The United States Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) is the fitness test for the United States Army. It was designed to better reflect the stresses of a combat environment, to address the poor physical fitness of recruits, and to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries for service members. It consists of six events. Each event is graded on a scale from 0 to 100 points. A minimum of 60 points is required to pass each event. The maximum score is a 600. The test is the US Army's fitness test of record since October 2022. [1]
The ACFT was developed to more closely measure "combat-readiness", after it was found that more battlefield evacuations were performed during the Iraq War and the War in Afghanistan due to musculoskeletal injuries than were due to the ongoing fighting. [2] Such injuries may also be a significant contributing factor in the attrition rate for current service members. [3]
It was also designed to address the "declining health and fitness standards of incoming recruits". [4] [a] Studies leading up to the release of the new standard indicated an "increase of overweight recruits who can't pass entry-level physical fitness tests" as well as an increase in injuries resulting from the poor physical condition of new soldiers. [6]
The ACFT began development in 2013, and was based on a set of 113 essential "warrior tasks and drills" laid out in army doctrine, as well as feedback from those who had completed tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. [7] [8] The test replaced the United States Army Physical Fitness Test in October 2022. [1] In 2019, the new test was fielded with 63 Reserve and National Guard units. [9] It is the first change in the US Army physical fitness test in four decades. [2]
Before being finalized, the ACFT went through several changes. Such changes included removal of the "leg tuck" and replacing it with a plank and changing scores to be age- and gender-dependent. Initially, the ACFT was planned to be scored without regard for age and gender. [3] Instead, soldiers were assigned to one of three tiers based on their military occupational specialty. [3] However, this 'do-not-adjust' policy caused a debate whether it would penalize women and overshadow expertise and intellectual preparations. [10] Eventually, age- and gender- based scoring was introduced.
The ACFT is intended to more closely mimic physical tasks and stresses associated with combat. [11] It is designed to measure "power, speed, agility ... balance [and] muscular and aerobic endurance". [7]
The test consists of six athletic events: [2] [3]
It is graded in a scale with a maximum score of 600 points. In August 2019, a member of the 22nd Chemical Battalion became the first soldier to record a perfect score, beating out the previous record of 597, set in June by a member of the Kentucky Army National Guard. [12] [13]