List of United States Navy vice admirals since 2020

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vice admiral Flag of a United States Navy vice admiral.svg
Flag of a Navy
vice admiral

The rank of vice admiral (or three-star admiral) is the second-highest rank normally achievable in the United States Navy, and the first to have a specified number of appointments set by statute. It ranks above rear admiral (two-star admiral) and below admiral (four-star admiral).


There have been 54 vice admirals in the U.S. Navy since 1 January 2020, four of whom were promoted to four-star admiral. All 54 achieved that rank while on active duty in the U.S. Navy. Admirals entered the Navy via several paths: 26 were commissioned via Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC) at a civilian university, 19 via the U.S. Naval Academy (USNA), four via Aviation Officer Candidate School (AOCS), two via Officer Candidate School (OCS), one via direct commission (direct), and one via the California State University Maritime Academy (CSU Maritime).

List of admirals

Entries in the following list of vice admirals are indexed by the numerical order in which each officer was promoted to that rank while on active duty, or by an asterisk (*) if the officer did not serve in that rank while on active duty. Each entry lists the admiral's name, date of rank, [a] active-duty positions held while serving at three-star rank, [b] number of years of active-duty service at three-star rank (Yrs), [c] year commissioned and source of commission, [d] number of years in commission when promoted to three-star rank (YC), [e] and other biographical notes. [f]

