2014 Winter Olympics Parade of Nations

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2014 Winter Olympics opening ceremony (2014-02-07) 2014 Winter Olympics opening ceremony (2014-02-07) 11.jpg
2014 Winter Olympics opening ceremony (2014-02-07)

2014 Winter Olympics Parade of Nations was part of the opening ceremony at the 2014 Winter Olympics. The national team from each nation participating in the Olympic Games was preceded by their national flag flag bearer into Fisht Olympic Stadium in the host city of Sochi, Russia. The flag bearer was an athlete of each national delegation chosen, to represent the athletes, either by the National Olympic Committee or by the national team.


The order of the parade was by Olympic tradition with Greece, originator of the modern games, entering first. The host nation, Russia, entered last. The nations entered in Russian alphabetic order. As each national team entered their name was announced by IOC guidelines in the official languages and customs: French, then English and Russian. [1]


Below is a list of parading countries and their announced flag bearer, in the same order as the parade. This is sortable by country name, flag bearer's name, or flag bearer's sport. Names are given in the form officially designated by the IOC. [2]

OrderNationRussianRomanisationFlag bearerSport
1Flag of Greece.svg  Greece  (GRE)ГрецияGretsiya Panagiota Tsakiri [3] Cross-country skiing
2Flag of Australia.svg  Australia  (AUS)АвстралияAvstraliya Alex Pullin [4] Snowboarding
3Flag of Austria.svg  Austria  (AUT)АвстрияAvstriya Mario Stecher [5] Nordic combined
4Flag of Azerbaijan.svg  Azerbaijan  (AZE)АзербайджанAzerbaydzhanRahman Khalilov [6] Official
5Flag of Albania.svg  Albania  (ALB)АлбанияAlbaniya Erjon Tola [7] Alpine skiing
6Flag of Andorra.svg  Andorra  (AND)АндорраAndorra Mireia Gutierrez [2] Alpine skiing
7Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina  (ARG)АргентинаArgentina Cristian Simari Birkner [8] Alpine skiing
8Flag of Armenia.svg  Armenia  (ARM)АрменияArmeniya Sergey Mikayelyan [9] Cross-country skiing
9Flag of the British Virgin Islands.svg  British Virgin Islands  (IVB)Британские Виргинские островаBritanskiye Virginiskiye Ostrova Peter Crook [10] Freestyle skiing
10Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus  (BLR)Республика БеларусьRespublika Belarus' Aleksei Grishin [11] Freestyle skiing
11Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium  (BEL)БельгияBel'giya Hanna Mariën [12] Bobsleigh
12Flag of Bermuda.svg  Bermuda  (BER)Бермуды (Displayed)
Бермудские Острова (Announced)
Bermudskiye Ostrova
Tucker Murphy [2] Cross-country skiing
13Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria  (BUL)БолгарияBolgariya Maria Kirkova [13] Alpine skiing
14Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg  Bosnia and Herzegovina  (BIH)Босния и ГерцеговинаBosniya i Gertsegovina Žana Novaković [14] Alpine skiing
15Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil  (BRA)БразилияBraziliya Jaqueline Mourão [15] Biathlon
Cross-country skiing
16Flag of Macedonia.svg  Macedonia  (MKD)Бывшая югославская Республика МакедонияByvshaya Yugoslavskaya Respublika Makedoniya Darko Damjanovski [2] Cross-country skiing
17Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  Great Britain  (GBR)ВеликобританияVelikobritaniya Jon Eley [16] Short track speed skating
18Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary  (HUN)ВенгрияVengriya Bernadett Heidum [17] Short track speed skating
19Flag of Venezuela.svg  Venezuela  (VEN)ВенесуэлаVenesuela Antonio Jose Pardo Andretta [2] Alpine skiing
20Flag of the United States Virgin Islands.svg  Virgin Islands  (ISV)Виргинские острова, СШАVirginiskiye Ostrova, SShA Jasmine Campbell [2] Alpine skiing
21Flag of Germany.svg  Germany  (GER)ГерманияGermaniya Maria Höfl-Riesch [18] Alpine skiing
22Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong  (HKG)Гонконг, КитайGonkong, Kitay Pan-To Barton Lui [19] Short track speed skating
23Flag of Georgia.svg  Georgia  (GEO)ГрузияGruziya Nino Tsiklauri [20] Alpine skiing
24Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark  (DEN)ДанияDaniya Lene Nielsen [21] Curling
25Flag of Dominica.svg  Dominica  (DMA)ДоминикаDominika Gary di Silvestri [22] Cross-country skiing
26Flag of Zimbabwe.svg  Zimbabwe  (ZIM)ЗимбабвеZimbabve Luke Steyn [2] Alpine skiing
27Flag of Israel.svg  Israel  (ISR)ИзраильIzrail' Vladislav Bykanov [23] Short track speed skating
28Flag of Iran.svg  Iran  (IRI)ИранIran Hossein Saveh-Shemshaki [24] Alpine skiing
29Flag of Ireland (3-2).svg  Ireland  (IRL)ИрландияIrlandiya Conor Lyne [25] Alpine skiing
30Flag of Iceland.svg  Iceland  (ISL)ИсландияIslandiya Sævar Birgisson [26] Cross-country skiing
31Flag of Spain.svg  Spain  (ESP)ИспанияIspaniya Javier Fernández [27] Figure skating
32Flag of Italy.svg  Italy  (ITA)ИталияItaliya Armin Zöggeler [28] Luge
33Flag of Kazakhstan (3-2).svg  Kazakhstan  (KAZ)КазахстанKazakhstan Yerdos Akhmadiyev [29] Cross-country skiing
34Flag of the Cayman Islands (pre-1999).svg  Cayman Islands  (CAY)Каймановы островаKaymanovy Ostrova Dow Travers [2] Alpine skiing
35Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada  (CAN)КанадаKanada Hayley Wickenheiser [30] Hockey
36Flag of Cyprus.svg  Cyprus  (CYP)КипрKipr Constantinos Papamichael [2] Alpine skiing
37Flag of Kyrgyzstan (1992-2023).svg  Kyrgyzstan  (KGZ)КыргызстанKyrgyzstan Dmitry Trelevski [2] Alpine skiing
38Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China  (CHN)Китайская Народная РеспубликаKitayskaya Narodnaya Respublika Tong Jian [31] Figure skating
39Flag of Latvia (3-2).svg  Latvia  (LAT)ЛатвияLatviya Sandis Ozoliņš [32] Hockey
40Flag of Lebanon.svg  Lebanon  (LIB)ЛиванLivan Alexandre Mohbat [2] Alpine skiing
41Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania  (LTU)ЛитваLitva Deividas Stagniūnas [33] Figure skating
42Flag of Liechtenstein.svg  Liechtenstein  (LIE)ЛихтенштейнLikhtenshteyn Tina Weirather [34] Alpine skiing
43Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg  (LUX)ЛюксембургLyuksemburg Kari Peters [2] Cross-country skiing
44Flag of Malta.svg  Malta  (MLT)МальтаMal'ta Elise Pellegrin [35] Alpine skiing
45Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco  (MAR)МароккоMarokko Adam Lamhamedi [2] Alpine skiing
46Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico  (MEX)МексикаMeksika Hubertus Von Hohenlohe [36] Alpine skiing
47Flag of Moldova (3-2).svg  Moldova  (MDA)МолдоваMoldova Victor Pinzaru [37] Cross-country skiing
48Flag of Monaco.svg  Monaco  (MON)МонакоMonako Olivier Jenot [38] Alpine skiing
49Flag of Mongolia.svg  Mongolia  (MGL)МонголияMongoliya Bold Byambadorj [2] Cross-country skiing
50Olympic flag.svg  Independent Olympic Participants  (IOP)Независимые олимпийские участникиNezavisimye olimpiyskiye uchastnikiVolunteer from SOCOG [2]
51Flag of Nepal.svg  Nepal  (NEP)НепалNepal Dachhiri Sherpa [2] Cross-country skiing
52Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands  (NED)НидерландыNiderlandy Jorien ter Mors [39] Short track speed skating
Speed skating
53Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand  (NZL)Новая ЗеландияNovaya Zelandiya Shane Dobbin [40] Speed skating
54Flag of Norway.svg  Norway  (NOR)НорвегияNorvegiya Aksel Lund Svindal [41] Alpine skiing
55Flag of Pakistan.svg  Pakistan  (PAK)ПакистанPakistan Muhammad Karim [2] Alpine skiing
56Flag of Paraguay.svg  Paraguay  (PAR)ПарагвайParagvay Julia Marino [42] Freestyle skiing
57Flag of Peru.svg  Peru  (PER)ПеруPeru Roberto Carcelen [43] Cross-country skiing
58Flag of Poland.svg  Poland  (POL)ПольшаPol'sha Dawid Kupczyk [44] Bobsleigh
59Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal  (POR)ПортугалияPortugaliya Arthur Hanse [45] Alpine skiing
60Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea  (KOR)Республика КореяRespublika Koreya Lee Kyou-Hyuk [46] Speed skating
61Flag of Romania.svg  Romania  (ROU)РумынияRumyniya Éva Tófalvi [47] Biathlon
62Flag of San Marino.svg  San Marino  (SMR)Сан-МариноSan-Marino Vincenzo Michelotti [48] Alpine skiing
63Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia  (SRB)СербияSerbiya Milanko Petrović [49] Biathlon
Cross-country skiing
64Flag of Slovakia.svg  Slovakia  (SVK)СловакияSlovakiya Zdeno Chára [50] Hockey
65Civil Ensign of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia  (SLO)СловенияSloveniya Tomaž Razingar [51] Hockey
66Flag of the United States.svg  United States  (USA)Соединенные Штаты АмерикиSoyedinennyye Shtaty Ameriki Todd Lodwick [52] Nordic combined
67Flag of Tajikistan.svg  Tajikistan  (TJK)ТаджикистанTadzhikistan Alisher Kudratov [53] Alpine skiing
68Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand  (THA)ТаиландThailand Kanes Sucharitakul [2] Alpine skiing
69Flag of Chinese Taipei for Olympic games.svg  Chinese Taipei  (TPE)Китайский ТайбэйKitayskiy Taybey Sung Ching-yang [2] Speed skating
70Flag of East Timor.svg  Timor-Leste  (TLS)Восточный ТиморVostochnyy Timor Yohan Goutt Gonçalves [54] Alpine skiing
71Flag of Togo.svg  Togo  (TOG)ТогоTogo Mathilde-Amivi Petitjean [2] Cross-country skiing
72Flag of Tonga.svg  Tonga  (TGA)ТонгаTonga Bruno Banani [2] Luge
73Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey  (TUR)ТурцияTurtsiya Alper Uçar [55] Figure skating
74Flag of Uzbekistan (3-2).svg  Uzbekistan  (UZB)УзбекистанUzbekistan Kseniya Grigoreva [2] Alpine skiing
75Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine  (UKR)УкраинаUkraina Valentina Shevchenko [56] Cross-country skiing
76Flag of the Philippines.svg  Philippines  (PHI)ФилиппиныFilippiny Michael Christian Martinez [2] Figure skating
77Flag of Finland.svg  Finland  (FIN)ФинляндияFinlyandiya Enni Rukajärvi [57] Snowboarding
78Flag of France.svg  France  (FRA)ФранцияFrantsiya Jason Lamy-Chappuis [58] Nordic combined
79Civil ensign of Croatia.svg  Croatia  (CRO)ХорватияKhorvatiya Ivica Kostelić [59] Alpine skiing
80Flag of Montenegro.svg  Montenegro  (MNE)ЧерногорияChernogoriya Tarik Hadžić [60] Alpine skiing
81Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic  (CZE)ЧехияChekhiya Šárka Strachová [61] Alpine skiing
82Flag of Chile.svg  Chile  (CHI)ЧилиChili Dominique Ohaco [62] Freestyle skiing
83Flag of Switzerland.svg  Switzerland  (SUI)ШвейцарияShveytsariya Simon Ammann [63] Ski jumping
84Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden  (SWE)ШвецияShvetsiya Anders Södergren [64] Cross-country skiing
85Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia  (EST)ЭстонияEstoniya Indrek Tobreluts [65] Biathlon
86Flag of Jamaica.svg  Jamaica  (JAM)ЯмайкаYamayka Marvin Dixon [66] Bobsleigh
87Flag of Japan.svg  Japan  (JPN)ЯпонияYaponiya Ayumi Ogasawara [67] Curling
88Flag of Russia.svg  Russia  (RUS)Россия (Displayed)
Российская Федерация (Announced)
Rossiyskaya Federatsiya
Alexandr Zubkov [68] Bobsleigh

