Big Brother 2025 (Dutch and Belgian TV series)

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Big Brother 2025
Season 5
Presented by Geraldine Kemper
Tatyana Beloy
No. of days92
No. of housemates18
Original network
Original release6 January 2025 (2025-01-06)
Season chronology
Series 2024

Big Brother 2025 is the fifth cooperation season of the Dutch and Belgian version of Big Brother . It is the eleventh regular version of Big Brother in both Belgium and the Netherlands. The show is broadcast on RTL5 in the Netherlands and Play4 in Belgium beginning on 6 January 2025. Live streams are available 24/7 on Videoland for Dutch viewers and on and Telenet for Belgian viewers.

In the summer of 2024, when calling for candidates, the program makers announced that the new season would be completely different from previous seasons. [1] At the unveiling of the house in early January 2025, this was confirmed. The house received a complete makeover and was barely furnished. There was also only 1 bed in the only large bedroom. There were several new rooms such as the Decision Room, the Panic Room and the Vault. [2]

In addition to changed spaces in the house, the concept was also greatly altered. For example, the season started back-to-basics and residents had to compete for furniture, their own clothes and food. There were several new game elements. Critics again called the program fun. [3]

The Live show was changed by a short Live Exit Broadcast. Starting in Week 2, a podcast was also recorded in the house. [4]

The budding relationship of Jeffrey Leijzen and Jolien Pede received much attention in the broadcasts. [5] One of the most talked about residents, Lennie Blockmans, left the house after a few weeks for health reasons. [6] [7] [8] When three housemates voluntarily left the house on three days midway through the season, the question was raised whether this season was too harsh. Programmers assured that the three candidates left the house for three different private matters related and that it was always planned that from midway through the season the residents would have more luxuries. [9] Because of the harsh conditions during the first half, tensions and discussions often arose between residents. [10]



Big Brother 2025 followed the same format as the previous seasons. Housemates lived isolated from the outside world in a custom-built house for a period of 100 days, hoping to be the last one to leave the house as the winner, and walk away with its cash prize.


Programmers announced in advance that this season everything would be different. At launch, it was announced that basic comforts would no longer be a certainty. The first photos of the house showed a stripped house with a barely furnished house, an enclosed kitchen, locked closets and an outdoor shower. There were also new rooms such as the Decision Room and the Panic Room. [11] In "The Vault," housemates could buy gamechangers to bend the game to their will. In the 'Panic Room,' housemates were challenged in different ways. There was a Big Brother suite - a luxurious room to which only the housemates who had access were allowed to go. A boudoir was added.

Not only did the house look different, the game play was also different.

Changes in the concept:

  • The Decision Maker: every week one resident had a special role, decision maker. This resident made important decisions in the new Decision Room about team compositions, the distribution of bedrooms, etc. In addition, this resident could choose and purchase the weekly basics and luxury ingredients.
  • Each resident could create their own prize jackpot, from which only the winner would receive their effective cash prize.
  • The legacy ("de erfenis"): if a resident was voted out, the residents who had nominated that resident received that resident's money.
  • The nomination targets: the nomination target pin was introduced. Not everyone could be nominated. By losing assignments, being chosen by a decision maker or by a twist, a resident could become a nomination target. During the nomination round, only residents who were nomination targets could be nominated. Residents could also gain immunity through a favor or game win. [12]
  • The gamechangers: on a weekly basis, residents could use their prize pool to purchase gamechangers from the Vault. With these gamechangers, nominations could be influenced, changing the course of the game. Housemates could buy gamechangers such as double nomination vote, the revenge, the theft, the collector...


On January 3, the first ten housemates were announced. [13] Lennie Blockmans was the first transgender candidate in this Dutch and Flemish co-produced Big Brother series. [14] Sharice Van Steelant and Vikaash Lalbiharie entered the house under fake identities, respectively, as Nele and Remi.

