List of yard and district craft of the United States Navy Last updated February 20, 2025
Wanamassa (YTB-820) This is a list of yard and district craft of the United States Navy . It covers the various types of craft and ships that support the bases and harbors of the United States Navy . The hull classification symbols for these craft begin with (Y).
Historical overview Ash barges (YA) District auxiliary, miscellaneous (YAG) Radar picket ships (YAGR) Open barges (YC, YCK) Coaling derricks (YCD) Car floats (YCF) Aircraft transportation barges (YCV) Floating derricks (YD) Degaussing craft (YDG) Diving tenders (YDT) Ammunition barges (YE) Covered barges (YF, YFN) Yard ferry boats or launches (YFB) Yard floating drydocks (YFD) Large covered barges, non-self propelled (YFNB) Dry dock companion craft, non-self propelled (YFND) Barges, special purpose, non-self propelled (YFNX) Floating power barges (YFP) Refrigerated covered barges (YFR, YFRN) Range tenders (YFRT) Torpedo transportation barges (YFT) Harbor utility craft (YFU) Garbage barges (YG, YGN) Ambulance boats / Small medical support vessels (YH) Houseboats (YHB) Salvage lift craft, heavy (YHLC) Heating scows (YHT) Open landing barges (YLA) Salvage lift craft (YLC) Salvage lift craft, light (YLLC) Dredges (YM, YMN) Mud scows (YMD) Salvage lift craft medium (YMLC) Motor mineplanters (YMP) Auxiliary motor mine sweepers (YMS) Yard motor tugs (YMT) Yard net tenders (YN) Net gate craft (YNG) Net tender tugs (YNT) Fuel oil barges (YO, YON) Gasoline barges (YOG, YOGN) Oil storage barges (YOS) Patrol craft (YP) Floating pile drivers (YPD) Pontoon storage barges (YPK) Floating workshops (YR) Repair and berthing barges (YRB) Repair, berthing and messing barges (YRBM) Submarine rescue chambers (YRC) Floating dry dock workshops, hull (YRDH) Floating dry dock workshops, machine (YRDM) Covered barges repair (YRL) Radiological repair barges (YRR) Salvage craft tenders (YRST) Stevedoring barges (YS) Yard seaplane derricks (YSD) Salvage barges (YSP) Sludge removal barges (YSR) Yard tugs (YT) Large harbor tugs (YTB) Small harbor tugs (YTL) Medium harbor tugs (YTM) (YTN) Torpedo trials craft (YTT) Drone aircraft catapult control craft (YV) Catapult barges (YVC) Water barges (YW, YWN) Unclassified vessels Barrier boats Gallery See also References Citations Footnotes Sources External links Ship status is indicated as either currently active [A] (including ready reserve), inactive [I], or precommissioning [P]. Ships in the inactive category include only ships in the inactive reserve, ships which have been disposed from US service have no listed status. Ships in the precommissioning category include ships under construction or on order.
Historical overview This list demonstrates that the US Navy constantly recycles and repurposes its small craft for new roles. Some craft on this list have had as many as six such conversions in their history. Some of these conversions have been surprising from an environmental viewpoint, such as the conversion of fuel oil barges into water barges. Some conversions have been surprising from an economic viewpoint, such as the simultaneous conversions of open barges to covered barges during the conversions of covered barges to open barges, which can be justified only by relatively high transportation costs.
The District auxiliary, miscellaneous (YAG) designation has been used as a cover for at least two ships employed in classified tests of biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons (aka WMD).
Some of these vessels have held prior or later classifications as unclassified miscellaneous (IX) , or more rarely as auxiliaries miscellaneous (AG, T-AG) .
Ash barges (YA)YA-18, ex-YO-37, ex-YE-14, later YCF-5, YFN-570 YA-43, later YF-56 YA-44, later YF-54 YA-52, lost due to enemy action in the Philippines [ 1] YA-59, lost due to enemy action in the Philippines YA-65, lost due to enemy action in the Philippines District auxiliary, miscellaneous (YAG)For similar lists of 'miscellaneous' ships see
List of auxiliaries of the United States Navy § Miscellaneous ships (AG, T-AG) and
List of unclassified miscellaneous vessels of the United States Navy (IX) Tatoosh (YAG-1) [ 2] YAG-2 , lost due to enemy action in the Philippines [ 1] [ 3] YAG-3 , lost due to enemy action in the Philippines [ 4] YAG-4 , sunk by Japanese gunfire in South Harbor, Corregidor, 12 April 1942 [ 5] YAG-5 [ 6] YAG-6 [ 7] YAG-7, patrol vessel [ 8] YAG-8 , later AG-47, weather ship [ 9] YAG-9 , later AG-48, weather ship, sunk 9 September 1942 by U-755 [ 10] YAG-10, acquisition canceled [ 11] Baranof (YAG-11), cargo ship for Alaskan bases [ 12] YAG-12, liberty ferry and barracks ship [ 13] YAG-13, ex-Palace (PYc-33) [ 14] YAG-14, ex-Tourist (PYc-32) [ 15] Mindoro (YAG-15) [ 16] YAG-16, cargo ship for Bahamian and Cuban bases [ 17] YAG-17, moored attack transport simulator, wrecked in the 1944 Great Atlantic hurricane 14 September 1944 [ 18] YAG-18, refrigerator cargo ship for Caribbean bases [ 19] YAG-19, cargo ship for Caribbean bases [ 20] YAG-20, ex-YHB-15, cargo ship for Caribbean bases [ 21] YAG-21, ex-YHB-17, cargo ship for Caribbean bases, grounded near Key West 2 March 1945 [ 22] YAG-22, later YF-568 [ 23] Ensenada (YAG-23), refrigerator cargo ship [ 24] Awahou (YAG-24) [ 25] Port Whangarei (YAG-25) [ 26] Taupata (YAG-26) [ 27] Kohi (YAG-27), sailing scow [ 28] YAG-28, cargo ship for Caribbean bases [ 29] YAG-29, ex-CG-4 [ 30] YAG-30 [ 31] YAG-31 [ 32] Christiana (YAG-32) , seaplane tender, ex-IX-80 [ 33] YAG-33, ex-USAS FS-80 [ 34] YAG-34, torpedo range tender [ 35] Nashawena (YAG-35) , ex-AG-142, cable repair craft Floyd W. Spencer (YAG-36), experimental minesweeper [ 36] John L. Sullivan (YAG-37), experimental minesweeper [ 37] Edward Kavanagh (YAG-38), experimental minesweeper [ 38] George Eastman (YAG-39) , WMD test ship [ A 1] [ 39] [ 40] [ 41] Granville S. Hall (YAG-40) , WMD test ship [ A 2] [ 39] [ 41] YAG-41 through YAG-44, not used, intended for first 4 Guardian -class YAGR radar picket ships [ 11] YAG-45 through YAG-55, not used, planned ship acquisitions canceled [ 11] YAG-56, not used, intended for USS Compass Island (E-AG-153) [ 11] YAG-57, not used, intended for USS Observation Island (E-AG-154) [ 11] YAG-58, not used, intended for USS Francis Marion (APA-249) [ 11] or for Jupiter ballistic missile ship [ 42] Michael Moran (YAG-59) [ 11] Butternut (YAG-60) , ex-AN-9, ANL-9, missile range ship [ 43] Monob One (YAG-61), ex-IX-309 [ 44] Deer Island (YAG-62) [ 45] Saluda (YAG-87) , sailing yawl, sound test ship, ex-IX-87 [ 46] Radar picket ships (YAGR) Guardian-class radar picket ship
