Uniformed services pay grades of the United States

Last updated

Pay grades [1] are used by the eight structurally organized uniformed services of the United States [2] (Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force, Coast Guard, Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, and NOAA Commissioned Officer Corps), as well as the Maritime Service, to determine wages and benefits based on the corresponding military rank of a member of the services. While different ranks may be used among the eight uniformed services, pay grades are uniform and equivalent between the services and can be used to quickly determine seniority among a group of members from different services. [3] They are also essential when determining a member's entitlements such as basic pay and allowances. [4]



Pay grades are divided into three groups: [1] enlisted (E), warrant officer (W), and officer (O). Enlisted pay grades begin at E-1 and end at E-9; warrant officer pay grades originate at W-1 and terminate at W-5; and officer pay grades start at O-1 and finish at O-10. [a] Not all of the uniformed services use all of the grades; for example, the Coast Guard does not use the grades of W-1 and W-5, though it has the authority to. [8] [9]

Although authorized to do so, neither the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Commissioned Officer Corps (NOAA Corps) nor the United States Public Health Service Commissioned Corps use any of the enlisted or warrant officer grades. [6] [10] [11] [12] [13] Additionally, while not officially part of the uniformed services as defined by U.S. law, [14] the Maritime Service (which provides officers serving in the Maritime Administration and as administrators and instructors at the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA), and the six state-operated maritime academies) [15] [16] is also authorized, but does not currently employ, enlisted [17] or warrant officer grades. [18]

Officers in pay grades O-1, O-2, and O-3 with more than four years of prior cumulative service (creditable toward both length of service and retirement) in an enlisted or warrant officer grade are paid "... the special rate of basic pay for pay grade O-1E, O-2E, or O-3E," [19] respectively. [4] This benefit does not affect their rank and is used simply for reward and incentive purposes in recognition of their prior enlisted (or warrant officer) experience. A cumulative total of 1,440 days of creditable Federal active duty and/or reserve inactive duty for training days is required to qualify. [20] [21]

The pay grade of W-1 is normally reserved for officers appointed using a "warrant" [3] [22] rather than a "commission" [23] [24] by the Secretary of Defense or by each of the service secretaries, using authority delegated from the President, [25] to an intermediate rank between enlisted non-commissioned officers and commissioned officers (starting at W-2). [9] However, appointments to this grade can be made by commission by the service secretaries, defense secretary, or the President, [22] but this is more uncommon. By law, regulation, and traditional customs and courtesies across the military services, warrant officers serving in pay grade W-1 have the same privileges as commissioned officers (with certain exceptions grounded in the distinction required in the Constitution that all "officers of the United States" be commissioned, [26] which affects the command authority and specific standing of W-1's under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) and the Manual for Courts-Martial). [27] [28] [29] [30] [31]

While cadets and midshipmen directly appointed by the President to four of the Federal Service Academies (U.S. Military Academy; U.S. Naval Academy; U.S. Air Force Academy; U.S. Coast Guard Academy) are members of the Regular Component of their Service, [3] serving on active duty, they hold neither a commission nor a warrant of appointment, nor do they hold an enlisted grade or rank. [32] U.S. statutes no longer include any pay grade for cadets or midshipmen; [1] as "inchoate officers" [33] [34] appointed using the Appointments Clause of the U.S. Constitution [35] as "inferior officers," they are recognized as having only a precedence below the most junior warrant officer, and above the enlisted grades, and almost entirely lack any authority over any other servicemembers (including other cadets and midshipmen) except for specific internal Academy functions, or very narrowly drawn training purposes while serving with their Service for leadership and skills development. [30]