NameAgeOccupationCountryResidenceDay enteredDay exitedStatus
Axel van Wingerden28Truck driverNetherlands Naaldwijk 9
David Depoot30PlastererBelgium Wevelgem 23
Jane Karto28Content creatorNetherlands Amsterdam 23
Jolien Pede27Bank employee & Miss Exclusive 2023Belgium Zwalm 6
Jordy de Maar27Legal assistantNetherlands Kampen 1
Keanu Bruijnen22Employee bowling centerNetherlands Maastricht 1
Mattheüs Jonckheere27Content creatorBelgium Sint-Truiden 1
Sharice "Nele" Van Steelant28Psychiatric nurseBelgium Kortrijk 9
Milena Dadabayeva33Account manager ITBelgium Mechelen 157Evicted
Elsa Rudge53Prison guardNetherlands Rijnsburg 150Evicted
Eva de Graaf23BeauticianNetherlands Haarlem 2545Walked
David De Saedeleer51ContractorBelgium Ninove 2343Walked
Wicky/Vikaash "Remi" Lalbiharie26Port employeeNetherlands Hoofddorp 643Walked
Jeffrey Leijzen24UnemployedBelgium Belsele 136Evicted
Niels Mestdagh38Firefighter & entrepreneurBelgium Blankenberge 129Evicted
Lennie Blockmans26Student psychology & therapistBelgium Antwerp 119Walked
Linda van den Akker46OrderpickerNetherlands Heesch 115Evicted
Fleur van der Vegt31Estate agentNetherlands Haarlem 18Evicted

Weekly summary

The main events in the Big Brother house are summarised in the table below.

Week 1
On Day 1, the 10 first housemates entered the house. These were Elsa, Fleur, Jeffrey, Jordy, Keanu, Lennie, Linda, Mattheüs, Milena and Niels. The housemates were given the chance to press a button for an exemption and a personal benefit, or not to press at all and already make a lot of money together. The group unanimously chose not to press. This earned them 100 euros each. In the next assignment, the residents had another chance to print. This time there were eight prizes at stake, from 1,000 euros over a golden key to a can of ravioli. Again, no one pressed. Once again 100 euros per person was handed out. On the last round, the housemates were obliged to press, but with a twist: the fastest and the slowest would be penalized. Jordy pressed first, Keanu last - and both received a nomination target pin. This week, only they could be nominated. The rest of the group was allowed to choose a prize and enter the house.

Once inside, the housemates quickly discovered that comfort was far away and the only food was "slob." Elsa, thanks to her choice of mystery box, was able to enter the "Big Brother" suite with the golden key. She chose Linda to accompany her.

When the housemates introduced themselves to each other, Lennie's sex change came up. The fellow housemates listened with admiration to the path she has already taken.

On Day 2, housemates were awakened by an alarm. This was the shower alarm. During this alarm there was hot water in the showers. Each housemate was allowed a maximum of 5min to shower with hot water.

Niels was called to the Decision Room by the prize he had chosen the day before. One resident was allowed to accompany him: this was Jeffrey. Both got the pin with 'Decision maker'. Later they could decide to buy food with the residents' personal jackpots, this they did. Lennie was called to the jackpot because she had chosen the clothing token the day before. She was allowed to open her closet but was not allowed to share her clothes with anyone. Linda was able to go to the Vault because of her choice of the key on the first day but there she decided not to buy a gamechanger.

Keanu struggled because he has trouble opening up with new people, saying that few people really know him.

During Day 3, the decision makers must assemble two teams. Team green consists of Niels, Elsa, Jordy, Keanu & Milena. Team pink consists of Jeffrey, Fleur, Lennie, Linda & Mattheüs. The teams compete against each other in the game area and must keep their balance via a pendulum course to reach the other side in group. Team pink wins. They receive a cash prize of 1,000 euros and a clothing token. The clothing token is unanimously given to Fleur. In the Decision Room, the members of team pink get to choose one by one how much of the money they won they will take for their personal jackpot. As previously agreed, they each choose a fifth, which is 200 euros.

In the afternoon, the decision makers must put together a group of 5 housemates for an assignment where the first part of the kitchen can be unlocked. Jeffrey chooses for himself, Jordy, Keanu, Lennie and Matthew. They have to keep a ball with poles in the air for 2 hours. The group succeeds and a part of the kitchen is opened allowing the housemates to cook and they have a refrigerator. Decision maker Niels regrets that he was not involved in the composition of the group.

On Day 4, decision makers must give three other housemates a nomination target pin. Each housemate must give a motivation as to why they do not deserve this pin. Decision makers Jeffrey & Niels are not on the same page. Jeffrey is having a very hard time because he sees Elsa as a mother figure to him. Without explanation, the decision makers give Milena, Fleur and Elsa a pin in this order.

Later that day, all housemates have to name three housemates from the group of housemates with target pin - Elsa, Fleur, Jordy, Keanu and Milena. Fleur, Jordy and Milena are the first nominated housemates.

On Day 6, Jolien and Remi enter the house as new residents. Remi is Vikaash's fake identity; he has the secret assignment of pretending to be different.

On Day 8, there was the Live Eviction Broadcast. Jordy was exempted first. Fleur was the first resident to be voted out.

