List of active duty United States three-star officers

Last updated

Three-star reserve officers and the chief of the National Guard Bureau testify before the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense on 17 April 2018. Senate Appropriations Committee Subcommittee on Defense 180417-Z-CD688-021 (41525771031).jpg
Three-star reserve officers and the chief of the National Guard Bureau testify before the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense on 17 April 2018.

There are currently 158 active-duty three-star officers in federal uniformed service, of which 157 three-star officers are part of the eight federal uniformed services of the United States. There are 54 in the Army, 18 in the Marine Corps, 36 in the Navy, 38 in the Air Force, five in the Space Force, four in the Coast Guard, none in the Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, and one in the NOAA Commissioned Officer Corps. The final three-star officer comes from the Maritime Service, which is a federal uniformed organization that is not recognized as part of the federal uniformed services.


List of designated three-star positions

Department of Defense

Position insigniaPositionPhotoIncumbentService branch
Office of the Secretary of Defense
Office of the Secretary of Defense Office of the Secretary of Defense identification badge.svg
Office of the Secretary of Defense
Senior Military Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (SMA SecDef)
Portrait gray.png
National intelligence agencies
Defense Intelligence Agency Seal of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency.svg
Defense Intelligence Agency
Director, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
Lt Gen Jeffrey A. Kruse (2).jpg
Lieutenant General
Jeffrey A. Kruse [1]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency US-NationalGeospatialIntelligenceAgency-2008Seal.svg
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
Director, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
Vice Adm. Frank D. Whitworth III (2).jpg
Vice Admiral
Frank D. Whitworth III [2]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
Defense Agencies
Defense Contract Management Agency Seal of the Defense Contract Management Agency.svg
Defense Contract Management Agency
Director, Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA)
LtGen Gregory L. Masiello.jpg
Lieutenant General
Gregory L. Masiello [3] [4]
Emblem of the United States Marine Corps.svg
U.S. Marine Corps
Defense Health Agency Seal of Defense Health Agency.svg
Defense Health Agency
Director, Defense Health Agency (DHA)
Portrait gray.png
Defense Information Systems Agency DISA Seal.png
Defense Information Systems Agency
Joint Force Headquarters - Department of Defense Information Network JFHQ-DODIN logo.jpg
Joint Force Headquarters – Department of Defense Information Network
Director, Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) and
Commander, Joint Force Headquarters – Department of Defense Information Network (JFHQ-DoDIN)
LTG Paul T. Stanton.jpg
Lieutenant General
Paul T. Stanton [5] [6]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Defense Logistics Agency Seal of the Defense Logistics Agency.svg
Defense Logistics Agency
Director, Defense Logistics Agency (DLA)
LTG Mark T. Simerly (cropped).jpg
Lieutenant General
Mark T. Simerly [7]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Missile Defense Agency Seal of the U.S. Missile Defense Agency.svg
Missile Defense Agency
Director, Missile Defense Agency (MDA)
Lt Gen Heath A. Collins.jpg
Lieutenant General
Heath A. Collins [8]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force

Joint Staff

Position insigniaPositionPhotoIncumbentService branch
Office of the Joint Staff
Joint Staff Joint Chiefs of Staff seal (2).svg
Joint Staff
Director of the Joint Staff (DJS)
LTG Douglas A. Sims II.jpg
Lieutenant General
Douglas A. Sims II [9]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Joint Staff directorates
Joint Staff Joint Chiefs of Staff seal (2).svg
Joint Staff
Director for Intelligence (J-2), Joint Staff
LtGen Dimitri Henry.jpg
Lieutenant General
Dimitri Henry [10]
Emblem of the United States Marine Corps.svg
U.S. Marine Corps
Joint Staff Joint Chiefs of Staff seal (2).svg
Joint Staff
Director for Operations (J-3), Joint Staff
Lt Gen Alexus G. Grynkewich (4).jpg
Lieutenant General
Alexus G. Grynkewich [11]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Joint Staff Joint Chiefs of Staff seal (2).svg
Joint Staff
Director for Logistics (J-4), Joint Staff
VADM Dion D. English.jpg
Vice Admiral
Dion D. English [12]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
Joint Staff Joint Chiefs of Staff seal (2).svg
Joint Staff
Director for Strategy, Plans and Policy (J-5), Joint Staff and
Senior Member, U.S. Delegation to the United Nations Military Staff Committee
Joseph P. McGee (3).jpg
Lieutenant General
Joseph P. McGee [13]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Joint Staff Joint Chiefs of Staff seal (2).svg
Joint Staff
Director for Command, Control, Communications and Computers (C4) and
Cyber and Chief Information Officer (J-6), Joint Staff
LTG David T. Isaacson (cropped).jpg
Lieutenant General
David T. Isaacson [14]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Joint Staff Joint Chiefs of Staff seal (2).svg
Joint Staff
Director for Joint Force Development (J-7), Joint Staff
Lt Gen Dagvin R. M. Anderson (2).jpg
Lieutenant General
Dagvin R.M. Anderson [15]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Joint Staff Joint Chiefs of Staff seal (2).svg
Joint Staff
Director of Force Structure, Resources and Assessment (J-8), Joint Staff
Vice Adm. Sara A. Joyner.jpg
Vice Admiral
Sara A. Joyner [16]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy

Unified combatant commands

Position insigniaPositionPhotoIncumbentService branch
U.S. Africa Command Seal of the United States Africa Command.svg
U.S. Africa Command
Deputy Commander, U.S. Africa Command (USAFRICOM)
LTG John W. Brennan Jr.jpg
Lieutenant General
John W. Brennan Jr. [17]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
U.S. Central Command Seal of United States Central Command.svg
U.S. Central Command
Deputy Commander, U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM)
Charles B. Cooper II (6).jpg
Vice Admiral
Charles B. Cooper II [18]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
U.S. Cyber Command Seal of the United States Cyber Command.svg
U.S. Cyber Command
Deputy Commander, U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM)
LTG William J. Hartman (2).jpg
Lieutenant General
William J. Hartman [19]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
U.S. European Command USEUCOM.svg
U.S. European Command
Deputy Commander, U.S. European Command (USEUCOM)
LtGen Robert C. Fulford (cropped).jpg
Lieutenant General
Robert C. Fulford [20]
Emblem of the United States Marine Corps.svg
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command US Indo-Pacific Command Seal.svg
U.S. Indo-Pacific Command
Deputy Commander, U.S. Indo-Pacific Command (USINDOPACOM)
LTG Joshua M. Rudd.jpg
Lieutenant General
Joshua M. Rudd [21]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
U.S. Northern Command Seal of the United States Northern Command.svg
U.S. Northern Command
North American Aerospace Defense Command North American Aerospace Defense Command logo.svg
North American Aerospace Defense Command
Deputy Commander, U.S. Northern Command (USNORTHCOM) and
Vice Commander, U.S. Element, North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD)
LTG Thomas M. Carden Jr.jpg
Lieutenant General
Thomas M. Carden Jr. [22]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
U.S. Southern Command Seal of the United States Southern Command.svg
U.S. Southern Command
Military Deputy Commander, U.S. Southern Command (USSOUTHCOM)
Lt Gen Evan L. Pettus (2).jpg
Lieutenant General
Evan L. Pettus [23]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Space Command United States Space Command emblem 2019.svg
U.S. Space Command
Deputy Commander, U.S. Space Command (USSPACECOM)
LTG Thomas L. James.jpg
Lieutenant General
Thomas L. James [24]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
U.S. Special Operations Command United States Special Operations Command Insignia.svg
U.S. Special Operations Command
Deputy Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM)
Lt Gen Sean M. Farrell (cropped).jpg
Lieutenant General
Sean M. Farrell [25]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Special Operations Command United States Special Operations Command Insignia.svg
U.S. Special Operations Command
Vice Commander, U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM)
LtGen Francis L. Donovan.jpg
Lieutenant General
Francis L. Donovan [26]
Emblem of the United States Marine Corps.svg
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. Strategic Command US Strategic Command Emblem.svg
U.S. Strategic Command
Deputy Commander, U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)
VADM Richard A. Correll.jpg
Vice Admiral
Richard A. Correll [27]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
U.S. Transportation Command US-TRANSCOM-Emblem.svg
U.S. Transportation Command
Deputy Commander, U.S. Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM)
LTG Jered P. Helwig.jpg
Lieutenant General
Jered P. Helwig [28]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army

