Army National Guard

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Army National Guard
Seal of the Army National Guard.png
Seal of the Army National Guard
ActiveAs state-funded militia under various names: 1636–1903
As federal reserve forces called the Army National Guard: 1903–present
CountryFlag of the United States.svg United States
Allegiance Federal (10 U.S.C. § E)
State and territorial (32 U.S.C.)
BranchFlag of the United States Army.svg  United States Army
Type Reserve force
RoleProvide the Army with combat-ready reserve Army (Title 10) as well as protecting and supporting their respective states (Title 32)
Size336,000 personnel (authorized end strength for Fiscal Year 2020) [1]
Part of Seal of the United States National Guard.svg National Guard
NGB-seal-high.png National Guard Bureau
Reserve components of the United States Armed Forces
Garrison/HQArmy National Guard Readiness Center, Arlington Hall
Arlington County, Virginia
Nickname(s)"Army Guard", "The Guard"
March Always Ready, Always There
Anniversaries13 December 1636 (founding)
Equipment List of equipment of the United States Army
Director LTG Jonathan M. Stubbs
Deputy Director MG Joseph R. Baldwin
Command Chief Warrant Officer CW5 Brian Searcy
Command Sergeant Major CSM James B. Kendrick

The Army National Guard (ARNG) is an organized militia force and a federal military reserve force of the United States Army. It is simultaneously part of two different organizations: the Militia of the United States (consisting of the ARNG of each state, most territories, and the District of Columbia), as well as the federal ARNG, as part of the National Guard as a whole (which includes the Air National Guard). It is divided into subordinate units stationed in each state or insular area, responsible to their respective governors or other head-of-government. [2]


The Guard's origins are usually [3] traced to the city of Salem, Massachusetts, in 1636. That year a regiment of militia drilled for the first time to defend a multi-community area within what is now the United States. [4] [5] [a]


The ARNG operates under Title 10 of the United States Code when under federal control, and Title 32 of the United States Code and applicable state laws when under state control. It may be called up for active duty by the state or territorial governors to help respond to domestic emergencies and disasters, such as those caused by hurricanes, floods, and earthquakes, as well as civil disorder. [2] The District of Columbia Army National Guard is a federal militia, controlled by the president of the United States with authority delegated to the secretary of defense, and through him to the secretary of the Army. [6]

Members or units of the ARNG may be ordered, temporarily or indefinitely, into United States service. [7] [8] If mobilized for federal service, the member or unit becomes part of the U.S. ARNG, which is a reserve component of the U.S. Army. [9] [10] [11] Individuals volunteering for active federal service may do so subject to the consent of their governors. [12] Largely on the basis of a 1990 U.S. Supreme Court decision, governors generally cannot veto involuntary activations of individuals or units for federal service, either for training or national emergency. [13]

The president may also call up members and units of the ARNG, in its status as the militia of the several states, to repel invasion, suppress rebellion, or enforce federal laws. [14] The Army National Guard is one of two organizations administered by the National Guard Bureau, the other being the Air National Guard. The director of the ARNG is the head of the organization, and reports to the chief of the National Guard Bureau. Because the ARNG is both the militia of the several states and a federal reserve component of the Army, neither the chief of the National Guard Bureau nor the director of the ARNG "commands" it. This operational command authority is performed in each state or territory by the state adjutant general, and in the District of Columbia by the commanding general of the D.C. National Guard when a unit is in its militia status. While under federal activation, the operational command authority is transferred to the commanders of the unified combatant commands, who command all U.S. forces within their area of responsibility. The chief of the National Guard Bureau and the director of the ARNG serve as the channel of communications between the Department of the Army and the ARNG in each state and territory, and administer federal programs, policies, and resources for the National Guard. [15]

The ARNG's portion of the president's proposed federal budget for the 2018 fiscal year is approximately $16.2 billion to support an end strength of 343,000, including appropriations for personnel pay and allowance, facilities maintenance, construction, equipment maintenance and other activities. [16]


ARNG recruits arriving at Fort Jackson for BCT

Units and formations

Deployable Army units are organized as Table of organization and equipment (TOE) organizations or modified table of organization and equipment (MTOE) organizations. Non-deployable units, such as a state's joint force headquarters or regional training institutes are administered as Table of distribution and allowance (TDA) units. [17]