Week 2 - Nomination games
On Day 9, Elsa, Jeffrey, Jordy, Keanu, Linda, Mattheüs and Niels inherit the money from voted-out resident Fleur. They inherit this because they nominated her. Mattheus gets the luxury suite because he is the one with the biggest jackpot. Decision makers Jeffrey & Niels must choose from Jeffrey & Linda who have as much money in their jackpot as second and third, which of them accompanies Mattheüs. They choose Jeffrey.

Sharice, who is a new fake resident Nele, and Axel enter the house as new residents. Axel immediately declares that he is there to win, and this worries the other residents. Axel and Sharice are that week's Decision Makers.

On Day 10, Axel gets the secret assignment to pick "Remi" in the game later. Just after that, he and "Nele" have to choose two residents for the Panic Room. This will be "Nele" and "Remi" - the two residents with fake identities. Unknown to the other residents, the Panic Room is filled with all sorts of props and information that the pair must rehearse about their fake identities. Meanwhile, the other residents play a game for money and have to unlock tubes. They win 6,000 euros. Afterwards, one by one in the Decision Room, the residents must choose how much money of this to put into their own jackpot. Not every resident chooses equally.

There is a new clothing token, and the group gives it to Milena. The Decision Makers buy food for 600 euros, they use a large amount from Matthew, Lennie and Linda and then small portions from the other residents.

On Day 11, there is a mysterious gold box in the living space. Matthew secretly takes it to the luxury suite. The Decision Makers must nominate 6 residents. They choose Jeffrey, Jolien, Jordy, Lennie, Niels and Remi. Nominated residents will be divided into pairs. These are Jeffrey & Lennie, Jolien & "Remi" and Jordy & Niels. 1 duo can clear themselves by completing a puzzle that must be correct on both sides. Jordy & Niels play themselves free.

Housemates are called individually to the Decision Room. They can buy a key to The Vault for 500 euros. Several housemates do this. Linda & Matthew buy game changers there but must keep this a secret. The golden box disappeared while residents went to the Decision Room. Unbeknownst to the group, Jeffrey took it to the luxury suite to which only he and Matthew have access.

During a game in the game room on Day 12 where those with nomination target must hold up a ball by two sticks, Jeffrey wins an exemption. However, he must pass on his nomination. He gives it to Linda. That night, the final nominees must go to the Decision Room and divide into pairs. These are Jolien & Lennie and Linda & Remi. For each duo, they must go to the gameroom and motivate to each other why they deserve an exemption while standing on a revolving platform. In the end, it is Lennie and Remi who get an exemption.

On Day 13, Big Brother calls the resident with the golden box to the diary room. Jeffrey who took this for Niels, gives it to him. In the diary room, Niels opens the box; he must nominate a fellow inmate. He chooses Elsa. On Day 14, Big Brother announces the nominees: Elsa, Jolien and Linda. The nominees are called to the Panic Room, where they record the Big Brother podcast. Meanwhile, Big Brother gives a clothing token. After some discussion, the group gives it to Keanu. Who at first does not want to accept it because the decision was not unanimous but then accepts it anyway.

On Day 15, Jeffrey, Jordy, Keanu and Mattheüs dive into the icy pond. That night is the Live Exit broadcast. Elsa is a viewer favorite and gets to stay first. Next, Jolien is rescued. Linda is the second housemate to leave the house.

Week 3 - Identity crisis
Jeffrey inherits the money from outvoted Linda on day 16. Jordy & Niels are the decision makers of the week after Jordy is designated by the group to stay in the luxury suite. They choose five residents - Elsa, Keanu, Milena, Nele and Niels - for the game in which the sitting area can be unlocked. The game in which a ball must be guided through a maze suspended in the air succeeds. The residents have sofas. That evening, the residents get their first Big Brother party in which they can dress up in their favorite celebrity. After the party, Big Brother asks if they enjoyed their new identities, and announces that they will all be asked an important question the following day.

On Day 17, each housemate is called into the diary room individually. They have to guess which of the two housemates has a fake identity. Jolien, who grew closer to Jeffrey over the past few days, gets scared that Jeffrey was playing a game with her. In the game room, the identity of the fake residents is revealed: Nele and Remi disappear and from now on become their real selves - Sharice and Wicky. For every non suspicion, they could win money. The other residents received money when they did make a correct guess. Sharice was not suspected by anyone and therefore wins 5000 euros. Jeffrey & Jolien are relieved that the budding feelings between them are real, and share a first kiss while the other residents are busy with Sharice & Wicky. Afterwards, all the residents play a game without Sharice & Wicky about the hobbies and interests of the two residents. Afterwards, Elsa has a hard time trusting Sharice and Wicky - because these are the residents she felt most comfortable with. Sharice tries to make it clear that their bond is genuine. The residents also discuss how they will divide the money they won. Keanu suggests dividing it fairly so that each resident earns 420 euros. Elsa says she did not know that last time Keanu took more. A small discussion ensues between the two.

