Joint Electronics Type Designation System

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The Joint Electronics Type Designation System (JETDS), which was previously known as the Joint Army-Navy Nomenclature System (AN System. JAN) and the Joint Communications-Electronics Nomenclature System, is a method developed by the U.S. War Department during World War II for assigning an unclassified designator to electronic equipment. In 1957, the JETDS was formalized in MIL-STD-196.


Computer software and commercial unmodified electronics for which the manufacturer maintains design control are not covered.


Electronic material, from a military point of view, generally includes those electronic devices employed in data processing, detection and tracking (underwater, sea, land-based, air and space), recognition and identification, communications, aids to navigation, weapons control and evaluation, flight control, and electronics countermeasures. Nomenclature is assigned to:

This system is separate from the "M" designation used in the Army Nomenclature System (MIL-STD-1464A).


Items are given an Item Level which describes their hierarchy

Table i (MIL-STD-196G) [1]
Item LevelDescriptionExamples
UnitAn item that may be capable of independent operation but whose functionality is not complete without other items. Installation and Maintenance kits are the only unit level items that may contain complement data.Radio, computer, digital Power Supply, Antenna or radio receiver.
GroupA collection of units or assemblies that are not capable of performing a complete operational function. A group may be a subdivision of a set or may be designed to be added to or used in conjunction with a set to extend the function or the utility of the set.Antenna group may be “used with” or “part of” a radio set.
SetA unit or units and necessary assemblies, subassemblies and parts connected together or used in association to perform an operational functionRadio terminal set or sound measuring set, including parts, assemblies and units such as cables, microphone and measuring instruments.
SubsystemA combination of sets, groups, etc., which performs an operational function within a system and is a major subdivision of the system.Intercept-Aerial Guided Missile Subsystem
SystemA combination of two or more sets, which may be physically separated when in operation, and such other assemblies, subassemblies and parts necessary to perform an operational function or functions.Integrated Shipboard Computer System and a Navigational Control System
CenterA collection of units and items in one location, which provides facilities for the administrative control in an area of responsibility which is specifically assigned for development and maintenance of installations, control of personnel, or conduct of tactical operationsan Operations Center
CentralA grouping of sets, units or combinations thereof operated conjunctively in the same location for a common specific function. It may provide facilities for controlling switching, monitoring, etc., electronic and electrical equipment from one central location.Operations Central, Central, Communications

Basic Structure

The core of the JETDS system is the combination of a Type Designation with an Item Name to specify a particular item.

For example:

Type Designation

The type designation is a unique series of letters and numbers which specifies an item. There are three basic forms of type designator used:

Item Name

The Type Designation is used in conjunction with an approved Item Name drawn from the H-6 Item Name Directory.

For example:

Type Designation (Systems, Subsystems, Centers, Central, Sets)

The type designation used to specify Systems, Subsystems, Centers, Central, and Sets is made up of a prefix AN/, three type designation indicator letters, a hyphen, and a type designation number. The AN prefix signifies Army-Navy. The three type designation letters (chosen from the table below) specify where the equipment is used, what the equipment is, and what its purpose is. The type designation number helps specify the exact item; subsequent items with the same Installation/Type/Purpose are numbered sequentially (i.e. the next item developed after the AN/PRC-34 would be the AN/PRC-35).

For example:

Table 1. Indicators for Systems/Subsystems/Centers/Central/Sets [1]
Installation (1st letter)Type of Equipment (2nd letter)Purpose (3rd letter)Miscellaneous
A - Piloted Aircraft (includes parachutes and piloted balloons)A - Invisible Light, Heat Radiation (e.g., infrared)A - Auxiliary AssemblyX, Y, Z for changes in voltage, frequency, or phase
B - Underwater Mobile (submarine)B - Communications security (was Pigeon) (NSA use only)B - BombingTn for Training versions
C - Cryptographic Equipment (was Air, Transportable) (NSA use only)C - Carrier (electronic wave or signal)C - Communications (Receiving/Transmitting, two way)(C) NSA use only
D - Pilotless Carrier (UAV, missile, rocket)D - Radiac (Radioactivity Detection, Identification, and Computation)D - Direction Finder, Reconnaissance, and Surveillance(P) accepts plugins
E - Laser (was NUPAC: Nuclear Protection & Control)E - Ejection and/or Release(V) variable items
F - Ground, Fixed *F - Fiber Optics (was Photographic)(- FT, - IN) identical items with varying lengths
G - Ground, General *G - Telegraph or TeletypeG - Fire Control or Search Light Directing( ) developmental or experimental
H - Recording and/or Reproducing
I - Interphone and Public Address
J - Electromechanical or Inertial Wire Covered
K - Amphibious (vehicles)K - TelemeteringK - ComputingAutomatic Digital Processing Equipment (ADPE)
L - CountermeasuresL - removed (was Searchlight Control, now covered by "G")1. Digital Equipment Only
M - Ground, Mobile *M - MeteorologicalM - Maintenance or Test Assemblies2. Analog Equipment Only
N - Sound in AirN - Navigational Aids3. Hybrid (1 & 2 combined)
4. Input/Output Device
P - Portable (i.e. man-portable)P - RadarP - removed (was Reproducing, now covered by "H")5. Magnetic Media
Q - Sonar and Underwater SoundQ - Special or Combination6. Others
R - RadioR - Receiving or Passive Detecting
S - Water (surface ship or buoys)S - Special or CombinationS - Detecting or Range and Bearing, Search
T - Ground, Transportable *T - Telephone (Wire)T - Transmitting
U - General Utility (multi use) *
V - Ground, Vehicle *V - Visual, Visible Light
W - Water Surface and Underwater combined *W - Armament (not otherwise covered)W - Automatic Flight or Remote Control
X - Facsimile or TelevisionX - Identification and Recognition
Y - Data Processing or ComputerY - Surveillance (search, detect, and multiple target tracking) and Control (both fire control and/or air control)
Z - Piloted and Pilotless Airborne Vehicles combined *Z - Communications (NSA use only)Z - Secure (NSA use only)

* Additional info on Installation indicators:

** Additional info on Type of Equipment indicators:

Type Designation (Group)

The type designation used to specify Groups (assemblies that are used in conjunction with others to function) is made up of a two letter group indicator (from the table below), followed by a dash, a group number, followed by a slash, and 1-3 letters specifying the equipment it is "part of" or "used with" (see Table 1). If the group is unique and only "part of" or "used with" one particular equipment, that equipment may be specified. If the group may be used with multiple different items, then it is more appropriate to designate it more generally.

For example:

Table 2. Group Indicators [1]
Group IndicatorFamily NameExamples (does not limit the application of group indicators)
OAMiscellaneous groupsGroups otherwise not listed. Do not use if a more specific group indicator applies
OBMultiplexer and/or demultiplexer groupsAll types
ODIndicator groupsAll types
OEAntenna groupsAll types
OFAdapter groupsAll types
OGAmplifier groupsAll types
OHSimulator groupsAll types
OICryptographic groupsAll types
OJConsoles and Console groupsAll types
OKControl groupsAll types
OLData analysis and Data processing groupsAll types
OMModulator and/or Demodulator groupsAll types
ONInterconnecting groupsAll types
OPPower Supply groupsAll non-rotating types
OQTest-Set groupsAll types
ORReceiver groupsAll types
OSSatellite groupsAll types
OTTransmitter groupsAll types
OUConverter groupsAll types
OVGenerator groupsAll types including power generating equipment
OWTerminal groupsTelegraphs, radios, telephones, etc.
OXCoder, Recorder, Interrogator, Transponder groupsAll types
OYRadar groupsDo not use if more specific indicator applies
OZRadio groupsDo not use if a more specific indicator (OE, OR, OT, etc.) applies

Type Designation (Unit)

The type designation used to specify Units is made up of a unit letter(s) indicator (from the table below), followed by a dash, a unit number, followed by a slash, and 1-3 letters specifying the equipment it is part of or used with (see Table 1). As with Group type designations, if the Unit is unique and is "part of" or "used with" only one particular equipment, that equipment may be specified. If the unit is used with multiple different items, the equipment designation should include only the indicators which are common or appropriate. If a unit could be described by multiple indicators, the indicator which best describes the unit's primary function should be used. The exception would be if there exists a unit indicator which can describe the unit's multiple functions (see examples below); if such a multi-function describing unit indicator exists, then it should be used.