All Guardian -class ships were reclassed as AGR in 1958; they were originally intended to be classed as District auxiliaries, miscellaneous (YAG) - see YAG-41 through YAG-44 - but this was not done. Open barges (YC, YCK)YC-119, later YFN-48 YC-164, later YR-5 YC-174, later YFN-86, lost Philippines 1942 YC-179, later YFN-162 YC-181, lost due to enemy action in the Philippines 1942 YC-203, later YFN-211 YC-210, later YF-53 YC-263, later YFN-674, YHB-36 YC-239, later YFN-198 YC-246, later YFN-200 YC-261, later YFN-250 YC-264, later YFN-251 YC-271, ex-YE-39, later YFN-243 YC-273, later YFN-244 YC-274, later YR-20 YC-275, later YFN-208 YC-276, later YFN-209 YC-278, later YFN-248 YC-280, ex-YFN-239, later YRB-14 YC-282, ex-YE-38, later YFN-242 YC-284, later YFN-254 YC-285, later YFN-246 YC-291, later YFN-225 YC-292, ex-YE-34, later YFN-238 YC-294, later YR-21 YC-295, later YFN-253 YC-296, later YR-22 YC-303, later YFN-187 YC-305, later YFN-255 YC-311, later YFN-247 YC-315, later YFN-249 YC-321, later YFN-217 YC-326, later YFN-70 YC-327, later YFN-71 YC-328, later YFN-90 YC-329, later YFN-91 YC-331, later YFN-74 YC-332, later YFN-75 YC-333, later YFN-76 YC-351, later YFN-83 YC-352, later YFN-84, destroyed 1943 YC-353, later YFN-85 YC-363, later YFN-88 YC-364, later YFN-89 YC-383, later YFN-199 YC-412, later YFN-111 YC-415, later YCD-1, YOS-1 [ 47] YC-442 - sank 11 September 1923 [ 48] YC-446, later YFN-87 YC-455, later YR-8 YC-456, later YR-9 YC-462, later YFN-245 YC-463, ex-YPK-4, later YF-672 YC-467, later YFN-218 YC-468, ex-YE-36, later YFN-240 YC-469, ex-YE-37, later YFN-241 YC-473, Operation Wigwam nuclear test participant, destroyed [ 40] YC-480, later YFN-186 YC-484, ex-YE-32, later YFN-236 YC-485, ex-YE-33, later YFN-237 YC-488, later YFN-226 YC-504, later YFN-220 YC-523, lost off Portsmouth New Hampshire 24 February 1944 YC-537, lost due to enemy action in the Philippines 1942 YC-623, later YFN-256 YC-643, lost due to enemy action in the Philippines 1942 YC-644, lost due to enemy action in the Philippines 1942 YC-646, lost due to enemy action in the Philippines 1942 YC-647, lost due to enemy action in the Philippines 1942 YC-648, lost due to enemy action in the Philippines 1942 YC-649, lost due to enemy action in the Philippines 1942 YC-650, later YFN-540 YC-652, lost due to enemy action in the Philippines 1942 YC-653, lost due to enemy action in the Philippines 1942 YC-654, lost due to enemy action in the Philippines 1942 YC-664, lost due to enemy action at Guam December 1941 YC-665, lost due to enemy action at Guam December 1941 YC-666, lost due to enemy action at Guam December 1941 YC-667, lost due to enemy action at Guam December 1941 YC-668, lost due to enemy action at Guam December 1941 YC-669, lost due to enemy action in the Philippines 1942 YC-670, lost due to enemy action at Guam December 1941 YC-671, lost due to enemy action at Guam December 1941 YC-672, lost due to enemy action at Guam December 1941 YC-673, lost due to enemy action at Guam December 1941 YC-674, lost due to enemy action at Guam December 1941 YC-683, lost due to enemy action in the Philippines 1942 YC-685, lost due to enemy action at Guam December 1941 YC-693, lost off Alaska February 1945 YC-701, later YR-23 YC-792, later YFN-1151 YC-714 lost due to enemy action in the Philippines 1942 YC-715 lost due to enemy action in the Philippines 1942 YC-716 lost due to enemy action in the Philippines 1942 YC-717 lost due to enemy action at Guam December 1941 YC-718 lost due to enemy action at Guam December 1941 YC-805, later YFN-1153 YC-813, ex-YF-334 YC-857, lost off Cape Cod Massachusetts 12 November 1943 YC-860, later YFN-676 YC-861, later YFN-677 YC-862, ex-YFN-678, later YRB-10 YC-869, lost off Imperial Beach California 23 March 1943 YC-886, lost at Guantanamo Cuba 3 February 1943 YC-887, lost at Guantanamo Cuba 3 February 1943 YC-891 - sank on 18 April 1945, while under tow by the tug Mauvila (YT-328) off Key West, Florida YC-898, lost off Key West Florida 29 September 1942 YC-899, lost off Key West Florida 29 September 1942 YC-908, later YFN-1149 YC-912, lost in the North Pacific 13 January 1945 YC-961, lost at Biorka Island May 1945 YC-970, lost in Puget Sound Washington 14 August 1943 YC-1037, ex-YFN-396 YC-1079, later YRB-22, later YR-92 YC-1212, ex-YFN-1008 YC-1213, ex-YFN-1009 YC-1219, ex-YF-586 YC-1220, ex-YF-587, later YRB-13 YC-1272, lost near San Pedro California June 1945 YC-1278, lost off the Atlantic coast 10 March 1943 YC-1291, later YF-1094 YC-1292, later YF-1095 YC-1293, later YF-1096 YC-1294, later YF-1097 YC-1295, later YF-1098 YC-1343, ex-YFN-938 YC-1349, ex-YFN-285 YC-1353, ex-YFN-637 YC-1355, ex-YFN-508 YC-1354, ex-YFN-699 YC-1356, ex-YFN-904 YC-1378, later YFN-1288 YC-1461, ex-YFN-1226 YC-1462, ex-YFN-1227 YC-1463, ex-YFN-1228 YC-1464, ex-YFN-1229 YC-1498, later YPD-45, [ 49] YC-1525, later YLC-5 YC 1596, later YFN-1289 YC-1680, ex-YFN-1195 The YCK hull symbol denoted a wooden barge.
YCK-1, lost due to enemy action at Wake Island, December 1941 [ 1] YCK-2, ex-YF-422, lost 5 November 1943 YCK-3, ex-YF-423 YCK-4, ex-YF-424 YCK-5, ex-YF-425 YCK-6, ex-YF-426 YCK-7, ex-YF-427 YCK-8, ex-YF-428, sank 2.7 miles off Key West, Florida on 12 December 1943 while under tow by Army tug LT-4 [ 50] YCK-9, ex-YF-429 YCK-10, ex-YF-430 YCK-11, ex-YF-431 YCK-12, ex-YF-432 YCK-13, ex-YF-433 YCK-14, ex-YF-434 YCK-15, ex-YF-435 YCK-16, ex-YF-436 YCK-17, ex-YF-437 YCK-18, ex-YF-438 YCK-19, ex-YF-439 YCK-20, ex-YF-440 YCK-21, ex-YF-441 YCK-22, ex-YF-442 Coaling derricks (YCD)YCD-1, ex-YC-415, later YOS-1 [ 47] Car floats (YCF)YCF-5, ex-YO-37, ex-YE-14, ex-YA-18, later YFN-570 YCF-23, lost en route to Eniwetok March 1945 YCF-29, lost en route to Eniwetok March 1945 YCF-36, lost en route to Eniwetok March 1945 YCF-37, lost en route to Eniwetok March 1945 YCF-42, lost December 1944 YCF-59, lost off Delaware January 1945 YCF-73, later YFN-1126 YCF-81, later YFN-1127 YCF-86, later YFN-1128 YCF-87, later YFN-1129 YCF-88, later YFN-1130 YCF-90, later YFN-1131 YCF-91, later YFN-1132 YCF-92, later YFN-1133 YCF-93, later YFN-1134 YCF-94, later YFN-1135 Aircraft transportation barges (YCV) Floating derricks (YD)YD-19, lost to enemy action in the Philippines [ 1] YD-23, ex-YR-1 YD-36, ex-YFN-72 YD-37, later YFN-196 YD-39, later YFN-197 YD-43 , ex-ID-3507 YD-47, lost to enemy action in the Philippines YD-56, lost to enemy action in the Philippines YD-60, lost to enemy action in the Philippines YD-171, German war prize Schwimmkran nr. 1 YD-222, ex-US Army BD 6652, later IX-533 YD-261 Diving tenders (YDT) YDT-4 , ex-AMc-79 YDT-6 , ex-AMc-23 YDT-7 , ex-AMc-25 YDT-11, ex-YFN-723, ex-YFNB-12, later YRST-1, IX-526, YR-94 Phoebus (YDT-14), ex-YF-294 Ammunition barges (YE)YE-4, later YFN-229 YE-8, later YFN-230, lost 1942 YE-11, later YFN-231 YE-14, ex-YO-37, later YA-18, YCF-5, YFN-570 YE-15, later YFN-232 YE-16, later YFN-233 YE-32, later YC-484, YFN-236 YE-33, later YC-485, YFN-237 YE-34, later YC-292, YFN-238 YE-36, later YC-468, YFN-240 YE-37, later YC-469, YFN-241 YE-38, later YC-282, YFN-242 YE-39, later YC-271, YFN-243 Covered barges (YF, YFN)YF barges are self-propelled, YFN barges are not. [ 51]
Hull numbers 1 through 256 were built before World War II . [ 52]