On Day 18, Keanu addresses Elsa about their discussion but according to Elsa, it was just a joke on her part. Keanu does not believe this, however, it makes him insecure. The decision makers decide that Axel, Elsa, Milena, Niels and Sharice are the five residents they may choose to get their beds, on the basis that these are the residents who have the most back problems and Elsa is the oldest resident. The residents, however, must earn their beds themselves through a game in which they must make their way through bars to the bed token in the gameroom. Axel, Milena and Niels succeed in the game, and get a bed that they have to put together themselves.

The housemates are called individually to the decision room. Access to the vault and gamechangers can be purchased. After everyone has had their turn, Big Brother says that the safe is closed because it is empty - all gamechangers have been bought.

Axel has the flu and on Day 19 moves into the Panic Room which is set up as an infirmary. Lennie leaves the house for health reasons. The vending machinge gives the key to the phone booth. Big Brother announces that when it rings, the resident who answers can be given a question, a dilemma or a message. Niels answers first and has to designate residents for a game - he chooses those who do not yet have a bed. Jeffrey, Jolien, Jordy, Mattheüs, Sharice and Wicky play a guessing game with boxes full of pellets with which they can win things. Keanu wins his own bed by picking up the phone. In the evening, the phone rings. Jordy picks up and gets the message that he has an important decision to make with a fellow resident - Niels. Six residents have to get a nomination target. These will be Axel, Jeffrey, Keanu, Matthew, Sharice and Wicky.

The residents have to nominate on Day 20. Axel, Sharice and Wicky are the nominees. Jordy picks up the phone again and is given a choice: his closet or his own bed. He chooses his clothes. On day 21, Axel returns to the house; he is cured. That day, he and Sharice and Wicky go to the Panic Room for the podcast. Matthew answers the phone and also gets to choose between his bed and his closet. He misses his clothes and chooses this.

Mattheüs overhears a tactical conversation on Day 22 between Jordy and Niels who say they will nominate Jeffrey and Mattheüs every week. He immediately shares this with Elsa, Keanu and Jeffrey. Keanu thinks it's a dirty game. That night it is the Live Exit. Axel is exempted first. Sharice also gets to stay. Wicky has the fewest votes but in the diary room he is told by Big Brother that because of Lennie's voluntary exit he may stay, subject to a nomination for the following week and losing his purchased gamechangers. Elsa is thrilled that Wicky does not have to leave.

Week 4 - Business week
On Day 23, the housemates discover three new closets. These belong to new housemates David P, David S and Jane. They enter the house as directors of three companies. One by one, the housemates in the game room must apply for jobs with the three directors. It is up to the three directors to choose their four employees. The directors choose to split the groups and unions. David P's employees are Jolien, Milena, Niels and Wicky. From David S, these are Jeffrey, Keanu, Mattheüs and Sharice. And from Jane, these are Axel, Elsa & Jordy and an unknown housemate. The three directors are this week's decision makers. Because there are so many residents, the luxury suite disappears and becomes a second bedroom. The directors decide that the five women will sleep in this new bedroom. They also have to give a motivational speech to their teams that night. The women ask Jane how they come across on television. When she honestly says that many viewers find Jeffrey & Jolien's relationship cringe, and Mattheüs & Milena running after each other, both ladies react very emotionally to this.

Jane learns on Day 24 that her statements have caused tension with Jolien & Milena, and tries to discuss this with them. As of now, three housemates - 1 from each respective company - must also go to the Panic Room which is a workshop this week when the work signal sounds. There the housemates must carpenter birdhouses. For each house that is well put together, the company earns 5 euros.

On Day 25, the morning crew discovers a new housemate Eva, who is in company Jane, who is already working on a birdhouse. At the end of the day, Big Brother announces the results: a total of 62 houses have been made. 16 cottages by company David S, 21 cottages by company David P and 25 cottages by company Jane. Then the directors have to go public with the proceeds of their company and gamble who has the most popular company - here the viewer voted for. David S's company is the most popular, both Davids got this right and multiply their proceeds. Big Brother donates one birdhouse to the housemates, through an idea by Mattheüs, to hang it in the garden to give more opportunities to the city bird as well.

The house is filled with 15 housemates, Jordy & Niels have a hard time getting used to the crowds and find that many housemates have changed in behavior.

