2020 Summer Olympics closing ceremony flag bearers

Last updated

During the closing ceremony of the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, the flag bearers for the 205 National Olympic Committee's (NOCs) and the IOC Refugee Olympic Team entered the Olympic Stadium. [1] [2] The flags of each country were not necessarily carried by the same flag bearer as in the opening ceremony. [3] Due to COVID-19 related protocols, athletes had to leave Japan within 48 hours from completion of their final event, [4] leaving some countries without representation during the closing ceremony. Flags of the countries without athletes present were instead carried by volunteers. [lower-alpha 1]


Countries and flagbearers

The following is a list of each country's flag bearer. The list is sorted by the order in which each nation appears in the parade of nations. Names will be given as officially designated by the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

Because of the requirement that all competing athletes had to leave Tokyo within 48 hours of the completion of their events, not all of the National Olympic Committees were able to select a flag bearer for the closing ceremony, a games volunteer was represented instead.

This table is sortable by country name in English, country name in Japanese, the flag bearer's name, or the flag bearer's sport.
OrderNationJapanese Roman Transliteration Flag bearer(s)SportRef
1Flag of Greece.svg  Greece  (GRE)ギリシャGirisha Ioannis Fountoulis Water Polo [2]
2Olympic flag.svg  Refugee Olympic Team  (EOR)難民選手団Nanmin Senshu-dan Hamoon Derafshipour Karate
3Flag of Iceland.svg  Iceland  (ISL)アイスランドAisurandoNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
4Flag of Ireland (3-2).svg  Ireland  (IRL)アイルランドAirurando Natalya Coyle Modern Pentathlon
5Flag of Azerbaijan.svg  Azerbaijan  (AZE)アゼルバイジャンAzerubaijan Haji Aliyev Wrestling
6Flag of Afghanistan (2004-2021).svg  Afghanistan  (AFG)アフガニスタンAfuganisutanNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
7Flag of the United Arab Emirates.svg  United Arab Emirates  (UAE)アラブ首長国連邦Arabu Shuchōkoku RenpōNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
8Flag of Algeria.svg  Algeria  (ALG)アルジェリアArujeria Imane Khelif Boxing
9Flag of Argentina.svg  Argentina  (ARG)アルゼンチンAruzenchin Pedro Ibarra Field hockey
10Flag of Aruba.svg  Aruba  (ARU)アルバArubaNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
11Flag of Albania.svg  Albania  (ALB)アルバニアArubaniaNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
12Flag of Armenia.svg  Armenia  (ARM)アルメニアArumenia Hovhannes Bachkov Boxing
13Flag of Angola.svg  Angola  (ANG)アンゴラAngoraNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
14Flag of Antigua and Barbuda.svg  Antigua and Barbuda  (ANT)アンティグア・バーブーダAntigua Bābūda Cejhae Greene Athletics
15Flag of Andorra.svg  Andorra  (AND)アンドラAndora Pol Moya Athletics
16Flag of Yemen.svg  Yemen  (YEM)イエメンIemenNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
17Flag of Israel.svg  Israel  (ISR)イスラエルIsuraeru Linoy Ashram Rhythmic Gymnastics
18Flag of Italy.svg  Italy  (ITA)イタリアItaria Lamont Marcell Jacobs Athletics
19Flag of Iraq.svg  Iraq  (IRQ)イラクIrakuNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
20Flag of Iran.svg  Iran  (IRI)イラン・イスラム共和国Iran Isuramu Kyōwakoku Amir Hossein Zare Wrestling
21Flag of India.svg  India  (IND)インドIndo Bajrang Bajrang Wrestling
22Flag of Indonesia.svg  Indonesia  (INA)インドネシアIndoneshiaNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
23Flag of Uganda.svg  Uganda  (UGA)ウガンダUganda Peruth Chemutai Athletics
24Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine  (UKR)ウクライナUkuraina Liudmyla Luzan Canoe Sprint
25Flag of Uzbekistan (3-2).svg  Uzbekistan  (UZB)ウズベキスタンUzubekisutan Akbar Djuraev Weightlifting
26Flag of Uruguay.svg  Uruguay  (URU)ウルグアイUruguai María Pía Fernández Athletics
27Flag of the United Kingdom (3-2).svg  Great Britain  (GBR)英国Eikoku Laura Kenny Cycling Track
28Flag of the British Virgin Islands.svg  British Virgin Islands  (IVB)英領バージン諸島Ei-ryō Bājin ShotōNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
29Flag of Ecuador.svg  Ecuador  (ECU)エクアドルEkuadoru Glenda Morejón Athletics
30Flag of Egypt.svg  Egypt  (EGY)エジプトEjiputo Giana Farouk Karate
31Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia  (EST)エストニアEsutonia Maicel Uibo Athletics
32Flag of Swaziland.svg  Eswatini  (SWZ)エスワティニEsuwatini Sibusiso Matsenjwa Athletics
33Flag of Ethiopia.svg  Ethiopia  (ETH)エチオピアEchiopia Selemon Barega Athletics
34Flag of Eritrea.svg  Eritrea  (ERI)エリトリアEritoria Nazret Weldu Athletics
35Flag of El Salvador.svg  El Salvador  (ESA)エルサルバドルErusarubadoru Yamileth Solorzano Boxing
36Flag of Australia.svg  Australia  (AUS)オーストラリアŌsutoraria Mathew Belcher Sailing
37Flag of Austria.svg  Austria  (AUT)オーストリアŌsutoria Andreas Mueller Cycling Track
38Flag of Oman.svg  Oman  (OMA)オマーンOmānNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
39Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands  (NED)オランダOranda Sifan Hassan Athletics
40Flag of Ghana.svg  Ghana  (GHA)ガーナGāna Samuel Takyi Boxing
41Flag of Cape Verde.svg  Cape Verde  (CPV)カーボべルデKāboberude Daniel Varela de Pina Boxing
42Flag of Guyana.svg  Guyana  (GUY)ガイアナGaiana Emanuel Archibald Athletics
43Flag of Kazakhstan (3-2).svg  Kazakhstan  (KAZ)カザフスタンKazafusutan Kamshybek Kunkabayev Boxing
44Flag of Qatar (3-2).svg  Qatar  (QAT)カタールKatāruNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
45Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada  (CAN)カナダKanada Damian Warner Athletics
46Flag of Gabon.svg  Gabon  (GAB)ガボンGabonNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
47Flag of Cameroon.svg  Cameroon  (CMR)カメルーンKamerūnNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
48Flag of The Gambia.svg  The Gambia  (GAM)ガンビアGanbia Ebrima Camara Athletics
49Flag of Cambodia.svg  Cambodia  (CAM)カンボジアKanbojiaNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
50Flag of North Macedonia (3-2).svg  North Macedonia  (MKD)北マケドニアKita Makedonia Magomedgadji Nurov Wrestling
51Flag of Guinea.svg  Guinea  (GUI)ギニアGinia Fatoumata Camara Wrestling
52Flag of Guinea-Bissau.svg  Guinea-Bissau  (GBS)ギニアビサウGiniabisau Augusto Midana Wrestling
53Flag of Cyprus.svg  Cyprus  (CYP)キプロスKipurosuNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
54Flag of Cuba (3-2).svg  Cuba  (CUB)キューバKyūba Zurian Hechavarria Athletics
55Flag of Kiribati.svg  Kiribati  (KIR)キリバスKiribasu Ruben Katoatau Weightlifting
56Flag of Kyrgyzstan (1992-2023).svg  Kyrgyzstan  (KGZ)キルギスKirugisu Ernazar Akmataliev Wrestling
57Flag of Guatemala.svg  Guatemala  (GUA)グアテマラGuatemara Charles Fernandez Modern Pentathlon
58Flag of Guam.svg  Guam  (GUM)グアムGuamu Rckaela Aquino Wrestling
59Flag of Kuwait (3-2).svg  Kuwait  (KUW)クウェートKuwētoNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
60Flag of the Cook Islands.svg  Cook Islands  (COK)クック諸島Kukku ShotōNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
61Flag of Grenada.svg  Grenada  (GRN)グレナダGurenada Kirani James Athletics
62Civil ensign of Croatia.svg  Croatia  (CRO)クロアチアKuroachia Andro Buslje Water Polo
63Flag of the Cayman Islands (pre-1999).svg  Cayman Islands  (CAY)ケイマン諸島Keiman ShotōNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
64Flag of Kenya.svg  Kenya  (KEN)ケニアKenia Timothy Cheruiyot Athletics
65Flag of Cote d'Ivoire.svg  Ivory Coast  (CIV)コートジボワールKōtojibowāru Marie-Josée Ta Lou Athletics
66Flag of Costa Rica.svg  Costa Rica  (CRC)コスタリカKosutarika Noelia Vargas Athletics
67Flag of Kosovo.svg  Kosovo  (KOS)コソボKosobo Egzon Shala Wrestling
68Flag of the Comoros.svg  Comoros  (COM)コモロKomoro Fadane Hamadi Athletics
69Flag of Colombia.svg  Colombia  (COL)コロンビアKoronbia Ingrit Valencia Boxing
70Flag of the Republic of the Congo.svg  Republic of the Congo  (CGO)コンゴKongo Gilles Anthony Afoumba Athletics
71Flag of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.svg  Democratic Republic of the Congo  (COD)コンゴ民主共和国Kongo Minshu KyōwakokuNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
72Flag of Saudi Arabia.svg  Saudi Arabia  (KSA)サウジアラビアSaujiarabiaNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
73Flag of Samoa.svg  Samoa  (SAM)サモアSamoa Anne Cairns Canoe Sprint
74Flag of Sao Tome and Principe.svg  São Tomé and Príncipe  (STP)サントメ・プリンシペSantome PurinshipeNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
75Flag of Zambia.svg  Zambia  (ZAM)ザンビアZanbia Sydney Siame Athletics
76Flag of San Marino.svg  San Marino  (SMR)サンマリノSanmarino Myles Nazem Amine Wrestling