Those appointed to attend the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy (the fifth Federal Service Academy), by the Administrator of the Maritime Administration (within the Department of Transportation), [36] [37] will also be appointed by the Secretary of the Navy directly as Midshipmen, U.S. Navy Reserve, without enlistment. [38] Additionally, the Service Secretaries will appoint the cadets or midshipmen of the Senior Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC), [39] [40] but unlike the cadets and midshipmen of each Federal Service Academy, ROTC cadets and midshipmen are first enlisted into the reserve component of their respective service. [41] [42] [43] [3] [44] [45] Cadets and midshipmen from both the USMMA and ROTC are appointed as "inchoate officers" [33] [34] without a commission or warrant, [33] but unlike the other four Federal service academies, they are also appointed under Article II as "inferior officers" in their respective reserve component, [35] and only serve on active duty during authorized training events (typically the "Sea Year" for USMMA midshipmen, [17] or for ROTC during the summers between years of college). [4] [45] [42] They share the ill-defined precedence, and lack of statutory pay grade, of cadets and midshipmen of the Academies, and have even less apparent authority (since they are generally not in any official duty status) beyond their internal USMMA and ROTC requirements, although they—like the cadets and midshipmen serving in the Regular Component at the Federal Service Academies—have the innate potential to command troops in emergencies, and otherwise perform duties far beyond their academic environment, as required by competent authorities. [17] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [41]

The basic pay rate for both Academy and non-active duty ROTC cadets and midshipmen is $1,272.20, effective 1 January 2023, which is "the monthly rate equal to 35 percent of the basic pay of a commissioned officer in the pay grade O–1 with less than two years of service." [46] [20] [45]

NATO equivalents

The enlisted grades correspond with the NATO rank codes, [47] with E-1 being equivalent to OR-1, E-2 equivalent to OR-2, and so on. The officer grades are all one higher than their NATO equivalent (except O-1) as the O-1 and O-2 grades are both equivalent to the NATO code of OF-1. Hence O-3 is equivalent to OF-2, O-4 is equivalent to OF-3, and so on. U.S. warrant officer grades (W-1 through W-5) are depicted in the NATO system as WO-1 through WO-5. The United States is the only nation that has officers in this category.