The directors are given another assignment. They can change team members but they refuse this. Big Brother says there is a game coming up where the companies play against each other. The winning company wins something big, the losing team will lose heavily. Each company must designate a key person. For company David P this is Sharice, for company David S Jolien and for company Jane Elsa. A balancing game is played. Jane's company wins. As a result, she gets to give an exemption to one of her workers, and gives it to Mattheüs. The company of David P loses. He has to give a nomination, and gives this to Niels.

Day 26 the companies play a game against each other. David P's company wins, because of this David P, Jolien and Wicky get their own bed - Niels and Milena already have this. Jolien picks up the ringing phone and can give a closet to someone, she gives this to herself and can't contain her joy. The directors are called to the Decision Room and have to make a guess whose company has gone up the most, each director chooses his personal company. The team with the most money wins an exemption, which is the company of David S. The remaining nomination target pins are for the housemates who do not have an exemption pin. The directors must give these to Axel, Jolien, Jordy & Milena.

The housemates must nominate on Day 27 and choose between those with the target pins. Jordy confesses to Jolien that he played the game too sweetly and will do things differently starting next week. Afterwards, he also complains to Wicky that some residents who say they should be fair are not fair themselves in distributing food and sneak away and eat portions of food. On Day 28, the nominees are announced. These are Axel, Jordy, Niels and Wicky.

The evening of Day 29 is the Live. Axel and Jordy are secured first. Next, Wicky appears on the screen. Niels has the fewest votes and with leave the house. For Jordy this comes hard that he loses his friend in the house.

Week 5 - Duo week
That night, Big Brother surprises the residents with a party. After weeks of living on rations, the alcohol quickly affects some residents. Jolien gets very physical toward Jeffrey, who in turn does not forget that there are cameras. Milena constantly seeks out Matthew, but Sharice keeps an eye out. The morning after on Day 30, Milena is ashamed of what happened. Jeffrey is angry with Jolien and her; he feels they did not behave.

The residents learn in the game room that this week they are playing in duos - duos put together by the viewer. These are Jane & Jeffrey, Axel & Jolien, Elsa & Milena, Jordy & Matthew, David & Keanu, David P & Wicky and Eva & Sharice. Eva & Sharice are the decision makers, they get to sleep in the bridal suite with another couple. They choose Elsa & Milena. The duos are instructed to get to know each other better quickly. Afterwards, Big Brother questions them about their favorite food. Everyone knows their duo partner's favorite food, except Jeffrey. As a result, everyone wins a luxurious dinner except the duo Jane & Jeffrey.

Day 31, the phone rings. David P answers. He is instructed to choose 1 duo not to play in the next game: he chooses Jordy & Matthew. The other duos play a nomination game. The winning duo, Elsa and Milena, wins an exemption. Elsa donates it to Milena. The losing duo, Jane & Jeffrey, wins a nomination. The pair sit in the diary room for quite some time and don't get out who will and should take the nomination. Jane decides to be the bigger person and takes the nomination pin. Jeffrey wants to hug her but she turns that down.

Jordy answers the phone on Day 32, he has to switch duo partners. He chooses Jeffrey. Jane & Matthew make up the other new duo. The duos once again compete against each other via a puzzle. David & Keanu win, and David grants Keanu the exemption. Elsa & Milena lose. Since Milena has an exemption, this automatically nominates Elsa. Milena feels very guilty because of this. The same day the residents can buy back gamechangers, which Axel, Jane, Jolien and Keanu do. A discussion breaks out about the order in which the residents went into the decision room for the gamechangers. The parrot in the hallway copies some statements made by residents about other residents in the house. This causes a stir. Eva & Sharice get to hand out a clothing token as decision makers. Sharice chooses for herself. Jeffrey, who is the only original resident who does not yet have his closet, finds this very selfish.

On Day 33, 1 resident per duo plays a balancing game. Axel and Jolien win, and Axel gets the exemption. Eva & Sharice lose, and Eva takes the nomination. Eva pretends not to mind this, so as not to make Sharice feel bad, but she really regrets her nomination. The decision makers have to make new duos, these are: Axel & Jane, David & David P, Elsa & Keanu, Eva & Milena, Jeffrey & Jolien, Jordy & Matthew and Sharice & Wicky. Everyone is happy with their duo, except Jeffrey. He thinks Jolien and he will now be a target. Sharice has also relinquished her decision maker pin to Eva's new duo partner, Milena. The duos play another game in which they must take a symbol in a chapel without seeing it from each other. They can win money or an exemption if they choose the same symbol. David P, Jordy and Wicky win an exemption, the other duos win nothing. Jeffrey and Jolien don't win anything either despite the fact that Jeffrey had said beforehand that he would always go for an exemption, but he himself did otherwise. Jolien is surprised; according to Jeffrey, it was a mistake on his part.

