In bioinformatics, alignment-free sequence analysis approaches to molecular sequence and structure data provide alternatives over alignment-based approaches. [1]
The emergence and need for the analysis of different types of data generated through biological research has given rise to the field of bioinformatics. [2] Molecular sequence and structure data of DNA, RNA, and proteins, gene expression profiles or microarray data, metabolic pathway data are some of the major types of data being analysed in bioinformatics. Among them sequence data is increasing at the exponential rate due to advent of next-generation sequencing technologies. Since the origin of bioinformatics, sequence analysis has remained the major area of research with wide range of applications in database searching, genome annotation, comparative genomics, molecular phylogeny and gene prediction. The pioneering approaches for sequence analysis were based on sequence alignment either global or local, pairwise or multiple sequence alignment. [3] [4] Alignment-based approaches generally give excellent results when the sequences under study are closely related and can be reliably aligned, but when the sequences are divergent, a reliable alignment cannot be obtained and hence the applications of sequence alignment are limited. Another limitation of alignment-based approaches is their computational complexity and are time-consuming and thus, are limited when dealing with large-scale sequence data. [5] The advent of next-generation sequencing technologies has resulted in generation of voluminous sequencing data. The size of this sequence data poses challenges on alignment-based algorithms in their assembly, annotation and comparative studies.
Alignment-free methods can broadly be classified into five categories: a) methods based on k-mer/word frequency, b) methods based on the length of common substrings, c) methods based on the number of (spaced) word matches, d) methods based on micro-alignments, e) methods based on information theory and f) methods based on graphical representation. Alignment-free approaches have been used in sequence similarity searches, [6] clustering and classification of sequences, [7] and more recently in phylogenetics [8] [9] (Figure 1).
Such molecular phylogeny analyses employing alignment-free approaches are said to be part of next-generation phylogenomics. [9] A number of review articles provide in-depth review of alignment-free methods in sequence analysis. [1] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
The AFproject is an international collaboration to benchmark and compare software tools for alignment-free sequence comparison. [16]
The popular methods based on k-mer/word frequencies include feature frequency profile (FFP), [17] [18] Composition vector (CV), [19] [20] Return time distribution (RTD), [21] frequency chaos game representation (FCGR). [22] and Spaced Words. [23]
The methodology involved in FFP based method starts by calculating the count of each possible k-mer (possible number of k-mers for nucleotide sequence: 4k, while that for protein sequence: 20k) in sequences. Each k-mer count in each sequence is then normalized by dividing it by total of all k-mers' count in that sequence. This leads to conversion of each sequence into its feature frequency profile. The pair wise distance between two sequences is then calculated Jensen–Shannon (JS) divergence between their respective FFPs. The distance matrix thus obtained can be used to construct phylogenetic tree using clustering algorithms like neighbor-joining, UPGMA etc.
In this method frequency of appearance of each possible k-mer in a given sequence is calculated. The next characteristic step of this method is the subtraction of random background of these frequencies using Markov model to reduce the influence of random neutral mutations to highlight the role of selective evolution. The normalized frequencies are put a fixed order to form the composition vector (CV) of a given sequence. Cosine distance function is then used to compute pairwise distance between CVs of sequences. The distance matrix thus obtained can be used to construct phylogenetic tree using clustering algorithms like neighbor-joining, UPGMA etc. This method can be extended through resort to efficient pattern matching algorithms to include in the computation of the composition vectors: (i) all k-mers for any value of k, (ii) all substrings of any length up to an arbitrarily set maximum k value, (iii) all maximal substrings, where a substring is maximal if extending it by any character would cause a decrease in its occurrence count. [24] [25]
The RTD based method does not calculate the count of k-mers in sequences, instead it computes the time required for the reappearance of k-mers. The time refers to the number of residues in successive appearance of particular k-mer. Thus the occurrence of each k-mer in a sequence is calculated in the form of RTD, which is then summarised using two statistical parameters mean (μ) and standard deviation (σ). Thus each sequence is represented in the form of numeric vector of size 2⋅4k containing μ and σ of 4k RTDs. The pair wise distance between sequences is calculated using Euclidean distance measure. The distance matrix thus obtained can be used to construct phylogenetic tree using clustering algorithms like neighbor-joining, UPGMA etc. A recent approach Pattern Extraction through Entropy Retrieval (PEER) provides direct detection of the k-mer length and summarised the occurrence interval using entropy.