YF-4, captured Philippines 1942 YF-5, captured Philippines 1942 YF-6, captured Philippines 1942 YF-23, lost YFN-48, ex-YC-119 YF-53, ex-YC-210 YF-54, ex-YA-44 YF-55, ex-ferry St. Helena YF-56, ex-YA-43 YF-57, lost 1921 YFN-70, ex-YC-326 YFN-71, ex-YC-327 YFN-72, later YD-36 YFN-74 ex-YC-331 YFN-75, ex-YC-332 YFN-76, ex-YC-333 YF-77, later YR-11 YFN-83, ex-YC-351 YFN-84, ex-YC-352, destroyed 1943 YFN-85, ex-YC-353 YFN-86, ex-YC-174, lost Philippines 1942 YFN-87, ex-YC-446 YFN-88, ex-YC-363 YFN-89, ex-YC-364 YFN-90, ex-YC-328 YFN-91, ex-YC-329 YFN-111, ex-YC-412 YF-116 , ex-ID-755 YF-117, later YR-12 YFN-131, ex-YV-26 YFN-133, ex-YV-31 YFN-135, ex-YV-34 YFN-137, ex-YV-53 YFN-138, ex-YV-60 YFN-162, ex-YC-179 YF-177, lost Philippines 1942 YF-178, lost Philippines 1942 YF-179, lost Philippines 1942 YF-180, lost Philippines 1942 YF-181, lost Philippines 1942 YFN-182, ex-YS-72 YFN-183, ex-YS-73 YFN-184, ex-YS-75 YFN-186, ex-YC-480 YFN-187, ex-YC-303 YFN-196, ex-YD-37 YFN-197, ex-YD-39 YFN-198, ex-YC-239 YFN-199, ex-YC-383 YFN-200, ex-YC-246 YFN-208, ex-YC-275 YFN-209, ex-YC-276 YFN-211, ex-YC-203 YF-212, lost due to enemy action in the Philippines 1942 YFN-217, ex-YC-321 YFN-218, ex-YC-467 YFN-220, ex-YC-504 YF-223, lost due to enemy action in the Philippines 1942 YF-224, lost due to enemy action in the Philippines 1942 YFN-225, ex-YC-291 YFN-226, ex-YC-488 YFN-229, ex-YE-4 YFN-230, ex-YE-8, lost due to enemy action in the Philippines 1942 YFN-231, ex-YE-11 YFN-232, ex-YE-15 YFN-233, ex-YE-16 YFN-236, ex-YE-32, ex-YC-484 YFN-237, ex-YE-33, ex-YC-485 YFN-238, ex-YE-34, ex-YC-292 YFN-239, later YC-280, later YRB-14 YFN-240, ex-YE-36, ex-YC-468 YFN-241, ex-YE-37, ex-YC-469 YFN-242, ex-YE-38, ex-YC-282 YFN-243, ex-YE-39, ex-YC-271 YFN-244, ex-YC-273 YFN-245, ex-YC-462 YFN-246, ex-YC-285 YFN-247, ex-YC-311 YFN-248, ex-YC-278 YFN-249, ex-YC-315 YFN-250, ex-YC-261 YFN-251, ex-YC-264 YFN-253, ex-YC-295 YFN-254, ex-YC-284 YFN-255, ex-YC-305 YFN-256, ex-YC-623 Hull numbers 257 through 1153 were built during World War II. [ 53] [ 54]
YF-257, later YFRT-257 YFN-258, later YRB-1 YFN-268, later YFND-5, later IX-530 YFN-271, later YRB-8 YFN-285, later YC-1349 YF-287, later YFRT-287 YF-294, later Phoebus (YDT-14) YFN-298, later YRB-25 YFN-310, later YRB-2 YFN-312, later YRB-7 YFN-317, lost due to enemy action in the Philippines 1942 YFN-318, ex-AMC-60 YF-331, ex-Intrepid, later YSR-42 YFN-333, later YRR-3 YF-334, later YC-813 YFN-365, later YRL-5, YR-83 YFN-373, wrecked on Tanaga Island 1946 YF-379 through YF-391, canceled YFN-396, later YC-1037 YF-401, lost 20 June 1943 YFN-402, later YRB-17 YFN-409, later YRB-18 YF-411, later YFRT-411 YF-415 , exploded and sank 11 May 1944, 17 killed YF-418, later YFRT-418 YF-419, later YFRT-419 YF-422, later YCK-2 YF-423, later YCK-3 YF-424, later YCK-4 YF-425, later YCK-5 YF-426, later YCK-6 YF-427, later YCK-7 YF-428, later YCK-8 YF-429, later YCK-9 YF-430, later YCK-10 YF-431, later YCK-11 YF-432, later YCK-12 YF-433, later YCK-13 YF-434, later YCK-14 YF-435, later YCK-15 YF-436, later YCK-16 YF-437, later YCK-17 YF-438, later YCK-18 YF-439, later YCK-19 YF-440, later YCK-20 YF-441, later YCK-21 YF-442, later YCK-22 YF-447, later YFR-447 YF-451, later YFR-451 YFN-462, later YFT-6 YFN-470, later YRB-3 (sources differ) YFN-474, later YRB-3 (sources differ [ 53] ) YFN-475, later YRB-4 YFN-476, destroyed 1947 YFN-477, later YRB-5 YFN-480, later YRB-6 YF-487, lost in the Caribbean Sea 18 July 1943 YFN-493, later YRB-9 YFN-508, later YC-1355 YFN-511, later YRB-15 YFN-515, later YRB-19 YFN-516, later YRB-20 YF-519, later YFRT-519 YF-520, later YFRT-520 YF-523, later YNG-42 YF-528, later YNG-43 YFN-540, ex-YC-650 YF-568, ex-YAG-22 YFN-570, ex-YO-37, ex-YE-14, ex-YA-18, ex-YCF-5 YF-575, lost off Atlantic City, New Jersey, 6 May 1943 YF-579, lost at San Francisco, California, 20 September 1943 YF-586, later YC-1219 YF-587, later YC-1220, YRB-13 YFN-589, lost YF-608, later APL-14 YF-609, later APL-15 YFN-624, later YFNB-7 YF-628, later APL-17 YF-629, later APL-18 YF-630, later APL-19, sunk as target 2002 YF-631, later APL-20 YF-632, later APL-21 YF-633, later APL-22 YFN-637, later YC-1353 YFN-653, later YFP-5 YFN-655, later YFP-6 YF-672, ex-YPK-4, ex-YC-463 YFN-674, ex-YC-263, later YHB-36 YF-675, canceled YFN-676, ex-YC-860 YFN-677, ex-YC-861 YFN-678, later YC-862, later YRB-10 YF-681 - damaged in the 10 November 1944 explosion of USS Mount Hood (AE-11) in Seeadler Harbor at Manus Island YFN-685, later YRR-4, YR-89 YFN-699, later YC-1354 YFN-701, lost 1946 YFN-703, lost 1946 YFN-713, later YRB-28 YFN-723, later YFNB-12, YDT-11, YRST-1, IX-526, YR-94 YFN-724, lost off the Farallone Islands 22 March 1945 YFN-725, lost off the Farallone Islands 22 March 1945 YFN-740, later YRBM-19, YFNB-19, YRBM-56 YF-744 - grounded at Buckner Bay , Okinawa , by Typhoon Louise in October 1945 YFN-751, later YFNB-26, YRBM-20 YFN-752, later YFNB-27 YFN-753, Operation Crossroads nuclear test target, [ 55] later YFNB-28 YF-757 - sank at Buckner Bay, Okinawa, by Typhoon Louise in October 1945 YFN-775, lost 1946 YFN-777, lost at Eniwetok, 6 August 1945 YFN-779, lost 1946 YFN-780, lost 1946 YFN-811, Project SHAD asset [ 41] YFN-845, later YRB-21 YF-852, later YFRT-523 YF-853, canceled YF-854, later Littlehales (AGSC-15) YF-855 through YF-860 canceled YF-866, sunk as target 1988 YFN-888, deployed to South Vietnam, sunk as target 1987 YFN-889, deployed to South Vietnam, possibly transferred YFN-890, deployed to South Vietnam YFN-894, canceled YFN-895, canceled YFN-899, later YFNB-30, YR-93 YFN-904, later YC-1356 YFN-926, lost en route to Pearl Harbor, 8 March 1945 YFN-934, Operation Castle nuclear test participant [ 39] YFN-938, later YC-1343 YFN-961, later YRB-16 YFN-971, lost 1946 YFN-975, canceled YFN-976, cancelled YFN-985, later YFP-7 YFN-986, later YFP-8 YFN-1007, lost 1948 YFN-1008, later YC-1212 YFN-1009, later YC-1213 YF-1017 through YF-1022, canceled YF-1023, later YFL-25 YF-1053, canceled YFN-1062, later YFNB-35, YPD-46 [ 56] YFN-1064, later YFNB-37, YRB-30 YF-1079, ex-LST-39, ran aground and damaged at Buckner Bay, Okinawa, during Typhoon Louise in October 1945 YF-1080, ex-YP-90 YF-1092, later YFN-1092, YFNX-13, YRST-5, YRB-29 YF-1094, ex-YC-1291 YF-1095, ex-YC-1292 YF-1096, ex-YC-1293 YF-1097, ex-YC-1294 YF-1098, ex-YC-1295 YF-1099 through YF-1123, canceled YFN-1124, ex-sonar barge YFN-1125, ex-Sonar Barge YFN-1126, ex-YCF-73 YFN-1127, ex-YCF-81 YFN-1128, ex-YCF-86 YFN-1129, ex-YCF-87 YFN-1130, ex-YCF-88 YFN-1131, ex-YCF-90 YFN-1132, ex-YCF-91 YFN-1133, ex-YCF-92 YFN-1134, ex-YCF-93 YFN-1135, ex-YCF-94 YFN-1149, ex-YC-908 YFN-1151, ex-YC-792 YFN-1152, ex-YP-629, later YFRN-1152 [ 57] YFN-1153, ex-YC-805 Hull numbers starting with 1154 were built after World War II. [ 58]
YFN-1162, later YFP-13 YFN-1170, later YRB-27 YFN-1192, later YLC-1 YFN-1195, later YC-1680 YFN-1207, later YFP-11 YFN-1209, later YFND-31 YFN-1216, later YFP-12 YFN-1226, later YC-1461 YFN-1227, later YC-1462 YFN-1228, later YC-1463 YFN-1229, later YC-1464 YFN-1253, later YFND-30 YFN-1259, later IX-527, submarine test support barge YFN-1268, later YR-96 YFN-1288, ex-YC-1378 YFN-1289, ex-YC 1596 Yard ferry boats or launches (YFB)Two YFB vessels are currently in use at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base : Leeward (YFB-92) and Windward (YFB-93) [ 59] [ 60]