Rank by branch of service [1] [3]
Uniformed services pay grade SpecialE-9E-8E-7E-6E-5E-4E-3E-2E-1
Flag of the United States Army.svg  United States Army [48] Army-USA-OR-09-SEAC (Army greens).svg Army-USA-OR-09a (Army greens).svg USA-Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chief of the National Guard Bureau.svg Army-USA-OR-09b (Army greens).svg Army-USA-OR-09c (Army greens).svg Army-USA-OR-08a (Army greens).svg Army-USA-OR-08b (Army greens).svg Army-USA-OR-07 (Army greens).svg Army-USA-OR-06 (Army greens).svg Army-USA-OR-05 (Army greens).svg Army-USA-OR-04a (Army greens).svg Army-USA-OR-04b (Army greens).svg Army-USA-OR-03 (Army greens).svg Army-USA-OR-02 (Army greens).svg No insignia
Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman Sergeant Major of the Army Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chief of the National Guard Bureau Command sergeant major Sergeant major First sergeant Master sergeant Sergeant first class Staff sergeant Sergeant Corporal Specialist Private first class Private Private
Flag of the United States Marine Corps.svg  United States Marine Corps [48] USMC-E9-SEAC.svg USMC-E9-SGMMC.svg USMC-E9-SGM.svg USMC-E9-MGyS.svg USMC-E8-1SG.svg USMC-E8-MSG.svg USMC-E7.svg USMC-E6.svg USMC-E5.svg USMC-E4.svg USMC-E3.svg USMC-E2.svg No insignia
Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps Sergeant major Master gunnery sergeant First sergeant Master sergeant Gunnery sergeant Staff sergeant Sergeant Corporal Lance corporal Private first class Private
Flag of the United States Navy (official).svg  United States Navy [48] USN-E9-SEAC.svg MCPON.svg FMCPO.svg CMCPO.svg MCPO GC.svg CMDCS.svg SCPO GC.svg CPO GC.svg BM1 NOGC.svg BM2 NOGC.svg BM3 NOGC.svg E3 SM USN.png E2 SM USN.png No insignia
Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Fleet/force master chief petty officer Command master chief petty officer Master chief petty officer Command senior chief petty officer Senior chief petty officer Chief petty officer Petty officer first class Petty officer second class Petty officer third class Seaman Seaman apprentice Seaman recruit
Uniformed services pay grade SpecialE-9E-8E-7E-6E-5E-4E-3E-2E-1
Flag of the United States Air Force.svg  United States Air Force [48] USAF SEAC.svg E9d USAF CMSAF.svg USAF Senior Enlisted Advisor for the National Guard Bureau.svg E9c USAF CCMS.svg E9b USAF 1STSGT3.svg E9a USAF CMSGT.svg E8b USAF 1STSGT2.svg E8a USAF SMSGT.svg E7b USAF 1STSGT1.svg E7a USAF MSGT.svg E6 USAF TSGT.svg E5 USAF SSGT.svg E4 USAF SAM.svg E3 USAF AM1.svg E2 USAF AM.svg No insignia
Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chief of the National Guard Bureau Command Chief Master Sergeant First sergeant Chief master sergeant First sergeant Senior master sergeant First sergeant Master sergeant Technical sergeant Staff sergeant Senior airman Airman first class Airman Airman basic
Flag of the United States Space Force.svg  United States Space Force [48] SEAC USSF.svg USSF CMSSF Flat.svg USSF CMSgt Flat.svg USSF SMSgt Flat.svg USSF MSgt Flat.svg USSF TSgt Flat.svg USSF Sgt Flat.svg USSF Specialist 4.svg USSF Specialist 3 Flat.svg USSF Specialist 2 Flat.svg USSF Specialist 1 Flat.svg
Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman Chief Master Sergeant of the Space Force Chief master sergeant Senior master sergeant Master sergeant Technical sergeant Sergeant Specialist 4 Specialist 3 Specialist 2 Specialist 1
Flag of the United States Coast Guard.svg  United States Coast Guard [48] USCG MCPOCG.svg USCG MCPOCG (reserve).svg USCG CMC.svg USCG MCPO.svg USCG SCPO.svg USCG CPO.svg USCG PO1.svg USCG PO2.svg USCG PO3.svg USCG SM.svg USCG SA.svg USCG SR.svg
Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard Area-level Command Master Chief Petty Officer Command master chief petty officer Master chief petty officer Senior chief petty officer Chief petty officer Petty officer first class Petty officer second class Petty officer third class Seaman Seaman apprentice Seaman recruit
Uniformed services pay grade SpecialE-9E-8E-7E-6E-5E-4E-3E-2E-1

Note: The Public Health Service Commissioned Corps and NOAA Commissioned Officer Corps consist entirely of commissioned officers and do not use any of the enlisted (or warrant officer) pay grades.

Schedule 8 - Pay of the Uniformed Services Part I--Monthly Basic Pay ($) (as of 1 January 2024) [49] [46]
Years of service (computed under 37 U.S.C. 205)
< 2 Years2 - 3 Years3 - 4 Years4 - 6 Years6 - 8 Years8 - 10 Years10 - 12 Years12 - 14 Years14 - 16 Years16 - 18 Years18 - 20 Years20 - 22 Years22 - 24 Years24 - 26 Years26 - 30 Years30 - 34 Years34 - 38 YearsOver 38
E-1 [i] 1,865
E-1 [ii] 2,017
E-9 [iii] 6,370
  1. Applies to personnel who have served less than 4 months on active duty.
  2. Applies to personnel who have served 4 months or more on active duty.
  3. Basic pay for senior enlisted member (grade E-9) is $10,294.80 regardless of years of service while serving as: Senior Enlisted Advisor of the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff; Sergeant Major of the Army; Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy; Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force; Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps; Chief Master Sergeant of the Space Force; Master Chief Petty Officer of the Coast Guard; or Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chief of the National Guard Bureau. If a member is placed on terminal leave pending retirement immediately following the completion of service as the senior enlisted member of a Military Department, the member is entitled to the higher senior enlisted pay $10,294.80 up to a maximum of 60 days. If a member is hospitalized, and during or immediately before such hospitalization, completed service as the senior enlisted member of that Military Department’s Armed Force, the member will continue to be entitled, for not more than 180 days while so hospitalized, to the rate of basic pay authorized for a senior enlisted member.