The FCGR methods have evolved from chaos game representation (CGR) technique, which provides scale independent representation for genomic sequences. [26] The CGRs can be divided by grid lines where each grid square denotes the occurrence of oligonucleotides of a specific length in the sequence. Such representation of CGRs is termed as Frequency Chaos Game Representation (FCGR). This leads to representation of each sequence into FCGR. The pair wise distance between FCGRs of sequences can be calculated using the Pearson distance, the Hamming distance or the Euclidean distance. [27]
While most alignment-free algorithms compare the word-composition of sequences, Spaced Words uses a pattern of care and don't care positions. The occurrence of a spaced word in a sequence is then defined by the characters at the match positions only, while the characters at the don't care positions are ignored. Instead of comparing the frequencies of contiguous words in the input sequences, this approach compares the frequencies of the spaced words according to the pre-defined pattern. [23] Note that the pre-defined pattern can be selected by analysis of the Variance of the number of matches, [28] the probability of the first occurrence on several models, [29] or the Pearson correlation coefficient between the expected word frequency and the true alignment distance. [30]
The methods in this category employ the similarity and differences of substrings in a pair of sequences. These algorithms were mostly used for string processing in computer science. [31]
In this approach, for a chosen pair of sequences (A and B of lengths n and m respectively), longest substring starting at some position is identified in one sequence (A) which exactly matches in the other sequence (B) at any position. In this way, lengths of longest substrings starting at different positions in sequence A and having exact matches at some positions in sequence B are calculated. All these lengths are averaged to derive a measure . Intuitively, larger the , the more similar the two sequences are. To account for the differences in the length of sequences, is normalized [i.e. ]. This gives the similarity measure between the sequences.
In order to derive a distance measure, the inverse of similarity measure is taken and a correction term is subtracted from it to assure that will be zero. Thus
This measure is not symmetric, so one has to compute , which gives final ACS measure between the two strings (A and B). [32] The subsequence/substring search can be efficiently performed by using suffix trees. [33] [34] [35]
This approach is a generalization of the ACS approach. To define the distance between two DNA or protein sequences, kmacs estimates for each position i of the first sequence the longest substring starting at i and matching a substring of the second sequence with up to k mismatches. It defines the average of these values as a measure of similarity between the sequences and turns this into a symmetric distance measure. Kmacs does not compute exact k-mismatch substrings, since this would be computational too costly, but approximates such substrings. [36]
This approach is closely related to the ACS, which calculates the number of substitutions per site between two DNA sequences using the shortest absent substring (termed as shustring). [37]
This approach uses the program kmacs [36] to calculate longest common substrings with up to k mismatches for a pair of DNA sequences. The phylogenetic distance between the sequences can then be estimated from a local maximum in the length distribution of the k-mismatch common substrings. [38]
These approachese are variants of the statistics that counts the number of -mer matches between two sequences. They improve the simple statistics by taking the background distribution of the compared sequences into account. [39]
This is an extremely fast method that uses the MinHash bottom sketch strategy for estimating the Jaccard index of the multi-sets of -mers of two input sequences. That is, it estimates the ratio of -mer matches to the total number of -mers of the sequences. This can be used, in turn, to estimate the evolutionary distances between the compared sequences, measured as the number of substitutions per sequence position since the sequences evolved from their last common ancestor. [40]
This approach calculates a distance value between two protein sequences based on the decay of the number of -mer matches if increases. [41]
This method calculates the number of -mer or spaced-word matches (SpaM) for different values for the word length or number of match positions in the underlying pattern, respectively. The slope of an affine-linear function that depends on is calculated to estimate the Jukes-Cantor distance between the input sequences . [42]
Skmer calculates distances between species from unassembled sequencing reads. Similar to MASH, it uses the Jaccard index on the sets of -mers from the input sequences. In contrast to MASH, the program is still accurate for low sequencing coverage, so it can be used for genome skimming. [43]
Strictly spoken, these methods are not alignment-free. They are using simple gap-free micro-alignments where sequences are required to match at certain pre-defined positions. The positions aligned at the remaining positions of the micro-alignments where mismatches are allowed, are then used for phylogeny inference.