List of U.S. Navy vice admirals since 2020
#NamePhotoDate of rank [a] Position [b] Yrs [c] Commission [d] YC [e] Notes [f]
1 Randy B. Crites Vice Adm. Randy B. Crites.jpg 15 May 2020  
  • Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, Integration of Capabilities and Resources (DCNO N8), 2020–2023.
31985 (OCS) [g] 35(1962–        )
2 Yancy B. Lindsey Vice Adm. Yancy B. Lindsey.jpg 29 May 2020  31986 (AOCS)34(1962–        )
3 Eugene H. Black III Vice Adm. Eugene H. Black III.jpg 1 Jun 2020  41986 (USNA)34(1964–        )
4 Jeffrey E. Trussler Vice Adm. Jeffrey E. Trussler.jpg 5 Jun 2020  31985 (NROTC)35(1963–        )
5 William J. Galinis Vice Adm. William J. Galinis.jpg 19 Jun 2020  31983 (USNA)37(1961–        )
6 Michelle C. Skubic Vice Adm. Michelle C. Skubic (2).jpg 24 Jul 2020  41988 (NROTC)32(1966–        ) Supply Corps.
7 Roy I. Kitchener Vice Adm. Roy I. Kitchener.jpg 3 Aug 2020  31984 (NROTC)36(1962–        )
8 John B. Mustin Vice Adm. John B. Mustin.jpg 7 Aug 2020  41990 (USNA)30(1967–        ) Son of Navy vice admiral Henry C. Mustin; grandson of Navy vice admiral Lloyd M. Mustin; step-great grandson of Navy four-star admiral George D. Murray.
* Samuel J. Paparo Jr. Vice Adm. Samuel J. Paparo, Jr. (2).jpg 19 Aug 2020  11987 (NROTC)33(1964–        ) [h] Promoted to admiral, 5 May 2021.
9 Kenneth R. Whitesell Vice Adm. Kenneth R. Whitesell.jpg 2 Oct 2020  31985 (AOCS)35(1961–        )
10 Jeffrey W. Hughes Vice Adm. Jeffrey W. Hughes.jpg 1 Feb 2021  
  • Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, Warfighting Development (DCNO N7), 2021–2024.
  • Deputy Chief of Staff for Capability Development, Headquarters Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (DCOFS-CD), 2024–present.
41988 (NROTC)33(1966–        )
11 Charles B. Cooper II Charles B. Cooper II (6).jpg 5 May 2021  41989 (USNA)32(1967–        )
12 Kelly A. Aeschbach VADM Kelly A. Aeschbach (2).jpg 7 May 2021  31990 (NROTC)31(1968–        )
* Stephen T. Koehler Vice Adm. Stephen T. Koehler.jpg 3 Jun 2021  31986 (NROTC)35(1964–        ) Promoted to admiral, 4 Apr 2024.
13 John V. Fuller Vice Adm. John V. Fuller.jpg 11 Jun 2021  41987 (USNA)34(1965–        )
14 Karl O. Thomas
Vice Adm. Karl O. Thomas (cropped).jpg
8 Jul 2021  31986 (NROTC)35(1963–        )
15 Frank D. Whitworth III
Vice Adm. Frank D. Whitworth III (2).jpg
30 Jul 2021 [1] 41989 (NROTC)32(1967–        ) Brother-in-law of Navy vice admiral Darse E. Crandall Jr.
16 Francis D. Morley
Vice Adm. Francis D. Morley.jpg
4 Aug 2021  31988 (NROTC)33(1966–        )
17 Darse E. Crandall Jr.
Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall, Jr.jpg
18 Aug 2021  31984 (NROTC)37(1962–        ) Judge Advocate General's Corps. Brother-in-law of Navy vice admiral Frank D. Whitworth III.
18 Daniel W. Dwyer
Vice Adm. Daniel W. Dwyer (2).jpg
20 Aug 2021  41988 (CSU Maritime)33(1966–        )
19 Carl P. Chebi
Vice Adm. Carl P. Chebi.jpg
9 Sep 2021  41987 (NROTC)34(1965–        )
* William J. Houston Vice Adm. William J. Houston.jpg 10 Sep 2021  21990 (NROTC)31(1968–        ) [i] Promoted to admiral, 10 Jan 2024.
20 Collin P. Green Vice Adm. Collin P. Green.jpg 16 Dec 2021  31986 (USNA)35(1962–        ) Navy SEAL.
21 Sara A. Joyner Vice Adm. Sara A. Joyner.jpg 3 Jun 2022  
  • Director, Force Structure, Resources and Assessment, Joint Staff, J8, 2022–present.
31989 (USNA)33(1967–        )
22 Richard J. Cheeseman Jr. Vice Adm. Richard J. Cheeseman Jr.jpg 3 Jun 2022  
  • Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, Personnel, Manpower and Training/Chief of Naval Personnel (DCNO N1/CNP), 2022–present.
31989 (NROTC)33(1966–        ) [j]