Warrant officer

Rank by branch of service [1] [3]
Uniformed services pay grade W-5W-4W-3W-2W-1
Flag of the United States Army.svg  United States Army
US-Army-CW5.svg US-Army-CW4.svg US-Army-CW3.svg US-Army-CW2.svg US-Army-WO1.svg
Chief warrant officer 5 Chief warrant officer 4 Chief warrant officer 3 Chief warrant officer 2 Warrant officer 1
Flag of the United States Marine Corps.svg  United States Marine Corps
USMC CWO5.svg USMC CWO4.svg USMC CWO3.svg USMC CWO2.svg USMC WO1.svg
Chief warrant officer 5Chief warrant officer 4Chief warrant officer 3Chief warrant officer 2Warrant officer 1
Flag of the United States Navy (official).svg  United States Navy
US Navy CW5 insignia.svg US Navy CW4 insignia.svg US Navy CW3 insignia.svg US Navy CW2 insignia.svg US Navy WO1 insignia.svg
Chief warrant officer 5Chief warrant officer 4Chief warrant officer 3Chief warrant officer 2Warrant officer 1
Flag of the United States Air Force.svg  United States Air Force

USAF-CW5.svg USAF-CW4-2024.svg USAF-CW3-2024.svg USAF-CW2-2024.svg USAF-WO1-2024.svg
Chief warrant officer 5 Chief warrant officer 4 Chief warrant officer 3 Chief warrant officer 2 Warrant officer 1
Flag of the United States Coast Guard.svg  U.S. Coast Guard
USCG CW4 insignia.svg US CG CW3 insignia.svg US CG CW2 insignia.svg
Chief warrant officer 4Chief warrant officer 3Chief warrant officer 2
Uniformed services pay grade W-5W-4W-3W-2W-1
Schedule 8 - Pay of the Uniformed Services Part I--Monthly Basic Pay ($) (as of 1 January 2024) [46]
Grade [46]
Years of service (computed under 37 U.S.C. 205)
> 2 Years2 - 3 Years3 - 4 Years4 - 6 Years6 - 8 Years8 - 10 Years10 - 12 Years12 - 14 Years14 - 16 Years16 - 18 Years18 - 20 Years20 - 22 Years22 - 24 Years24 - 26 Years26 - 30 Years30 - 34 Years34 - 38 YearsOver 38