77Russian Olympic Committee flag.png  ROC ROCROC [lower-alpha 2] [lower-alpha 3] Abdulrashid Sadulaev Wrestling
78Flag of Sierra Leone.svg  Sierra Leone  (SLE)シエラレオネShierareoneNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
79Flag of Djibouti.svg  Djibouti  (DJI)ジブチJibuchi Souhra Ali Mohamed Athletics
80Flag of Jamaica.svg  Jamaica  (JAM)ジャマイカJamaika Stephenie Ann McPherson Athletics
81Flag of Georgia.svg  Georgia  (GEO)ジョージアJōjia Gogita Arkania Karate
82Flag of Syria.svg  Syria  (SYR)シリア・アラブ共和国Shiria Arabu KyōwakokuNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
83Flag of Singapore.svg  Singapore  (SGP)シンガポールShingapōru Jonathan Chan Diving
84Flag of Zimbabwe.svg  Zimbabwe  (ZIM)ジンバブエJinbabue Scott Vincent Golf
85Civil Ensign of Switzerland (Pantone).svg  Switzerland  (SUI)スイスSuisu Elena Quirici Karate
86Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden  (SWE)スウェーデンSuwēden Peder Fredricson Equestrian
87Flag of Sudan.svg  Sudan  (SUD)スーダンSūdanNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
88Flag of Spain.svg  Spain  (ESP)スペインSupein Sandra Sanchez Jaime Karate
89Flag of Suriname.svg  Suriname  (SUR)スリナムSurinamuNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
90Flag of Sri Lanka.svg  Sri Lanka  (SRI)スリランカSuriranka Yupun Abeykoon Mudiyanselage Athletics
91Flag of Slovakia.svg  Slovakia  (SVK)スロバキアSurobakia Danka Barteková Shooting
92Civil Ensign of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia  (SLO)スロベニアSurobenia Janja Garnbret Sport Climbing
93Flag of Seychelles.svg  Seychelles  (SEY)セーシェルSēsheru Rodney Govinden Sailing
94Flag of Equatorial Guinea.svg  Equatorial Guinea  (GEQ)赤道ギニアSekidō GiniaNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
95Flag of Senegal.svg  Senegal  (SEN)セネガルSenegaru Adama Diatta Wrestling
96Flag of Serbia.svg  Serbia  (SRB)セルビアSerubia Jovana Preković Karate
97Flag of Saint Kitts and Nevis.svg  Saint Kitts and Nevis  (SKN)セントクリストファー・ネービスSentokurisutofā NēbisuNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
98Flag of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.svg  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines  (VIN)セントビンセント及びグレナディーン諸島Sentobinsento Oyobi Gurenadīn ShotōNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
99Flag of Saint Lucia.svg  Saint Lucia  (LCA)セントルシアSentorushia Levern Spencer Athletics
100Flag of Somalia.svg  Somalia  (SOM)ソマリアSomariaNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
101Flag of the Solomon Islands.svg  Solomon Islands  (SOL)ソロモン諸島Soromon Shotō Mary Kini Lifu Weightlifting
102Flag of Thailand.svg  Thailand  (THA)タイTai Sudaporn Seesondee Boxing
103Flag of South Korea.svg  South Korea  (KOR)大韓民国Daikanminkoku Jun Woong-tae Modern Pentathlon
104Flag of Chinese Taipei for Olympic games.svg  Chinese Taipei  (TPE)チャイニーズ・タイペイChainīzu Taipei Chen Chieh Athletics
105Flag of Tajikistan.svg  Tajikistan  (TJK)タジキスタンTajikisutanNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
106Flag of Tanzania.svg  Tanzania  (TAN)タンザニア連合共和国Tanzania Rengō Kyōwakoku Alphonce Felix Simbu Athletics
107Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic  (CZE)チェコ共和国Cheko Kyōwakoku Jakub Vadlejch Athletics
108Flag of Chad.svg  Chad  (CHA)チャドChadoNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
109Flag of the Central African Republic.svg  Central African Republic  (CAF)中央アフリカ共和国Chūō Afurika KyōwakokuNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
110Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg  China  (CHN)中華人民共和国Chūka Jinmin Kyōwakoku Bingtian Su Athletics
111Flag of Tunisia.svg  Tunisia  (TUN)チュニジアChunijia Ghailene Khattali Canoe Sprint
112Flag of Chile.svg  Chile  (CHI)チリChiri Maria Mailliard Canoe Sprint
113Flag of Tuvalu (3-2).svg  Tuvalu  (TUV)ツバルTsubaru Karalo Maibuca Athletics
114Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark  (DEN)デンマークDenmāku Emma Aastrand Jorgensen Canoe Sprint
115Flag of Germany.svg  Germany  (GER)ドイツDoitsu Ronald Rauhe Canoe Sprint
116Flag of Togo.svg  Togo  (TOG)トーゴTōgo Claire Ayivon Rowing
117Flag of Dominica.svg  Dominica  (DMA)ドミニカDominika Thea LaFond Athletics
118Flag of the Dominican Republic.svg  Dominican Republic  (DOM)ドミニカ共和国Dominika Kyōwakoku Prisilla Rivera Brens Volleyball