Other joint positions

Position insigniaPositionPhotoIncumbentService branch
Sub-unified commands
U.S. Forces Korea USFK Logo.svg
U.S. Forces Korea
Seventh Air Force (Air Forces Korea) Seventh Air Force - Emblem.png
Seventh Air Force (Air Forces Korea)
South Korea
Deputy Commander, U.S. Forces Korea (USFK),
Commander, Air Component Command, United Nations Command (UNC),
Commander, Air Component Command, ROK/U.S. Combined Forces Command (CFC) and Commander, Seventh Air Force (Air Forces Korea) (7 AF)
Lt Gen David R. Iverson.jpg
Lieutenant General
David R. Iverson [29]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Forces Japan Seal of the USFJ.svg
U.S. Forces Japan
Fifth Air Force Fifth Air Force - Emblem.png
Fifth Air Force
Commander, U.S. Forces Japan (USFJ) and
Commander, Fifth Air Force (5 AF)
Lt Gen Stephen F. Jost (cropped).jpg
Lieutenant General
Stephen F. Jost [30]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Alaskan NORAD Region Alaskan NORAD Region Emblem.png
Alaskan NORAD Region
Alaskan Command Alcom-1 logo.png
Alaskan Command
Eleventh Air Force Eleventh Air Force - Emblem.png
Eleventh Air Force
Commander, Alaskan NORAD Region (ANR),
Commander, Alaskan Command (ALCOM) and
Commander, Eleventh Air Force (11 AF)
Lt Gen Case A. Cunningham.jpg
Lieutenant General
Case A. Cunningham [31]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Joint Special Operations Command Seal of the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC).svg
Joint Special Operations Command
Commander, Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) and
Commander, Joint Special Operations Command Forward, U.S. Special Operations Command
Vice Adm. Frank M. Bradley.jpg
Vice Admiral
Frank M. Bradley [32]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
Special activities (domestic)
National Defense University National Defense University.svg
National Defense University
President, National Defense University (NDU)
VADM Peter G. Garvin.jpg
Vice Admiral
Peter A. Garvin [33] [34]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
F-35 Lightning II Joint Program Office F-35 Lightning II logo.svg
F-35 Lightning II Joint Program Office
Program Executive Officer, F-35 Lightning II Joint Program Office
Lt Gen Michael J. Schmidt (2).jpg
Lieutenant General
Michael J. Schmidt [35]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Office of the Director of National Intelligence Seal of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.svg
Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Director's Advisor for Military Affairs, Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI)
LTG Michele H. Bredenkamp (cropped).jpg
Lieutenant General
Michele H. Bredenkamp [36]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Central Intelligence Agency Seal of the Central Intelligence Agency.svg
Central Intelligence Agency
Associate Director for Military Affairs, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Lt Gen Michael L. Downs.jpg
Lieutenant General
Michael L. Downs [37]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Special activities (international)
Deputy Chair of the NATO Military Committee Coat of arms of the Deputy Chairman of the NATO Military Committee.svg
Deputy Chair of the NATO Military Committee
Deputy Chair of the NATO Military Committee (DCMC)
Lt. Gen. Andrew M. Rohling (2).jpg
Lieutenant General
Andrew M. Rohling [38]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
NATO Military Committee Flag of NATO.svg
NATO Military Committee
U.S. Military Representative to the NATO Military Committee (USMILREP)
VADM Shoshana S. Chatfield (cropped).jpg
Vice Admiral
Shoshana S. Chatfield [39] [40]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
Allied Special Operations Forces Command Logo of the NATO Special Operations Headquarters.png
Allied Special Operations Forces Command
Special Operations Command Europe High Res SOCEUR Patch copy.png
Special Operations Command Europe
Commander, Allied Special Operations Forces Command (SOFCOM) and
Commander, Special Operations Command Europe (SOCEUR)
LTG Richard E. Angle (cropped).jpg
Lieutenant General
Richard E. Angle [41] [42]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Allied Command Transformation Emblem of Allied Command Transformation.svg
Allied Command Transformation
Deputy Chief of Staff for Capability Development, Headquarters Allied Command Transformation (ACT)
Vice Adm. Jeffrey W. Hughes.jpg
Vice Admiral
Jeffrey W. Hughes [43]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
Commander, Security Assistance Group – Ukraine (SAG-U) and
Commander, NATO Security Assistance and Training for Ukraine (NSATU), Operation Atlantic Resolve (OAR)
LTG Curtis A. Buzzard.jpg
Lieutenant General
Curtis A. Buzzard [44]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Embassy of the United States, Jerusalem Seal of Embassy of the United States Jerusalem.svg
Embassy of the United States, Jerusalem
U.S. Security Coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian National Authority (USSC)
Lt. Gen. Michael R. Fenzel (cropped).jpg
Lieutenant General
Michael R. Fenzel [45]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army

Department of the Army

Position insigniaPositionPhotoIncumbentService branch
Office of the Secretary
Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office Logo of the U.S. Army Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO).png
Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office
Director, Rapid Capabilities and Critical Technologies Office (RCCTO)
LTG Robert A. Rasch Jr. (2).jpg
Lieutenant General
Robert A. Rasch Jr. [46]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller) ASA FMC.png
Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller)
Military Deputy for Budget to the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Financial Management and Comptroller)
Lt. Gen. Paul A. Chamberlain.jpg
Lieutenant General
Paul A. Chamberlain [47]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Inspector General of the United States Army Army-inspector-general-flag.jpg
Inspector General of the United States Army
Inspector General of the United States Army (IG)
Lt. Gen. Donna W. Martin (2).jpg
Lieutenant General
Donna W. Martin [48]
Retiring [49]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army