In addition to many deployable units which are non-divisional, the Army National Guard's deployable units include eight infantry divisions. [18] These divisions, their subordinate brigades or brigades with which the divisions have a training oversight relationship, and the states represented by the largest units include: [19]

Army Aviation Magazine wrote on 31 March 2021 that "The ARNG is pressing forward with the Division Alignment for Training (DIV AFT) effort. The DIV AFT intent is to enhance leader development and training readiness through codified relationships across echelons and states to develop combat capable division formations for large scale combat operations. The Director, ARNG. recently convened a DIV AFT Initial Planning Conference to clarify unit alignments for all eight ARNG Division Headquarters and synchronize activities that will facilitate unity of effort between Division Headquarters and aligned for training States." [20]

Multifunctional Support Brigades

The Army National Guard fields 37 multifunctional support brigades.

Maneuver Enhancement Brigades

Field Artillery Brigades

Sustainment Brigades

Military Intelligence Brigades

Functional Support Brigades and Groups

Engineer Brigades

Air Defense Artillery Brigades

Theater Tactical Signal Brigades

Military Police Brigades

Theater and Combat Aviation Brigades

Other brigades

Other Groups

Regular Army – Army National Guard Partnership

In 2016, the Army and the Army National Guard began a training and readiness initiative that aligned some Army brigades with National Guard division headquarters, and some National Guard brigades with Army division headquarters. Among others, this program included the National Guard's 86th Infantry Brigade Combat Team becoming affiliated with the Army's 10th Mountain Division [22] and the National Guard's 1st Battalion, 143rd Infantry Regiment affiliating with the Army's 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team. [23] In addition, 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 10th Mountain Division began an affiliation with the National Guard's 36th Infantry Division. [24]

Army units partnering with Army National Guard headquarters include:

By state

The Army and Air National Guard in each state are headed by the state adjutant general. The adjutant general (TAG) is the de facto commander of a state's military forces, and reports to the state governor. [25]

Legacy units and formations

Shoulder sleeve insignia of the 47th Infantry Division, inactivated in 1991 47th Division Shoulder Patch.svg
Shoulder sleeve insignia of the 47th Infantry Division, inactivated in 1991
Shoulder sleeve insignia of the 50th Armored Division, inactivated in 1993 50th US Armored Division SSI.svg
Shoulder sleeve insignia of the 50th Armored Division, inactivated in 1993

Several units have been affected by Army National Guard reorganizations. Some have been renamed or inactivated. Some have had subordinate units reallocated to other commands. A partial list of inactivated major units includes:


National Guard Bureau organizational chart depicting command and reporting relationships National Guard Bureau organizational chart.jpg
National Guard Bureau organizational chart depicting command and reporting relationships
Army National Guard staff organizational chart Army National Guard staff org. chart.jpg
Army National Guard staff organizational chart
Chief of the National Guard Bureau Gen. Daniel R. Hokanson administers the oath of office to Lt. Gen. Jon A. Jensen as the 22nd director of the Army National Guard on Monday, 10 August 2020 at the Temple Army National Guard Readiness Center in Arlington, Virginia. Lt. Gen. Jon A. Jensen is new Army National Guard director 200810-A-QU728-074.jpg
Chief of the National Guard Bureau Gen. Daniel R. Hokanson administers the oath of office to Lt. Gen. Jon A. Jensen as the 22nd director of the Army National Guard on Monday, 10 August 2020 at the Temple Army National Guard Readiness Center in Arlington, Virginia.

Upon the creation of the United States Air Force in 1947, the National Guard Bureau was organized into two divisions; Army National Guard and Air National Guard. Each were headed by a major general who reported to the chief of the National Guard Bureau. The head of the Army National Guard was originally established as the chief of the Army Division at the National Guard Bureau. The position was downgraded to brigadier general in 1962 due to force reduction. It was renamed to Director of the Army National Guard and elevated back to major general in 1970. The position was later elevated to the rank of lieutenant general in 2001. The Army National Guard is also authorized a deputy director which was originally established as a brigadier general office in 1970. It was elevated to the rank of major general in 2006.

The director of the Army National Guard oversees a staff which aids in planning and day-to-day organization and management. In addition to a chief of staff, the director's staff includes several special staff members, including a chaplain and protocol and awards specialists. It also includes a primary staff, which is organized as directorates, divisions, and branches. The directorates of the Army National Guard staff are arranged along the lines of a typical American military staff: G-1 for personnel; G-2 for intelligence; G-3 for plans, operations and training; G-4 for logistics; G-5 for strategic plans, policy and communications; G-6 for communications; and G-8 for budgets and financial management.