119Flag of Trinidad and Tobago.svg  Trinidad and Tobago  (TTO)トリニダード・トバゴTorinidādo Tobago Andwuelle Wright Athletics
120Flag of Turkmenistan.svg  Turkmenistan  (TKM)トルクメニスタンTorukumenisutanNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
121Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey  (TUR)トルコToruko Busenaz Surmeneli Boxing
122Flag of Tonga.svg  Tonga  (TGA)トンガTongaNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
123Flag of Nigeria.svg  Nigeria  (NGR)ナイジェリアNaijeria Odunayo Folasade Adekuoroye Wrestling
124Flag of Nauru.svg  Nauru  (NRU)ナウルNauru Nancy Genzel Abouke Weightlifting
125Flag of Namibia.svg  Namibia  (NAM)ナミビアNamibia Beatrice Masilingi Athletics
126Flag of Nicaragua.svg  Nicaragua  (NCA)ニカラグアNikaraguaNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
127Flag of Niger.svg  Niger  (NIG)ニジェールNijēruNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
128Flag of New Zealand.svg  New Zealand  (NZL)ニュージーランドNyūjīrando Valerie Adams Athletics
129Flag of Nepal.svg  Nepal  (NEP)ネパールNepāruNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
130Flag of Norway.svg  Norway  (NOR)ノルウェーNoruwē Katrine Lunde Handball
131Flag of Bahrain.svg  Bahrain  (BRN)バーレーンBārēn Husain Mahfoodh Handball
132Flag of Haiti.svg  Haiti  (HAI)ハイチHaichi Mulern Jean Athletics
133Flag of Pakistan.svg  Pakistan  (PAK)パキスタンPakisutan Arshad Nadeem Athletics
134Flag of Panama.svg  Panama  (PAN)パナマPanama Jorge Castelblanco Athletics
135Flag of Vanuatu.svg  Vanuatu  (VAN)バヌアツBanuatsu Riilio Rii Rowing
136Flag of the Bahamas.svg  Bahamas  (BAH)バハマBahama Megan Moss Athletics
137Flag of Papua New Guinea.svg  Papua New Guinea  (PNG)パプアニューギニアPapuanyūginiaNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
138Flag of Bermuda.svg  Bermuda  (BER)バミューダBamyūdaNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
139Flag of Palau.svg  Palau  (PLW)パラオParaoNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
140Flag of Paraguay.svg  Paraguay  (PAR)パラグアイParaguai Derlys Ayala Athletics
141Flag of Barbados.svg  Barbados  (BAR)バルバドスBarubadosu Tia-Adana Belle Athletics
142Flag of Palestine.svg  Palestine  (PLE)パレスチナParesuchinaNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
143Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary  (HUN)ハンガリーHangarī Balint Kopasz Canoe Sprint
144Flag of Bangladesh.svg  Bangladesh  (BAN)バングラデシュBanguradeshuNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
145Flag of East Timor.svg  East Timor  (TLS)東ティモール民主共和国Higashi Timōru Minshu KyōwakokuNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
146Flag of Fiji.svg  Fiji  (FIJ)フィジーFijī Rusila Nagasau Rugby Sevens
147Flag of the Philippines.svg  Philippines  (PHI)フィリピンFiripin Nesthy Petecio Boxing
148Flag of Finland.svg  Finland  (FIN)フィンランドFinrando Mira Marjut Johanna Potkonen Boxing
149Flag of Bhutan.svg  Bhutan  (BHU)ブータンBūtan Sangay Tenzin Swimming
150Flag of Puerto Rico.svg  Puerto Rico  (PUR)プエルトリコPuerutoriko Rafael Quintero Diaz Diving
151Flag of Brazil.svg  Brazil  (BRA)ブラジルBurajiru Rebeca Andrade Artistic Gymnastics
152Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria  (BUL)ブルガリアBurugaria Simona Dyankova Rhythmic Gymnastics
153Flag of Burkina Faso.svg  Burkina Faso  (BUR)ブルキナファソBurukinafasoNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
154Flag of Brunei.svg  Brunei  (BRU)ブルネイ・ダルサラームBurunei DarusarāmuNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
155Flag of Burundi.svg  Burundi  (BDI)ブルンジBurunjiNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
156Flag of American Samoa.svg  American Samoa  (ASA)米領サモアAmerika-ryō Samoa Nathan Crumpton Athletics
157Flag of the United States Virgin Islands.svg  Virgin Islands  (ISV)米領バージン諸島Amerika-ryō Bājin Shotō Eddie Lovett Athletics
158Flag of Vietnam.svg  Vietnam  (VIE)ベトナムBetonamuNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
159Flag of Benin.svg  Benin  (BEN)ベナンBenanNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
160Flag of Venezuela (state).svg  Venezuela  (VEN)ベネズエラBenezuera Antonio Jose Diaz Fernandez Karate
161Flag of Belarus.svg  Belarus  (BLR)ベラルーシBerarūshi Ilya Palazkov Modern Pentathlon
162Flag of Belize.svg  Belize  (BIZ)ベリーズBerīzu Amado Cruz Canoe Sprint
