (1853–1903)

Sayyad Abdul Latif more commonly known as Sahibzada Abdul Latif among the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, was the Royal Advisor to Abdur Rahman Khan and Habibullah Khan, the father and son kings of Afghanistan between the late 19th century and early 20th century. It is believed that Abdul Latif helped King Abdur Rahman Khan during the negotiation of the Durand Line Agreement with the British India in 1893. In 1902 he became a follower of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and is remembered as one of the first martyrs of the Ahmadiyya movement.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Mohammad Nadir Shah</span> King of Afghanistan from 1929 to 1933

Mohammad Nadir Shah was King of Afghanistan from 15 October 1929 until his assassination in November 1933. Previously, he served as Minister of War, Afghan Ambassador to France, and as a general in the Royal Afghan Army. He and his son Mohammad Zahir Shah, who succeeded him, are part of the Musahiban.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Battle of Uruzgan</span>

The Battle of Uruzgan took place in Uruzgan, Afghanistan during the reign of Amir Abdur Rahman in 1893 between the Hazaras and Abdul Rahman's army, which were government military forces and non-government forces, and the majority of which included the Pashtuns. Thereafter, on Hazara defeat, the Hazaras were uprooted from Uruzgan by Abdur Rahman and Pashtun tribes were resettled in Uruzgan. Some Hazaras migrated to British India (Quetta) and Iran (Mashhad). In 1901, Amir Habibullah Khan granted amnesty to the migrated Hazaras and asked them to return. Some returning Hazaras were then resettled in Afghan Turkistan and Balkh Province, but were not allowed to return to Uruzgan.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Barakzai</span> Pashtun tribe

Bārakzai is the name of a Pashtun tribe from present-day Kandahar, Afghanistan. '"Barakzai" is a common name among the Pashtuns and it means "son of Barak" in Pashto. According to the Encyclopædia Iranica, "In the detailed Pashtun genealogies there are no fewer than seven instances of the ethnic name Bārakzī, at very different levels of tribal segmentation. Six of them designate simple lineages within six different tribes located in the Solaymān mountains or adjacent lands... The seventh instance, on the other hand, designates one of the most important Pashtun tribes in numbers and historic role, part of the Zīrak branch of the Dorrānay confederation.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Afghanistan–United Kingdom relations</span> Bilateral relations

Bilateral relations of Afghanistan and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland span a long and eventful history, dating back to the United Kingdom's Company rule in India, the British-Russian rivalry in Central Asia, and the border between modern Afghanistan and British India. There has been an Afghan embassy in London since 1922 though there was no accredited Afghan ambassador from 1981 to 2001.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Mahmud Tarzi</span> Afghan politician, secular activist and journalist (1865–1933)

Mahmud Tarzi was an Afghan politician and intellectual. He is known as the father of Afghan journalism. He became a key figure in the history of Afghanistan, following the lead of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk in Turkey by working for modernization and secularization, and strongly opposing religious extremism and obscurantism. Tarzi emulated the Young Turks coalition.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Ahmadiyya in Afghanistan</span> Islamic movement

Ahmadiyya is an Islamic community in Afghanistan, under the leadership of the caliph in London. The earliest contact with the Ahmadiyya movement in Islam and the Pashtun people within modern-day boundaries of Afghanistan, occurred during the lifetime of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. The movement began by Ahmad, was largely seen as apostasy by most other Muslim groups, including by those in Afghanistan, and accordingly only twelve years after Ahmad's claim to be the promised Mahdi, two of the foremost Ahmadi Muslims were stoned to death in Kabul during 1901 to 1903. The killings continued until 1925, when in 1924–1925, under Emir Amanullah Khan, affiliation with Ahmadiyya beliefs became a capital offence and those who converted were forcibly reverted.

Starting in the 1880s, various Pashtun-dominated governments of Afghanistan have pursued policies, called Pashtunization, aimed towards settling more ethnic Pashtuns in the northern region of Afghanistan.


  1. Shaista Wahab; Barry Youngerman (2007). A Brief History of Afghanistan. Infobase Publishing. p. 97. ISBN   978-1-4381-0819-3.