List of chiefs and directors

PortraitNameTook officeLeft officeTerm length
Chiefs of the Army Division at the National Guard Bureau
Major General Raymond H. Fleming.jpg
Major General
Raymond H. Fleming
194819502 years
William H. Abendroth.jpg
Major General
William H. Abendroth
195119554 years
Mcgowan dw.jpg
Major General
Donald W. McGowan
195519594 years
Clayton P. Kerr.jpg
Major General
Clayton P. Kerr
195919623 years
Brigadier General
Francis Greenlief
196219631 year
Charles Southward.jpg
Brigadier General
Charles L. Southward
196419662 years
Leonard C. Ward.jpg
Brigadier General
Leonard C. Ward
196819702 years
Directors of the Army National Guard
Major General
Francis Greenlief
197019711 year
Weber le.jpg
Major General
La Vern E. Weber
197119743 years
Charles A. Ott, Jr..jpg
Major General
Charles A. Ott Jr.
197419784 years
Walker eh.jpg
Major General
Emmett H. Walker Jr.
197819824 years
Herbert R. Temple, Jr. (1).jpg
Major General
Herbert R. Temple Jr.
198219864 years
MG Donald Burdick.jpg
Major General
Donald Burdick
198619915 years
Army Maj. Gen. Raymond F. Rees (35862980775).jpg
Major General
Raymond F. Rees
199119921 year
Army Maj. Gen. John R. D'Araujo, Jr. (35822233606).jpg
Major General
John R. D'Araujo Jr.
199319952 years
Portrait of U.S. Army Maj. Gen. William A. Navas, Jr. (2).jpg
Major General
William A. Navas Jr.
October 1995May 19983 years
Roger C. Schultz.jpg
Lieutenant General
Roger C. Schultz
1 June 199815 June 20046 years, 14 days [48]
Clyde A. Vaughn (2).jpg
Lieutenant General
Clyde A. Vaughn
15 June 20049 May 20094 years, 328 days
Raymond W. Carpenter.jpg
Major General
Raymond W. Carpenter
9 May 200928 November 20112 years, 203 days
Lieutenant General William E. Ingram, Jr. is the Director, Army National Guard.jpg
Lieutenant General
William E. Ingram Jr.
28 November 201114 January 20142 years, 47 days
Judd H. Lyons (2).jpg
Major General
Judd H. Lyons
14 January 201427 March 20151 year, 72 days
Lieutenant General Timothy J. Kadavy (DARNG).jpg
Lieutenant General
Timothy J. Kadavy
27 March 201525 March 20193 years, 363 days
Lt. Gen. Daniel R. Hokanson.jpg
Lieutenant General
Daniel R. Hokanson
20 June 20193 August 20201 year, 44 days
Lt. Gen. Jon A. Jensen (3).jpg
Lieutenant General
Jon A. Jensen
10 August 20205 August 20243 years, 361 days
LTG Jonathan M. Stubbs (2).jpg
Lieutenant General
Jonathan M. Stubbs
5 August 2024Incumbent206 days

Prominent members

U.S. presidents

Of the 45 [b] individuals to serve as president of the United States as of 2025, 33 had military experience. Of those 33, 21 served in the militia or ARNG.

(Note: President George W. Bush served in the National Guard in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and he was the first Air National Guard member to attain the presidency.) [94]

See also


  1. The 181st Infantry, the 182nd Infantry, the 101st Field Artillery and the 101st Engineer Battalion of the Massachusetts Army National Guard stem from the 1636 unit.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000000B-QINU`"'
  2. As of 2025'"`UNIQ--nowiki-00000030-QINU`"'. While there have been 47 presidencies, only 45 individuals have served as president. Two presidents have served non-consecutive terms: and thus, Grover Cleveland is numbered as both the 22nd and 24th U.S. president, and Donald Trump is numbered as both the 45th and 47th U.S. president.