Rank by branch of service [1] [3]
Uniformed services pay grade Special gradeO-10O-9O-8O-7O-6O-5O-4O-3O-2O-1 Officer candidate/Cadet
Flag of the United States Army.svg  United States Army [50]
US Army O11 (Army greens).svg US Army O10 (Army greens).svg US Army O9 (Army greens).svg US Army O8 (Army greens).svg US Army O7 (Army greens).svg US Army O6 (Army greens).svg US Army O5 (Army greens).svg US Army O4 (Army greens).svg US Army O3 (Army greens).svg US Army O2 (Army greens).svg US Army O1 (Army greens).svg
General of the Army General Lieutenant general Major general Brigadier general Colonel Lieutenant colonel Major Captain First lieutenant Second lieutenant
Flag of the United States Marine Corps.svg  United States Marine Corps [51]
US Marine 10 shoulderboard vertical.svg US Marine O9 shoulderboard vertical.svg US Marine O8 shoulderboard vertical.svg US Marine O7 shoulderboard vertical.svg US Marine O6 shoulderboard vertical.svg US Marine O5 shoulderboard vertical.svg US Marine O4 shoulderboard vertical.svg US Marine O3 shoulderboard vertical.svg US Marine O2 shoulderboard vertical.svg US Marine O1 shoulderboard vertical.svg
General Lieutenant general Major general Brigadier general Colonel Lieutenant colonel Major Captain First lieutenant Second lieutenant
Flag of the United States Navy (official).svg  United States Navy [48]
US Navy O11 insignia.svg US Navy O10 insignia.svg US Navy O9 insignia.svg US Navy O8 insignia.svg US Navy O7 insignia.svg US Navy O6 insignia.svg US Navy O5 insignia.svg U.S. Navy O-4 insignia.svg US Navy O3 insignia.svg US Navy O2 insignia.svg US Navy O1 insignia.svg
Fleet admiral Admiral Vice admiral Rear admiral Rear admiral
(lower half)
Captain Commander Lieutenant commander Lieutenant Lieutenant
(junior grade)
Flag of the United States Air Force.svg  United States Air Force [48]
US Air Force O11 shoulderboard.svg US Air Force O10 shoulderboard.svg US Air Force O9 shoulderboard.svg US Air Force O8 shoulderboard.svg US Air Force O7 shoulderboard.svg US Air Force O6 shoulderboard.svg US Air Force O5 shoulderboard.svg US Air Force O4 shoulderboard.svg US Air Force O3 shoulderboard.svg US Air Force O2 shoulderboard.svg US Air Force O1 shoulderboard.svg
General of the Air Force General Lieutenant general Major general Brigadier general Colonel Lieutenant colonel Major Captain First lieutenant Second lieutenant
Uniformed services pay grade Special gradeO-10O-9O-8O-7O-6O-5O-4O-3O-2O-1 Officer candidate/Cadet
Flag of the United States Space Force.svg  United States Space Force [48]
US Space-force O10.svg US Space-force O9.svg US Space-force O8.svg US Space-force O7.svg US Space-force O6.svg US Space-force O5.svg US Space-force O4.svg US Space-force O3.svg US Space-force O2.svg US Space-force O1.svg
General Lieutenant general Major general Brigadier general Colonel Lieutenant colonel Major Captain First lieutenant Second lieutenant
Flag of the United States Coast Guard.svg  United States Coast Guard [48]
USCG O-10 insignia.svg US CG O9 insignia.svg US CG O8 insignia.svg US CG O7 insignia.svg US CG O6 insignia.svg US CG O5 insignia.svg USCG O-4 insignia.svg USCG O-3 insignia.svg USCG O-2 insignia.svg USCG O-1 insignia.svg
Admiral Vice admiral Rear admiral Rear admiral
(lower half)
Captain Commander Lieutenant commander Lieutenant Lieutenant
(junior grade)
Flag of the United States Public Health Service.svg United States Public Health Service
US PHS O10 insignia.svg US PHS O9 insignia.svg US PHS O8 insignia.svg US PHS O7 insignia.svg US PHS O6 insignia.svg US PHS O5 insignia.svg US PHS O4 insignia.svg US PHS O3 insignia.svg US PHS O2 insignia.svg US PHS O1 insignia.svg
Admiral Vice admiral Rear admiral Rear admiral
(lower half)
Captain Commander Lieutenant commander Lieutenant Lieutenant
(junior grade)
NOAA Flag.svg NOAA
US NOAA O9 insignia.svg US NOAA O8 insignia.svg US NOAA O7 insignia.svg US NOAA O6 insignia.svg US NOAA O5 insignia.svg US NOAA O4 insignia.svg US NOAA O3 insignia.svg US NOAA O2 insignia.svg US NOAA O1 insignia.svg
Vice admiral Rear admiral Rear admiral
(lower half)
Captain Commander Lieutenant commander Lieutenant Lieutenant
(junior grade)
Uniformed services pay grade Special gradeO-10O-9O-8O-7O-6O-5O-4O-3O-2O-1 Officer candidate/Cadet
Schedule 8 - Pay of the Uniformed Services Part I--Monthly Basic Pay ($) (as of 1 January 2024) [46] [20] [49]
Years of service (computed under 37 U.S.C. 205)
< 2 Years2 - 3 Years3 - 4 Years4 - 6 Years6 - 8 Years8 - 10 Years10 - 12 Years12 - 14 Years14 - 16 Years16 - 18 Years18 - 20 Years20 - 22 Years22 - 24 Years24 - 26 Years26 - 30 Years30 - 34 YearsOver 34 Years
O-1 [i] 3,826
O-2 [i] 4,408
O-3 [i] 5,102
O-6 [ii] 8,067
O-9 [iii] 18,096
O-10 [iii] [iv] 18,491
  1. 1 2 3 Rates do not apply to commissioned officers who have been credited with over 4 years (i.e., at least 4 years and 1 day) of active duty service as an enlisted member or as a warrant officer or as both an enlisted member and a warrant officer. [1] [19] [20] [21]
  2. Basic pay for O-6 and below is limited by Level V of the Executive Schedule in effect during Calendar Year 2024 which is $15,000.00. [20] [46]
  3. 1 2 Basic pay for an O-7 to O-10 is limited by Level II of the Executive Schedule in effect during Calendar Year 2024 which is $18,491.70 per month. This includes officers serving as Chairman or Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), Chief of Staff of the Army, Chief of Naval Operations, Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Commandant of the Marine Corps, Chief of Space Operations, Commandant of the Coast Guard, Chief of the National Guard Bureau, or commander of a unified or specified combatant command (as defined in 10 U.S.C. 161(c)). [20] [46]
  4. For officers serving as Chairman or Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Chief of Staff of the Army, Chief of Naval Operations, Chief of Staff of the Air Force, Commandant of the Marine Corps, Chief of Space Operations, Commandant of the Coast Guard, Chief of the National Guard Bureau, or commander of a unified or specified combatant command (as defined in 10 U.S.C. 161(c)), basic pay for this grade (as of 2016, the latest year for which this information could be found ) was calculated to be $21,147.30 per month, regardless of cumulative years of service computed under 37 U.S.C. 205. Nevertheless, actual basic pay for these officers is limited to the rate of basic pay for level II of the Executive Schedule in effect during calendar year 2023, which is $17,675.10 per month. [v] [vi]
Schedule 8 - Pay of the Uniformed Services Part I--Monthly Basic Pay ($) (as of 1 January 2024) [46] [20] [49]
Years of service (computed under 37 U.S.C. 205)
4 - 6 Years6 - 8 Years8 - 10 Years10 - 12 Years12 - 14 Years14 - 16 Years16 - 18 YearsOver 18 Years