Asp (YFB-1) Admiral Glass (YFB-2) Berceau (YFB-3) , ex-TB-15 Cyane (YFB-4) , ex-TB-16 Ripple (YFB-5) Despatch (YFB-6)Leslie (YFB-7)Navy Yard (YFB-8) Wave (YFB-10) Callao (YFB-11) San Felipe (YFB-12) , lost due to enemy action at Luzon, Philippines [ 1] Christine (YFB-13)Aquidneck (YFB-14)Conanicut (YFB-15)Manuwai (YFB-16)Nihoa (YFB-17)Monhegan (YFB-18)Vashon (YFB-19) League Island (YFB-20) Calistoga (YFB-21)Jewel (YFB-22)Senibeil (YFB-23)Treasure (YFB-24)Captiva (YFB-25)Falkner (YFB-26)Adak (YFB-28) Pilgrim II (YFB-30) Gould Island (YFB-31)Green Island (YFB-32)Santa Rosa (YFB-33)San Leandro (YFB-34)Sequin (YFB-35)Staten (YFB-36)Dewees (YFB-37)Seabrook (YFB-38)Calodosi (YFB-39)Quonset (YFB-40) Lillian Anne (YFB-41) Asquith (YFB-42) Colington (YFB-43) Royston (YFB-44)Sheffield (YFB-45)North (YFB-46)YFB-47 YFB-48 Metinic (YFB-49) Magdalena (YFB-54) Delta King (YFB-55) , ex-YHB-6 Delta Queen (YFB-56) , ex-YHB-7 San Felipe (YFB-57)Lacosta (YFB-58)Arrowsic (YFB-59)YFB-60 YFB-65 YFB-66 San Felipe (YFB-79)YFB-82 Waa Hele Honoa (YFB-83) YFB-86 Moko Holo Hele (YFB-87) YFB-88 through YFB-91 Leeward (YFB-92) [A], Guantanamo Bay [ 59] Windward (YFB-93) [A], Guantanamo Bay [ 60] YFB-94 YFB-95 YFB-132 Dart (YFB-308) Santa Rita (YFB-681)Rosal (YFB-682), lost due to enemy action at Luzon, Philippines [ 1] Camia (YFB-683), lost due to enemy action at Cavite, Luzon, Philippines [ 1] Dapdap (YFB-684) , lost due to enemy action at Luzon, Philippines [ 1] Rivera (YFB-685), lost due to enemy action at Luzon, Philippines [ 1] Magdalena (YFB-687), lost due to enemy action at Luzon, Philippines [ 1] Yacal (YFB-688) , lost due to enemy action at Luzon, Philippines [ 1] Taposa (YFB-1163) Patchogue (YFB-1227) , ex-ID-1227 YFB-1504 YFB-1516 Porpoise (YFB-2047) , ex-ID-2047 YFB-2494 Atlantic (YFB-3268), ex-ID-3268YFB-4753 Large covered barges, non-self propelled (YFNB)YFNB-7, ex-YFN-624 YFNB-12, ex-YFN-723, Operation Wigwam nuclear test participant, [ 40] later YDT-11, YRST-1, IX-526, YR-94 YFNB-13, Operation Wigwam participant [ 40] YFNB-19, ex-YFN-740, ex-YRBM-19, later YRBM-56 YFNB-21, later YRBM-16 YFNB-24, later YRBM-17 YFNB-26, ex-YFN-751, later YRBM-20 YFNB-27, ex-YFN-752 YFNB-28, ex-YFN-753 YFNB-29, Operation Wigwam participant [ 40] YFNB-30, ex-YFN-899, later YR-93 YFNB-35, ex-YFN-1062, later YPD-46 [ 56] YFNB-37, ex-YFN-1064, later YRB-30 YFNB-42, later YRBM-47 Dry dock companion craft, non-self propelled (YFND)YFND-5, ex-YFN-268, later IX-530 YFND-30, ex-YFN-1253 YFND-31, ex-YFN-1209 Barges, special purpose, non-self propelled (YFNX)YFNX-13, ex-YF-1092, ex-YFN-1092, later YRST-5, later YRB-29 Floating power barges (YFP)YFP-5, ex-YFN-653 YFP-6, ex-YFN-655 YFP-7, ex-YFN-985 YFP-8, ex-YFN-986 YFP-11, ex-YFN-1207 YFP-12, ex-YFN-1216 YFP-13, ex-YFN-1162 Refrigerated covered barges (YFR, YFRN)YFR barges are self-propelled, YFRN barges are not.
The YFR and YFRN hull numbers are part of the YF and YFN sequence.
YFR-443, ex-YF-443, transferred to Colombia [ 61] YFR-447, ex-YF-447 YFR-451, ex-YF-451, lost by explosion and fire, 14 miles northwest of Boston MA. harbor, 11 May 1944 [ 62] YFRN-833 through YFRN-841 YFR-888 through YFR-890 YFRN-997 YFRN-1152, ex-YP-629, ex-YFN-1152 [ 57] Range tenders (YFRT)YFRT-257, ex-YF-257 YFRT-287, ex-YF-287 YFRT-411, ex-YF-411 YFRT-418, ex-YF-418 YFRT-419, ex-YF-419 YFRT-519, ex-YF-519 YFRT-520, ex-YF-520 YFRT-523, ex-YF-852 YFRT-524 , ex-T-AG-161 Torpedo transportation barges (YFT) Harbor utility craft (YFU)Most if not all of the early YFU vessels were LCUs which had been retired from amphibious duties due to age.
YFU-71-class: 11 "Skilak" lighters purchased as Commercial off-the-shelf for the Vietnam War [ 63]
YFU-71, lead ship of class YFU-73, transferred to Cambodia YFU-78, destroyed in rocket attack, Da Nang Bridge Ramp, Vietnam, 1969, with loss of most of the crew YFU-79 , later Baylander (IX-514), converted to a helicopter Landing Ship in 1986 for pilot training, nicknamed the "world's smallest aircraft carrier" YFU-81, transferred to Panama YFU-82, later IX-506 Garbage barges (YG, YGN)YG barges are self-propelled, YGN barges are not.
YG-5 [ 64] YG-17, Pearl Harbor attack participant [ 65] YG-22, lead ship of class YG-29 [ 66] YG-39, lost 27 September 1944 [ 1] YG-44, lost at Pearl Harbor, 7 February 1945 [ 1] YG-51 [ 67] YG-53 [ 68] YGN-70 [ 69] Ambulance boats / Small medical support vessels (YH) Salvage lift craft, heavy (YHLC)Crilley (YHLC 1) [ 72] Crandall (YHLC-2) [ 73] Heating scows (YHT) This section is empty. You can help by
adding to it .
(June 2022 )
Open landing barges (YLA) This section is empty. You can help by
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Salvage lift craft (YLC)YLC-1, ex-YFN-1192 YLC-5, ex-YC-1525 [ 74] Salvage lift craft, light (YLLC)YLLC-1, ex-LCU-1348, transferred to South Vietnam [ 75] Dredges (YM, YMN)YM dredges are self-propelled, YMN dredges are not.
YM-2 [ 76] YM-4 lost due to enemy action in the Philippines [ 1] YM-5, scavenged to build YM-11 YM-11 [ 77] YM-13, captured at Guam 10 December 1941 [ 78] YM-37 [ 79] Seabee (YM-38) [ 80] Salvage lift craft medium (YMLC) Auxiliary motor mine sweepers (YMS) Net gate craft (YNG)YNG-1 [ 81] YNG-20 , ex-AM-17 YNG-42, ex-YF-523 YNG-43, ex-YF-528 Net tender tugs (YNT)All these ships were former Yard net tenders (YN)
Hopocan (YNT-1)Menewa (YNT-2)Oneka (YNT-3)Mahaska (YNT-4)Keshena (YNT-5)Canasatego (YNT-6)Donacona (YNT-7)Mankato (YNT-8)Metea (YNT-9) Okisko (YNT-10) , later YTL-735 Nawat (YNT-11)Tamaha (YNT-12) Wapasha (YNT-13) , later YTB-737 Namontack (YNT-14) , later YTB-738 Cockenoe (YNT-15)Katlian (YNT-16)Neswage (YNT-17)Annawan (YNT-18)Metacom (YNT-19)Tamaque (YNT-20) Marin (YNT-21) Noka (YNT-22)Nawat (YNT-23) Wapello (YNT-24) Fuel oil barges (YO, YON)YO barges are self-propelled, YON barges are not.
YO-10, ex-YW-2, later YR-19 YO-37, later YE-14, YA-18, YCF-5, YFN-570 YO-41 - sank 22 February 1942 during enemy action in the Philippines [ 82] YO-42 - sank 22 February 1942 during enemy action in the Philippines YO-61, Operation Castle nuclear test participant [ 39] USS Syncline (YO-63) - sank in 1972 north of Tahiti [ 83] YO-64 - sank due to enemy action in the Philippines in January 1942 [ 84] YO-77 - damaged in the 10 November 1944 explosion of USS Mount Hood (AE-11) in Seeadler Harbor at Manus Island YO-120, Operation Castle participant [ 39] YO-146 - sank in accident July 1957 YO-156 - lost at Sitka, Alaska , in May 1945 YO-157 - lost at Sitka, Alaska in May 1945 YO-159 - torpedoed and damaged 250 nautical miles (460 km) east of Espiritu Santo by Ro-42 on 14 January 1944, scuttled the following day by USS PC-1138 [ 85] [ 86] YON-160 - Operation Crossroads nuclear test target [ 55] YO-161 - sank at Eniwetok 29 November 1946 YON-184 - sank at Eniwetok in a typhoon in September 1946 [ 87] YO-185 - sank off Saipan 16 March 1946 YO-186 - sank off Guam 5 April 1948 YON-187, later YWN-148 YO-196, ex-YOGN-196 YO-199 - Operation Crossroads participant [ 55] YON-252, ex-YOGN-123 YON-367, ex-YOGN-119 Gasoline barges (YOG, YOGN)YOG barges are self-propelled, YOGN barges are not.
