Algorithmic state machine

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The algorithmic state machine (ASM) is a method for designing finite state machines (FSMs) originally developed by Thomas E. Osborne at the University of California, Berkeley (UCB) since 1960, [1] introduced to and implemented at Hewlett-Packard in 1968, formalized and expanded since 1967 and written about by Christopher R. Clare since 1970. [2] [3] [4] It is used to represent diagrams of digital integrated circuits. The ASM diagram is like a state diagram but more structured and, thus, easier to understand. An ASM chart is a method of describing the sequential operations of a digital system.


ASM method

The ASM method is composed of the following steps:

1. Create an algorithm, using pseudocode , to describe the desired operation of the device.
2. Convert the pseudocode into an ASM chart.
3. Design the datapath based on the ASM chart.
4. Create a detailed ASM chart based on the datapath.
5. Design the control logic based on the detailed ASM chart.

ASM chart

An ASM chart consists of an interconnection of four types of basic elements: state name, state box, decision box, and conditional outputs box. An ASM state, represented as a rectangle, corresponds to one state of a regular state diagram or finite state machine. The Moore type outputs are listed inside the box.

State Name ASM State Name.svg
State Name

State Name: The name of the state is indicated inside the circle and the circle is placed in the top left corner or the name is placed without the circle.

State box ASM Chart State Box.svg
State box

State Box: The output of the state is indicated inside the rectangle box

Decision box used in an ASM chart ASM Chart Decision Box.svg
Decision box used in an ASM chart

Decision Box: A diamond indicates that the stated condition/expression is to be tested and the exit path is to be chosen accordingly. The condition expression contains one or more inputs to the FSM (Finite State Machine). An ASM condition check, indicated by a diamond with one input and two outputs (for true and false), is used to conditionally transfer between two State Boxes, to another Decision Box, or to a Conditional Output Box. The decision box contains the stated condition expression to be tested, the expression contains one or more inputs of the FSM.

Conditional output box ASM Chart Conditional Output Box.svg
Conditional output box

Conditional Output Box: An oval denotes the output signals that are of Mealy type. These outputs depend not only on the state but also the inputs to the FSM.


Once the desired operation of a circuit has been described using RTL operations, the datapath components may be derived. Every unique variable that is assigned a value in the RTL program can be implemented as a register. Depending on the functional operation performed when assigning a value to a variable, the register for that variable may be implemented as a straightforward register, a shift register, a counter, or a register preceded by a combinational logic block. The combinational logic block associated with a register may implement an adder, subtractor, multiplexer, or some other type of combinational logic function.

Detailed ASM chart

Once the datapath is designed, the ASM chart is converted to a detailed ASM chart. The RTL notation is replaced by signals defined in the datapath.

See also

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State encoding assigns a unique pattern of ones and zeros to each defined state of a finite-state machine (FSM). Traditionally, design criteria for FSM synthesis were speed, area or both. Following Moore's law, with technology advancement, density and speed of integrated circuits have increased exponentially. With this, power dissipation per area has inevitably increased, which has forced designers for portable computing devices and high-speed processors to consider power dissipation as a critical parameter during design consideration.

Finite state machines (FSMs) are widely used to implement control logic in various applications such as microprocessors, digital transmission, digital filters and digital signal processing. Even for designs containing a good number of datapath elements, the controller occupies a sizeable portion. As the devices are mostly portable and hand-held, reducing power dissipation has emerged as the primary concern of today's VLSI designers. While the datapath elements can be shut down when they are not being used, controllers are always active. As a result, the controller consumes a good amount of system power. Thus, power-efficient synthesis of FSM has come up as a very important problem domain, attracting a lot of research. The synthesis method must be able to reduce both dynamic power and leakage power consumed by the circuit.


  1. Osborne, Thomas "Tom" E. (2004-11-11) [1994]. "Tom Osborne's Story in His Own Words". Steve Leibson's HP9825 page (Letter to Barney Oliver). Archived from the original on 2021-02-24. Retrieved 2021-02-24.
  2. Clare, Christopher "Chris" R. (February 1971) [November 1970]. Logic Design of Algorithmic State Machines. Hewlett-Packard Laboratories, USA: Hewlett-Packard. CHM Catalog Number   102650285. (110 pages) (NB. Several internal revisions existed in 1970 and 1971. This was later published by McGraw-Hill. [A] )
  3. Clare, Christopher "Chris" R. (1973) [November 1972]. Designing Logic Systems Using State Machines. Osborne, Thomas "Tom" E. (initial contributions) (1 ed.). Electronics Research Laboratory, Hewlett-Packard Laboratories: McGraw-Hill, Inc. ISBN   0-07011120-0. S2CID   60509061. SBN   07-011120-0. ISBN   978-0-07011120-2. ark:/13960/t9383kw8n. 79876543. Retrieved 2021-02-14. (vii+114+3 pages) (NB. This book is based on a 1970 Hewlett-Packard in-house document. [B] )
  4. House, Charles "Chuck" H. (2012-12-24). "A Paradigm Shift Was Happening All Around Us" (PDF). IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine. Vol. 4, no. 4. Stanford University: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. pp. 32–35. doi:10.1109/MSSC.2012.2215759. eISSN   1943-0590. ISSN   1943-0582. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2013-01-20. Retrieved 2023-06-30. pp. 2–3: The second annual IEEE Workshop on Microprocessors (now called the Asilomar Microcomputer Workshop, or AMW) was held Wednesday–Friday, April 28–30, 1976, near Monterey, California […] My Wednesday evening talk described tools that enabled a very different design methodology—Algorithmic State Machine design (ASM)—using Lyapunov state-variable mathematics, and derivative techniques pioneered at HP by Chris Clare and Dave Cochran for the spectacularly successful handheld scientific calculators (e.g., HP 35) […] My point: circuit design was no longer an element-by-element issue, but a question of "state flow" at lots of nodes—the sequential "words" of registers rather than the voltages of device pins. In effect, it argued that electronic voltages, whether analogic or switched, would "lose out" to software instructions, and "data states." Systems would be designed and analyzed for proper state sequencing rather than analogic signal distortion or digital switching times. […] I'd already seen the power of pre-publication books. Clare's insightful ASM methodology text, Designing Logic Systems Using State Machines, swept through the HPdesign community […] Stanford's electrical engineering department was not so sanguine, however, canceling Clare's course in 1974, saying that "it is a little bit too unconventional" […] Stanford preferred Quine–McCluskey minimization techniques. Fittingly, Mead's Caltech colleague Ivan Sutherland prepared a Scientific American article (1977) […] about the challenge microelectronics posed to computing theory and practice, noting that since most of a chip's surface was occupied by "wires" (conducting pathways) rather than "components" (transistors), decades of minimization theory in logic design had become irrelevant […] (4 pages)

Further reading