23 Michael E. Boyle VADM Michael E. Boyle (2).jpg 16 Jun 2022  
  • Commander, U.S. Third Fleet (COMTHIRDFLT), 2022–2024.
  • Director, Navy Staff (DNS/N09B), 2024–present.
31987 (NROTC)35(1965–        )
24 Craig A. Clapperton Craig A. Clapperton (5).jpg 4 Aug 2022  31989 (NROTC)33(1967–        )
25 Frank M. Bradley Vice Adm. Frank M. Bradley.jpg 10 Aug 2022  31991 (USNA)31(c.1970        ) Navy SEAL.
26 Thomas E. Ishee VADM Thomas E. Ishee.jpg 15 Sep 2022  21988 (OCS)34(1965–        )
27 Richard A. Correll VADM Richard A. Correll.jpg 1 Dec 2022  31986 (NROTC)36(1964–        )
28 John F.G. Wade VADM John F.G.Wade.jpg 1 Dec 2022  31990 (USNA)32(1968–        )
* Alvin Holsey VADM Alvin Holsey (2).jpg 1 Feb 2023  11988 (NROTC)35(1965–        ) [h] Promoted to admiral, 7 Nov 2024.
29 James E. Pitts VADM James E. Pitts.jpg 5 Dec 2023  
  • Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, Warfighting Requirements and Capabilities (DCNO N9), 2023–present.
21986 (USNA)37(1964–        )
30 Jeffrey T. Jablon VADM Jeffrey T. Jablon.jpg 5 Dec 2023  
  • Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, Installations and Logistics (DCNO N4), 2023–present.
21987 (NROTC)36(1964–        )
31 Blake L. Converse VADM Blake L. Converse.jpg 5 Dec 2023  21987 (NROTC)36(1965–        )
32 Shoshana S. Chatfield VADM Shoshana S. Chatfield (cropped).jpg 13 Dec 2023  21987 (NROTC)36(1965–        ) President, Naval War College, 2019–2023.
33 Christopher S. Gray VADM Christopher S. Gray (cropped).jpg 18 Dec 2023  21989 (AOCS)34(1964–        )
34 Brendan R. McLane VADM Brendan R. McLane.jpg 21 Dec 2023  21990 (USNA)33(1968–        )
35 John B. Skillman VADM John B. Skillman (cropped).jpg 22 Dec 2023  
  • Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, Integration of Capabilities and Resources (DCNO N8), 2023–present.
21986 (USNA)37(1964–        )
36 Robert M. Gaucher VADM Robert M. Gaucher.jpg 28 Dec 2023  21991 (USNA)32(c.1966        )
37 James P. Downey VADM James P. Downey.jpg 3 Jan 2024  11987 (NROTC)37(1964–        )
38 Yvette M. Davids VADM Yvette M. Davids.jpg 11 Jan 2024  11989 (USNA)35(1967–        ) Wife of Navy rear admiral Keith B. Davids.
39 John E. Gumbleton VADM John E. Gumbleton.jpg 12 Jan 2024  
  • Deputy Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command/Deputy Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Northern Command/Deputy Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Strategic Command/Commander, Task Force 80 (DCOMUSFF/DCOMUSNAVNORTH/DCOMUSNAVSTRAT/CTF-80), 2024–present.
11989 (NROTC)35(1967–        )
40 Douglas G. Perry
VADM Douglas G. Perry.jpg
12 Jan 2024  11989 (USNA)35(1967–        )
41 Daniel L. Cheever VADM Daniel L. Cheever (2) (cropped).jpg 31 Jan 2024  11988 (AOCS)36(1963–        )
42 George M. Wikoff VADM George M. Wikoff (1).jpg 1 Feb 2024  11990 (NROTC)34(1968–        )
43 Frederick W. Kacher
VADM Frederick W. Kacher.jpg
15 Feb 2024  11990 (USNA)34(1968–        )
44 Scott W. Pappano
VADM Scott W. Pappano.jpg
3 Jul 2024  11989 (USNA)35(c.1967        )
45 Michael J. Vernazza VADM Michael J. Vernazza.jpg 26 Jul 2024  11990 (USNA)34(c.1968        )
46 Dion D. English VADM Dion D. English.jpg 2 Aug 2024  11993 (NROTC)31(c.1971        )
47 Nancy S. Lacore VADM Nancy S. Lacore (2).jpg 23 Aug 2024  11990 (NROTC)34
48 Christopher C. French
VADM Christopher C. French.jpg
5 Sep 2024  11992 (direct) [k] 32 Judge Advocate General's Corps.
49 Jeffrey T. Anderson VADM Jeffrey T. Anderson (cropped).jpg 20 Sep 2024  11991 (USNA)33(c.1969        )
50 Peter A. Garvin VADM Peter G. Garvin.jpg 11 Oct 2024  11989 (USNA)35(c.1967        ) President, Naval War College, 2023–2024.