For example:

Table 3. Unit Indicators [1]
Unit IndicatorFamily NameExamples (does not limit the application of unit indicators)
ABSupport for antennasAntenna mounts, mast bases, mast sections, towers, etc.
AMAmplifiersPower, audio, interphone, radio frequency, video, electronic control, etc.
ASAntennas, simple and complexArrays, parabolic type, masthead whip or telescopic loop, dipole, reflector, etc.
BABatteries, primary (non-rechargeable) typeBatteries, battery packs, etc.
BBBatteries, secondary (rechargeable) typeBatteries, battery packs, etc.
BZAlarm unitsAll types
CControlsControl boxes, remote tuning controls, etc.
CAComputer auxiliary unitsInput/Output, peripherals, etc.
CCCable assemblies, RFRF cables, waveguides, transmission lines, etc., with terminals
CDControlling devicesComplex controlling devices
CMComparatorsCompares two or more input signals
CNCompensatorsElectrical and/or mechanical compensating, regulating, or attenuating apparatus
CPComputersMechanical and/or electronic mathematical calculating devices
CUCouplersImpedance coupling devices, directional couplers, etc.
CVConverters (electronic)Electronic apparatus for changing the phase frequency, or from “one” medium to “another”
CXCable assemblies, non-RFNon-RF cables with terminals, test leads, also composite cables of RF and non-RF conductors
CYCases and cabinetsRigid and semi-rigid structures for enclosing or carrying equipment
DALoads, dummyRF and non-RF test loads
DIData transmission unitsDevices for authentication and transferring recorded or generated data over transmitter/receiver links
DTDetecting headsMagnetic, capacitive, or optical pickup devices, search coils, hydrophones, etc.
DUDisplay Units/MonitorsAll types that are external devices for computers, test sets, etc.
FFilter unitsElectronic types, back-pass, low pass, band suppression, noise telephone, filter networks; excludes non-repairable types
FOFiber opticsElectrical, electronic, and communications, etc.
FRFrequency measuring devicesFrequency meters, tuned cavity, etc.
GGenerators, powerElectrical power generators without prime movers (see PU)
GOGoniometersInstruments for measuring angles for determination of energy transferred from moving to fixed coil (directional) antennas, etc.
HHead, hand, and chest setsIncludes earphones
HDEnvironmental apparatusHeating, cooling, dehumidifying, pressure, vacuum devices, etc.
IDIndiciator units, non-cathode ray tubeCalibrated dials and meters, indicating lights, etc. (see also IP)
IMIntensity measuring devicesIncludes SWR gear, field intensity noise meters, slotted lines, etc.
IPIndicator units, cathode ray tubeAzimuth, elevation, panoramic, etc.
JInterface unitsInterconnecting and junction units, etc. Do not use if a more specific indicator applies.
KGKey generatorsUnits generating a pseudorandom sequence of crypto variables using algorithms
KYKeying devicesMechanical, electrical, and electronic key coders, interrupters, etc.
LALasersCommunication, electrical, etc.
LSLoudspeakersSeparately housed loudspeakers and intercommunication stations
MMicrophonesRadio, telephone, throat, hand, etc.
MDModulators, demodulators, discriminatorsDevices for varying amplitude, frequency, or phase
MEMetersMultimeters, vacuum tube voltmeters, power meters, volt-ohm-milliameters, etc.
MKMiscellaneous kitsMaintenance, modification, etc.
MLMeteorological devicesMiscellaneous meteorological equipment, etc.
MOMultipurposeUnits that perform two or more functions
MTMountingsMountings, racks, frames, stands, etc.
MUMemory unitsMemory units
MWMicrowaveCommunications, etc.
MXMiscellaneousEquipment not otherwise classified. Do not use if a better indicator is available
OOscillatorsMaster frequency, blocking, multi-vibrators, etc. (for test oscillators: see SG)
OCOceanographic devicesBathythermograph, etc.
OSOscilloscope, testTest oscilloscopes, for general test purposes (see IP)
PLPlug-in unitsPlug-in units not otherwise classified
PPPower suppliesNon-rotating machine types such as vibrator pack, rectifier, thermoelectric, etc.
PTMapping and plotting unitsElectronic types only
PUPower equipmentRotating power equipment, motor-generators, dynamotors, etc.
RReceiversReceivers, all types except telephone
RBRoboticsElectric-mechanical, etc.
RDRecorder-ReproducersSound, graphic, tape, wire, film, disc, facsimile, magnetic, mechanical, etc.
RERelay assembly unitsElectrical, electronic, etc.
RLReeling machinesMechanisms for dispensing and rewinding antenna or field wire cable, etc.
RORecordersSound, graphic, tape, wire, film, disc, facsimile, magnetic, mechanical, tape and card punch, etc.
RPReproducersSound, graphic, tape, wire, film, disc, facsimile, magnetic, mechanical, punched tape and card readers, etc.
RRReflectorsTarget, confusion, etc., except antenna reflectors (see AS)
RTReceiver and TransmitterRadio and radar transceivers, composites of transmitter and receiver, etc.
SShelterProtective shelters, etc.
SASwitching unitsManual, impact, motor-driven, pressure-operated, electronic, etc.
SBSwitchboardsTelephone, fire control, power distribution, etc.
SGGenerator, signalTest oscillators, noise generators, etc. (see O)
SMSimulatorsFlight, aircraft, target, signal, etc.
SNSynchronizersEquipment to coordinate two or more functions
SSSpecial purposeDevices performing unique functions
SUOptical unitsElectro-optical units, such as night vision, scopes, sights, auto-collimator, viewers, trackers, alignment equipment
SYSpeech, secureDevices that secure voice transmission/receiving equipment
TTransmittersTransmitters, all types except telephone
TATelephone apparatusMiscellaneous telephone equipment
TBTowed bodyHydrodynamic enclosures used to house transducers, hydrophones, and other electronic equipment
TDTiming devicesMechanical and electronic timing devices, range devices, multiplexers, electronic gates, etc.
TFTransformersWhen used as separate units
TGPositioning devicesTilt and/or train assemblies
THTelegraph apparatusMiscellaneous telegraph items
TNTuning unitsReceiver, transmitter, antenna, tuning units, etc.
TRTransducersSonar transducers, vibration pickups, etc. (see H, LS, and M)
TSTest unitsTest and measuring equipment not otherwise classified. Do not use if more specific indicators apply
TTTeletypewriter and facsimile apparatusTeletype, tape, facsimile miscellaneous equipment
TUTelevisionSpecial types
TWTape unitsPreprogrammed with operational test and checkout data
VVehiclesCarts, dollies, vans peculiar to electronic equipment
ZMImpedance measuring devicesUsed for measuring Q, C, L, R, or PF, etc.