163Flag of Peru.svg  Peru  (PER)ペルーPerū Alexandra Vanessa Grande Risco Karate
164Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium  (BEL)ベルギーBerugī Gregory Wathelet Equestrian
165Flag of Poland.svg  Poland  (POL)ポーランドPōrando Karolina Naja Canoe Sprint
166Flag of Bosnia and Herzegovina.svg  Bosnia and Herzegovina  (BIH)ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナBosunia Herutsegobina Amel Tuka Athletics
167Flag of Botswana.svg  Botswana  (BOT)ボツワナBotsuwana Anthony Pasela Athletics
168Flag of Bolivia.svg  Bolivia  (BOL)ボリビアBoribia Angela Castro Athletics
169Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal  (POR)ポルトガルPorutogaru Pedro Pichardo Athletics
170Flag of Hong Kong.svg  Hong Kong  (HKG)ホンコン・チャイナHonkon Chaina Mo Sheung Grace Lau Karate
171Flag of Honduras (before 2022).svg  Honduras  (HON)ホンジュラスHonjurasu Ivan Zarco Alvarez Athletics
172Flag of the Marshall Islands.svg  Marshall Islands  (MHL)マーシャル諸島Māsharu ShotōNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
173Flag of Madagascar.svg  Madagascar  (MAD)マダガスカルMadagasukaruNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
174Flag of Malawi.svg  Malawi  (MAW)マラウイMarauiNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
175Flag of Mali.svg  Mali  (MLI)マリMariNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
176Flag of Malta.svg  Malta  (MLT)マルタMarutaNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
177Flag of Malaysia.svg  Malaysia  (MAS)マレーシアMarēshia Pandelela Pamg Diving
178Flag of the Federated States of Micronesia.svg  Federated States of Micronesia  (FSM)ミクロネシア連邦Mikuroneshia RenpōNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
179Flag of South Africa.svg  South Africa  (RSA)南アフリカMinami Afurika Anaso Jobodwana Athletics
180Flag of South Sudan.svg  South Sudan  (SSD)南スーダンMinami Sūdan Abraham Guem Athletics
181Flag of Myanmar.svg  Myanmar  (MYA)ミャンマーMyanmāNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
182Flag of Mexico.svg  Mexico  (MEX)メキシコMekishiko Mayan Oliver Modern Pentathlon
183Flag of Mauritius.svg  Mauritius  (MRI)モーリシャスMōrishasuNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
184Flag of Mauritania.svg  Mauritania  (MTN)モーリタニアMōritaniaNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
185Flag of Mozambique.svg  Mozambique  (MOZ)モザンビークMozanbīkuNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
186Flag of Monaco.svg  Monaco  (MON)モナコMonakoNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
187Flag of Maldives.svg  Maldives  (MDV)モルディブMorudibuNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
188Flag of Moldova (3-2).svg  Moldova  (MDA)モルドバ共和国Morudoba Kyōwakoku Andrian Mardare Athletics
189Flag of Morocco.svg  Morocco  (MAR)モロッコMorokko Btissam Sadini Karate
190Flag of Mongolia.svg  Mongolia  (MGL)モンゴルMongoru Lkhagvagerel Munkhtur Wrestling
191Flag of Montenegro.svg  Montenegro  (MNE)モンテネグロMonteneguro Dusan Matkovic Water Polo
192Flag of Jordan (3-2).svg  Jordan  (JOR)ヨルダンYorudan Abdelrahman Al-Masafta Karate
193Flag of Laos.svg  Laos  (LAO)ラオス人民民主共和国Raosu Jinmin Minshu Kyōwakoku Siri Arun Budcharern Swimming
194Flag of Latvia (3-2).svg  Latvia  (LAT)ラトビアRatobia Pavels Svecovs Modern Pentathlon
195Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania  (LTU)リトアニアRitoania Justinas Kinderis Modern Pentathlon
196Flag of Libya.svg  Libya  (LBA)リビアRibia Ali Omar Judo
197Flag of Liechtenstein.svg  Liechtenstein  (LIE)リヒテンシュタインRihitenshutain Lara Mechnig Artistic Swimming
198Flag of Liberia.svg  Liberia  (LBR)リベリアRiberiaNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
199Flag of Romania.svg  Romania  (ROU)ルーマニアRūmania Catalin Chirilă Canoe Sprint
200Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg  (LUX)ルクセンブルクRukusenburuku Bob Bertemes Athletics
201Flag of Rwanda.svg  Rwanda  (RWA)ルワンダRuwanda John Hakizimana Athletics
202Flag of Lesotho.svg  Lesotho  (LES)レソトResoto Neheng Khatala Athletics
203Flag of Lebanon.svg  Lebanon  (LBN)レバノンRebanonNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
204Flag of the United States.svg  United States  (USA)アメリカ合衆国Amerika Gasshūkoku Kara Winger Athletics
205Flag of France.svg  France  (FRA)フランスFuransu Steven Da Costa Karate
206Flag of Japan.svg  Japan  (JPN)日本Nihon Ryo Kiyuna Karate