United States Army

Position insigniaPositionPhotoIncumbentService branch
Army Staff
Director of the Army Staff Seal of the Director of the Army Staff (DAS).svg
Director of the Army Staff
Director of the Army Staff (DAS) [50]
LTG Laura A. Potter (2).jpg
Lieutenant General
Laura A. Potter [51]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel (G-1) US Army Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff-Seal G1.svg
Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel (G-1)
Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel (G-1)
LTG Brian S. Eifler (2).jpg
Lieutenant General
Brian S. Eifler [52]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence (G-2) US Army Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff-Seal G2.svg
Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence (G-2)
Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence (G-2)
LTG Hale Portrait AGSU v2.jpg
Lieutenant General
Anthony R. Hale [53]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Plans and Training (G-3/5/7) US Army Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff-Seal G3-5-7.svg
Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Plans and Training (G-3/5/7)
Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Plans and Training (G-3/5/7)
MG Joseph A. Ryan (3).jpg
Lieutenant General
Joseph A. Ryan [54]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics (G-4) US Army Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff-Seal G4.svg
Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics (G-4)
Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics (G-4)
LTG Heidi J. Hoyle (cropped).jpg
Lieutenant General
Heidi J. Hoyle [55]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Deputy Chief of Staff for Command, Control, Communications, Cyber Operations and Networks (G-6) US Army Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff-Seal G6.svg
Deputy Chief of Staff for Command, Control, Communications, Cyber Operations and Networks (G-6)
Deputy Chief of Staff for Command, Control, Communications, Cyber Operations and Networks (G-6)
LTG Jeth B. Rey.jpg
Lieutenant General
Jeth B. Rey [56]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Deputy Chief of Staff for Programs (G-8) US Army Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff-Seal G8.svg
Deputy Chief of Staff for Programs (G-8)
Deputy Chief of Staff for Programs (G-8)
LTG Karl H. Gingrich.jpg
Lieutenant General
Karl H. Gingrich [57]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Deputy Chief of Staff for Installations (G-9) US Army Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff-Seal G9.svg
Deputy Chief of Staff for Installations (G-9)
Deputy Chief of Staff for Installations (G-9)
LTG David Wilson.jpg
Lieutenant General
David Wilson [58]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Judge Advocate General of the United States Army Jagflag.JPG
Judge Advocate General of the United States Army
Judge Advocate General of the United States Army (TJAG)
Portrait gray.png
Vacant Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Army commands (and subordinated units)
U.S. Army Forces Command United States Army Forces Command SSI.svg
U.S. Army Forces Command
Deputy Commanding General, U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM)
LTG Stephen G. Smith (2).jpg
Lieutenant General
Stephen G. Smith [59]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Chief of the United States Army Reserve Flag of the Chief of the US Army Reserve.svg
Chief of the United States Army Reserve
U.S. Army Reserve Command US Army Reserve Command SSI.svg
U.S. Army Reserve Command
Chief of the United States Army Reserve (CAR) and
Commanding General, U.S. Army Reserve Command (USARC)
LTG Robert D. Harter (3) (cropped).jpg
Lieutenant General
Robert D. Harter [60]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
U.S. Army Futures Command Army Futures Command SSI.svg
U.S. Army Futures Command
Deputy Commanding General, U.S. Army Futures Command (AFC)
LTG Edmond M. Brown (2).jpg
Lieutenant General
Edmond M. Brown [61]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
U.S. Army Futures Command Army Futures Command SSI.svg
U.S. Army Futures Command
Futures and Concepts Center Emblem of the Futures and Concepts Center.png
Futures and Concepts Center
Deputy Commanding General for Futures and Concepts, U.S. Army Futures Command (AFC) and
Director, Futures and Concepts Center (FCC)
LTG David M. Hodne.jpg
Lieutenant General
David M. Hodne [62] [63]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
U.S. Army Materiel Command AMC shoulder insignia.svg
U.S. Army Materiel Command
Commanding General, U.S. Army Materiel Command (AMC),
Deputy Commanding General, U.S. Army Materiel Command and
Senior Commander, Redstone Arsenal [64]
LTG Christopher O. Mohan.jpg
Lieutenant General
Christopher O. Mohan [65] Acting [66]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
U.S. Army Installation Management Command United States Army Installation Management Command Distinctive Unit Crest.png
U.S. Army Installation Management Command
Commanding General, U.S. Army Installation Management Command (IMCOM)
Lt. Gen. Omar J. Jones IV.jpg
Lieutenant General
Omar J. Jones IV [67]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command TRADOC patch.svg
U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command
U.S. Army Center for Initial Military Training CIMT LOGO.png
U.S. Army Center for Initial Military Training
Deputy Commanding General, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC)
and Commanding General, U.S. Army Center for Initial Military Training (USACIMT)
LTG David J. Francis (2).jpg
Lieutenant General
David J. Francis [68]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command TRADOC patch.svg
U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command
U.S. Army Combined Arms Center U.S. Army Combined Arms Center Shield.png
U.S. Army Combined Arms Center
U.S. Army Command and General Staff College Fort Leavenworth Crest.jpg
U.S. Army Command and General Staff College
Army University US Army University logo.svg
Army University
Deputy Commanding General, Combined Arms, U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC),
Commanding General, U.S. Army Combined Arms Center (USACAC),
Commandant, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College (CGSC)
Executive Vice Chancellor, Army University (ArmyU) and
Commanding General, Fort Leavenworth
LTG Milford H. Beagle Jr.jpg
Lieutenant General
Milford H. Beagle Jr. [69]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Army service component commands
U.S. Army Central US3ASSI.svg
U.S. Army Central
Commanding General, U.S. Army Central (ARCENT) and
Commanding General, Coalition Forces Land Component Command (CFLCC) [70]
Lt. Gen. Patrick D. Frank (2).jpg
Lieutenant General
Patrick D. Frank [71]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
U.S. Army Cyber Command US Army Cyber Command SSI.png
U.S. Army Cyber Command
Joint Force Headquarters - Cyber (Army) JFHQ-ARCYBER Emblem.png
Joint Force Headquarters – Cyber (Army)
Commanding General, U.S. Army Cyber Command (ARCYBER) and
Commander, Joint Force Headquarters – Cyber (Army) (JFHQ-C)
Lt. Gen. Maria B. Barrett (2).jpg
Lieutenant General
Maria B. Barrett [72]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
U.S. Army Europe and Africa USAREUR Insignia.svg
U.S. Army Europe and Africa
Deputy Commanding General, U.S. Army Europe and Africa (USAREUR-AF)
LTG Sean C. Bernabe (4).jpg
Lieutenant General
Sean C. Bernabe [73]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
U.S. Army Pacific USARPAC insignia.svg
U.S. Army Pacific
Deputy Commanding General, U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC)
LTG Joel B. Vowell.jpg
Lieutenant General
Joel B. Vowell [74] [75]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
U.S. Army North United States Army North CSIB.svg
U.S. Army North
Commanding General, U.S. Army North (ARNORTH) and
Senior Commander, Fort Sam Houston and Camp Bullis
LTG Allan M. Pepin (2).jpg
Lieutenant General
Allan M. Pepin [76]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
U.S. Army Special Operations Command United States Army Special Operations Command DUI.png
U.S. Army Special Operations Command
Commanding General, U.S. Army Special Operations Command (USASOC)
Lt. Gen. Jonathan P. Braga.jpg
Lieutenant General
Jonathan P. Braga [77]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command United States Army Space and Missile Defense Command Logo.svg
U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command
Joint Functional Component Command for Integrated Missile Defense Joint Functional Component Command for Integrated Missile Defense emblem (2).png
Joint Functional Component Command for Integrated Missile Defense
Commanding General, U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command/U.S. Army Forces Strategic Command (USASMDC/ARSTRAT) and
Commander, Joint Functional Component Command for Integrated Missile Defense (JFCC IMD) [78]
LTG Sean A. Gainey.jpg
Lieutenant General
Sean A. Gainey [79]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Direct reporting units
U.S. Army Acquisition Corps US-ARMY-ACQUISITION-CORPS-E.png
U.S. Army Acquisition Corps
Principal Military Deputy to the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Acquisition, Logistics and Technology) and
Director, U.S. Army Acquisition Corps (AAC)
LTG Robert M. Collins.jpg
Lieutenant General
Robert M. Collins [80]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
U.S. Army Chief of Engineers Chief of Engineers Flag.png
U.S. Army Chief of Engineers
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers USACE.gif
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
United States Army Chief of Engineers (COE) and
Commanding General, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
LTG William H. Graham Jr.jpg
Lieutenant General
William H. Graham Jr. [81]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Surgeon General of the United States Army Flag of the Surgeon General of the United States Army with fringe.svg
Surgeon General of the United States Army
U.S. Army Medical Command MEDCOM.png
U.S. Army Medical Command
Army Medical Department AMEDD Regimental Flag-Revised.png
Army Medical Department
Surgeon General of the United States Army (TSG),
Commanding General, U.S. Army Medical Command (MEDCOM) and
Chief, Army Medical Department (AMEDD)
LTG Mary V. Krueger.jpg
Lieutenant General
Mary K. Izaguirre [82]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
U.S. Military Academy U.S. Military Academy Coat of Arms.svg
U.S. Military Academy
Superintendent of the United States Military Academy (USMA)
Lt. Gen. Steven W. Gilland (2).jpg
Lieutenant General
Steven W. Gilland [83] [84]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
U.S. Army Recruiting Command US Army Recruiting Command SSI.png
U.S. Army Recruiting Command
Commanding General, U.S. Army Recruiting Command (USAREC)
LTG Johnny K. Davis.jpg
Lieutenant General
Johnny K. Davis [85]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Operating forces
First Army 1st Army.svg
First Army
Commanding General, First Army
LTG Mark H. Landes (2).jpg
Lieutenant General
Mark H. Landes [86]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Eighth Army Eighth United States Army CSIB.svg
Eighth Army
ROK/U.S. Combined Forces Command ROK-US CFC logo.svg
ROK/U.S. Combined Forces Command
Commanding General, Eighth Army and
Chief of Staff, ROK/U.S. Combined Forces Command (CFC)
LTG Christopher C. LaNeve (2) (cropped).jpg
Lieutenant General
Christopher C. LaNeve [87]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
I Corps U.S. I Corps CSIB.svg
I Corps
Commanding General, I Corps and
Commanding General, Joint Base Lewis–McChord
LTG Matthew W. McFarlane (3).jpg
Lieutenant General
Matthew W. McFarlane [88] [89]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
III Armored Corps 3 Corps Shoulder Sleeve Insignia.svg
III Armored Corps
Commanding General, III Armored Corps and
Commanding General, Fort Cavazos
LTG Kevin D. Admiral.jpg
Lieutenant General
Kevin D. Admiral [90] [91]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
V Corps V Corps.svg
V Corps
Commanding General, V Corps
LTG Charles D. Costanza.jpg
Lieutenant General
Charles D. Costanza [92]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
XVIII Airborne Corps XVIII Airborne Corps CSIB.svg
XVIII Airborne Corps
Commanding General, XVIII Airborne Corps and
Commanding General, Fort Bragg [93]
LTG Gregory K. Anderson.jpg
Lieutenant General
Gregory K. Anderson [94]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Army National Guard
Army National Guard Seal of the United States Army National Guard.svg
Army National Guard
Director, Army National Guard (ARNG)
LTG Jonathan M. Stubbs (2).jpg
Lieutenant General
Jonathan M. Stubbs [95]
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army

Department of the Navy

Position insigniaPositionPhotoIncumbentService branch
Office of the Secretary
Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development and Acquisition) Emblem of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development, and Acquisition).jpg
Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development and Acquisition)
Principal Military Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development and Acquisition)
VADM Scott W. Pappano.jpg
Vice Admiral
Scott W. Pappano [96]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
Naval Inspector General Emblem of the Naval Inspector General.jpg
Naval Inspector General
Naval Inspector General (NAVIG) and
Special Assistant for Inspection Support (N09G) [97]
Vice Adm. John V. Fuller.jpg
Vice Admiral
John V. Fuller [98]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
Judge Advocate General of the Navy Judge Advocate General - Department of the Navy.png
Judge Advocate General of the Navy
Judge Advocate General of the Navy (JAG),
Special Assistant for Legal Services (N09J) [99] and
U.S. Department of Defense Representative for Ocean Policy Affairs (REPOPA)
Portrait gray.png
Vacant Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy

United States Marine Corps

Position insigniaPositionPhotoIncumbentService branch
Headquarters Marine Corps
Director of the Marine Corps Staff DMCS LOGO.gif
Director of the Marine Corps Staff
Director of the Marine Corps Staff (DMCS)
LtGen Paul J. Rock Jr.jpg
Lieutenant General
Paul J. Rock Jr. [100]
Emblem of the United States Marine Corps.svg
U.S. Marine Corps
Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Headquarters Marine Corps USMC Manpower Seal.png
Manpower and Reserve Affairs, Headquarters Marine Corps
Deputy Commandant for Manpower and Reserve Affairs (DC M&RA)
LtGen Michael J. Borgschulte (2).jpg
Lieutenant General
Michael J. Borgschulte [101]
Emblem of the United States Marine Corps.svg
U.S. Marine Corps
Plans, Policies and Operations, Headquarters Marine Corps USMC Plans, Policies and Operations seal.png
Plans, Policies and Operations, Headquarters Marine Corps
Deputy Commandant for Plans, Policies and Operations (DC PP&O)
Lt Gen James W. Bierman (cropped).jpg
Lieutenant General
James W. Bierman Jr. [102]
Retiring [103]
Emblem of the United States Marine Corps.svg
U.S. Marine Corps
United States Marine Corps Aviation HQMCAviation.svg
United States Marine Corps Aviation
Deputy Commandant for Aviation (DCA)
LtGen Bradford J. Gering.jpg
Lieutenant General
Bradford J. Gering [104]
Emblem of the United States Marine Corps.svg
U.S. Marine Corps
Installations and Logistics, Headquarters Marine Corps Installations and Logistics logo.png
Installations and Logistics, Headquarters Marine Corps
Deputy Commandant for Installations and Logistics (DC I&L)
LtGen Stephen D. Sklenka (2).jpg
Lieutenant General
Stephen D. Sklenka [105]
Emblem of the United States Marine Corps.svg
U.S. Marine Corps
Combat Development and Integration, Headquarters Marine Corps Seal of the Deputy Commandant, Combat Development and Integration.png
Combat Development and Integration, Headquarters Marine Corps
Marine Corps Combat Development Command Seal of the Marine Corps Combat Development Command.png
Marine Corps Combat Development Command
Deputy Commandant for Combat Development and Integration (DC CD&I) and Commanding General, Marine Corps Combat Development Command (MCCDC)
LtGen Eric E. Austin.jpg
Lieutenant General
Eric E. Austin [106]
Emblem of the United States Marine Corps.svg
U.S. Marine Corps
Headquarters Marine Corps Seal of the United States Marine Corps.svg
Headquarters Marine Corps
Deputy Commandant for Programs and Resources (DC P&R)
LtGen James H. Adams III.jpg
Lieutenant General
James H. Adams III [107]
Emblem of the United States Marine Corps.svg
U.S. Marine Corps
Deputy Commandant for Information Seal of the Deputy Commandant for Information.png
Deputy Commandant for Information
Marine Corps Intelligence Newlogoshield 250.png
Marine Corps Intelligence
Deputy Commandant for Information (DCI),
Director, Marine Corps Intelligence (MCI) and
Commander, U.S. Marine Corps Forces Strategic Command (MARFORSTRAT)
LtGen Melvin G. Carter.jpg
Lieutenant General
Melvin G. Carter [108]
Emblem of the United States Marine Corps.svg
U.S. Marine Corps
Supporting establishment
U.S. Marine Corps Training and Education Command Seal of the United States Marine Corps Training and Education Command.png
U.S. Marine Corps Training and Education Command
Commanding General, U.S. Marine Corps Training and Education Command (TECOM)
LtGen Benjamin T. Watson.jpg
Lieutenant General
Benjamin T. Watson [109]
Emblem of the United States Marine Corps.svg
U.S. Marine Corps
Operating forces
U.S. Marine Corps Forces Command MARFORCOM.png
U.S. Marine Corps Forces Command
U.S. Marine Corps Forces Northern Command Marine Corps Forces Northern Command.jpg
U.S. Marine Corps Forces Northern Command
Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic FMFLANT (official).jpg
Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic
Commander, U.S. Marine Corps Forces Command (MARFORCOM),
Commander, U.S. Marine Corps Forces Northern Command (MARFORNORTH) and Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Atlantic (FMFLANT)
LtGen Roberta L. Shea.jpg
Lieutenant General
Roberta L. Shea [110]
Emblem of the United States Marine Corps.svg
U.S. Marine Corps
II Marine Expeditionary Force II MEF Insignia Hi-Res PNG.png
II Marine Expeditionary Force
Commanding General, II Marine Expeditionary Force (II MEF)
LtGen Calvert L. Worth Jr.jpg
Lieutenant General
Calvert L. Worth Jr. [111]
Emblem of the United States Marine Corps.svg
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific Seal of U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific.png
U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific
Commander, U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific (MARFORPAC) and
Commanding General, Fleet Marine Force, Pacific (FMFPAC)
LtGen James F. Glynn (2).jpg
Lieutenant General
James F. Glynn [112]
Emblem of the United States Marine Corps.svg
U.S. Marine Corps
U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Japan Seal of U.S. Marine Forces Japan (MARFORJ).png
U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Japan
III Marine Expeditionary Force Emblem of III Marine Expeditionary Force.png
III Marine Expeditionary Force
Commander, U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Japan (MARFORJ) and
Commanding General, III Marine Expeditionary Force (III MEF)
LtGen Roger B. Turner Jr.jpg
Lieutenant General
Roger B. Turner Jr. [113] [114]
Emblem of the United States Marine Corps.svg
U.S. Marine Corps
I Marine Expeditionary Force IMEFlogo (2).png
I Marine Expeditionary Force
Commanding General, I Marine Expeditionary Force (I MEF)
LtGen Michael S. Cederholm.jpg
Lieutenant General
Michael S. Cederholm [115]
Emblem of the United States Marine Corps.svg
U.S. Marine Corps
Marine Forces Reserve
Marine Forces Reserve Marine Forces Reserve insignia (transparent background).png
Marine Forces Reserve
U.S. Marine Corps Forces, South Insignia United States Marine Corps Forces South.png
U.S. Marine Corps Forces, South
Commander, Marine Forces Reserve (MARFORRES) and
Commander, U.S. Marine Corps Forces, South (MARFORSOUTH)
LtGen Leonard F. Anderson IV.jpg
Lieutenant General
Leonard F. Anderson IV [116]
Emblem of the United States Marine Corps.svg
U.S. Marine Corps

United States Navy

Position insigniaPositionPhotoIncumbentService branch
Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
Office of the Chief of Naval Operations Seal of the Chief of Naval Operations.svg
Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
Director, Navy Staff (DNS/N09B)
VADM Michael E. Boyle (2).jpg
Vice Admiral
Michael E. Boyle [117]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
Bureau of Naval Personnel Seal of the Bureau of Naval Personnel.png
Bureau of Naval Personnel
Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Personnel, Manpower, and Training (N1) and
Chief of Naval Personnel (CNP)
Vice Adm. Richard J. Cheeseman Jr.jpg
Vice Admiral
Richard J. Cheeseman Jr. [118]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
Director of Naval Intelligence Seal of the Director of Naval Intelligence.png
Director of Naval Intelligence
Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare (N2/N6) and
Director of Naval Intelligence (DNI)
Vice Adm. Karl O. Thomas (cropped).jpg
Vice Admiral
Karl O. Thomas [119]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
Office of the Chief of Naval Operations Seal of the Chief of Naval Operations.svg
Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Operations, Plans, Strategy, and Warfighting Development (N3/N5/N7)
Vice Adm. Daniel W. Dwyer (2).jpg
Vice Admiral
Daniel W. Dwyer [120]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Fleet Readiness and Logistics DCNO N4.png
Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Fleet Readiness and Logistics
Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Installations and Logistics (N4)
VADM Jeffrey T. Jablon.jpg
Vice Admiral
Jeffrey T. Jablon [121]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Integration of Capabilities and Resources Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Integration of Capabilities and Resources US Navy.png
Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Integration of Capabilities and Resources
Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Integration of Capabilities and Resources (N8)
VADM John B. Skillman (cropped).jpg
Vice Admiral
John B. Skillman [122]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
Office of the Chief of Naval Operations Seal of the Chief of Naval Operations.svg
Office of the Chief of Naval Operations
Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Warfighting Requirements and Capabilities (N9)
VADM James E. Pitts.jpg
Vice Admiral
James E. Pitts [123]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
U.S. Navy Reserve Seal of the United States Navy Reserve.svg
U.S. Navy Reserve
Commander, Navy Reserve Force Emblem of the Commander, Navy Reserve Force.jpg
Commander, Navy Reserve Force
Chief of Navy Reserve (N095) and
Commander, Navy Reserve Force (CNRF)
VADM Nancy S. Lacore (2).jpg
Vice Admiral
Nancy S. Lacore [124]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
Type commands
Commander, Naval Air Forces Commander, Naval Air Forces.png
Commander, Naval Air Forces
Commander, Naval Air Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet Logo of the Naval Air Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet.png
Commander, Naval Air Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet
Commander, Naval Air Forces (COMNAVAIRFOR) and
Commander, Naval Air Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet (COMNAVAIRPAC)
VADM Daniel L. Cheever (2) (cropped).jpg
Vice Admiral
Daniel L. Cheever [125]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
U.S. Naval Information Forces NAVIFOR.jpg
U.S. Naval Information Forces
Commander, Naval Information Forces (NAVIFOR)
VADM Michael J. Vernazza.jpg
Vice Admiral
Michael J. Vernazza [126]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
Commander, Naval Submarine Forces COMSUBFOR logo.png
Commander, Naval Submarine Forces
Commander, Submarine Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet Atlantic submarine command badge.png
Commander, Submarine Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet
Allied Submarine Command Coat of arms of the Allied Maritime Command.svg
Allied Submarine Command
Commander, Submarine Forces (COMSUBFOR),
Commander, Submarine Force, U.S. Atlantic Fleet (COMSUBLANT),
Commander, Allied Submarine Command (ASC),
Commander, Task Force 114 (CTF-114),
Commander, Task Force 88 (CTF-88) and
Commander, Task Force 46 (CTF-46)
VADM Robert M. Gaucher.jpg
Vice Admiral
Robert M. Gaucher [127]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
Commander, Naval Surface Forces Logo of the Commander, Naval Surface Forces.png
Commander, Naval Surface Forces
Commander, Naval Surface Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet COMNAVSURFPAC logo.png
Commander, Naval Surface Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet
Commander, Naval Surface Forces (COMNAVSURFOR) and
Commander, Naval Surface Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet (COMNAVSURFPAC)
VADM Brendan R. McLane.jpg
Vice Admiral
Brendan R. McLane [128] [129]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
Operating forces (and subordinated units)
U.S. Fleet Forces Command Seal of the Commander of the United States Fleet Forces Command.svg
U.S. Fleet Forces Command
U.S. Naval Forces Strategic Command Seal of the United States Naval Forces Strategic Command.svg
U.S. Naval Forces Strategic Command
Deputy Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command (USFF),
Deputy Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Northern Command (NAVNORTH),
Deputy Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Strategic Command (NAVSTRAT) and Commander, Task Force 80 (CTF-80)
VADM John E. Gumbleton.jpg
Vice Admiral
John E. Gumbleton [130]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
U.S. Second Fleet United States 2nd Fleet insignia, 2018 (180816-N-N0701-0001).png
U.S. Second Fleet
Joint Force Command - Norfolk Coat of arms of Joint Force Command Norfolk.jpg
Joint Force Command – Norfolk
Combined Joint Operations from the Sea Center of Excellence CJOSCOE logo.png
Combined Joint Operations from the Sea Center of Excellence
Commander, U.S. Second Fleet (C2F),
Commander, Joint Force Command – Norfolk (JFC-NF) and
Director, Combined Joint Operations from the Sea Center of Excellence (CJOS COE)
VADM Douglas G. Perry.jpg
Vice Admiral
Douglas G. Perry [131]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
U.S. Sixth Fleet US Sixth Fleet Logo high resolution version.jpg
U.S. Sixth Fleet
U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa US Naval Forces Europe-Africa.png
U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa
Commander, U.S. Sixth Fleet (C6F),
Commander, Task Force Six,
Commander, Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO (COMSTRIKFORNATO),
Deputy Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa (CNE-CNA) and
Joint Force Maritime Component Commander Europe
VADM Jeffrey T. Anderson (cropped).jpg
Vice Admiral
Jeffrey T. Anderson [132] [133]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
U.S. Pacific Fleet Seal of the Commander of the United States Pacific Fleet.svg
U.S. Pacific Fleet
Deputy Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet (USPACFLT)
VADM Blake L. Converse.jpg
Vice Admiral
Blake L. Converse [134] [135]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
U.S. Third Fleet United States Third Fleet insignia 2014.png
U.S. Third Fleet
Commander, U.S. Third Fleet (C3F)
VADM John F.G.Wade.jpg
Vice Admiral
John F.G. Wade [136] [137]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
U.S. Seventh Fleet United States Seventh Fleet insignia, 2016.png
U.S. Seventh Fleet
Commander, U.S. Seventh Fleet (C7F)
VADM Frederick W. Kacher.jpg
Vice Admiral
Frederick W. Kacher [138]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
U.S. Naval Forces Central Command United States Naval Forces Central Command patch 2014.png
U.S. Naval Forces Central Command
U.S. Fifth Fleet United States Fifth Fleet insignia 2006.png
U.S. Fifth Fleet
Combined Maritime Forces Cmf-logo.png
Combined Maritime Forces
Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT),
Commander, U.S. Fifth Fleet (C5F) and
Commander, Combined Maritime Forces (CMF)
VADM George M. Wikoff (1).jpg
Vice Admiral
George M. Wikoff [139]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
Fleet Cyber Command Seal of the United States Fleet Cyber Command.png
Fleet Cyber Command
U.S. Tenth Fleet United States Tenth Fleet.png
U.S. Tenth Fleet
U.S. Navy Space Command Emblem of the U.S. Navy Space Command.png
U.S. Navy Space Command
Joint Force Headquarters - Cyber (Navy) Joint Force Headquarters Cyber Fleet Cyber Command.png
Joint Force Headquarters – Cyber (Navy)
Commander, U.S. Fleet Cyber Command (FCC),
Commander, U.S. Tenth Fleet (C10F),
Commander, U.S. Navy Space Command (NAVSPACECOM) and
Commander, Joint Force Headquarters – Cyber (Navy) (JFHQ-C)
Craig A. Clapperton (5).jpg
Vice Admiral
Craig A. Clapperton [140]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
Shore establishment
Naval Sea Systems Command NAVSEA logo.jpg
Naval Sea Systems Command
Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA)
VADM James P. Downey.jpg
Vice Admiral
James P. Downey [141]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
Naval Air Systems Command Seal of Naval Air Systems Command.png
Naval Air Systems Command
Commander, Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR)
Vice Adm. Carl P. Chebi.jpg
Vice Admiral
Carl P. Chebi [142]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
Navy Installations Command U.S. Navy Installations Command logo.png
Navy Installations Command
Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC)
VADM Christopher S. Gray (cropped).jpg
Vice Admiral
Christopher S. Gray [143]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
Strategic Systems Programs SSP Strategic Systems Programs logo.png
Strategic Systems Programs
Director, Strategic Systems Programs (SSP)
Vice Adm. Johnny R. Wolfe, Jr.jpg
Vice Admiral
Johnny R. Wolfe Jr. [144]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
United States Naval Academy Logo of the United States Naval Academy.svg
United States Naval Academy
Superintendent of the United States Naval Academy (USNA)
VADM Yvette M. Davids.jpg
Vice Admiral
Yvette M. Davids [145]
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy

Department of the Air Force

Position insigniaPositionPhotoIncumbentService branch
Office of the Secretary
Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics) SAF AQ Logo.png
Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics)
Military Deputy, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force (Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics) (SAF/AQ)
Lt Gen Dale R. White (cropped).jpg
Lieutenant General
Dale R. White [146]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Inspector General of the Department of the Air Force Seal of the U.S. Department of the Air Force Inspector General.png
Inspector General of the Department of the Air Force
Inspector General of the Department of the Air Force (DAF/IG)
Lt Gen Stephen L. Davis.jpg
Lieutenant General
Stephen L. Davis [147]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force

United States Air Force

Position insigniaPositionPhotoIncumbentService branch
Air Staff
Air Staff Headquarters US Air Force Badge.png
Air Staff
Director of Staff of the United States Air Force (AF/DS)
Lt Gen Scott L. Pleus (2) (cropped).jpg
Lieutenant General
Scott L. Pleus [148]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Air Staff Headquarters US Air Force Badge.png
Air Staff
Deputy Chief of Staff for Manpower, Personnel and Services (A1)
Lt Gen Caroline M. Miller.jpg
Lieutenant General
Caroline M. Miller [149]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance and Cyber Effects Operations (A2/6) Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance, and Cyber Effects Operations of the United States Air Force emblem.jpg
Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance and Cyber Effects Operations (A2/6)
Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance and Cyber Effects Operations (A2/6)
Lt Gen Leah G. Lauderback.jpg
Lieutenant General
Leah G. Lauderback [150]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Air Staff Headquarters US Air Force Badge.png
Air Staff
Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations (A3)
Lt Gen Adrian L. Spain.jpg
Lieutenant General
Adrian L. Spain [151]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Air Staff Headquarters US Air Force Badge.png
Air Staff
Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Engineering and Force Protection (A4)
Lt Gen Tom D. Miller.jpg
Lieutenant General
Tom D. Miller [152]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Deputy Chief of Staff for Air Force Futures (A5/7) Deputy Chief of Staff for Air Force Futures emblem.png
Deputy Chief of Staff for Air Force Futures (A5/7)
Deputy Chief of Staff for Air Force Futures (A5/7)
Lt Gen David A. Harris Jr.jpg
Lieutenant General
David A. Harris Jr. [153]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Air Staff Headquarters US Air Force Badge.png
Air Staff
Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Programs (A8)
Lt Gen David H. Tabor.jpg
Lieutenant General
David H. Tabor [154]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Air Staff Headquarters US Air Force Badge.png
Air Staff
Deputy Chief of Staff for Strategic Deterrence and Nuclear Integration (A10)
Lt Gen Andrew J. Gebara.jpg
Lieutenant General
Andrew J. Gebara [155]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Judge Advocate General of the United States Air Force and Space Force Air Force JAG Emblem.png
Judge Advocate General of the United States Air Force and Space Force
Judge Advocate General of the United States Air Force and Space Force
Portrait gray.png
Vacant U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Air Force Medical Service United States Air Force Medical Service (seal).jpg
U.S. Air Force Medical Service
Surgeon General of the United States Air Force and Space Force
Lt Gen John J. DeGoes (cropped).jpg
Lieutenant General (Dr.)
John J. DeGoes [156]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Air Force major commands (and subordinated units)
Air Combat Command ACC Shield.svg
Air Combat Command
Deputy Commander, Air Combat Command (ACC)
Lt Gen Michael G. Koscheski.jpg
Lieutenant General
Michael G. Koscheski [157]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
First Air Force 1st Air Force.png
First Air Force
Continental U.S. NORAD Region - Air Forces Northern USAF - Con AF North.png
Continental U.S. NORAD Region – Air Forces Northern
Continental U.S. NORAD Region Continental NORAD Region -Emblem.png
Continental U.S. NORAD Region
Commander, First Air Force (Air Forces Northern and Air Forces Space) (1 AF-AFNORTH & AFSPACE),
Commander, Continental U.S. NORAD Region (CONR),
Combined Force Air Component Commander for North American Aerospace Defense Command and
Joint Force Air Component Commander for U.S. Northern Command
Lt Gen M. Luke Ahmann (cropped).jpg
Lieutenant General
M. Luke Ahmann [158]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Ninth Air Force Ninth Air Force - Emblem (Cold War).png
Ninth Air Force
U.S. Air Forces Central Command United States Air Forces Central Command - Emblem.png
U.S. Air Forces Central Command
Commander, Ninth Air Force (Air Forces Central) (9 AF-AFCENT) and
Combined Forces Air Component Commander, U.S. Central Command
Lt Gen Derek C. France.jpg
Lieutenant General
Derek C. France [159]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Sixteenth Air Force 16th Air Force.png
Sixteenth Air Force
Air Forces Cyber Air Forces Cyber.png
Air Forces Cyber
Joint Force Headquarters - Cyber (Air Force) Joint-forces-headquarters-cyber air force.png
Joint Force Headquarters – Cyber (Air Force)
Commander, Sixteenth Air Force (Air Forces Cyber) (16 AF-AFCYBER) and
Commander, Joint Force Headquarters – Cyber (Air Force) (JFHQ-C)
Lt Gen Thomas K. Hensley.jpg
Lieutenant General
Thomas K. Hensley [160]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Air Education and Training Command Air Education and Training Command.svg
Air Education and Training Command
Commander, Air Education and Training Command (AETC)
Lt. Gen. Brian S. Robinson.jpg
Lieutenant General
Brian S. Robinson [161]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Air University Air University.png
Air University
Commander and President, Air University
Lt Gen Andrea D. Tullos.jpg
Lieutenant General
Andrea D. Tullos [162]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Air Force Global Strike Command Air Force Global Strike Command.svg
Air Force Global Strike Command
Deputy Commander, Air Force Global Strike Command (AFGSC) and
Deputy Commander, Air Forces Strategic – Air, U.S. Strategic Command
Lt Gen Michael J. Lutton.jpg
Lieutenant General
Michael J. Lutton [163]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Air Force Materiel Command Air Force Materiel Command shield.svg
Air Force Materiel Command
Deputy Commander, Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC)
Lt Gen Linda S. Hurry.jpg
Lieutenant General
Linda S. Hurry [164]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Air Force Life Cycle Management Center Air Force Life Cycle Management Center - Transparent.png
Air Force Life Cycle Management Center
Commander, Air Force Life Cycle Management Center (AFLCMC) and
Program Executive Officer for the Rapid Sustainment Office (PEO RSO)
Lt Gen Donna D. Shipton (cropped).jpg
Lieutenant General
Donna D. Shipton [165] [166]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Air Force Sustainment Center Air Force Sustainment Ctr emblem.png
Air Force Sustainment Center
Commander, Air Force Sustainment Center (AFSC)
Lt Gen Stacey T. Hawkins (2).jpg
Lieutenant General
Stacey T. Hawkins [167]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Air Force Reserve Command AFR Shield.svg
Air Force Reserve Command
Chief of Air Force Reserve (AF/RE) and
Commander, Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC)
Lt Gen John P. Healy.jpg
Lieutenant General
John P. Healy [168]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Air Force Special Operations Command Shield of the United States Air Force Special Operations Command.svg
Air Force Special Operations Command
Commander, Air Force Special Operations Command (AFSOC)
Lt Gen Michael E. Conley.jpg
Lieutenant General
Michael E. Conley [169]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Air Mobility Command Air Mobility Command.svg
Air Mobility Command
Deputy Commander, Air Mobility Command (AMC)
Lt Gen Rebecca J. Sonkiss.jpg
Lieutenant General
Rebecca J. Sonkiss [170]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Pacific Air Forces Pacific Air Forces.svg
Pacific Air Forces
Deputy Commander, Pacific Air Forces (PACAF) and
Deputy Theater Air Component Commander to the Commander, U.S. Indo-Pacific Command
Lt Gen Laura L. Lenderman.jpg
Lieutenant General
Laura L. Lenderman [171]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Air Forces in Europe United States Air Forces in Europe.svg
U.S. Air Forces in Europe
U.S. Air Forces in Africa United States Air Forces in Africa.svg
U.S. Air Forces in Africa
Deputy Commander, U.S. Air Forces in Europe – Air Forces Africa (USAFE-AFAFRICA)
Lt Gen Jason T. Hinds.jpg
Lieutenant General
Jason T. Hinds [172]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Direct reporting units
U.S. Air Force Academy US-AirForceAcademy-Shield.svg
U.S. Air Force Academy
Superintendent of the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA)
Lt Gen Tony D. Bauernfeind (2).jpg
Lieutenant General
Tony D. Bauernfeind [173]
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Air National Guard
Air National Guard US-AirNationalGuard-2007Emblem.svg
Air National Guard
Director, Air National Guard (ANG)
Portrait gray.png
Vacant U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force