This method searches for so-called structures that are defined as pairs of k-mer matches between two DNA sequences that are one position apart in both sequences. The two k-mer matches are called the context, the position between them is called the object. Co-phylog then defines the distance between two sequences the fraction of such structures for which the two nucleotides in the object are different. The approach can be applied to unassembled sequencing reads. [44]
andi estimates phylogenetic distances between genomic sequences based on ungapped local alignments that are flanked by maximal exact word matches. Such word matches can be efficiently found using suffix arrays. The gapfree alignments between the exact word matches are then used to estimate phylogenetic distances between genome sequences. The resulting distance estimates are accurate for up to around 0.6 substitutions per position. [45]
FSWM uses a pre-defined binary pattern P representing so-called match positions and don't-care positions. For a pair of input DNA sequences, it then searches for spaced-word matches w.r.t. P, i.e. for local gap-free alignments with matching nucleotides at the match positions of P and possible mismatches at the don't-care positions. Spurious low-scoring spaced-word matches are discarded, evolutionary distances between the input sequences are estimated based on the nucleotides aligned to each other at the don't-care positions of the remaining, homologous spaced-word matches. [46] FSWM has been adapted to estimate distances based on unassembled NGS reads, this version of the program is called Read-SpaM. [47]
Prot-SpaM (Proteome-based Spaced-word Matches) is an implementation of the FSWM algorithm for partial or whole proteome sequences. [48]
Multi-SpaM (MultipleSpaced-word Matches) is an approach to genome-based phylogeny reconstruction that extends the FSWM idea to multiple sequence comparison. [49] Given a binary pattern P of match positions and don't-care positions, the program searches for P-blocks, i.e. local gap-free four-way alignments with matching nucleotides at the match positions of P and possible mismatches at the don't-care positions. Such four-way alignments are randomly sampled from a set of input genome sequences. For each P-block, an unrooted tree topology is calculated using RAxML. [50] The program Quartet MaxCut is then used to calculate a supertree from these trees.
Information Theory has provided successful methods for alignment-free sequence analysis and comparison. The existing applications of information theory include global and local characterization of DNA, RNA and proteins, estimating genome entropy to motif and region classification. It also holds promise in gene mapping, next-generation sequencing analysis and metagenomics. [51]
Base–base correlation (BBC) converts the genome sequence into a unique 16-dimensional numeric vector using the following equation,
The and denotes the probabilities of bases i and j in the genome. The indicates the probability of bases i and j at distance ℓ in the genome. The parameter K indicates the maximum distance between the bases i and j. The variation in the values of 16 parameters reflect variation in the genome content and length. [52] [53] [54]
IC-PIC (information correlation and partial information correlation) based method employs the base correlation property of DNA sequence. IC and PIC were calculated using following formulas,
The final vector is obtained as follows:
which defines the range of distance between bases. [55]
The pairwise distance between sequences is calculated using Euclidean distance measure. The distance matrix thus obtained can be used to construct phylogenetic tree using clustering algorithms like neighbor-joining, UPGMA, etc..
Examples are effective approximations to Kolmogorov complexity, for example Lempel-Ziv complexity. In general compression-based methods use the mutual information between the sequences. This is expressed in conditional Kolmogorov complexity, that is, the length of the shortest self-delimiting program required to generate a string given the prior knowledge of the other string. This measure has a relation to measuring k-words in a sequence, as they can be easily used to generate the sequence. It is sometimes a computationally intensive method. The theoretic basis for the Kolmogorov complexity approach was laid by Bennett, Gacs, Li, Vitanyi, and Zurek (1998) by proposing the information distance. [56] The Kolmogorov complexity being incomputable it was approximated by compression algorithms. The better they compress the better they are. Li, Badger, Chen, Kwong,, Kearney, and Zhang (2001) used a non-optimal but normalized form of this approach, [57] and the optimal normalized form by Li, Chen, Li, Ma, and Vitanyi (2003) appeared in [58] and more extensively and proven by Cilibrasi and Vitanyi (2005) in. [59] Otu and Sayood (2003) used the Lempel-Ziv complexity method to construct five different distance measures for phylogenetic tree construction. [60]
In the context modeling complexity the next-symbol predictions, of one or more statistical models, are combined or competing to yield a prediction that is based on events recorded in the past. The algorithmic information content derived from each symbol prediction can be used to compute algorithmic information profiles with a time proportional to the length of the sequence. The process has been applied to DNA sequence analysis. [61]
The use of iterated maps for sequence analysis was first introduced by HJ Jefferey in 1990 [26] when he proposed to apply the Chaos Game to map genomic sequences into a unit square. That report coined the procedure as Chaos Game Representation (CGR). However, only 3 years later this approach was first dismissed as a projection of a Markov transition table by N Goldman. [62] This objection was overruled by the end of that decade when the opposite was found to be the case – that CGR bijectively maps Markov transition is into a fractal, order-free (degree-free) representation. [63] The realization that iterated maps provide a bijective map between the symbolic space and numeric space led to the identification of a variety of alignment-free approaches to sequence comparison and characterization. These developments were reviewed in late 2013 by JS Almeida in. [64] A number of web apps such as, [65] are available to demonstrate how to encode and compare arbitrary symbolic sequences in a manner that takes full advantage of modern MapReduce distribution developed for cloud computing.