  1. Photographic sources show the flags of countries with athletes present, such as British Virgin Islands and Iceland, were carried by Olympics volunteers. [5] [6]
  2. The panel displayed the name "ROC" [7] but the ROC was announced with its full name Comité olympique russe/Russian Olympic Committee/ロシアオリンピック委員会
  3. ROC was sorted based on its French abbreviation COR, in Japanese Shī Ō Āru.

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Athletes have competed as independent Olympians at the Olympic Games for various reasons, including political transition, international sanctions, suspensions of National Olympic Committees, and compassion. Independent athletes have come from North Macedonia, East Timor, South Sudan and Curaçao following geopolitical changes in the years before the Olympics, from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia as a result of international sanctions, from India and Kuwait due to the suspensions of their National Olympic Committees, and from Russia for mass violations of anti-doping rules and, in addition to Belarus, the Russian Invasion of Ukraine.

During the closing ceremony of the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, the flag bearers of 205 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) arrived into the main Olympic Stadium. The flags of each country were not necessarily carried by the same flag bearer as in the opening ceremony.

During the closing ceremony in Vancouver, the 82 nations selected one member of their delegation to be the flagbearer. Some countries for example, Albania chose the same athlete as the opening ceremony. On the other hand, some countries such as Algeria had already left the Olympic village, and therefore had its NOC assistant carry the flag.

