1964 Summer Olympics Parade of Nations

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During the Parade of Nations portion of the 1964 Summer Olympics opening ceremony, athletes from each country participating in the Olympics paraded in the arena, preceded by their flag. The flag was borne by a sportsperson from that country chosen either by the National Olympic Committee or by the athletes themselves to represent their country. Although the Games were held in Japan, English was used to organize the Parade of Nations instead of Japanese. Had the parade followed the Japanese characters, Greece would have been followed by Iceland, and Rhodesia would have been the penultimate country before Japan. The Japanese language order would not be introduced until 2020 when the country hosted the games for the fourth time. [1] [2]



OrderNation Japanese name Roman transliterationFlag bearerSport
1Flag of Greece (1828-1978).svg  Greece  (GRE)ギリシャGirisha Georgios Marsellos Athletics
2Flag of Afghanistan (1931-1973).svg  Afghanistan  (AFG)アフガニスタンAfuganisutan Mohammad Ebrahim Khedri Wrestling
3Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria  (ALG)アルジェリアArujeria Mohamed Lazhari Gymnastics
4Flag of Argentina (1861-2010).svg  Argentina  (ARG)アルゼンチンAruzenchin Jeannette Campbell Swimming
5Flag of Australia.svg  Australia  (AUS)オーストラリアŌsutoraria Ivan Lund Fencing
6Flag of Austria.svg  Austria  (AUT)オーストリアŌsutoria Hubert Hammerer Shooting
7Flag of the Bahamas (1953-1964).svg  Bahamas  (BAH)バハマBahamaTBCTBC
8Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium  (BEL)ベルギーBerugī Gaston Roelants Athletics
9Flag of Bermuda (1910-1999).svg  Bermuda  (BER)バミューダBamyūdaWhitfield HaywardPresident of the Bermuda Olympic Association
10Flag of Bolivia.svg  Bolivia  (BOL)ボリビアBoribia Fernando Inchauste Canoeing
11Flag of Brazil (1960-1968).svg  Brazil  (BRA)ブラジルBurajiru Wlamir Marques Basketball
12Flag of British Guiana (1955-1966).svg  Guyana  (GUY)イギリス領ギアナIgirisu-ryō GianaDr. Joe Allí-ShawGuyana Olympic Association Official
13Flag of Bulgaria (1948-1967).svg  Bulgaria  (BUL)ブルガリアBurugaria Enyu Valchev Wrestling
14Flag of Burma (1948-1974).svg  Burma  (BIR)ビルマBirumaTBCTBC
15Flag of Cambodia.svg  Cambodia  (CAM)カンボジアKambojiaTBCTBC
16Flag of Cameroon (1961-1975).svg  Cameroon  (CMR)カメルーンKamerūn David Njitock Men's 100 metres
17Flag of Canada (1957-1965).svg  Canada  (CAN)カナダKanada Gil Boa Shooting
18Flag of Ceylon (1951-1972).svg  Ceylon  (CEY)セイロンSeiron Ravi Jayewardene Shooting
19Flag of Chad.svg  Chad  (CHA)チャドChadoTBCTBC
20Flag of Chile.svg  Chile  (CHI)チリChiri Aquiles Gloffka Fencing
21Flag of Colombia.svg  Colombia  (COL)コロンビアKoronbia Emilio Echeverry Fencing
22Flag of the Republic of the Congo.svg  Republic of the Congo  (CGO)コンゴKongoTBCTBC
23Flag of Costa Rica.svg  Costa Rica  (CRC)コスタリカKosutarikaTBCTBC
24Flag of Cuba (3-2).svg  Cuba  (CUB)キューバKyūba Ernesto Varona Weightlifting
25Flag of Czechoslovakia.svg  Czechoslovakia  (TCH)チェコスロバキアChekosurobakia Karel Klečka Gymnastics
26Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark  (DEN)デンマークDenmāku Henning Wind Sailing
27Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Republic  (DOM)ドミニカ共和国Dominika Kyōwakoku Alberto Torres Athletics
28Flag of Ethiopia (1897-1974).svg  Ethiopia  (ETH)エチオピアEchiopiya Abebe Bikila Athletics
29Flag of Finland.svg  Finland  (FIN)フィンランドFinrando Eugen Ekman Gymnastics
30Flag of France.svg  France  (FRA)フランスFuransu Michel Macquet Athletics
31Flag of the German Olympic Team (1960-1968).svg  United Team of Germany  (EUA)ドイツDoitsu Ingrid Engel-Krämer Diving
32Flag of Ghana (1964-1966).svg  Ghana  (GHA)ガーナGānaTBCTBC
33Flag of the United Kingdom (3-2).svg  Great Britain  (GBR)イギリスIgirisu Anita Lonsbrough Swimming
34Flag of Hong Kong (1959-1997).svg  Hong Kong  (HKG)香港HonkonTBCTBC
35Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary  (HUN)ハンガリーHangarī Gergely Kulcsár Athletics
36Flag of Iceland.svg  Iceland  (ISL)アイスランドAisurando Valbjörn Þorláksson Athletics
37Flag of India.svg  India  (IND)インドIndo Gurbachan Singh Randhawa Athletics
38State Flag of Iran (1964-1980).svg  Iran  (IRI)イランIranNosratollah ShahmirOlympic Committee Official
39Flag of Iraq (1963-1991).svg  Iraq  (IRQ)イラクIrakuTBCTBC
40Flag of Ireland (3-2).svg  Ireland  (IRL)アイルランドAirurando John Lawlor Athletics
41Flag of Israel.svg  Israel  (ISR)イスラエルIsuraeru Gideon Ariel Athletics
42Flag of Italy.svg  Italy  (ITA)イタリアItaria Giuseppe Delfino Fencing
43Flag of Cote d'Ivoire.svg  Ivory Coast  (CIV)コートジボワールKōto JibowāruTBCTBC
44Flag of Jamaica.svg  Jamaica  (JAM)ジャマイカJamaikaTBCTBC
45Flag of Kenya.svg  Kenya  (KEN)ケニアKenia Kip Keino [3] Athletics
46Flag of South Korea (1949-1984).svg  South Korea  (KOR)韓国KankokuTBCTBC
47Flag of Lebanon.svg  Lebanon  (LIB)レバノンRebanonTBCTBC
48Flag of Liberia.svg  Liberia  (LBR)リベリアRiberia Wesley Momo Johnson Athletics
49Flag of Libya (1951-1969).svg  Libya  (LBA)リビアRibia
50Flag of Liechtenstein (1937-1982).svg  Liechtenstein  (LIE)リヒテンシュタインRihitenshutain Alois Büchel Athletics
51Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg  (LUX)ルクセンブルクRukusenburugu Josy Stoffel [3] Gymnastics
52Flag of Madagascar.svg  Madagascar  (MAD)マダガスカルMadagasukaruTBCTBC
53Flag of Malaysia.svg  Malaysia  (MAS)マレーシアMarēshia Kuda Ditta Athletics
54Flag of Mali.svg  Mali  (MLI)マリMariTBCTBC
55Flag of Mexico (1934-1968).svg  Mexico  (MEX)メキシコMekishiko Fidel Negrete Athletics
56Flag of Monaco.svg  Monaco  (MON)モナコMonako Joseph Asso Official
57Flag of the Mongolian People's Republic (1945-1992).svg  Mongolia  (MGL)モンゴルMongoruCh. NaydanOfficial
58Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco  (MAR)モロッコMorokkoTBCTBC
59Flag of Nepal.svg  Nepal  (NEP)ネパールNepāru Ram Prasad Gurung [3] Boxing
60Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands  (NED)オランダOranda Anton Geesink Judo
61Flag of the Netherlands Antilles (1959-1986).svg  Netherlands Antilles  (AHO)オランダ領アンティルOranda-ryō AntiruTBCTBC
62Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand  (NZL)ニュージーランドNyūjīrando Peter Snell Athletics
63Flag of Niger.svg  Niger  (NIG)ニジェールNijēru Issake Dabore Boxing