Peter GarvinJeffrey T. AndersonChristopher French (admiral)Nancy S. LacoreDion EnglishMichael VernazzaScott PappanoFred KacherGeorge WikoffDaniel CheeverDouglas G. PerryJohn GumbletonYvette M. DavidsJames P. DowneyRobert GaucherJohn SkillmanBrendan McLaneChristopher S. GrayShoshana ChatfieldBlake ConverseJames E. PittsJeffrey JablonAlvin HolseyJohn F.G. WadeRichard A. CorrellThomas IsheeFrank M. BradleyCraig ClappertonMichael E. BoyleRichard Cheeseman Jr.Sara A. JoynerCollin P. GreenWilliam J. HoustonCarl P. ChebiDaniel W. DwyerDarse CrandallFrancis D. MorleyFrank D. WhitworthKarl O. ThomasJohn V. FullerStephen T. KoehlerKelly AeschbachCharles Cooper IIJeffrey W. HughesKenneth R. WhitesellSamuel PaparoJohn MustinRoy KitchenerMichelle K. SkubicWilliam J. GalinisJeffrey TrusslerEugene H. Black IIIYancy LindseyRandy B. CritesWar in Afghanistan (2001–2021)List of United States Navy vice admirals since 2020


Modern use of the rank

Vice Adm. Samuel Paparo greets Acting U.S. Secretary of Defense Christopher C. Miller in Manama, Bahrain on 25 November 2020. 201125-D-BN624-0094 (50664818713).jpg
Vice Adm. Samuel Paparo greets Acting U.S. Secretary of Defense Christopher C. Miller in Manama, Bahrain on 25 November 2020.

Vice admirals in the United States Navy include commanders of numbered fleets [l] as well as high-level type commands and geographic commands, including the commanders of the naval submarine forces, naval surface forces, naval information forces and the chief of navy reserve. Heads of Navy staff corps such as the judge advocate general [m] are also vice admirals. The superintendent of the United States Naval Academy has been a three-star vice admiral without interruption since John R. Ryan's tenure began in 1998.

As with any other service branch, vice admirals can hold joint assignments, of which there are 30 to 50 at any given time. Among the most prestigious of them is the director of the Joint Staff (DJS), principal staff advisor to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and historically considered a stepping stone to four-star rank. [3] All deputy commanders of the unified combatant commands are of three-star rank, [n] as are directors of Defense Agencies not headed by a civilian such as the director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIRDIA). [4] Internationally-based three-star positions include the United States military representative to the NATO Military Committee (USMILREP), the commander of Allied Joint Force Command - Norfolk (JFC-NF), and the security coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian National Authority. All nominees for three-star rank must be confirmed via majority by the Senate before the appointee can take office and thus assume the rank. [5]

Statutory limits, elevations and reductions

Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall Jr. provides remarks after being sworn in as the 45th judge advocate general of the Navy on 18 August 2021. Navy JAG Corps Welcomes New Leadership 210817-N-AT530-0406.jpg
Vice Adm. Darse E. Crandall Jr. provides remarks after being sworn in as the 45th judge advocate general of the Navy on 18 August 2021.
Vice Adm. Michael E. Boyle salutes sideboys during the change of command ceremony for U.S. Third Fleet on 16 June 2022. 2022 U.S. Third Fleet Change of Command 220616-N-XL376-1001.jpg
Vice Adm. Michael E. Boyle salutes sideboys during the change of command ceremony for U.S. Third Fleet on 16 June 2022.

The U.S. Code states that no more than 34 officers in the U.S. Navy may hold the rank of vice admiral on the active duty list, aside from those on joint duty assignments. [6] Three-star positions can be elevated to four-star grade or reduced to two-star grade where deemed necessary, either to highlight their increasing importance [o] to the defense apparatus (or lack thereof) or to achieve parity with equivalent commands in other services or regions. Few three-star positions are set by statute, leading to their increased volatility as they do not require congressional approval to be downgraded.

Senate confirmations

Military nominations are considered by the Senate Armed Services Committee. While it is rare for three-star or four-star nominations to face even token opposition in the Senate, nominations that do face opposition due to controversy surrounding the nominee in question are typically withdrawn. Nominations that are not withdrawn are allowed to expire without action at the end of the legislative session.

  • For example, the nomination of Major General Ryan F. Gonsalves for promotion to lieutenant general and assignment as commanding general of U.S. Army Europe was withdrawn in November 2017 [14] after an investigation was launched into the general's inappropriate comment to a female Congressional staffer. [15] As a result, Gonsalves was administratively reprimanded and retired in May 2018. [15] [16] [17]

Additionally, events that take place after Senate confirmation may still delay or even prevent the nominee from assuming office.