The flag bearers of 204 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) arrived into the main Olympic Stadium, during the closing ceremony of the 2008 Summer Olympics, held in Beijing on 24 August 2008. The flag bearers from each participating country entered the stadium informally in single file, and behind them marched all the athletes without any distinction or grouping by nationality. The blending of all the athletes is a tradition that dates from the 1956 Summer Olympics, after a suggestion by Australian-born British student John Ian Wing, who thought it would be a way of bringing the athletes of the world together as "one nation." The flags of each country were not necessarily carried by the same flag bearer as in the opening ceremony.

During the closing ceremony in Sochi, Russia most of the 88 nations competing selected one member of their delegation to be the flagbearer. Some countries for example, Morocco chose the same athlete as the opening ceremony. On the other hand, some countries such as Luxembourg had already left the Olympic village, and therefore a volunteer carried the flags for those countries.

During the closing ceremony of the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, the flag bearers of 207 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) arrived into Maracanã Stadium. The flags of each country were not necessarily carried by the same flag bearer as in the opening ceremony.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Refugee Olympic Team at the Olympics</span> Sporting event delegation

The Refugee Olympic Team is a group made up of independent Olympic participants who are refugees. In March 2016, International Olympic Committee (IOC) President Thomas Bach announced the creation of the Refugee Olympic Athletes Team, as a symbol of hope for all refugees in the world in order to raise global awareness of the scale of the migrant crisis in Europe. In September 2017, the IOC established the Olympic Refuge Foundation to supporting refugees over the long term.