  1. Office of Legislative Affairs (13 June 2019). "FY20Senate National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)" (PDF). National Arlington, VA: National Guard Bureau. p. 1.
  2. 1 2 "Military Reserves Federal Call Up Authority". Archived from the original on 12 May 2016. Retrieved 14 August 2008.
  4. Soucy, Jon (8 January 2013). "Obama recognizes Salem, Mass., as birthplace of the National Guard". National Arlington, Virginia: National Guard Bureau. Retrieved 27 February 2025.
  5. "Salem, Mass., declared National Guard's birthplace". The Boston Globe . Boston. 19 August 2010. Retrieved 14 May 2018.
  6. National Archives and Records Administration, Executive Order 11485—Supervision and control of the National Guard of the District of Columbia, 1 October 1969
  7. 10 USC 12211. Officers: Army National Guard of the United States
  8. 10 USC 12107. Army National Guard of United States; Air National Guard of the United States: enlistment in
  9. 32 USC 101. Definitions (NATIONAL GUARD)
  10. 10 USC 12401. Army and Air National Guard of the United States: status
  11. 10 USC 10105. Army National Guard of the United States: composition
  12. North Atlantic Treaty organization, Fact Sheet, National Reserve Forces Status: United States of America, 2006, p. 1
  13. National Guard Bureau, Today in Guard History (June), 11 June 1990, 2013
  14. 10 USC 12406. National Guard in Federal service: call
  15. Cornell University, legal Information Institute, 10 USC § 10503 – Functions of National Guard Bureau: Charter, accessed 20 June 2013
  16. Matthews, William (1 July 2017). "Busting The Caps". National Guard. Arlington, VA.
  17. U.S. Army Center of Military History, History of Table of Distribution and Allowances (TDA) Units, 30 May 1995, updated 20 May 2011.
  18. Richard Goldenberg, U.S. Army, National Guard Division Leaders Gather to Face Challenges for Missions at Home, Overseas, 9 June 2010.
  19. University of North Texas, U.S. Army National Guard Archived 3 April 2015 at the Wayback Machine , 17 January 2013
  20. BG David L. Hall. "Army National Guard Aviation-Continuing to Change, Adapt and Modernize" (PDF).
  21. Cotton Puryear (29 September 2017). "91st Cyber Brigade activated as Army National Guard's first cyber brigade". Retrieved 30 May 2020.
  22. Dwyer, Brian (17 October 2016). "Patching Ceremony Unites 10th Mountain Division and Vermont Army National Guard Unit". TCW News. Watertown, NY.
  23. Tan, Michelle (19 August 2016). "Army units change patches as part of active, Guard and Reserve pilot program". Army Times. Springfield, VA.
  24. Block, Gordon (20 October 2016). "Programs link Fort Drum soldiers with Army Guard, Reserve personnel". Watertown Daily Times. Watertown, NY.
  25. Bowling Green Daily News, Guard's Command Structure Unique in the Armed Forces, 27 June 1999
  26. National Guard Educational Foundation, 26th Infantry Division, 2011
  27. National Guard Educational Foundation, 27th Infantry Division, 2011
  28. National Guard Educational Foundation, 27th Armored Division, 2011
  29. "Ceremonies Today for 30th Armored" . The Tennessean. Nashville, TV. 28 October 1973. p. 11. The 30th Armored Division of the Tennessee National Guard will be retired today...
  30. National Guard Educational Foundation, 30th Infantry Division, 2011
  31. Tuscaloosa News, 31st Dixie Division Turning to Armor, 19 January 1968.
  32. Wisconsin Historical Society, Dictionary of Wisconsin History, Red Arrow Division Archived 22 December 2015 at the Wayback Machine , accessed 19 June 2013
  33. New York Times, Illinois Commander of Guard Replaced, 4 March 1968
  34. Al Goldberg, Toledo Blade, Taps Sounds for Ohio Guard's Famed 37th, 18 February 1968
  35. National Guard Education Foundation, 39th Infantry Division Archived 29 February 2012 at the Wayback Machine , 2011
  36. California State Military Museum, Lineages and Honors of the California National Guard: 40th Armored Brigade Headquarters and Headquarters Company, accessed 19 June 2013
