19 February – The first organized group of Youth Aliyah children from Germany, organized by the Youth Aliyah Bureau, arrive in Palestine and is sent to study in Kibbutz Ein Harod.
14 May – Severe rainstorms in Tiberias lead to a flood in which 35 people are killed and about 100 buildings are destroyed.
The Organized illegal Jewish immigration to Palestine begins in 1934, following the deteriorating situation of the German Jews after the Nazi Party rise to power in 1933 and also as a result of the adoption of anti-Semitic policies in other European countries which included pogroms, persecutions and restrictions.
27 March – Musa al-Husayni (born 1853), Palestinian Arab politician and leader of the Palestinian Arab national movement from 1922 until 1934. He never recovered from the beating he received from the Palestine Police in Jaffa five months earlier.
80-year-old Musa al-Husayni being clubbed by a British Policeman, Jaffa, 27 October 1933.
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