Day 34, the residents get the final assignment as duos: nominate in duo. The following day, Day 35, it turns out that the nominees are Elsa, Eva, Jane and Jeffrey. Jeffrey is the only one nominated by the group and not by a game. After the nominations are announced, he says he was negative last week but will recover. Keanu feels a distance from Jordy and speaks to him about it, but Jordy says there is nothing wrong. Keanu is having a hard time with this. Jordy also has a hard time with the conversation; he sometimes thinks it is a mental institution where it is constantly about emotions. David P picks up the phone and is given a secret task that must be done in 15 minutes and which allows the garden furniture to be played free: this requires two residents to change clothes, collect all the cushions in the sitting area, all the tree trunks in the storage room, and two residents to imitate a flamingo in the pond. David P involves all the residents so the mission is soon no longer secret, and it fails. On day 36, it's the next Live. Elsa is exempted first, Eva second and Jane last. Jeffrey has to leave the house. He has a hard time with this and is sorry that the viewer punished him after a week according to him.

Week 6 - Big Brother Games
After Jeffrey leaves, Axel, David, David P, Eva, Jane, Milena, Sharice and Wicky have to go to the decision room for inheritance. They each receive 68 euros. The same evening, Big Brother announces the Big Brother games: the residents must put on their sports clothes and go to the game area where there are fitness machines for a sports marathon. There they have to exercise for money. On day 37, the money is distributed in the decision room; the residents divide it fairly. That morning there was also a trophy saying "Who deserves me" in the living room. The residents give it to Elsa. As a result, she is Game Captain of the Big Brother Games. Her first assignment is to choose two residents to play a game: she chooses David S and Mathëus. They play a surfing game that allows them to win money for the other residents. During the failure of their game, they had deployed residents Jolien & Wicky. They have to play a game for the nominations because of this. A lengthy assignment also starts: the residents must keep a fire burning in the garden until when Big Brother indicates that the assignment is over.

On Day 38, Jolien and Wicky play the nomination game where a maze is built in the game room, and a slide in the game area. Jolien overwhelmingly wins the game making Wicky nominated. Elsa can buy the weekly basics in the decision room as game captain and chooses the menu with the tacos. She then buys all the goodies which suddenly gives the residents some luxury food. A basketball game also starts where during a signal 1 resident must go to the game area and has two minutes to score a goal in the basketball goal. There is something valuable in return. The residents rank who goes to the game area and when. That night, Jolien receives a letter and sweater from Jeffrey. She gets emotional about this but it does her good. Tired, the residents give up the fire assignment.

David S answers the phone on Day 39. He hears that three clothing tokens are hidden in the house. He turns on David P. They find two tokens that they keep for themselves for their clothes. Keanu finds the last token in his closet and gives it to Elsa. Elsa, as game captain, gets to divide the group into three teams for a new game. Group 1 is Axel, Jordy, Keanu & Matthew. Group 2 Jane, Jolien, Milena & Sharice and group 3 David P, David S, Eva and Wicky. In the game, the residents must compete against each other via a dart game and ball game. The order in which they drop out determines which medal (and prize attached to it) they will receive. The standings are as follows for Group 1: 1. Matthew 2. Jordy 3. Keanu 4. Axel For group 2: 1. Sharice 2. Jolien 3. Milena 4. Jane and for group 3: 1. David P 2. Eva 3. David S 4. Wicky. Wicky is given a task to get rid of his nomination. This requires riding one of the two bikes in the gameroom for 12 hours straight. He enlists the help of his fellow residents who are all willing to help. In pairs, the residents cycle all night. The task is accomplished and Wicky loses his nomination.

On Day 40, residents can go individually to the decision room. There they cannot buy game changers this time but medals from the vault. So many medals are bought that not everyone has a chance to buy one because the vault is empty. That night the nomination alarm sounds. The residents must go together to the game room where they must openly nominate each other by handing over medals. Jordy gets 10 medals in total from the other residents but by deploying his game changer the rebounder, everyone gets them back. Jane, Jolien, Keanu, Matthëus and Sharice are nominated.