  37. Tri-City Herald, Taps for the 41st, 8 June 1967
  38. Washington Army National Guard, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 81st Brigade Combat Team Archived 13 May 2014 at the Wayback Machine , 2007
  39. Associated Press, The Telegraph, Yankee Infantry Division is Facing Reorganization, 30 November 1967
  40. Eugene Register-Standard, Army Disbands 44th Division, 18 September 1954
  41. National Guard Education Foundation, 45th Infantry Division, 2011
  42. National Guard Educational Foundation, 46th Infantry Division, 2011
  43. Minnesota Military Museum, The 47th "Viking" Infantry Division, 1991
  44. National Guard Educational Foundation, 48th Armored Division Archived 27 July 2011 at the Wayback Machine , 2011
  45. Texas Army National Guard, History of the 36th Infantry Division Archived 5 April 2013 at the Wayback Machine , accessed 19 June 2013
  46. Texas Military Forces Museum, 36th Infantry Division, The "Texas" Division, accessed 19 June 2013
  47. U.S. House Appropriations Committee, Hearing Record, Department of Defense Appropriations for 1995, Volume 1, 1994, p. 296
  48. Served as director in the rank of major general from 1998 to 2001. The 2001 National Defense Authorization Act, elevated the position to lieutenant general. Schultz was appointed another term as director and was promoted.
  49. Mark Lardas (2011). George Washington. Bloomsbury Publishing. p. 14. ISBN   978-1-84908-881-7.
  50. Aaron Bancroft (1855). The Life of George Washington ... Phillips, Sampson. p. 39.
  51. Fawn McKay Brodie (1974). Thomas Jefferson: An Intimate History . W.W. Norton & Company. p.  112. ISBN   978-0-393-31752-7.
  52. Ralph Louis Ketcham (1990). James Madison: A Biography . University of Virginia Press. p.  64. ISBN   978-0-8139-1265-3.
  53. Michael Teitelbaum (2002). James Monroe. Capstone. p. 14. ISBN   978-0-7565-0253-9.
  54. Carl Cavanagh Hodge; Cathal J. Nolan (2007). U.S. Presidents and Foreign Policy: From 1789 to the Present. ABC-CLIO. p. 45. ISBN   978-1-85109-790-6.
  55. H. W. Brands (2006). Andrew Jackson: His Life and Times. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. p. 90. ISBN   978-0-307-27854-8.
  56. Samuel Putnam Waldo (1819). Memoirs of Andrew Jackson: Major-general in the Army of the United States; and Commander in Chief of the Division of the South. J. & W. Russell. pp.  41–42.
  57. Spencer Tucker; James R. Arnold; Roberta Wiener; Paul G. Pierpaoli; John C. Fredriksen (2012). The Encyclopedia of the War of 1812: A Political, Social, and Military History. ABC-CLIO. p. 331. ISBN   978-1-85109-956-6.
  58. James Hall (1836). A Memoir of the Public Services of William Henry Harrison, of Ohio. Key & Biddle. p.  310.
  59. Stuart L. Butler (2012). Defending the Old Dominion: Virginia and Its Militia in the War of 1812. University Press of America. p. 282. ISBN   978-0-7618-6040-2.
  60. Louise A. Mayo (2006). President James K. Polk: The Dark Horse President. Nova Publishers. p. 14. ISBN   978-1-59454-718-8.
  61. Soldiers. Department of the Army. 1980. p. 4.
  62. Barbara Bennett Peterson (2002). Sarah Childress Polk, First Lady of Tennessee and Washington. Nova Publishers. p. 5. ISBN   978-1-59033-145-3.
  63. John Seigenthaler (2004). James K. Polk: The American Presidents Series: The 11th President, 1845-1849. Henry Holt and Company. p. 34. ISBN   978-0-8050-6942-6.
  64. Roger Sherman Skinner, ed. (1830). The New-York State Register for 1830–1831. New York. p.  361.
  65. Buffalo Historical Society; Buffalo Historical Society (Buffalo, N.Y.) (1907). Publications. The Society. p. xxxii.
  66. John Farmer; G. Parker Lyon, eds. (1832). The New-Hampshire Annual Register, and United States Calendar. p. 53.
  67. Ralph E. Eshelman (2011). A Travel Guide to the War of 1812 in the Chesapeake: Eighteen Tours in Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia . JHU Press. p.  114. ISBN   978-0-8018-9837-2.