See also


  1. Before the death of General of the Army Omar Bradley in 1981, the pay grade of O-11 was authorized. [5] Currently, O-10 is the highest authorized pay grade and pay grade O-11 appears nowhere in Title 10 of the US Code pertaining to authorized distribution of general/flag officers, [6] nor within various documents establishing rates of pay [3] [1] [7]

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PD-icon.svg This article incorporates public domain material from websites or documents of the United States Government .

  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 "37 U.S. Code § 201 - Pay grades: assignment to; general rules". LII / Legal Information Institute. Retrieved 28 September 2022.
  2. "5 U.S. Code § 2101 - Civil service; armed forces; uniformed services". LII / Legal Information Institute. Retrieved 28 September 2022.
  3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 "37 U.S. Code § 101 - Definitions". LII / Legal Information Institute. Retrieved 11 November 2018.
  4. 1 2 3 "37 U.S. Code § 204 - Entitlement". LII / Legal Information Institute. Retrieved 11 November 2018.
  5. "The Centennial: Omar Nelson Bradley". history.army.mil. Retrieved 11 November 2018.
  6. 1 2 "33 U.S. Code § 3004 - Strength and distribution in grade". LII / Legal Information Institute. Retrieved 11 November 2018.
  7. "10 U.S. Code § 601 - Positions of importance and responsibility: generals and lieutenant generals; admirals and vice admirals". LII / Legal Information Institute. Retrieved 11 November 2018.
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