During the closing ceremony of the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, the flag bearers of 92 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) arrived into Pyeongchang Olympic Stadium on February 25. The flag bearers from each participating country entered the stadium informally in single file, and behind them marched all the athletes. The flags of each country were not necessarily carried by the same flag bearer as in the opening ceremony. The flag-bearers entered in ganada order of the Korean alphabet.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">2020 Summer Olympics Parade of Nations</span>

During the Parade of Nations within the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics opening ceremony, which took place on 23 July 2021, athletes and officials from each participating team entered the Olympic Stadium preceded by their flag and placard bearer. Each flag bearer will have been chosen either by the team's National Olympic Committee or by the athletes themselves. For the first time, each team had the option to allow two flag bearers, one male and one female, in an effort to promote gender equality. These Olympics were postponed from 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and due security measures some countries prevented their athletes to participate on event.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Lebanon at the 2022 Winter Olympics</span> Sporting event delegation

Lebanon competed at the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, China, from 4 to 20 February 2022.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Thailand at the 2022 Winter Olympics</span> Sporting event delegation

Thailand competed at the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, China, from 4 to 20 February 2022.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Uzbekistan at the 2022 Winter Olympics</span> Sporting event delegation

Uzbekistan competed at the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, China, from 4 to 20 February 2022.

Dušan Matković is a Montenegrin water polo player. He competed in the 2020 Summer Olympics.

During the Parade of Nations within the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics opening ceremony on February 4, athletes and officials from each participating country marched in the Beijing National Stadium preceded by their flag and placard bearer bearing the respective country's name. Each flag bearer was chosen either by the nation's National Olympic Committee or by the team of athletes themselves.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Chinese Taipei at the 2022 Winter Olympics</span> Sporting event delegation

The Republic of China, commonly known as "Taiwan", competed as Chinese Taipei at the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, China from 4 to 20 February 2022. Because of the political status of Taiwan and the One-China policy, the ROC national symbols will not be used as stipulated in the Nagoya Resolution in 1979 forcing the ROC athletes to compete under the Chinese Taipei moniker since 1984.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Kyrgyzstan at the 2022 Winter Olympics</span> Sporting event delegation

Kyrgyzstan competed at the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, China, from 4 to 20 February 2022.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">American Samoa at the 2022 Winter Olympics</span> Sporting event delegation

American Samoa competed at the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, China, from 4 to 20 February 2022. The last time it competed at the Winter Olympics was in 1994, which also marked its debut.

During the closing ceremony of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, China the flag bearers of 91 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) arrived into Beijing National Stadium on February 20. The flag bearers from each participating country entered the stadium informally in single file, and behind them marched all the athletes. The flags of each country were not necessarily carried by the same flag bearer as in the opening ceremony.

During the closing ceremony of the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris, the flag bearers for the 205 National Olympic Committee's (NOCs) and the IOC Refugee Olympic Team entered Stade de France. The flags of each country were not necessarily carried by the same flag bearer as in the opening ceremony. Like the opening ceremony, each team had an option of having two flag bearers, one man and one woman, to promote gender equality.


  1. "The flagbearers for the Tokyo 2020 Closing Ceremony". olympics.com. International Olympic Committee. 8 August 2021. Retrieved 8 August 2021.
  2. 1 2 "List of flagbearers for the 205 NOCs and the IOC Refugee Olympic Team" (PDF). olympics.com. International Olympic Committee. Retrieved 8 August 2021.
  3. "India Flag Bearers Tokyo Olympics Mary Kom Manpreet Singh Bajrang Punia To Be Flag Bearers At Opening And Closing Ceremony". Olympics.com. July 5, 2021. Archived from the original on 2021-07-05. Retrieved July 5, 2021.
  4. Bruton, Michelle. "Closing Ceremony Tokyo 2021: Highlights, Flag Bearers and More". Bleacher Report. Retrieved 2021-08-09.
  5. "Great Britain's Laura Kenny with the Union Jack flag during the..." Getty Images. 8 August 2021. Retrieved 2021-08-09.
  6. "Ireland's Natalya Coyle with the tricolour flag during the closing..." Getty Images. 8 August 2021. Retrieved 2021-08-09.
  7. Shilova, Anna (August 7, 2021). "A Short History of Soviet and Russian Olympic Fashion". The Moscow Times.