YOG-32, later YWN-157 YOG-33, transferred to South Vietnam [ 88] YOG-42 - under tow by USS Navajo (AT-64) when Navajo was torpedoed and sunk by Japanese submarine I-39 on 12 September 1943, 150 miles East of Espiritu Santo , recovered by USS Sioux (AT-75) , later YOGN-42, intentionally beached on Lanai , Hawaiian Islands in 1950 [ 89] YOG-56, transferred to South Vietnam YOG-63, Operation Crossroads participant [ 55] YOG-66, transferred to South Vietnam YOG-71, transferred to South Vietnam YOG-76 - sank on 13 November 1969 in Cua Viet Cove, South Vietnam after two underwater explosions hit her, refloated and taken to Da Nang , South Vietnam, not repaired due to severe damage [ 90] YOGN-82, Operation Castle participant [ 39] YOG-80, transferred to South Vietnam YOG-83 - Operation Crossroads nuclear test target, sunk off Kwajalein 16 September 1948 [ 55] YOG-84 - lost during typhoon at sea off Saipan 14 November 1948 YOG-93, later IX-523 (training hulk for boarding party tactics) YOGN-116, later YWN-156 YOGN-119, later YON-367 YOGN-123, later YON-252 YOGN-125, ex-YWN-154, later YON YOG-131, transferred to South Vietnam YOGN-196, later YO-196 Oil storage barges (YOS)YOS-1, ex-YC-415, ex-YCD-1 Patrol craft (YP) YP-3 , ex-USS Sanda USS Milan (YP-6) , ex-WCG-209 YP-10 , ex-CG-194 YP-15 , ex-CG-149 YP-16 , ex-CG-267, destroyed 10 December 1941 at Guam YP-17 , ex-CG-275, captured 10 December 1941 at Guam YP-18 , ex-CG-263 YP-19 , ex-CG-177 YP-26 , ex-CG-252, destroyed by an explosion in 1942 while beached in a shipyard in the Panama Canal Zone YP-29, ex-CG-116 [ 91] YP-45 , ex-CG-133 YP-49 , ex-CG-182 YP-51 , ex-CG-261 During World War II many private fishing and United States Fish & Wildlife Service (US FWS) vessels were pressed into naval service as patrol craft. A small number would be modified for delivering refrigerated food to small isolated island bases, most without any reclassification.
YP-72 , ex-Cavalcade , wrecked in Kuluk Bay , Alaska on 17 February 1943 [ 92] YP-73 , ex-Corsair , wrecked in Kodiak, Alaska , on 15 January 1945, 10 killed YP-74 , ex-Endeavor , sunk in collision off Unimak Island , Alaska on 6 September 1942, 4 killed YP-77, ex-PC-528 YP-90, later YF-1080 YP-105, ex-PC-510 YP-148 , ex-Western Queen YP-150 , later AMc-149, IX-177 YP-152 , ex-Western Traveler YP-153 , ex-Waldero YP-155 , ex-Storm YP-179 , ex-SP-179 YP-198 , ex-SP-588, ex-US FWS Eider YP-199 , ex-US FWS Kittiwake YP-200 , ex-SP-624, ex-US FWS Widgeon YP-239 - wrecked at Buckner Bay, Okinawa, by Typhoon Louise in October 1945 YP-214 , ex-SP-214 YP-251 , ex-Foremost YP-258 , later PYc-30 YP-278 , ex-Liberty , small refrigerated cargo vessel YP-279 , ex-Navigator , foundered in heavy weather off Townsville , Australia , on 5 September 1943 YP-284 , ex-Endeavor , sunk by Japanese destroyers off Guadalcanal on 25 October 1942, 1 killed YP-289 - wrecked at Buckner Bay, Okinawa, by Typhoon Louise in October 1945 YP-290 , ex-Picoroto YP-345 , ex-Yankee , disappeared between French Frigate Shoals and Midway Island on 31 October 1942, 17 killed YP-346 , ex-Prospect , damaged and beached by Japanese 9 September 1942, destroyed 10 September 1942, 1 killed YP-375, ex-AMb-17, later IX-199 [ 93] YP-389 , ex-Cohasset , ex-AMc-202, sunk by U-701 near Diamond Shoals on 19 June 1942, 6 killed YP-399 , ex-Big Dipper YP-400 YP-422 , ex-Mist , briefly commanded by L. Ron Hubbard YP-425 Brave , ex-PYc-34 [ 94] YP-448 - later IX-200 YP-449 - later IX-201 YP-506 , ex-ID-1217 YP-617 - small refrigerated cargo vessel YP-618 - small refrigerated cargo vessel YP-629, later YFN-1152, YFRN-1152 [ 57] YP-636 - Operation Crossroads participant, [ 55] later US FWS Henry O'Malley YP-663 , ex-SP-663 (duplicate number from after WWI) YP-714 , ex-SP-714 (duplicate number from after WWI) Later purpose-built yard patrol craft would be assigned mainly to train US Naval Academy and US Merchant Marine Academy midshipmen.
YP-654 through YP-675 YP-676 through YP-682 YP-683 through YP-702 YP-703 through YP-708 Floating pile drivers (YPD)YPD-22, lost due to enemy action in the Philippines [ 1] YPD-36 [ 95] YPD-37, ex-YSD-61 [ 96] YPD-45, ex-YC-1498 [ 49] YPD-46, ex-YFN-1062, ex-YFNB-35 [ 56] Pontoon storage barges (YPK)YPK-4, later YC-463, YF-672 YPK-6, lost due to enemy action in the Philippines YPK-7, lost due to enemy action in the Philippines Floating workshops (YR)YR-1, later YD-23 [ 97] YR-2 YR-3 YR-4, reported missing YR-5, ex-YC-164 YR-6 YR-7 YR-8, ex-YC-455 YR-9, ex-YC-456 YR-10 YR-11, ex-YF-77 YR-12, ex-YF-117 YR-13 through YR-18 YR-19, ex-YW-2, ex-YO-10 YR-20, ex-YC-274 YR-21, ex-YC-294 YR-22, ex-YC-296 YR-23, ex-YC-701 YR-24 YR-25 YR-26, ex-YRR-5 YR-27 through YR-30 YR-31, later YRR-7, later YR-90 YR-32, later YRR-8 YR-33 through YR-35 YR-36, later YRB-31, later YRBM-54 YR-37 YR-38 YR-39, later YRR-6 YR-40 YR-41 YR-42, ex-YTT-3 YR-43, lost in the Gulf of Alaska, 28 March 1945 [ 1] YR-44, later YRBM-48 YR-45 YR-46, later YRBM-49 YR-47 YR-48 YR-49, later YRR-1 YR-50, later YRBM-50 YR-51 YR-52, later YRDM-1 YR-53, later YRDM-2 YR-54, later YRDM-3, YRR-13 YR-55, later YRDH-1, later IX-528 submarine test support barge YR-56, later YRDH-2 YR-57, later YRDH-3, later YRR-11 YR-58 YR-59 YR-60, later YRBM-51 YR-61 YR-62 YR-63, later YRB-36 YR-64 through YR-66 YR-67, later YRB-32 YR-68, later YRB-34 YR-69 through YR-72 YR-73, later YRB-33 YR-74, later YRR-2 YR-75 YR-76 YR-77, later YRBM-52 YR-78, later YRB-35, later YRBM-55 YR-79, later YRR-10 YR-80, canceled YR-81, canceled YR-82, canceled YR-83, ex-YFN-365, ex-YRL-5 YR-84, ex-FMS 6 YR-85, ex-FMS 387 YR-86, ex-FMS 811 YR-87 YR-88, ex-YR 32, YRR 8 YR-89, ex-YFN-685, ex-YRR-4 YR-90, ex-YR-31, ex-YRR-7 YR-91, later YRBM-53 YR-92, ex-YC-1079, ex-YRB-22 YR-93, ex-YFN-899, ex-YFNB-30 YR-94, ex-YFN-723, ex-YFNB-12, ex-YDT-11, ex-YRST-1, ex-IX-526 YR-95, ex-Nestucca YR-96, ex-YFN-1268 Repair and berthing barges (YRB)YRB-1, ex-YFN-258 [ 97] YRB-2, ex-YFN-310 YRB-3, ex-YFN-470 or ex-YFN-474 (sources differ) [ 53] [ 97] YRB-4, ex-YFN-475 YRB-5, ex-YFN-477 YRB-6, ex-YFN-480 YRB-7, ex-YFN-312 YRB-8, ex-YFN-271 YRB-9, ex-YFN-493 YRB-10, ex-YFN-678, ex-YC-862 YRB-11, ex-YC-293 YRB-12, ex-YC-312 YRB-13, ex-YF-587, ex-YC-1220 YRB-14, ex-YFN-239, ex-YC-280 YRB-15, ex-YFN-511 YRB-16, ex-YFN-961 YRB-17, ex-YFN-402 YRB-18, ex-YFN-409 YRB-19, ex-YFN-515 YRB-20, ex-YFN-516 YRB-21, ex-YFN-845 YRB-22, ex-YC-1079, later YR-92 YRB-23 YRB-24 YRB-25, ex-YFN-298 YRB-26 YRB-27, ex-YFN-1170 YRB-28, ex-YFN-713 YRB-29, ex-YF-1092, ex-YFN-1092, ex-YFNX-13, ex-YRST-5 YRB-30, ex-YFN-1064, ex-YFNB-37 YRB-31, ex-YR-36, later YRBM-54 