Alignment-based methods | Alignment-free methods |
These methods assume that homologous regions are contiguous (with gaps) | Does not assume such contiguity of homologous regions |
Computes all possible pairwise comparisons of sequences; hence computationally expensive | Based on occurrences of sub-sequences; composition; computationally inexpensive, can be memory-intensive |
Well-established approach in phylogenomics | Relatively recent and application in phylogenomics is limited; needs further testing for robustness and scalability |
Requires substitution/evolutionary models | Less dependent on substitution/evolutionary models |
Sensitive to stochastic sequence variation, recombination, horizontal (or lateral) genetic transfer, rate heterogeneity and sequences of varied lengths, especially when similarity lies in the "twilight zone" | Less sensitive to stochastic sequence variation, recombination, horizontal (or lateral) genetic transfer, rate heterogeneity and sequences of varied lengths |
Best practice uses inference algorithms with complexity at least O(n2); less time-efficient | Inference algorithms typically O(n2) or less; more time-efficient |
Heuristic in nature; statistical significance of how alignment scores relate to homology is difficult to assess | Exact solutions; statistical significance of the sequence distances (and degree of similarity) can be readily assessed |
Relies on dynamic programming (computationally expensive) to find alignment that has optimal score. | side-steps computational expensive dynamic programming by indexing word counts or positions in fractal space. [66] |
Name | Description | Availability | Reference |
Protcomp | Most Expressed Features scoring approach | PROTCOMP | [87] |
kmacs | k-mismatch average common substring approach | kmacs | [36] |
Spaced words | Spaced-word frequencies | spaced-words | [23] |
Co-phylog | assembly-free micro-alignment approach | Co-phylog | [44] |
Prot-SpaM | Proteome-based spaced-word matches | Prot-SpaM | [48] |
FSWM | Filtered Spaced-Word Matches | FSWM | [46] |
FFP | Feature frequency profile based phylogeny | FFP | [17] |
CVTree | Composition vector based server for phylogeny | CVTree | [88] |
RTD Phylogeny | Return time distribution based server for phylogeny | RTD Phylogeny | [21] |
AGP | A multimethods web server for alignment-free genome phylogeny | AGP | [89] |
Alfy | Alignment-free detection of local similarity among viral and bacterial genomes | Alfy | [8] |
decaf+py | DistancE Calculation using Alignment-Free methods in PYthon | decaf+py | [90] |
Dengue Subtyper | Genotyping of Dengue viruses based on RTD | Dengue Subtyper | [21] |
WNV Typer | Genotyping of West nile viruses based on RTD | WNV Typer | [77] |
AllergenFP | Allergenicity prediction by descriptor fingerprints | AllergenFP | [79] |
kSNP v2 | Alignment-Free SNP Discovery | kSNP v2 | [80] |
d2Tools | Comparison of Metatranscriptomic Samples Based on k-Tuple Frequencies | d2Tools | [91] |
rush | Recombination detection Using SHustrings | rush | [81] |
smash | Genomic rearrangements detection and visualisation | smash | [67] |
Smash++ | Finding and visualizing genomic rearrangements | Smash++ | [68] |
GScompare | Oligonucleotide-based fast clustering of bacterial genomes | GScompare | – |
COMET | Alignment-free subtyping of HIV-1, HIV-2 and HCV viral sequences | COMET | [78] |
USM | Fractal MapReduce decomposition of sequence alignment | | [65] |
FALCON | Alignment-free method to infer metagenomic composition of ancient DNA | FALCON | [73] |
Kraken | Taxonomic classification using exact k-mer matches | Kraken 2 | [74] |
EAGLE | An ultra-fast tool to find relative absent words in genomic data | EAGLE2 | [92] |
CLC | Phylogenetic trees using reference-free k-mer based matching | CLC Microbial Genome Module | [93] |
xgTaxonomy | A tool for metagenomic classification that uses data compression algorithms to classify genomic sequences. | xgTaxonomy | [84] |
AlcoR | An extremely efficient method for identifying and visualizing low-complexity regions in genomic and proteomic sequences. | AlcoR | [86] |
AltaiR | A C toolkit for alignment-free and temporal analysis of multi-FASTA data. | AltaiR | [85] |
In bioinformatics, a sequence alignment is a way of arranging the sequences of DNA, RNA, or protein to identify regions of similarity that may be a consequence of functional, structural, or evolutionary relationships between the sequences. Aligned sequences of nucleotide or amino acid residues are typically represented as rows within a matrix. Gaps are inserted between the residues so that identical or similar characters are aligned in successive columns. Sequence alignments are also used for non-biological sequences such as calculating the distance cost between strings in a natural language, or to display financial data.