Additional Specifiers

Modification Letter

A modification letter is placed after the type designation number to signify a modification to a specific equipment that still retains at least one-way interchangeability with all previous versions. Modification letters begin with "A" and proceed sequentially. For more information on Interchangeability (see below).

Note: the letters "I", "O", "Q", "S", "T", "X", "Y", and "Z" are not to be used as modification letters

For example:

Specific Configurations of Variables

A suffix "(V)" following the type designation number and any modification letters indicates variable components or configurations for said Group/Set/Subsystem/System/Center/Central. A number may follow the parenthetical V to identify a specific configuration.

For example:

Note: A specific equipment should only be given a (V) signifier if it can be configured with different components, not simply because one of its components has a (V) signifier. The (V) signifier would be warranted if the item accepted variable configurations of a particular component.

For example:

Plug-In (capable)

A suffix of "(P)" following the type designation number and any modification letters indicates a Unit which is designed to accept "plug-in" modules capable of changing the function, frequency, or other technical characteristics of the unit. The plug-in is not considered part of the unit itself.

For example:


A suffix of "(C)" following the type designation number and any modification letters indicates an item which directly contains NSA-controlled cryptographic material.

For example:

Training (Set, Subsystem, System, Center, or Central)

A suffix of "-Tn ", where n is a number, indicates equipment (Set, Subsystem, System, Center, or Central) designed to provide training in the operation of a specific set or multiple sets. If it is designed specifically to provide training for one particular unit, then that unit may be specified. If it is a training equipment which can provide practice for various different sets/subsystems/systems etc., then that should be indicated with the appropriate letter indicators.