YRB-32, ex-YR-67 YRB-33, ex-YR-73 YRB-34, ex-YR-68 YRB-35, ex-YR-78, later YRBM-55 YRB-36, ex-YR-63 Repair, berthing and messing barges (YRBM)YRBM-1 through YRBM-15 [ 97] YRBM-16, ex-YFNB-21, transferred to South Vietnam [ 98] YRBM-17, ex-YFNB-24 YRBM-18, ex-APL-55 YRBM-19, ex-YFN-740, later YFNB-19, YRBM-56 YRBM-20, ex-YFN-751, YFNB-26 YRBM-21 through YRBM-46 YRBM-47, ex-YFNB-42 YRBM-48, ex-YR-44 YRBM-49, ex-YR-46 YRBM-50, ex-YR-50 YRBM-51, ex-YR-60 YRBM-52, ex-YR-77 YRBM-53, ex-YR-91 YRBM-54, ex-YR-36, ex-YRB-31 YRBM-55, ex-YR-78, ex-YRB-35 YRBM-56, ex-YFN-740, ex-YRBM-19, ex-YFNB-19 Submarine rescue chambers (YRC)YRC-4, lost due to enemy action in the Philippines [ 1] Floating dry dock workshops, hull (YRDH)YRDH-1, ex-YR-55, later IX-528 submarine test support barge [ 97] YRDH-2, ex-YR-56 YRDH-3, ex-YR-57, later YRR-11 YRDH-4, later YRR-12 YRDH-5 through YRDH-8 Floating dry dock workshops, machine (YRDM)YRDM-1, ex-YR-52 [ 97] YRDM-2, ex-YR-53 YRDM-3, ex-YR-54, later YRR-13 YRDM-4, later YRR-14 YRDM-5 through YRDM-7 YRDM-8, later YRR-5 Covered barges repair (YRL)YRL-5, ex-YFN-365, later YR-83 Radiological repair barges (YRR)YRR-1, ex-YR-49 [ 97] YRR-2, ex-YR-74 YRR-3, ex-YFN-333 YRR-4, ex-YFN-685, later YR-89 YRR-5, ex-YRDM-8 YRR-6, ex-YR-39 YRR-7, ex-YR-31, later YR-90 YRR-8, ex-YR-32, ex-YR-88 YRR-9 YRR-10, ex-YR-79 YRR-11, ex-YR-57, ex-YRDH-3 YRR-12, ex-YRDH-4 YRR-13, ex-YR-54, ex-YRDM-3 YRR-14, ex-YRDM-4 Salvage craft tenders (YRST)YRST-1, ex-YFN-723, ex-YFNB-12, ex-YDT-11, later IX-526, later YR-94 YRST-5, ex-YF-1092, ex-YFN-1092, ex-YFNX-13, later YRB-29 Stevedoring barges (YS)YS-72, later YFN-182 YS-73, later YFN-183 YS-75, later YFN-184 YS-88 [ 99] YS-110 [ 99] Yard seaplane derricks (YSD)YSD-1 YSD-2 YSD-4 YSD-6 YSD-7 through YSD-10 YSD-11-class crane ship
YSD-11 through YSD-13 YSD-15 through YSD-27 YSD-29 through YSD-37 YSD-42 through YSD-50 YSD-55 YSD-59 through YSD-60 YSD-61, later YPD-37 YSD-62 through YSD-78 Salvage barges (YSP)YSP-44 - sunk 22 February 1942 during enemy action in the Philippines [ 100] YSP-46 through YSP-50 - all sunk 22 February 1942 during enemy action in the Philippines [ 1] Sludge removal barges (YSR)YSR-2 - sunk 22 February 1942 during enemy action in the Philippines [ 100] YSR-42, ex-Intrepid , ex-YF-331 Yard tugs (YT)Many of these tugs were later assigned YTB, YTL, or YTM classifications.
Wahneta (YT-1) Iwana (YT-2)Narkeeta (YT-3)Unadilla (YT-4)Samoset (YT-5)Penacook (YT-6) Pawtucket (YT-7) Pentucket (YT-8) Sotoyomo (YT-9) Triton (YT-10) Fortune (YT-11) Cayuga (YT-12) Hercules (YT-13) Lively (YT-14) Massasoit (YT-15) Modoc (YT-16) Mohawk (YT-17) Nottoway (YT-18) Nyack (YT-19)Passaic (YT-20) Pawnee (YT-21) Rocket (YT-22)Sebago (YT-23)Tecumseh (YT-24) Vigilant (YT-25) Wicomico (YT-26) Wompatuck (YT-27) Advance (YT-28) , ex-ID-3057 Barnett (YT-29) Bouker No. 2 (YT-30) , ex-SP-1275 Saco (YT-31) , ex-SP-2725 Catawba (YT-32) Mendota (YT-33) , ex-SP-773 Dreadnaught (YT-34) Nausett (YT-35) Choptank (YT-36) Yuma (YT-37) John L. Lawrence (YT-38)Navigator (YT-39)Nonpareil (YT-40)Chase S. Osborne (YT-41) Penobscot (YT-42) , ex-SP-982, later YTB-42 Pocomoke (YT-43) Adirondack (YT-44) James Wooley (YT-45) YT-46 through YT-85 YT-86 through YT-101 Alida (YT-102) Balanga (YT-103) Banaag (YT-104), lost due to enemy action in the Philippines [ 1] Barcelo (YT-105)Christine (YT-106) Iona (YT-107), sunk by Japanese aircraft at Cavite, Luzon, Philippine Islands, 2 January 1942 [ 1] Mercedes (YT-108), destroyed to prevent capture at Cavite, Luzon, Philippine Islands, 2 January 1942 [ 1] Peoria (YT-109) Uncas (YT-110) , ex-AT-51 YT-111 Active (YT-112) Diligent (YT-113) Choctaw (YT-114) Reindeer (YT-115)Vaga (YT-116), scuttled to prevent capture off Corregidor, Luzon, Philippine Islands, 5 May 1942 [ 1] YT-117 YT-118 Geronimo (YT-119)Stallion (YT-120) Arapaho (YT-121) Tillamook (YT-122) Wando (YT-123) , ex-AT-17, later YTB-123 Chemung (YT-124) , ex-AT-18 Undaunted (YT-125) Challenge (YT-126) , ex-SP-1015, ex-AT-59, later YTM-126 Patriot (YT-127) Powhatan (YT-128) Osceola (YT-129) YT-130 USS Massasoit (YT-131) YT-132 Narkeeta (YT-133) Wahneta (YT-134) Cahokia (YT-135) Tamaroa (YT-136) , ex-AT-62, later YTB-136 J. M. Woodworth (YT-137)Woban (YT-138) Ala (YT-139) Wahtah (YT-140) Heekon (YT-141) Nokomis (YT-142) YT-143 YT-144 Montezuma (YT-145) Hoga (YT-146) Tazhia (YT-147) Wenonah (YT-148) Toka (YT-149)Woyot (YT-150)Konoka (YT-151)YT-152 through YT-169 Alloway (YT-170) Yaquima (YT-171)Sparrow (YT-172) Manistee (YT-173) Allaquippa (YT-174)Chekilli (YT-175)Junaluska (YT-176)Black Fox (YT-177)Dekaury (YT-178)Lone Wolf (YT-179)Madokawando (YT-180)Mazapeta (YT-181)Mawkaw (YT-182)YT-184 through YT-186 Canonicus (YT-187) Negwagon (YT-188)Nepanet (YT-189)Orono (YT-190)Osamekin (YT-191)Pessacus (YT-192) Sassacus (YT-193) Squanto (YT-194)Yonaguska (YT-195)YT-196 YT-197 YT-198, sunk off Anzio, Italy, 18 February 1944 YT-199 through YT-213 Cahto (YT-215) Cochise (YT-216) Ensenore (YT-217) Achigan (YT-218) Hatak (YT-219) Iona (YT-220) Kabout (YT-221) Kasota (YT-222) Mahackemo (YT-223) Manada (YT-224) Maquinna (YT-225) Chaska (YT-226) Alamingo (YT-227) Alamuchee (YT-228) Alarka (YT-229) YT-230 through YT-237 Bomazeen (YT-238) YT-239 YT-240 Uncas (YT-242) YT-243 through YT-245 Tavibo (YT-246)YT-247, sunk 5 April 1944 [ 1] YT-248 through YT-251 Dekanisora (YT-252)Anacot (YT-253)Menatonon (YT-254)Kennesaw (YT-255) Menoquet (YT-256) Minooka (YT-257)Moanahonga (YT-258) Arivaca (YT-259) Nasomee (YT-260)Nawona (YT-261) Oneyana (YT-262) Neoga (YT-263) Awatobi (YT-264) Hiawatha (YT-265) Pocahontas (YT-266) Pogatacut (YT-267)Red Cloud (YT-268)Sakarissa (YT-269)Satanta (YT-270)Minnehaha (YT-271)Iwana (YT-272)Tecumseh (YT-273)Pokagon (YT-274)Epanow (YT-275)Tavibo (YT-276)Onockatin (YT-277)Ossahinta (YT-278)Penacook (YT-279)Tuscola (YT-280)Peshewah (YT-281)Piomingo (YT-282)Pitchlynn (YT-283)Neokautah (YT-284)Poquim (YT-285)Quinnapin (YT-286)Sabeata (YT-287)Sagaunash (YT-288)Sakaweston (YT-289)Canocan (YT-290)YT-291 through YT-324 Mamo (YT-325) Sacagawea (YT-326) Haiglar (YT-327)Mauvila (YT-328)YT-330 Namequa (YT-331) YT-332 YT-333 Dekanawida (YT-334) Dohasan (YT-335) Skenandoa (YT-336) Wampatuck (YT-337) Nesutan (YT-338)YT-339 YT-340 Tuscarora (YT-341)YT-342 Swatane (YT-344)YT-345 YT-346 Oratamin (YT-347)YT-348 Neomonni (YT-349)YT-351 through YT-353 Corbitant (YT-354)YT-355 through YT-358 Pawtucket (YT-359)YT-360 through YT-363 Sassaba (YT-364) Segwarusa (YT-365) Waubansee (YT-366) Wawasee (YT-367) Shahaka YT-368, sunk after collision with ABSD-2 during transit from California to Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, 9 May 1944 [ 1] Shamokin (YT-369)Skandawati (YT-370)Smohalla (YT-371)Tatarrax (YT-372)Topenebee (YT-373)Vaga (YT-374)Oconostota (YT-375)Winnetka (YT-376)Candoto (YT-377)Chicomico (YT-378)Canuck (YT-379)Chanagi (YT-380)Chepanoc (YT-381)Coatopa (YT-382)Cochali (YT-383) Waneta (YT-384) Wannalancet (YT-385) Washakie (YT-386) Watseka (YT-387) Connewango (YT-388) Conohasset (YT-389) Ganadoga (YT-390) Itara (YT-391) Mecosta (YT-392) Nakarna (YT-393) Winamac (YT-394) Wingina (YT-395) Wovoka (YT-396)Yanegua (YT-397)Netakhi (YT-398)Numa (YT-399)Otokomi (YT-400)Owachomo (YT-401)Panameta (YT-402)Pitamakan (YT-403)Coshecton (YT-404)Cusseta (YT-405) Kittaton (YT-406) Lonoto (YT-407)Minniska (YT-408) Anamosa (YT-409) Allamakee (YT-410)Ponkabia (YT-411)Conchardee (YT-412)Portobago (YT-413)Satago (YT-414) Secota (YT-415) Sonnicant (YT-416)Taconnet (YT-417) Tensaw (YT-418) Topawa (YT-419) Wallacut (YT-420) Windigo (YT-421)YT-422 YT-427 YT-428 YT-431 YT-432 YT-434 through YT-436 YT-438 YT-440 through YT-445 YT-448 YT-451 YT-452 YT-454 through YT-457 Resolute (YT-458) /Evea (YT-458) Edenshaw (YT-459)Kiasutha (YT-463)Shabonee (YT-465)Chipola (YT-466)YT-482 YT-718 Natick -class
Valiant -class
Rainier -class
Rainier (YT-808) [A]Agamenticus (YT-809) [A]Deception (YT-810) [A]Olympus (YT-811) [A]Baker (YT-812) [A]Sentinel (YT-813) [A] Large harbor tugs (YTB)Natick -class
Small harbor tugs (YTL)YTL-16 through YTL-18 YTL-86 through YTL-96 YTL-98 YTL-99 YTL-117 YTL-118 YTL-130 YTL-132 YTL-143 YTL-144 YTL-152 through YTL-169 YTL-184 through YTL-186 YTL-196 YTL-197 YTL-199 through YTL-212 YTL-230 through YTL-237 YTL-244 through YTL-251 YTL-291 through YTL-320 YTL-324 YTL-333 YTL-339 YTL-340 YTL-345 YTL-346 YTL-348 YTL-351 through YTL-353 YTL-355 through YTL-358 YTL-360 through YTL-363 YTL-422 through YTL-457 YTL-473 YTL-479 through YTL-490 YTL-550 YTL-553 YTL-557 through YTL-560 YTL-566 YTL-567 YTL-571 YTL-583 YTL-586 YTL-588 YTL-590 through YTL-592 YTL-594 YTL-600 through YTL-602 YTL-614 YTL-618 YTL-710 YTL-711 YTL-718 Okisko (YTL-735) , ex-YNT-10 YTL-761 Medium harbor tugs (YTM)Iwana (YTM-2)Unadilla (YTM-4)Samoset (YTM-5)Penacook (YTM-6) Pawtucket (YTM-7) Sotoyomo (YTM-9) YTM-13 YTM-14 Tecumseh (YTM-24) Catawba (YTM-32) Choptank (YTM-36) Active (YTM-112) Reindeer (YTM-115)Geronimo (YTM-119)Stallion (YTM-120) Tillamook (YTM-122) Challenge (YTM-126) , ex-SP-1015, ex-AT-59, ex-YT-126 Powhatan (YTM-128) Osceola (YTM-129) Massasoit (YTM-131) Narkeeta (YTM-133) Wahneta (YTM-134) Cahokia (YTM-135)Tamaroa (YTM-136)Woban (YTM-138) Ala (YTM-139) , grounded and sank, Kuluk Bay, Adak, Alaska, 19 May 1964 Wahtah (YTM-140) Heekon (YTM-141) Nokomis (YTM-142) Montezuma (YTM-145) Hoga (YTM-146) Tazhia (YTM-147) Wenonah (YTM-148) Toka (YTM-149)Woyot (YTM-150)Konoka (YTM-151) Alloway (YTM-170) Allaquippa (YTM-174)Chekilli (YTM-175)Junaluska (YTM-176)Black Fox (YTM-177)Dekaury (YTM-178)Madokawando (YTM-180)Mazapeta (YTM-181)Mawkaw (YTM-182) Canonicus (YTM-187) Negwagon (YTM-188)Nepanet (YTM-189)Orono (YTM-190) Sassacus (YTM-193) Yonaguska (YTM-195)YTM-213 Alamingo (YTM-227) YTM-239 YTM-240 YTM-243 Dekanisora (YTM-252) Menoquet (YTM-256) Arivaca (YTM-259) Oneyana (YTM-262) Neoga (YTM-263) Hiawatha (YTM-265) Red Cloud (YTM-268)Sakarissa (YTM-269)Satanta (YTM-270)Minnehaha (YTM-271)Iwana (YTM-272)Olathe (YTM-273)YTM-321 YTM-322 Lively (YTM-323)Mamo (YTM-325) Sacagawea (YTM-326) Mauvila (YTM-328)YTM-330 Dohasan (YTM-335) Skenandoa (YTM-336) YTM-342 Oratamin (YTM-347)Neomonni (YTM-349)Corbitant (YTM-354)Pawtucket (YTM-359)Sassaba (YTM-364) Segwarusa (YTM-365) Waubansee (YTM-366) Wawasee (YTM-367) Shahaka (YTM-368)Shamokin (YTM-369)Skandawati (YTM-370)Smohalla (YTM-371)Tatarrax (YTM-372)Topenebee (YTM-373)Vaga (YTM-374)Oconostota (YTM-375)Candoto (YTM-377)Chicomico (YTM-378)Chanagi (YTM-380)Chepanoc (YTM-381)Coatopa (YTM-382)Cochali (YTM-383) Waneta (YTM-384) Wannalancet (YTM-385) Washakie (YTM-386) Watseka (YTM-387) Connewango (YTM-388) Ganadoga (YTM-390) Itara (YTM-391) Mecosta (YTM-392) Nakarna (YTM-393) Winamac (YTM-394) Wingina (YTM-395) Wovoka (YTM-396)Yanegua (YTM-397) Natahki (YTM-398) Numa (YTM-399)Otokomi (YTM-400)Owachomo (YTM-401)Panameta (YTM-402)Pitamakan (YTM-403)Coshecton (YTM-404)Cusseta (YTM-405) Kittaton (YTM-406) Lonoto (YTM-407)Minniska (YTM-408) Anamosa (YTM-409) Allamakee (YTB-410)Conchardee (YTM-412)Porobago (YTM-413)Satago (YTM-414) Secota (YTM-415) Taconnet (YTM-417) Tensaw (YTM-418) Topawa (YTM-419) Wallacut (YTM-420) Windigo (YTM-421)YTM-460 through YTM-462 Cholocco (YTM-464)Chipola (YTM-466)YTM-467, lost in the Marshall or Gilbert Islands, March 1944 [ 1] YTM-468 through YTM-472 YTM-474 through YTM-478 Abinago (YTM-493) Alnaba (YTM-494)Barboncito (YTM-495)Chahao (YTM-496)Tlingit (YTM-497)Manteo (YTM-517)Hisada (YTM-518)Mahoa (YTM-519) Nacheninga (YTM-520) Nabigwon (YTM-521) Sagawamick (YTM-522)Senasqua (YTM-523)Tutahaco (YTM-524) Wabanaquot (YTM-525) Wahaka (YTM-526) Wahpeton (YTM-527) Ocmulgee (YTM-532)Shahaska (YTM-533) Nadli (YTM-534) Nahasho (YTM-535) Nahoke (YTM-536) Nanigo (YTM-537) Sikis (YTM-539) Quileute (YTM-540) Ozette (YTM-541) Chegodega (YTM-542)Etawina (YTM-543)Yatanocas (YTM-544) Accohanoc (YTM-545) Takos (YTM-546)Yanaba (YTM-547)Matunak (YTM-548)Migadan (YTM-549)YTM-606 YTM-607 Acoma (YTM-701) Arawak (YTM-702)Canarsee (YTM-703)Moratoc (YTM-704)YTM-721 YTM-722 Hopocan (YTM-728)Oneka (YTM-729)Keshena (YTM-731)Canasatego (YTM-732)Donacona (YTM-733)Mankato (YTM-734)Tahchee (YTM-736)Annawan (YTM-739)Metacom (YTM-740)Tamaque (YTM-741) Adario (YTM-743) Chicopee (YTM-747) Yuma (YTM-748) Kaukauna (YTM-749)Hackensack (YTM-750)Manteo (YTM-751)Kewaunee (YTM-752) Naugatuck (YTM-753) Woonsocket (YTM-754) Waukegan (YTM-755) Owatonna (YTM-756) Wahpeton (YTM-757) YTM-758 Mizar (YTM-759) Mascoutah (YTM-760) Menasha (YTM-761)Pokanoket (YTM-762) Muskegon (YTM-763) Cholocco (YTM-764)Chiquito (YTM-765)Chohonaga (YTM-766)Ankachak (YTM-767)Apohola (YTM-768)Hombro (YTM-769)Mimac (YTM-770)Nootka (YTM-771)Makah (YTM-772)Chilkat (YTM-773)Carascan (YTM-774)Hastwiana (YTM-775)Hiamonee (YTM-776)Lelaka (YTM-777)Oswegatchie (YTM-778)Pocasset (YTM-779)Pokanoket (YTM-780)YTM-800 through YTM-804 Torpedo trials craft (YTT) Cape Flattery -class
Cape Flattery (YTT-9)Battle Point (YTT-10) [A]Discovery Bay (YTT-11) [A]Agate Pass (YTT-12) Drone aircraft catapult control craft (YV)Catapult (YV-1), ex-LSM-445 [ 103] Launcher (YV-2), ex-LSM-446 [ 104] Targeteer (YV-3) , ex-LSM(R)-508, nicknamed the "world's smallest aircraft carrier" Catapult barges (YVC) This section is empty. You can help by
adding to it .