  68. Philip Shriver Klein (1962). President James Buchanan, a biography. Pennsylvania State University Press. p.  18.
  69. Illinois Adjutant General's Office (1882). Record of the Services of Illinois Soldiers in the Black Hawk War, 1831–32, and in the Mexican War, 1846-8. H. W. Rokker, state printer. pp.  100, 176, 183.
  70. Hans L. Trefousse (1997). Andrew Johnson: A Biography. W. W. Norton, Incorporated. p. 14. ISBN   978-0-393-31742-8.
  71. James Knox Polk (1989). Wayne Cutler; Herbert Weaver (eds.). Correspondence of James K. Polk. Vol. 7. Univ. of Tennessee Press. p. 439. ISBN   978-0-8265-1225-3.
  72. Kate Havelin (2004). Andrew Johnson. Twenty-First Century Books. p. 21. ISBN   978-0-8225-1000-0.
  73. Gary L. Donhardt (2007). In the Shadow of the Great Rebellion: The Life of Andrew Johnson, Seventeenth President of the United States (1808-1875). Nova Publishers. p. 6. ISBN   978-1-60021-086-0.
  74. Clifton R. Hall (1916). Andrew Johnson: Military Governor of Tennessee. p.  19.
  75. James S. Brisbin (1868). The campaign lives of Ulysses S Grant and Schuyler Colfax. Gale Cengage Learning. pp.  58–59.
  76. Ulysses Simpson Grant (1969). The Papers of Ulysses S. Grant: April to September, 1861. SIU Press. p. 29. ISBN   978-0-8093-0366-3.
  77. William Farina (2007). Ulysses S. Grant, 1861–1864: His Rise from Obscurity to Military Greatness. McFarland. p. 22. ISBN   978-0-7864-8051-7.
  78. William Dean Howells; Rutherford Birchard Hayes (1876). Sketch of the life and character of Rutherford B. Hayes. Also a biographical sketch of William A. Wheeler. Hurd and Houghton. p.  29.
  79. Hardesty's Historical and Geographical Encyclopedia, Military and Personal Sketches of Ohio's Rank and File from Sandusky County in the War of the Rebellion, 1885, republished on the Rutherford B. Hayes Presidential Center web site
  80. John Clark Ridpath (1881). The Life and Work of James A. Garfield ...: Embracing an Account of the Scenes and Incidents of His Boyhood. Jones brothers. pp. 91–92.
  81. James T. Wall (2008). Wall Street and the Fruited Plain: Money, Expansion, and Politics in the Gilded Age. University Press of America. p. 82. ISBN   978-0-7618-4124-1.
  82. Emma Rogers (1921). Chester A. Arthur: Man and President. University of Wisconsin—Madison. pp. 7–9.
  83. Lew Wallace; Murat Halstead (1892). Life and Public Services of Hon. Benjamin Harrison, President of the U.S.: With a Concise Biographical Sketch of Hon. Whitelaw Reid. Edgewood Publishing Company. pp. 178–181.
  84. Newburgh Daily Journal, "Death of General Harrison", 14 March 1901
  85. Muncie Free Press, Daniels adds President Benjamin Harrison to Hoosier Heritage Portrait Collection Archived 24 December 2013 at the Wayback Machine , 20 March 2009
  86. Eric Foner (2002). Reconstruction: America's Unfinished Revolution, 1863–1877. HarperCollins. p. 584. ISBN   978-0-06-093716-4.
  87. John W. Tyler (1901). The Life of William McKinley. P. W. Ziegler & Company. p.  37.
  88. Kevin Phillips (2003). William McKinley: The American Presidents Series: The 25th President, 1897–1901. Henry Holt and Company. p. 23. ISBN   978-0-8050-6953-2.
  89. William Montgomery Clemens (1914). The Ancestry of Theodore Roosevelt. W.M. Clemens. p. 11.
  90. Bill Bleyer, Long Island Newsday, "Roosevelt's Medal of Honor Coming to LI", 21 February 2001
  91. Gabriele Arnold (2006). Harry S. Truman – his foreign policy. GRIN Verlag. p. 4. ISBN   978-3-638-51025-7.
  92. Michael J. Devine (2009). Harry S. Truman, the State of Israel, and the Quest for Peace in the Middle East. Truman State Univ Press. p. 93. ISBN   978-1-935503-80-4.
  93. Truman, Harry S. (1983). Ferrell, Robert H. (ed.). Dear Bess: The Letters From Harry to Bess Truman, 1910-1959 . Norton. p. 306. ISBN   978-0-8262-1203-0. OCLC   9440945.
  94. Clarke Rountree (2011). George W. Bush: A Biography. ABC-CLIO. pp. xviii–xix. ISBN   978-0-313-38500-1.