For example:

Training (Group or Unit)

For example:

Automated Data Processing Equipment (ADPE)

A digit or digits in parentheses following the type designation letters indicates the type of ADPE included in the item.

For example:

1Digital Equipment Only
2Analog Equipment Only
3Hybrid (1 & 2 combined)
4Input/Output Device
5Magnetic Media

Maintenance Equipment

Maintenance equipment that is given a type designation is set up as AN/xxM, where the first two letters after the slash (signifying Installation and Type of equipment) are followed by an M.

However, if a maintenance or test Unit or Group is considered a "part of" the item in question, it does not receive the M signifier.

For example:

Modified Power Requirements

A change in the power input voltage, phase, or frequency is denoted by addition of the letter(s) "X", "Y", or "Z". The first such modification would be denoted with an "X", the second with a "Y", the third with a "Z", the fourth with an "XX", etc. If simultaneous modifications are made that improve the equipment as well as affect power input, then both a modification letter (A, B, C, D, etc.) as well as a power requirement modification letter (X, Y, Z, etc.) will be used.

For example:


A pair of parentheses surrounding where the type designation number would be located is used to signify an experimental or developmental model. Type designation number is not required but is useful for clarity. When the developmental model is ready for production, the parentheses are struck off.

For example:

Servo Amplifiers

Electronic type (non-rotating) servo amplifiers are designated "AM"; rotating type servo amplifiers are designated "PU".

Plug-in Units

Plug-in Units which can be described by their function (like receiver, microphone, loudspeaker, etc.) will use those corresponding Unit indicators. If no indicator exists to describe the plug-in's function, then the generic plug-in unit indicator (PL) will be used.

For example:

Varying Lengths

Type designators for groups and units like cables, waveguides, cords, etc. may also include a parenthetical "( -FT, -IN)" to designate the specified length. These type designators will not include a specified System/Subsystem/Center/Central/Set type designator after the / but will be given a more generic indicator like /U or /GR. However, a group or unit type designation that is already linked to a specific system/subsystem/center/central/set may use ( -FT, -IN) if the system/subsystem/center/central/set uses multiple of the group/unit and they are only distinguishable by length. This use is only for new assignments and will not be retroactive

For example:


Primary batteries (non-rechargeable) are designated using "BA"; Secondary type batteries (rechargeable) are designated using "BB".



"Part of" vs "Used with"


JETDS was adopted 16 February 1943 by the Joint Communications Board for all new Army and Navy airborne, radio, and radar equipment. Over time it was extended to cover the Marine Corps and the Navy's ship, submarine, amphibious, and ground electronic equipment. When the Air Force was established as a separate department, it continued the use of the system for electronic equipment. JETDS was adopted by the United States Coast Guard in 1950, Canada in 1951 and the NSA in 1959 (though the NSA continued to use its own TSEC telecommunications security nomenclature [2] ). In 1957 the U.S. Department of Defense approved a military standard for the nomenclature, MIL-STD-196. The system has been modified over time, with some types (e.g. carrier pigeon -B-) dropped and others (e.g. computers and cryptographic equipment) added. The latest version, MIL-STD-196G, was issued in 2018. [1]

MIL-STD-196 Rev. History
Original9 May 1957
A16 September 1960
B7 April 1965
C22 April 1971
D19 January 1985
E17 February 1998
F11 September 2013
G30 May 2018

Derived systems

See also


  1. 1 2 3 4 5 6 "DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE STANDARD PRACTICE JOINT ELECTRONICS TYPE DESIGNATION AUTOMATED SYSTEM MIL-STD-196G 30 May 2018" (PDF). US DoD. Archived from the original (PDF) on 5 April 2022. Retrieved 4 April 2022.
  2. Telecommunications Security (TSEC) Nomenclature System
  3. Lake, Jon. "Mitsubishi F-1: Ship-killing Samurai". World Air Power Journal, Volume 23, Winter 1995. London:Aerospace Publishing. ISBN   978-1-874023-64-7. ISSN 0959-7050. p. 85
  4. O'Halloran, James C. "Tien Kung I low-to-medium-altitude surface-to-air-missile system, pages 299–300," Jane's Land-Based Air Defense, 2002-2003 Edition.

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