3-ketovalidoxylamine C-N-lyase

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3-ketovalidoxylamine C-N-lyase
EC no.
CAS no. 99889-98-2
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The enzyme 3-ketovalidoxylamine C-N-lyase (EC catalyzes the chemical reaction

4-nitrophenyl-3-ketovalidamine 4-nitroaniline + 5-D-(5/6)-5-C-(hydroxymethyl)-2,6-dihydroxycyclohex-2-en-1-one

This enzyme belongs to the family of lyases, specifically amine lyases, which cleave carbon-nitrogen bonds. The systematic name of this enzyme class is 4-nitrophenyl-3-ketovalidamine 4-nitroaniline-lyase [5-D-(5/6)-5-C-(hydroxymethyl)-2,6-dihydroxycyclohex-2-en-1-one-forming]. Other names in common use include 3-ketovalidoxylamine A C-N-lyase, p-nitrophenyl-3-ketovalidamine p-nitroaniline lyase, and 4-nitrophenyl-3-ketovalidamine 4-nitroaniline-lyase. It employs one cofactor, Ca2+.

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