Day 41 nominees can choose a fellow inmate to compete for them in a gun game. Game captain Elsa determines the order in which the nominees can choose someone. Sharice goes for David S, Jane for Axel, Matthew for Jordy, Jolien for Elsa, Keanu chooses David P. In the game room, the chosen residents have to motivate why the nominee should get an exemption. Jordy is surprised when Elsa and David P immediately choose Sharice and not the residents who chose them. Sharice gets the exemption as a result. Afterwards, there is a discussion with all the residents when Jordy shares his dissatisfaction, according to him, Jolien should have received a nomination. He feels that Elsa did not even bother to compete for Jolien. Jolien is disappointed because she feels she has already done so much for the group and has already given both Lennie and Wicky an exemption. Elsa tries to talk it out with her and says that she chose Sharice purely because of a prior agreement.

Valentine's Day is celebrated on Day 42 and residents discover loving messages from David P. Parrot Peter received a Valentine's Day card. The residents also individually play a game for cards from fans, a letter home or a Valentine balloon in the decision room. Only Elsa, Matthëus, Milena and Sharice play the game tactically smart and receive their fan letters, the rest have only balloons. The nominees are officially announced: these are Jolien, Keanu and Matthëus.

On day 43, Wicky receives sad family news. Due to a death, he immediately leaves the house after an emotional goodbye from his fellow inmates. However, the Live and Exit that night continue. Jolien is exempted first and is visibly surprised by this. Next, Matthëus is exempt which forces Keanu to leave the house. David S, however, announces that none of the nominees should leave the house. He is homesick for home and for his children and agreed with Big Brother that day that he will leave voluntarily instead of the resident with the fewest votes. David S says goodbye and goes home.

Week 7 - Teams week
Immediately after the Live, Big Brother calls a resident to the decision room. Jane volunteers. She gets there a basket of apples and one poisonous apple. She has to distribute the apples to the residents. She gives the poison apple to Sharice. Afterwards, all the residents are called to the gameroom with the apples. Sharice must leave the gameroom but pass the poisonous apple to another resident. This continues until Milena is the last one left with the poison apple. She is allowed to open it, the pins of decision maker and an exemption are inside. These are for Milena.

The morning of Day 44, the residents celebrate Eva's birthday. Decision maker Milena has to divide the residents into two teams. Team pink = David, Eva, Jane, Jordy and Sharice. Team green = Axel, Elsa, Jolien, Keanu & Matthew. The teams play an initial battle - a game of tennis which is won by team green.

On day 45, the day starts with a secret assignment by Jolien, who was allowed to engage 1 resident - Keanu - for this purpose. She gives an aerobics session and everyone participates making the assignment successful. The residents win a deluxe breakfast. There is also a button and flashing light in the living space. Parrot Peter warns to keep an eye on this one. Eva receives sad news and leaves the house due to family circumstances. Milena takes her place on team pink, but remains exempt. Decision maker Milena buys pasta as weekly basics and buys all the luxuries including a bread machine, a cheese night and a gourmet night. The second battle is played: a karaoke contest. This time team pink wins.

Day 46 starts with the final and defining battle: a puzzle. Each team must designate two residents. For team rose this is Jane and Jordy, and for team green Axel & Jolien. Team rose wins. Since Axel is slower than Jolien in solving the puzzle, he is automatically nominated. The rest of the green team is nomination target. Team rose divides the 15,000 euros won. The residents still have to nominate one of the nomination targets that day. A game is also played in the Panic Room by two residents who must know the group well, Elsa and Sharice are chosen. They can find residents' personal items linked to descriptions in a junk room during a certain time. They find the personal objects of all the residents, except Jordy, in time. Big Brother announces the nominees: Axel, Elsa and Sharice. That night the phone rings, Axel answers and gets to choose some residents to go with him to the Big Brother Spa in the game area. These are David, Elsa, Jane and Jolien.

The flashing light goes off on the morning of Day 47, and Axel pushes the button. He has to choose two residents competing for an exemption, and chooses Jane and Sharice. The pair duel and Sharice wins the exemption. On Day 48, the residents unexpectedly have to nominate for a second time. There is a tie so decision maker Milena must exempt someone. Jane addresses Milena and Sharice in group at night. Sharice drank Jane's iced coffee the night before. Jane has been noticing bullying behavior from them for several weeks. Milena and Sharice deny this and say it was all jokes, but Jolien also says that they had been addressed by the group before about their whispering behavior. A real discussion ensues. A little later, Milena also addresses Matthew about this, but that too degenerates into a discussion when Matthew says to Milena that she sees things that are not there.

On Day 49, the final nominees are announced: these are Axel, Elsa, Jordy & Keanu. Jordy explodes when he finds Sharice pretending to be a victim in a group. Jane and Milena also have another discussion about last night's incident. Sharice thinks about going home. The phone rings twice. Axel answers the first and learns that there are two hidden clothing tokens. These are found and Axel & Jane are the last to open their closet. David answers the second phone. He needs to get all the residents into the garden in swimwear and with construction helmets. This succeeds and a sauna with crane is loaded into the garden.