  • For example, Major General John G. Rossi, who had been confirmed for promotion to lieutenant general [18] and assignment as the commanding general of the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command in April 2016 [19] committed suicide two days before his scheduled promotion and assumption of command. [20] As a result, the then incumbent commander of USASMDC, Lieutenant General David L. Mann, remained in command beyond customary term limits until another nominee, Major General James H. Dickinson was confirmed by the Senate. [21]

See also


  1. 1 2 "United States Navy Flag Officers (Public), November 2021" (PDF). MyNavyHR. Archived (PDF) from the original on 2 November 2021. Retrieved 1 November 2021.
  2. "Navy Assumes Responsibility of Red Hill Facility". DVIDS. Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii: Navy Closure Task Force - Red Hill. 28 March 2024. Retrieved 29 March 2024.
  3. Woodward, Bob (2006). State of Denial: Bush at War, Part III . Simon and Schuster. pp.  22, 40. ISBN   978-0-7432-7223-0. scott fry joint staff.
  4. "On Raising the Rank of the Chief of the National Guard Bureau" (PDF). Library of Congress . Library of Congress. February 2007. Archived from the original (PDF) on 24 July 2021. Retrieved 24 July 2021.
  5. 10 U.S.C.   § 601 – Positions of importance and responsibility: generals and lieutenant generals; admirals and vice admirals.
  6. "10 U.S.C. § 525 – Distribution of commissioned officers on active duty in general officer and flag officer grades". United States Code. Retrieved 27 September 2024.
  7. "PN1914 — Maj. Gen. Dimitri Henry — Marine Corps, 117th Congress (2021-2022)". U.S. Congress. 4 April 2022. Archived from the original on 4 July 2022. Retrieved 4 July 2022.
  8. "General Officer Announcements". U.S. Department of Defense. 6 April 2022. Archived from the original on 4 July 2022. Retrieved 4 July 2022.
  9. "United States Navy Flag Officers (Public), December 2022" (PDF). MyNavyHR. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2 December 2022. Retrieved 2 December 2022.
  10. "Statement by Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III on the Appointment of Rear Adm. John Wade as the Commander of the Joint Task Force of the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility". U.S. Department of Defense. 19 September 2022. Retrieved 25 September 2022.
  11. Mongilio, Heather (24 October 2022). "Red Hill Fuel to Stay at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickham, Says Task Force". USNI News . Archived from the original on 4 November 2022. Retrieved 2 December 2022.
  12. "Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility, Oahu, Hawaii Defueling Plan" (PDF). Hawaii State Department of Health. U.S. Department of Defense. 30 June 2022. Archived from the original (PDF) on 11 July 2022. Retrieved 2 December 2022.
  13. "DNI Welcomes New Senior Military Adviser". Office of the Director of National Intelligence . 17 August 2020. Archived from the original on 19 March 2021. Retrieved 4 July 2022.
  14. "PN762 — Maj. Gen. Ryan F. Gonsalves — Army, 115th Congress (2017-2018)". U.S. Congress. 13 July 2017. Archived from the original on 16 March 2022. Retrieved 11 August 2021.
  15. 1 2 Myers, Meghann (6 January 2018). "Army 2-star loses promotion after calling congressional staffer 'sweetheart'". Army Times . Retrieved 20 May 2022.
  16. Bryant, Kevin (10 January 2018). "Army general now 'special assistant' after 'sweetheart' comment to female staffer". KDH News. Archived from the original on 23 May 2022. Retrieved 23 May 2022.
  17. Vandiver, John (3 May 2018). "General retires 6 months after IG chastised his behavior toward congressional staffer". Stars and Stripes . Archived from the original on 11 January 2021. Retrieved 20 May 2022.
  18. "PN1329 — Maj. Gen. John G. Rossi — Army, 114th Congress (2015-2016)". U.S. Congress. 14 April 2016. Archived from the original on 16 March 2022. Retrieved 10 August 2021.
  19. "Rossi confirmed for appointment to SMDC". U.S. Army. Redstone Arsenal, Alabama: USASMDC/ARSTRAT Public Affairs. 3 May 2016. Archived from the original on 17 April 2022. Retrieved 23 May 2022.
  20. "Army: Two-star general committed suicide on Alabama military base". CBS News . Washington, D. C.: Associated Press. 28 October 2016. Archived from the original on 16 March 2022. Retrieved 20 May 2022.
  21. "PN1823 — Maj. Gen. James H. Dickinson — Army, 114th Congress (2015-2016)". U.S. Congress. 15 November 2016. Archived from the original on 21 March 2022. Retrieved 10 August 2021.