A phylogenetic tree, phylogeny or evolutionary tree is a graphical representation which shows the evolutionary history between a set of species or taxa during a specific time. In other words, it is a branching diagram or a tree showing the evolutionary relationships among various biological species or other entities based upon similarities and differences in their physical or genetic characteristics. In evolutionary biology, all life on Earth is theoretically part of a single phylogenetic tree, indicating common ancestry. Phylogenetics is the study of phylogenetic trees. The main challenge is to find a phylogenetic tree representing optimal evolutionary ancestry between a set of species or taxa. Computational phylogenetics focuses on the algorithms involved in finding optimal phylogenetic tree in the phylogenetic landscape.
In bioinformatics, sequence analysis is the process of subjecting a DNA, RNA or peptide sequence to any of a wide range of analytical methods to understand its features, function, structure, or evolution. It can be performed on the entire genome, transcriptome or proteome of an organism, and can also involve only selected segments or regions, like tandem repeats and transposable elements. Methodologies used include sequence alignment, searches against biological databases, and others.
In bioinformatics, sequence clustering algorithms attempt to group biological sequences that are somehow related. The sequences can be either of genomic, "transcriptomic" (ESTs) or protein origin. For proteins, homologous sequences are typically grouped into families. For EST data, clustering is important to group sequences originating from the same gene before the ESTs are assembled to reconstruct the original mRNA.
Comparative genomics is a branch of biological research that examines genome sequences across a spectrum of species, spanning from humans and mice to a diverse array of organisms from bacteria to chimpanzees. This large-scale holistic approach compares two or more genomes to discover the similarities and differences between the genomes and to study the biology of the individual genomes. Comparison of whole genome sequences provides a highly detailed view of how organisms are related to each other at the gene level. By comparing whole genome sequences, researchers gain insights into genetic relationships between organisms and study evolutionary changes. The major principle of comparative genomics is that common features of two organisms will often be encoded within the DNA that is evolutionarily conserved between them. Therefore, Comparative genomics provides a powerful tool for studying evolutionary changes among organisms, helping to identify genes that are conserved or common among species, as well as genes that give unique characteristics of each organism. Moreover, these studies can be performed at different levels of the genomes to obtain multiple perspectives about the organisms.
A Gap penalty is a method of scoring alignments of two or more sequences. When aligning sequences, introducing gaps in the sequences can allow an alignment algorithm to match more terms than a gap-less alignment can. However, minimizing gaps in an alignment is important to create a useful alignment. Too many gaps can cause an alignment to become meaningless. Gap penalties are used to adjust alignment scores based on the number and length of gaps. The five main types of gap penalties are constant, linear, affine, convex, and profile-based.
The Smith–Waterman algorithm performs local sequence alignment; that is, for determining similar regions between two strings of nucleic acid sequences or protein sequences. Instead of looking at the entire sequence, the Smith–Waterman algorithm compares segments of all possible lengths and optimizes the similarity measure.
Clustal is a computer program used for multiple sequence alignment in bioinformatics. The software and its algorithms have gone through several iterations, with ClustalΩ (Omega) being the latest version as of 2011. It is available as standalone software, via a web interface, and through a server hosted by the European Bioinformatics Institute.