See also

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The West African country of Togo competed at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, held from 7 to 23 February 2014. It was the nation's first appearance at the Winter Olympics. The Togolese delegation consisted of two women athletes in two sports: Alessia Afi Dipol in alpine skiing and Mathilde-Amivi Petitjean in cross-country skiing. Petitjean was the flag bearer for the opening ceremony, while Dipol was the flag bearer for the closing ceremony. Neither athlete was able to secure a medal in their Olympic debut.

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Argentina competed at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, from 7 to 23 February 2014. A team of seven athletes in two sports competed for the country. Cristian Javier Simari Birkner, an alpine skier, was the flagbearer for the second consecutive games. It also marks the third consecutive games a member of the Simari Birkner family has carried the flag for Argentina.

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Luxembourg sent a delegation to compete at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia from 7–23 February 2014. This was Luxembourg's eighth appearance at a Winter Olympic Games. The Luxembourgian team consisted of one athlete in cross-country skiing, Kari Peters. In the only event he contested, the men's sprint, he finished in 79th place. He withdrew from the 15 km classical due to illness.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Iran at the 2014 Winter Olympics</span> Sporting event delegation

Iran competed at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia from 7 to 23 February 2014. Iran's team consisted of five athletes in two sports, representing the largest ever Iranian team at the Winter Olympics.

During the closing ceremony in Sochi, Russia most of the 88 nations competing selected one member of their delegation to be the flagbearer. Some countries for example, Morocco chose the same athlete as the opening ceremony. On the other hand, some countries such as Luxembourg had already left the Olympic village, and therefore a volunteer carried the flags for those countries.

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