  1. 1 2 Dates of rank are taken, where available, from the U.S. Navy register of active and retired commissioned officers, or from the monthly U.S. Navy flag officer roster. The date listed is that of the officer's first promotion to vice admiral. If such a date that qualifies for the above cannot be found, the next date substituted should be that of the officer's assumption of his/her first three-star appointment. Failing which, the officer's first Senate confirmation date to vice admiral should be substituted. For officers promoted to vice admiral on the same date, they should be organized first by officers promoted to four-star rank, number of years spent as a vice admiral, then by the tier of their first listed assignment upon promotion to vice admiral (joint assignments followed by service assignments).
  2. 1 2 Positions listed are those held by the officer when promoted to vice admiral. Dates listed are for the officer's full tenure, which may predate promotion to three-star rank or postdate retirement from active duty. Positions held in an acting capacity are italicized.
  3. 1 2 The number of years of active-duty service at three-star rank is approximated by subtracting the year in the "Date of rank" column from the last year in the "Position" column. Time spent between active-duty three-star assignments is not counted.
  4. 1 2 The year commissioned is taken to be the year the officer graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy, or equivalent. Sources of commission are listed in parentheses after the year of commission and include: the United States Naval Academy (USNA); Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC) at a civilian university; NROTC at a senior military college such as the Virginia Military Institute (VMI), Norwich University (Norwich), Pennsylvania Military College (PMC), or Widener University (Widener); Officer Candidate School (OCS); Aviation Officer Candidate School (AOCS); warrant; the Massachusetts Maritime Academy (MMA); United States Military Academy (USMA); and the United States Air Force Academy (USAFA).
  5. 1 2 The number of years in commission before being promoted to three-star rank is approximated by subtracting the year in the "Commission" column from the year in the "Date of rank" column.
  6. 1 2 Notes include years of birth and death; awards of the Medal of Honor, Congressional Gold Medal, Presidential Medal of Freedom, or honors of similar significance; major government appointments; university presidencies or equivalents; familial relationships with significant military officers or significant government officials such as U.S. Presidents, cabinet secretaries, U.S. Senators, or state governors; and unusual career events such as premature relief or death in office.
  7. Commissioned via the Navy Nuclear Propulsion Officer Candidate (NUPOC) Program.
  8. 1 2 Served as a combatant commander (CCDR).
  9. Served as Director, Naval Reactors.
  10. Promoted directly from rank of rear admiral (lower half).
  11. Directly commissioned via the JAG Corps Student Program.
  12. only fleets subordinated to U.S. Fleet Forces Command, U.S. Naval Forces Central Command and the U.S. Pacific Fleet.
  13. Per the 2017 NDAA, the JAG's statutory three-star rank was repealed, however it remains a vice admiral's billet.'"`UNIQ--ref-0000001E-QINU`"'
  14. The deputy commander of U.S. European Command was a four-star position until 2007, when it was reduced in rank to make way for the establishment of U.S. Africa Command, commanded by a four-star officer. The last four-star deputy commander of USEUCOM, General William E. Ward, also became the first commander of USAFRICOM.
  15. 10 U.S.C.   § 601 refers to positions held by four-star and three-star officers as "positions of importance and responsibility".