United States Space Force

Position insigniaPositionPhotoIncumbentService branch
Space Staff
Space Staff Space Staff Identification Badge.png
Space Staff
Deputy Chief of Space Operations for Operations, Cyber, and Nuclear (S3/4/6/7/10)
Lt Gen DeAnna M. Burt (2).jpg
Lieutenant General
DeAnna M. Burt [174]
United States Space Force emblem.png
U.S. Space Force
Space Staff Space Staff Identification Badge.png
Space Staff
Deputy Chief of Space Operations for Strategy, Plans, Programs, Requirements, and Analysis (S5/8)
Lt Gen Shawn N. Bratton (cropped).jpg
Lieutenant General
Shawn N. Bratton [175]
United States Space Force emblem.png
U.S. Space Force
Field commands
Space Operations Command Emblem of the Space Operations Command.svg
Space Operations Command
Commander, Space Operations Command (SpOC)
Lt Gen David N. Miller Jr.jpg
Lieutenant General
David N. Miller Jr. [176]
United States Space Force emblem.png
U.S. Space Force
Space Systems Command Space Systems Command emblem.svg
Space Systems Command
Commander, Space Systems Command (SSC)
Lt Gen Philip A. Garrant (2) (cropped).jpg
Lieutenant General
Philip A. Garrant [177]
United States Space Force emblem.png
U.S. Space Force
United States Space Forces - Space United States Space Forces - Space emblem.png
United States Space Forces – Space
Commander, U.S. Space Forces – Space (S4S) and
Combined Joint Force Space Component Commander, U.S. Space Command
Lt Gen Douglas A. Schiess.jpg
Lieutenant General
Douglas A. Schiess [178]
United States Space Force emblem.png
U.S. Space Force

Department of Homeland Security

United States Coast Guard

Position insigniaPositionPhotoIncumbentService branch
Coast Guard Headquarters
Deputy Commandant for Operations Emblem Deputy Commandant for Operations.svg
Deputy Commandant for Operations
Deputy Commandant for Operations (DCO)
VADM Peter W. Gautier.jpg
Vice Admiral
Peter W. Gautier [179]
Seal of the United States Coast Guard.svg
U.S. Coast Guard
Deputy Commandant for Mission Support Emblem Deputy Commandant for Mission Support United States Coast Guard.svg
Deputy Commandant for Mission Support
Deputy Commandant for Mission Support (DCMS)
VADM Thomas G. Allan Jr.jpg
Vice Admiral
Thomas G. Allan Jr. [180]
Seal of the United States Coast Guard.svg
U.S. Coast Guard
Area commands
Coast Guard Atlantic Area Commander Atlantic Area Crest.png
Coast Guard Atlantic Area
Commander, Coast Guard Atlantic Area (USCGLANTAREA) and
Director, Department of Homeland Security Joint Task Force – East (JTF-E)
VADM Nathan A. Moore.jpg
Vice Admiral
Nathan A. Moore [181]
Seal of the United States Coast Guard.svg
U.S. Coast Guard
Coast Guard Pacific Area Emblem Coast Guard Pacific Area.svg
Coast Guard Pacific Area
Commander, Coast Guard Pacific Area (PACAREA) and
Commander, Defense Force West
VADM Andrew J. Tiongson.jpg
Vice Admiral
Andrew J. Tiongson [182]
Seal of the United States Coast Guard.svg
U.S. Coast Guard

Department of Health and Human Services

United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps

Position insigniaPositionPhotoIncumbentService branch
Office of the Surgeon General
Surgeon General of the United States Flag of the United States Surgeon General v1.svg
Surgeon General of the United States
Surgeon General of the United States (SG)
Portrait gray.png
Vacant Seal of the USPHS Commissioned Corps.png
U.S. Public Health Service

Department of Commerce

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Commissioned Officer Corps

Position insigniaPositionPhotoIncumbentService branch
Office of the Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere
Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere Flag of the United States Department of Commerce (rank III).svg
Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere
Deputy Under Secretary for Operations, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA Vice Admiral Flag.png
Deputy Under Secretary for Operations, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere (USC(OA)),
Administrator, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and
Deputy Under Secretary for Operations, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (DUSO)
Vice Admiral Nancy Hann.jpg
Vice Admiral
Nancy A. Hann [183] [184]
Acting [183]
NOAA Commissioned Corps.png
NOAA Commissioned Officer Corps

Department of Transportation

United States Maritime Service

Position insigniaPositionPhotoIncumbentService branch
Office of the Superintendent
U.S. Merchant Marine Academy United States Merchant Marine Academy seal.svg
U.S. Merchant Marine Academy
Superintendent of the United States Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA)
VADM Joanna M. Nunan.jpg
Vice Admiral
Joanna M. Nunan [185]
U.S. Maritime Service

List of pending appointments

Appointments should be listed in order of service branch, [a] and thereafter by the assigned position, identical to the above list. Promotions with no announced position should be listed below those with such positions by qualification of initial or lateral promotion [b] and thereafter by alphabetical order of surname.

Current positionDesignated position insigniaDesignated positionPhotoNameService branchStatus and date
Joint assignments
Commanding General, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault)
and Commanding General, Fort Campbell
Joint Staff Joint Chiefs of Staff seal (2).svg
Joint Staff
Director for Strategy, Plans and Policy (J-5), Joint Staff and
Senior Member, U.S. Delegation to the United Nations Military Staff Committee
MG Brett G. Sylvia (3).jpg
Major General
Brett G. Sylvia
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Confirmed by the Senate
19 December 2024 [186] [187]
Principal Military Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Research, Development and Acquisition)
National Nuclear Systems Administration NNSA Logo.svg
National Nuclear Systems Administration
Principal Deputy Administrator, National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA)
VADM Scott W. Pappano.jpg
Vice Admiral
Scott W. Pappano
Emblem of the United States Navy.svg
U.S. Navy
Nomination sent to the Senate
3 February 2025 [188]
United States Army
Special Assistant to the Director of the Army Staff (DAS)
Inspector General of the United States Army Army-inspector-general-flag.jpg
Inspector General of the United States Army
Inspector General of the United States Army (IG)
MG Gregory J. Brady (2).jpg
Major General
Gregory J. Brady
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Confirmed by the Senate
19 December 2024 [189] [190]
Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics and Operations (G-3/4), U.S. Army Materiel Command (AMC)
U.S. Army Materiel Command AMC shoulder insignia.svg
U.S. Army Materiel Command
Deputy Commanding General and Chief of Staff, U.S. Army Materiel Command (AMC)
MG Gavin A. Lawrence (4).jpg
Major General
Gavin A. Lawrence
Mark of the United States Army.svg
U.S. Army
Confirmed by the Senate
24 September 2024 [191] [190]
United States Air Force
Program Executive Officer for Command, Control, Communications and Battle Management (PEO C3BM)Commander, Air Force Information Dominance Systems Center
Maj Gen Luke C.G. Cropsey.jpg
Major General
Luke C. G. Cropsey
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Confirmed by the Senate
19 December 2024 [192] [193]
Director of Programs, Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Programs (A8P)Commander, Air Force Nuclear Systems Center
Maj Gen Mark B. Pye (2).jpg
Major General
Mark B. Pye
U.S. Air Force service mark.svg
U.S. Air Force
Confirmed by the Senate
19 December 2024 [194] [195]
United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps
None, civilian
Surgeon General of the United States Flag of the United States Surgeon General v1.svg
Surgeon General of the United States
Surgeon General of the United States (SG)
Portrait gray.png
Officer Candidate
Janette Nesheiwat
Seal of the USPHS Commissioned Corps.png
U.S. Public Health Service
Nomination sent to the Senate
20 January 2025 [196] [197]

Statutory limits

Lt. Gen. James M. Rockwell is pinned with his third star at the Pentagon on 29 June 1984. Major General James M. Rockwell is promoted to Lieutenant General DA-SC-91-09569 (6458682).jpg
Lt. Gen. James M. Rockwell is pinned with his third star at the Pentagon on 29 June 1984.