64Flag of Nigeria.svg  Nigeria  (NGR)ナイジェリアNaijeriaTBCTBC
65Flag of Northern Rhodesia (1939-1953).svg  Northern Rhodesia  (NRH)北ローデシアKita-Rōdeshia Trevor Haynes Athletics
66Flag of Norway.svg  Norway  (NOR)ノルウェーNoruwē Crown Prince Harald Sailing
67Flag of Pakistan.svg  Pakistan  (PAK)パキスタンPakisutan Manzoor Hussain Atif Field hockey
68Flag of Panama.svg  Panama  (PAN)パナマPanama Lorraine Dunn Athletics
69Flag of Peru.svg  Peru  (PER)ペルーPerūTBCTBC
70Flag of the Philippines (1936-1985, 1986-1998).svg  Philippines  (PHI)フィリピンFiripin Manfredo Alipala Boxing
71Flag of Poland (1928-1980).svg  Poland  (POL)ポーランドPōrando Waldemar Baszanowski Weightlifting
72Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal  (POR)ポルトガルPorutogaru Fernando Matos Judo
73Flag of Puerto Rico (1952-1995).svg  Puerto Rico  (PUR)プエルトリコPuertoriko Rolando Cruz Athletics
74Flag of Rhodesia (1964).svg  Rhodesia  (RHO)ローデシアRōdeshia Lloyd Koch Field hockey
75Flag of Romania (1952-1965).svg  Romania  (ROU)ルーマニアRūmania Aurel Vernescu Canoeing
76Flag of Senegal.svg  Senegal  (SEN)セネガルSenegaruTBCTBC
77Flag of Spain (1945-1977).svg  Spain  (ESP)スペインSupein Eduardo Dualde Field hockey
78Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden  (SWE)スウェーデンSuwēden William Hamilton Equestrian
79Civil Ensign of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Switzerland  (SUI)スイスSuisu Peter Laeng
80 Flag of the Republic of China.svg Taiwan (TWN)中華民国Chūka MinkokuYang Chuan-kwangAthletics
81Flag of Tanganyika.svg  Tanzania  (TAN)タンガニーカTanganīkaTBCTBC
82Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand  (THA)タイTaiKatesepsawasdi BhakdikulAthletics
83Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg  Trinidad and Tobago  (TRI)トリニダード・トバゴTorinidādo Tobago Wendell Mottley Athletics
84Flag of Tunisia (1959-1999).svg  Tunisia  (TUN)チュニジアChunijia Slaheddine Baly Official
85Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey  (TUR)トルコToruko Çetin Şahiner Athletics
86Flag of Uganda.svg  Uganda  (UGA)ウガンダUgandaTBCTBC
87Flag of the United Arab Republic (1958-1971).svg  Egypt  (EGY)アラブ連合共和国Arabu Rengō KyōwakokuTBCTBC
88Flag of Uruguay.svg  Uruguay  (URU)ウルグアイUruguai
89Flag of the United States.svg  United States  (USA)アメリカAmerika Parry O’Brien Athletics
90Flag of the Soviet Union.svg  Soviet Union  (URS)ソビエトSobieto Yury Vlasov Weightlifting
91Flag of Venezuela (1954-2006).png  Venezuela  (VEN)ベネズエラBenezuera Téodoro Capriles Swimming
92Flag of South Vietnam.svg  Vietnam  (VIE)ベトナムBetonamuTBCTBC
93Flag of SFR Yugoslavia.svg  Yugoslavia  (YUG)ユーゴスラビアYūgosurabia Miroslav Cerar Gymnastics
94Flag of Japan (1870-1999).svg  Japan  (JPN)日本Nihon Makoto Fukui Swimming

See also


  1. Michael Pavitt (30 October 2020). "Japanese language expected to decide Tokyo 2020 Parade of Nations order". Inside the Games.
  2. "Japanese language to determine order of Olympic parade of athletes". Mainichi Japan. 30 October 2020. Archived from the original on 1 November 2020. Retrieved 2 December 2020.
  3. 1 2 3 "Flagbearers for 1964 Summer Olympics". olympedia.org. OlyMADMen . Retrieved 30 December 2023.