Barometric formula

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The barometric formula is a formula used to model how the pressure (or density) of the air changes with altitude.


Pressure equations

Pressure as a function of the height above the sea level Pressure air.svg
Pressure as a function of the height above the sea level

There are two equations for computing pressure as a function of height. The first equation is applicable to the atmospheric layers in which the temperature is assumed to vary with altitude at a non null lapse rate of : The second equation is applicable to the atmospheric layers in which the temperature is assumed not to vary[ citation needed ] with altitude (lapse rate is null): where:

Or converted to imperial units: [1]

The value of subscript b ranges from 0 to 6 in accordance with each of seven successive layers of the atmosphere shown in the table below. In these equations, g0, M and R* are each single-valued constants, while P, L,T, and h are multivalued constants in accordance with the table below. The values used for M, g0, and R* are in accordance with the U.S. Standard Atmosphere, 1976, and the value for R* in particular does not agree with standard values for this constant. [2] The reference value for Pb for b = 0 is the defined sea level value, P0 = 101 325 Pa or 29.92126 inHg. Values of Pb of b = 1 through b = 6 are obtained from the application of the appropriate member of the pair equations 1 and 2 for the case when h = hb+1. [2]

Subscript bGeopotential

height above MSL (h)

Static pressureStandard temperature
Temperature lapse rateExponent
g0 M / R L
000101 325.0029.92126288.150.00650.00198125.25588
111 00036,08922 632.106.683245216.650.00.0
220 00065,6175474.891.616734216.65-0.001-0.0003048-34.1626
332 000104,987868.020.2563258228.65-0.0028-0.00085344-12.2009
447 000154,199110.910.0327506270.650.00.0
551 000167,32366.940.01976704270.650.00280.0008534412.2009
671 000232,9403.960.00116833214.650.0020.000609617.0813

Density equations

The expressions for calculating density are nearly identical to calculating pressure. The only difference is the exponent in Equation 1.

There are two equations for computing density as a function of height. The first equation is applicable to the standard model of the troposphere in which the temperature is assumed to vary with altitude at a lapse rate of ; the second equation is applicable to the standard model of the stratosphere in which the temperature is assumed not to vary with altitude.

Equation 1:

which is equivalent to the ratio of the relative pressure and temperature changes

Equation 2:


or, converted to U.S. gravitational foot-pound-second units (no longer used in U.K.): [1]

The value of subscript b ranges from 0 to 6 in accordance with each of seven successive layers of the atmosphere shown in the table below. The reference value for ρb for b = 0 is the defined sea level value, ρ0 = 1.2250 kg/m3 or 0.0023768908 slug/ft3. Values of ρb of b = 1 through b = 6 are obtained from the application of the appropriate member of the pair equations 1 and 2 for the case when h = hb+1. [2]

In these equations, g0, M and R* are each single-valued constants, while ρ, L, T and h are multi-valued constants in accordance with the table below. The values used for M, g0 and R* are in accordance with the U.S. Standard Atmosphere, 1976, and that the value for R* in particular does not agree with standard values for this constant. [2]

Subscript bGeopotential

height above MSL (h)

Mass Density ()Standard Temperature (T')
Temperature Lapse Rate (L)
111 00036,089.240.363917.0611703×10−4216.650.00.0
220 00065,616.790.088031.7081572×10−4216.65-0.001-0.0003048
332 000104,986.870.013222.5660735×10−5228.65-0.0028-0.00085344
447 000154,199.480.001432.7698702×10−6270.650.00.0
551 000167,322.830.000861.6717895×10−6270.650.00280.00085344
671 000232,939.630.0000641.2458989×10−7214.650.0020.0006096


The barometric formula can be derived using the ideal gas law:

Assuming that all pressure is hydrostatic: and dividing this equation by we get:

Integrating this expression from the surface to the altitude z we get:

Assuming linear temperature change and constant molar mass and gravitational acceleration, we get the first barometric formula:

Instead, assuming constant temperature, integrating gives the second barometric formula:

In this formulation, R* is the gas constant, and the term R*T/Mg gives the scale height (approximately equal to 8.4 km for the troposphere).

(For exact results, it should be remembered that atmospheres containing water do not behave as an ideal gas. See real gas or perfect gas or gas for further understanding.)

See also

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  1. 1 2 Mechtly, E. A., 1973: The International System of Units, Physical Constants and Conversion Factors. NASA SP-7012, Second Revision, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, D.C.
  2. 1 2 3 4 U.S. Standard Atmosphere, 1976, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1976. (Linked file is 17 Mb)