Computational genomics refers to the use of computational and statistical analysis to decipher biology from genome sequences and related data, including both DNA and RNA sequence as well as other "post-genomic" data. These, in combination with computational and statistical approaches to understanding the function of the genes and statistical association analysis, this field is also often referred to as Computational and Statistical Genetics/genomics. As such, computational genomics may be regarded as a subset of bioinformatics and computational biology, but with a focus on using whole genomes to understand the principles of how the DNA of a species controls its biology at the molecular level and beyond. With the current abundance of massive biological datasets, computational studies have become one of the most important means to biological discovery.
Multiple sequence alignment (MSA) is the process or the result of sequence alignment of three or more biological sequences, generally protein, DNA, or RNA. These alignments are used to infer evolutionary relationships via phylogenetic analysis and can highlight homologous features between sequences. Alignments highlight mutation events such as point mutations, insertion mutations and deletion mutations, and alignments are used to assess sequence conservation and infer the presence and activity of protein domains, tertiary structures, secondary structures, and individual amino acids or nucleotides.
Ancestral reconstruction is the extrapolation back in time from measured characteristics of individuals, populations, or species to their common ancestors. It is an important application of phylogenetics, the reconstruction and study of the evolutionary relationships among individuals, populations or species to their ancestors. In the context of evolutionary biology, ancestral reconstruction can be used to recover different kinds of ancestral character states of organisms that lived millions of years ago. These states include the genetic sequence, the amino acid sequence of a protein, the composition of a genome, a measurable characteristic of an organism (phenotype), and the geographic range of an ancestral population or species. This is desirable because it allows us to examine parts of phylogenetic trees corresponding to the distant past, clarifying the evolutionary history of the species in the tree. Since modern genetic sequences are essentially a variation of ancient ones, access to ancient sequences may identify other variations and organisms which could have arisen from those sequences. In addition to genetic sequences, one might attempt to track the changing of one character trait to another, such as fins turning to legs.
In bioinformatics, k-mers are substrings of length contained within a biological sequence. Primarily used within the context of computational genomics and sequence analysis, in which k-mers are composed of nucleotides, k-mers are capitalized upon to assemble DNA sequences, improve heterologous gene expression, identify species in metagenomic samples, and create attenuated vaccines. Usually, the term k-mer refers to all of a sequence's subsequences of length , such that the sequence AGAT would have four monomers, three 2-mers, two 3-mers and one 4-mer (AGAT). More generally, a sequence of length will have k-mers and total possible k-mers, where is number of possible monomers.
In metagenomics, binning is the process of grouping reads or contigs and assigning them to individual genome. Binning methods can be based on either compositional features or alignment (similarity), or both.
In the field of computational biology, a planted motif search (PMS) also known as a (l, d)-motif search (LDMS) is a method for identifying conserved motifs within a set of nucleic acid or peptide sequences.
In molecular phylogenetics, relationships among individuals are determined using character traits, such as DNA, RNA or protein, which may be obtained using a variety of sequencing technologies. High-throughput next-generation sequencing has become a popular technique in transcriptomics, which represent a snapshot of gene expression. In eukaryotes, making phylogenetic inferences using RNA is complicated by alternative splicing, which produces multiple transcripts from a single gene. As such, a variety of approaches may be used to improve phylogenetic inference using transcriptomic data obtained from RNA-Seq and processed using computational phylogenetics.
Machine learning in bioinformatics is the application of machine learning algorithms to bioinformatics, including genomics, proteomics, microarrays, systems biology, evolution, and text mining.
In bioinformatics, a spaced seed is a pattern of relevant and irrelevant positions in a biosequence and a method of approximate string matching that allows for substitutions. They are a straightforward modification to the earliest heuristic-based alignment efforts that allow for minor differences between the sequences of interest. Spaced seeds have been used in homology search., alignment, assembly, and metagenomics. They are usually represented as a sequence of zeroes and ones, where a one indicates relevance and a zero indicates irrelevance at the given position. Some visual representations use pound signs for relevant and dashes or asterisks for irrelevant positions.
In phylogenetics, reconciliation is an approach to connect the history of two or more coevolving biological entities. The general idea of reconciliation is that a phylogenetic tree representing the evolution of an entity can be drawn within another phylogenetic tree representing an encompassing entity to reveal their interdependence and the evolutionary events that have marked their shared history. The development of reconciliation approaches started in the 1980s, mainly to depict the coevolution of a gene and a genome, and of a host and a symbiont, which can be mutualist, commensalist or parasitic. It has also been used for example to detect horizontal gene transfer, or understand the dynamics of genome evolution.