As with four-star officers, the U.S. Code explicitly limits the number of three-star officers that may be on active duty at any given time. The total number of active-duty general or flag officers is capped at 219 for the Army, 150 for the Navy, 171 for the Air Force, 64 for the Marine Corps, and 21 for the Space Force. [198] Statute also sets the total number of three-star officers allowed in these services, [199] which equates to about 23% of each service's total active-duty general or flag officer pool. [c] The number is set at 46 three-star Army generals, [199] 17 three-star Marine Corps generals, [199] 34 three-star Navy admirals, [199] 44 three-star Air Force generals, [199] seven three-star Space Force generals, [199] and five three-star Coast Guard admirals. [200]

Vice Adm. William E. Gortney, director of the Joint Staff, updates the media on Operation Odyssey Dawn from the Pentagon on 24 March 2011. News Photo 110324-N-TT977-086 - Director of the Joint Staff Vice Adm. Bill Gortney U.S. Navy updates the media at a briefing on Operation Odyssey Dawn from the Pentagon in.jpg
Vice Adm. William E. Gortney, director of the Joint Staff, updates the media on Operation Odyssey Dawn from the Pentagon on 24 March 2011.

While a number of these positions are set by statute, most do not have the accompanying statutory three-star rank. By convention, however:

Lt. Gen. Stephen N. Whiting has his third star pinned on by his family at Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado, 21 October 2020. Lt Gen Whiting Promotion.jpg
Lt. Gen. Stephen N. Whiting has his third star pinned on by his family at Peterson Air Force Base, Colorado, 21 October 2020.

The president may also designate positions of importance and responsibility to other agencies in the executive branch aside from the Coast Guard and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to be held by an officer with the rank of vice admiral, with corresponding pay and allowance. [200]


Exceptions exist that allow for the appointment of three-star officers beyond statutory limits. The secretary of defense can designate up to 232 officers, [198] who do not count against any service's general or flag officer limit, [198] to serve in several joint positions. [223] For three-star officers, these include senior positions on the Joint Staff such as the director of the Joint Staff and deputy commanders of unified combatant commands. [224] Officers serving in certain intelligence positions are not counted against statutory limits, including the deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency, [225] associate director for military affairs of the Central Intelligence Agency, [225] and the advisor for military affairs to the director of National Intelligence. [223] [225] The president can appoint additional three-star officers in any one service, in excess of that service's three-star limit, as long as they are offset by reducing an equivalent number of three-stars from other services. [199] Finally, all statutory limits may be waived at the president's discretion during time of war or national emergency. [226]


Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn addresses guests after becoming director of the Defense Intelligence Agency on 24 July 2012. photo essay 120724-D-BW835-236.jpg
Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn addresses guests after becoming director of the Defense Intelligence Agency on 24 July 2012.

Like with four-stars, three-star grade of ranks are temporary in nature; officers may only achieve three stars if they are appointed to positions that require or allow the officer to hold the rank. [227] Their rank expires with the expiration of their term of office, which is normally set by statute. [227] The president nominates three-star officers from any eligible officers holding one-star rank and above who also meet the other requirements for the position, based on the advice of their respective executive department secretary, service secretary, and if applicable the Joint Chiefs. [227] The nominee must be confirmed via majority by the Senate before the appointee can take office and thus assume the rank. [227] [d]

While it is rare for nominations to face even token opposition in the Senate, nominations that do face opposition due to controversy surrounding the nominee in question are typically withdrawn. [228]

Rear Adm. Elizabeth A. Hight was not confirmed to be director of the Defense Information Systems Agency in 2008 Elizabeth A. Hight.jpg
Rear Adm. Elizabeth A. Hight was not confirmed to be director of the Defense Information Systems Agency in 2008
Lt. Gen. Michael Dubie (right) poses with Coast Guard Rear Adm. Daniel Abel (left) in front of USCGC Elderberry on 27 October 2014. Lt. Gen. Dubie visits Coast Guard 17th District 141027-G-ZZ999-004.jpg
Lt. Gen. Michael Dubie (right) poses with Coast Guard Rear Adm. Daniel Abel (left) in front of USCGC Elderberry on 27 October 2014.

Nominations that are not withdrawn are allowed to expire without action at the end of the legislative session, with said nominations being returned to the President. [228] [248]

Additionally, events that occur after Senate confirmation may delay or even prevent the nominee from assuming office, necessitating that another nominee be selected and considered by the Senate.

Command elevation and reduction

Air Force Lt. Gen. Jack L. Rives became the first three-star judge advocate general in any service, following passage of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008. Lt. Gen. Jack L. Rives, Judge Advocate General, USAF.jpg
Air Force Lt. Gen. Jack L. Rives became the first three-star judge advocate general in any service, following passage of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2008.
Lt. Gen. Thomas J. Plewes (center), following his promotion ceremony, stands with living former chiefs of the Army Reserve on 13 June 2001. Maj. Gen. Plewes with former Chiefs of Army Reserve.png
Lt. Gen. Thomas J. Plewes (center), following his promotion ceremony, stands with living former chiefs of the Army Reserve on 13 June 2001.

Any billet in the armed forces may be designated as a position of importance requiring the holder of the position to be of three-star or four-star rank. [227] One-star and two-star billets may be elevated to three-star or four-star level as appropriate, either by act of Congress, or within statutory limits by the services at their discretion. Congress may propose such elevations or reductions to the president and Department of Defense. [262]

An officer leading a command or office elevated to three-star rank can be promoted while in their present position, reassigned to another office of equal rank, or retire if another nominee is selected as their replacement.

A lower-level billet may be elevated to three-stars, in accordance with being designated as a position of importance, to highlight importance to the defense apparatus or achieve parity with equivalent commands in the same area of responsibility or service branch.

A four-star billet may also be reduced to three-stars, usually to compensate for another billet being elevated to four-star level and thus remain within statutory limits.

Tour length

Incoming surgeon general Vivek Murthy is pinned with his vice admiral's rank insignia by his sister Rashimi as Vice President Joe Biden looks on at his swearing-in ceremony on 22 April 2015. Vivek Murthy sworn in as surgeon general 2.jpg
Incoming surgeon general Vivek Murthy is pinned with his vice admiral's rank insignia by his sister Rashimi as Vice President Joe Biden looks on at his swearing-in ceremony on 22 April 2015.

The standard tour length for a three-star officer is three years, specifically a two-year term with a one-year extension. Unlike with four-star ranks, many three-star positions have stipulated term lengths in the U.S. Code:

All appointees serve at the pleasure of the president. Extensions of the standard tour length can be approved, within statutory limits, by their respective service secretaries, the secretary of defense, the president, and/or Congress but these are rare, as they block other officers from being promoted. Some statutory limits of tour length under the U.S. Code can be waived in times of national emergency or war. [281] [282] Three-star grades may also be given by act of Congress but this is extremely rare.


Gen. Mark A. Milley, Army chief of staff, presents retiring Lt. Gen. Robert L. Caslen, West Point superintendent, with a certificate authorizing his presentation of the Army Distinguished Service Medal on 22 June 2018. Lt. Gen. Robert L. Caslen Relinquishment of Command and Retirement Ceremony (2).jpg
Gen. Mark A. Milley, Army chief of staff, presents retiring Lt. Gen. Robert L. Caslen, West Point superintendent, with a certificate authorizing his presentation of the Army Distinguished Service Medal on 22 June 2018.

Besides voluntary retirement, statute sets a number of mandates for retirement. Regular three-star officers may serve for a maximum of 38 years of commissioned service unless reappointed to rank to serve longer or appointed to a higher rank. [285] Three-star officers on reserve active duty must retire after five years in rank or 38 years of commissioned service, whichever is later, unless reappointed to rank to serve longer. [286] Three-star reserve officers of the Army and Air Force can have their retirements deferred by their service secretary until the officer's 66th birthday, [287] which the secretary of defense may do for all active-duty officers, [288] and the president can defer it until the officer's 68th birthday. [288] Otherwise all general and flag officers must retire the month after their 64th birthday. [288]

Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Vern Clark (left), delivers remarks at the retirement ceremony of Vice Adm. Patricia Tracey (center), as she listens in on 2 September 2004. US Navy 040902-N-2383B-066 Chief of Naval Operations (CNO), Adm. Vern Clark, delivers remarks at the retirement ceremony of Vice Adm. Patricia Tracey.jpg
Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Vern Clark (left), delivers remarks at the retirement ceremony of Vice Adm. Patricia Tracey (center), as she listens in on 2 September 2004.

Any three-star officer assigned as superintendent of the U.S. Military Academy, [289] U.S. Naval Academy, [278] or U.S. Air Force Academy [290] must retire upon completion of their assignment, [277] [278] [279] unless a waiver is granted by the secretary of defense. [291] [292] [293] The secretary of defense must also notify the House and Senate Armed Services committees and include a written notification of intent from the president to nominate the officer for reassignment. [291] [292] [293] If a waiver is granted, the subsequent nomination and appointment of such officer is subject to Senate advice and consent, like other general and flag officer nominations. [291] [292] [293]

Outgoing Coast Guard vice commandant, Vice Adm. John P. Currier is thanked by Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson at his retirement ceremony on 20 May 2014. CG vice commandant retires 140520-G-ZX620-001.jpg
Outgoing Coast Guard vice commandant, Vice Adm. John P. Currier is thanked by Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson at his retirement ceremony on 20 May 2014.