(June 2022 )
Water barges (YW, YWN)YW barges are self-propelled, YWN barges are not.
YW-2, later YO-10, YR-19 YW-50 - captured 10 December 1941 at Guam YW-54 - captured 10 December 1941 at Guam YW-55 - captured 10 December 1941 at Guam YW-56, ex-DD-259, later IX-98 [ 105] YW-58 - captured 10 December 1941 at Guam YW-87, later Monob One (IX-309) YW-92 - Operation Crossroads participant [ 55] YW-97, ex-SC-64 YW-114, sank when cargo shifted at Tongass Narrows near Ketchikan, Alaska , on 12 August 1989 [ 106] YW-120, ex-PC-624 YW-145, later YWN-145 YW-146, later YWN-146 YWN-148, ex-YON-187 YWN-154, later YOGN-125 YWN-156, ex-YOGN-116 YWN-157, ex-YOG-32 Unclassified vessels Barrier boats Barrier Boat (19BB) The 19 foot, 9.5 ton Barrier Boats (19BB) were built to deploy and maintain port security booms surrounding Navy ships and installations in port. A total 13 unnamed boats were first delivered in 2003. [ 107]
Other Barrier Boats are 30-foot Modutech work boats. [ 108]
References Citations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 "Casualties Navy and Coast Guard Ships - Continued" . NHHC . ↑ YAG-1 ↑ YAG-2 ↑ YAG-3 ↑ YAG-4 ↑ YAG-5 ↑ YAG-6 ↑ YAG-7 ↑ YAG-8 ↑ YAG-9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 YAG ↑ YAG-11 ↑ YAG-12 ↑ YAG-13 ↑ YAG-14 ↑ YAG-15 ↑ YAG-16 ↑ YAG-17 ↑ YAG-18 ↑ YAG-19 ↑ YAG-20 ↑ YAG-21 ↑ YAG-22 ↑ YAG-23 ↑ YAG-24 ↑ YAG-25 ↑ YAG-26 ↑ YAG-27 ↑ YAG-28 ↑ YAG-29 ↑ YAG-30 ↑ YAG-31 ↑ YAG-32 ↑ YAG-33 ↑ YAG-34 ↑ YAG-36 ↑ YAG-37 ↑ YAG-38 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Martin, Edwin J; Rowland, Richard H (April 1, 1982). Castle Series, 1954 (PDF) . Washington DC: Defense Nuclear Agency . OCLC 831905820 . DNA 6035F – via Defense Technical Information Center. 1 2 3 4 5 "Operation WIGWAM, Report of Commander, Task Group 7.3" (PDF) . Defense Technical Information Center . July 22, 1955. Archived (PDF) from the original on December 1, 2021. Retrieved December 1, 2021 . 1 2 3 "Ships Associated with SHAD Tests" . Archived from the original on July 26, 2013. Retrieved 21 September 2012 . ↑ "Class: Unnamed (EAG 155, C4-S-1a)" . ↑ YAG-60 ↑ YAG-61 ↑ YAG-62 ↑ YAG-87 1 2 "Fleet Oiler (YO) Photo Index" . . ↑ "Civilian Vessel" . . 1 2 "NO NAME (YPD 45) (Floating Pile Driver)" . . Retrieved 6 July 2022 . ↑ "YCK-8 (1943)" . . Retrieved 6 July 2022 . On December 13th, 1943, US open cargo lighter YCK-8 sinks (cause unspecified) off Key West, Florida. ↑ "YFN - Steel Covered Lighter" . . ↑ "Freight Lighters Pre-War YF YFN YFND YFR YFRN YFRT" . . Retrieved 6 July 2022 . 1 2 3 "Freight Lighters Wartime YF YFN YFND YFR YFRN YFRT" . . Retrieved 6 July 2022 . ↑ "NavSource Auxiliary Ship Photo Archive" . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Operation Crossroads 1946 (PDF) (Report). Defense Nuclear Agency. 1 2 3 "NO NAME (YPD 46) (Floating Pile Driver)" . . Retrieved 6 July 2022 . 1 2 3 "USS YFR-1152 ex YF-1152" . . Retrieved 6 July 2022 . ↑ "Freight Lighters Post-War YF YFN YFND YFR YFRN YFRT" . . Retrieved 6 July 2022 . 1 2 "Leeward (YFB) Ferryboat or Launch (S-P)" . Naval Vessel Register . Retrieved 5 September 2012 . 1 2 "Windward (YFB93)" . Naval Vessel Register . Retrieved 5 September 2012 . ↑ "YFR-443 ex YF-443" . . Retrieved 6 July 2022 . ↑ "YFR-451" . . Retrieved 6 July 2022 . ↑ "The Saga of the YFU-79 & the U-Boat Sailors of I Corps – The Mobile Riverine Force Association" . . Retrieved 6 July 2022 . ↑ "YG-5" . NHHC . ↑ "The Heroism of YG-17 at Pearl Harbor" . Pearl Harbor . April 4, 2019. ↑ "Garbage Lighter (YG)" . . ↑ "NH 74186 US Navy Garbage Lighter (YG-51)" . NHHC . ↑ "NO NAME (YG 53) (Garbage Lighter)" . . Retrieved 6 July 2022 . ↑ "Garbage Lighter (YG)" . . ↑ "YHB-10" . NHHC . ↑ "Miscellaneous Photo Index" . . ↑ "CRILLEY (YHLC 1) (Salvage Life Craft)" . . Retrieved 6 July 2022 . ↑ "YHLC" . . ↑ "NO NAME (YLC 2) (Salvage Lift Craft)" . . Retrieved 6 July 2022 . ↑ "Landing Craft Tank Photo Index" . . ↑ "Miscellaneous Photo Index" . . 1 2 "Miscellaneous Photo Index" . . ↑ "Miscellaneous Photo Index" . . ↑ "Miscellaneous Photo Index" . . ↑ "SEABEE (YM 38) (Dredge)" . . Retrieved 6 July 2022 . ↑ "19-N-24347 USS YNG-1" . NHHC . ↑ World War II Shipwrecks of the Philippines , by Tom Bennett ↑ "Fleet Oiler (YO) Photo Index" . . ↑ "Naval Losses WWII" . . ↑ "Official Chronology of the US Navy in WWII" . . Retrieved 4 January 2014 . ↑ The Official Chronology of the U.S. Navy in World War II, By Robert Cressman, YO-159 ↑ "Fleet Oiler (YO) Photo Index" . . ↑ "Republic of Viet-Nam Navy (VNN): List of Ships and Crafts" (PDF) . Archived from the original (PDF) on 2011-07-25. Retrieved 6 July 2022 . ↑ "Yard Oiler (YOG) Photo Index" . . ↑ "Yard Oiler (YOG) Photo Index" . . ↑ "19-N-23827 USS YP-29" . NHHC . ↑ "YP-72" . NHHC . ↑ "Barcelo (IX-199)" ↑ Naval History And Heritage Command (26 June 2015). "Brave" . Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships . Naval History And Heritage Command. Retrieved 1 September 2019 . ↑ "NO NAME (YPD 36) (Floating Pile Driver)" . . Retrieved 6 July 2022 . ↑ "NO NAME (YPD 37) (Floating Pile Driver)" . . Retrieved 6 July 2022 . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 "Repair and Berthing Barges YR YRB YRBM YRDH YRDM YRR" . . Retrieved 6 July 2022 . ↑ "YRBM" . . 1 2 "Miscellaneous Photo Index" . . 1 2 World War II Wrecks of the Philippines ↑ Operation Dominic I (PDF) (DNA6040F), Washington, DC: Defense Nuclear Agency, 1983, archived from the original (PDF) on 23 August 2012, retrieved 12 January 2014 ↑ Roberts, U.S. Navy Ship Design Project Numbers ↑ "Landing Ship Medium LSM" . . ↑ "Landing Ship Medium LSM-446" . . ↑ "Turner I (Destroyer No. 259)" . Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships. ↑ "YW-114" . . Retrieved 6 July 2022 . ↑ Roza, David (6 October 2020). "Meet the Navy's most adorable boat" . Task & Purpose. ↑ Tenorio, Nicholas (February 3, 2023). "The Barrier Boats of NSA Souda Bay Port Operations" . America's Navy. This page is based on this
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