Senior officers typically retire well in advance of the statutory age and service limits, so as not to impede the upward career mobility of their juniors. The higher number of available three-star slots overall (over 100) means that reassignment within rank is more likely for three-star officers before they either retire or are appointed to four-star rank. An officer who vacates a position bearing that rank has no more than 60 days to be appointed or reappointed to a position of equal or greater importance, including positions of four-star rank, before involuntary retirement. [227]

Lt. Gen. Ronald C. Marcotte (right), is presented his formal retirement certificate by Gen. John W. Handy (left), during his retirement ceremony held at Heritage Park on 8 March 2002. Lt Gen Ronald C. Marcotte retirement ceremony 330-CFD-DF-SD-04-02345.jpg
Lt. Gen. Ronald C. Marcotte (right), is presented his formal retirement certificate by Gen. John W. Handy (left), during his retirement ceremony held at Heritage Park on 8 March 2002.

A three-star officer may also be reduced to their permanent rank, and equivalent pay grade, in circumstances where reappointment to three-star rank is delayed. Historically, officers leaving three-star or four-star positions were allowed to revert to their permanent two-star ranks to mark time in lesser jobs until statutory retirement, but now such officers are expected to retire immediately to avoid obstructing the promotion flow.

From left to right: Debbie Paxton; Lt. Gen. George J. Flynn; and the Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. John M. Paxton Jr., pose for a photo after Flynn's retirement ceremony, 9 May 2013. From left, Debbie Paxton; U.S. Marine Lt. Gen. George J. Flynn; and the Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. John M. Paxton, Jr., pose for a photo after Flynn's retirement ceremony at Marine Barracks 130509-M-KS211-275.jpg
From left to right: Debbie Paxton; Lt. Gen. George J. Flynn; and the Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps, Gen. John M. Paxton Jr., pose for a photo after Flynn's retirement ceremony, 9 May 2013.

To retire at three-star rank, or pay grade of rank, an officer must accumulate at least three years of satisfactory active-duty service in that rank, as determined by the secretary of defense. [305] The president and Congress must also receive certification by either the under secretary of defense for personnel and readiness, the deputy under secretary of defense for personnel and readiness, or the secretary of defense that the retiree served satisfactorily in rank. [305] The secretary of defense may reduce this requirement to two years, but only if the officer is not being investigated for misconduct. [306] The president may also reduce these requirements even further, or waive the requirements altogether, if he so chooses. [305] [306] Three-star officers who do not meet the service-in-rank requirement will retire at the last permanent rank satisfactorily held for six months. [305] The retiree may also be subject to congressional approval by the Senate before the retiree can retire in grade. It is extraordinarily rare for a three-star or four-star officer not to be certified to retire in grade or for the Senate to seek final approval.

Gen. Lew Allen, Air Force chief of staff, presents the Defense Distinguished Service Medal to Lt. Gen. Benjamin N. Bellis during his retirement ceremony on 17 July 1981. Gen Lew Allen presents Lt Gen Benjamin N. Bellis with Defense Distinguished Service Medal DF-SN-83-05737.jpg
Gen. Lew Allen, Air Force chief of staff, presents the Defense Distinguished Service Medal to Lt. Gen. Benjamin N. Bellis during his retirement ceremony on 17 July 1981.

Officers who are under investigation for misconduct typically are not allowed to retire until the investigation completes, so that the secretary of defense can decide whether to certify that their performance was satisfactory enough to retire in their highest grade. [305]

Furthermore, all retired officers may still be subjected to the Uniform Code of Military Justice and disciplinary action, including reduction in retirement grade, by the secretary of defense or the president if they are deemed to have served unsatisfactorily in grade, after their retirement. [323]

Officers holding a temporary three-star or four-star rank typically step down from their posts up to 60 days in advance of their official retirement dates. Officers retire on the first day of the month, so once a retirement month has been selected, the relief and retirement ceremonies are scheduled by counting backwards from that date by the number of days of accumulated leave remaining to the retiring officer. During this period, termed transition leave or terminal leave, the officer is considered to be awaiting retirement but still on active duty.

See also


  1. First joint assignments, then service assignments ordered identically to the above list.
  2. An officer being reappointed to three-star grade takes precedence over a two-star officer being selected for promotion to three-star grade.
  3. Dividing the total number of allotted general and flag officers with three stars (148) from the total number of general and flag officers overall (625) is 23.68%.
  4. Since passage of the Presidential Appointment Efficiency and Streamlining Act of 2011, U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps officers do not require their appointments to be confirmed by the Senate. The corps' sole three-star officer, the surgeon general, requires Senate confirmation based on their office, not rank.'"`UNIQ--ref-000001A4-QINU`"'
  5. Special promotion authority to three-star grade for service reserve and National Guard leaders had existed since 1999 under 10 U.S.C. § 12505;'"`UNIQ--ref-000001F2-QINU`"' the 2001 NDAA repealed this section and assigned the affected positions with statutory three-star ranks under standard promotion authority.
  6. Rear Admiral John B. Totushek, chief of Navy Reserve, was promoted to vice admiral in June 2001.'"`UNIQ--ref-000001F4-QINU`"'
  7. Major General James E. Sherrard III, chief of Air Force Reserve, was promoted to lieutenant general in May 2001.'"`UNIQ--ref-000001F6-QINU`"'
  8. Major General Thomas J. Plewes, chief of Army Reserve, and Major General Roger C. Schultz, Army National Guard director were promoted to lieutenant general in June 2001.'"`UNIQ--ref-000001F8-QINU`"'
  9. Major General Dennis M. McCarthy was promoted to lieutenant general on 1 June 2001, one day prior to assuming command of Marine Forces Reserve on 2 June.'"`UNIQ--ref-000001FA-QINU`"'
  10. Lieutenant General Daniel James III became the first three-star Air National Guard director in June 2002.'"`UNIQ--ref-000001FC-QINU`"'
  11. as Air Training Command, before consolidating with the Air University
  12. Refers to the chief of engineers and surgeon general
  13. Served as a special assistant to the chief of the National Guard Bureau from 2019 to 2020 as a major general.
  14. Served as a special assistant to the vice chief of staff of the Army as a major general from 2015 to his retirement in 2016.
  15. Served as a special assistant to the Air Force vice chief of staff as a major general from 2018 to his retirement in 2019.
  16. Served as a special assistant to the superintendent of the U.S. Naval Academy as a rear admiral from 2014 to his retirement in 2015.


  1. "Lieutenant General Jeffrey A. Kruse". U.S. Air Force. Retrieved 1 February 2024.
  2. "Vice Admiral Frank Whitworth". National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Archived from the original on 27 November 2024. Retrieved 7 December 2023.
  3. "Marine Corps Lt. Gen. Gregory L. Masiello". Defense Contract Management Agency. Archived from the original on 30 January 2025. Retrieved 22 December 2023.
  4. Perry, Thomas (21 December 2023). "Lt. Gen. Gregory Masiello takes charge of DCMA". Defense Visual Information Distribution Service . Fort Gregg-Adams: Defense Contract Management Agency. Retrieved 22 December 2023.
  5. "Director, Defense Information Systems Agency". Defense Information Systems Agency. Retrieved 5 October 2024.
  6. "Lieutenant General Paul T. Stanton (USA)". General Officer Management Office. Retrieved 5 October 2024.
  7. "Lieutenant General Mark T. Simerly". Defense Logistics Agency. Retrieved 2 January 2024.
  8. "Lieutenant General Heath A. Collins". U.S. Air Force. Retrieved 9 December 2023.
  9. "Lieutenant General Douglas A. Sims II (USA)". General Officer Management Office. Retrieved 8 December 2023.
  10. "Lieutenant General Dimitri Henry". Joint Chiefs of Staff . Retrieved 8 December 2023.
  11. "Lieutenant General Alexus G. Grynkewich". U.S. Air Force. Retrieved 5 June 2024.
  12. "Vice Admiral Dion D. English". U.S. Navy. Retrieved 2 August 2024.
  13. "Lieutenant General Joseph P. McGee (USA)". General Officer Management Office. Retrieved 5 May 2024.
  14. "Lieutenant General David T. Isaacson (USA)". General Officer Management Office. Retrieved 15 December 2023.
  15. "Lieutenant General Dagvin R.M. Anderson". U.S. Air Force. Retrieved 8 December 2023.
  16. "Vice Admiral Sara Joyner". U.S. Navy. Retrieved 8 December 2023.
  17. "Lieutenant General John W. Brennan, Jr. (USA)". General Officer Management Office. Retrieved 5 April 2024.
  18. "Vice Admiral Brad Cooper". U.S. Navy. Retrieved 2 February 2024.
  19. "Lieutenant General William J. Hartman (USA)". General Officer Management Office. Retrieved 6 January 2023.
  20. "Lt. Gen. Robert C. Fulford, U.S. Marine Corps". U.S. European Command. Retrieved 22 December 2024.
  21. "Lieutenant General Joshua M. Rudd (USA)". General Officer Management Office. Retrieved 26 September 2024.
  22. "Lieutenant General Thomas Carden, USA". U.S. Northern Command. Retrieved 11 May 2024.
  23. "Lt. Gen. Evan L. Pettus". U.S. Southern Command. Retrieved 8 November 2024.
  24. "Lieutenant General Thomas L. James (USA)". General Officer Management Office. Retrieved 8 December 2023.
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