On Day 50, Sharice enters the conversation with Jane and the pair talk the discussion out. During the Live that night, Jordy is exempted first, then Keanu and Axel last. To everyone's surprise, Elsa, the mom of the group, is voted out. The whole group cries or has a hard time saying goodbye to her.


No. in
TitleDay(s)Original release date
Week 1 - Launch week
3051"Episode 1 - Launch"Day 1January 6, 2025 (2025-01-06)
3062"Episode 2"Day 2January 7, 2025 (2025-01-07)

Nominations table

  Housemates from The Netherlands
  Housemates from Belgium
Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10Week 11Week 12Week 13
AxelNot in
David PNot in
JaneNot in
David PJolien
ShariceNominatedDavid PJane
David PJane
JolienNominatedDavid PJane
ShariceNominatedDavid PJane
ShariceNot in
(Day 57)
(Day 50)
EvaNot in
(Day 45)
David SNot in
(Day 43)
(Day 43)
(Day 35)
(Day 29)
(Day 19)
(Day 15)
(Day 8)
Notes 1 2 3
Decision makerJeffrey
David P
David S
Immunity winnerJeffrey
David P
Nomination targetElsa
public vote
David S
Fewest votes
to save
Fewest votes
to save
Fewest votes
to save
Fewest votes
to save
Fewest votes
to save
Fewest votes
to save
Fewest votes
to save
Fewest votes
to save


  • ^1 : Wicky, who received the smallest votes to stay in week 3, could stay because of the voluntarily exit of Lennie, but was automatically nominated in week 4. Niels wad automatically nominated by losing a balancing game.
  • ^2 : Elsa, Eva and Jane were automatically nominated by taking the nomination badge after losing tasks in duo.
  • ^3 : Jordy used two gamechangers: the red saboteur to replace Mattheüs by Milena as nomination target, and the green saboteur to remove himself as nomination target.


  1. "'Big Brother' krijgt nieuw seizoen: "Alles wordt anders"". HLN (in Dutch). 20 August 2024.
  2. "ZIEN: iconische huis van 'Big Brother' is haast onherkenbaar voor vijfde seizoen". Flair (in Dutch). 3 January 2025.
  3. "Al na aflevering één besloop me een angstaanjagend besef: 'Big Brother' is weer leuk". De Morgen (in Dutch). 12 January 2025.
  4. "YES: 'Big Brother' komt met eigen podcast die ín het huis wordt opgenomen". Flair (in Dutch). 19 January 2025.
  5. "Eerste kus in 'Big brother' is een feit: Jolien en Jeffrey kunnen gevoelens niet bedwingen na ontmaskering fake bewoners". GVA (in Dutch). 22 January 2025.
  6. "Antwerpse Lennie (26) moet 'Big Brother' verlaten door gezondheidsproblemen: "Sterke speler die indruk maakte met persoonlijke verhalen"". GVA (in Dutch). 21 January 2025.
  7. "Vlaamse Lennie verlaat 'Big brother' om gezondheidsredenen: "Sterke speler, maar gezondheid staat altijd voorop"". Het Nieuwsblad (in Dutch). 21 January 2025.
  8. "Emotioneel afscheid van Lennie uit 'Big Brother': "Het is altijd de beste keuze om voor jezelf te zorgen"". HLN (in Dutch). 23 January 2025.
  9. "Leegloop in 'Big brother', in drie dagen verlaten drie bewoners vrijwillig het huis: "Ongelukkige timing"". GVA (in Dutch). 17 February 2025.
  10. "Sharice en Milena zorgen voor spanning in het 'Big Brother'-huis: "Dit gedrag moet gewoon stoppen"". Het Nieuwsblad (in Dutch). 21 February 2025.
  11. "'Big brother' zet alle comfort in huis achter slot en grendel: Slechts één bed en douchen doe je buiten". Het Nieuwsblad (in Dutch). 2 January 2025.
  12. "Meteen drama en nominatiepins: dit was de eerste aflevering van 'Big Brother'". Flair (in Dutch). 7 January 2025.
  13. "'Big brother' lost eerste tien namen en er zijn ook twee oude bekenden bij: "Als iedereen rechts gaat, ga ik links"". Het Nieuwsblad (in Dutch). 3 January 2025.
  14. "Lennie Blockmans, van Miss België naar 'Big brother'-huis: "Hoog tijd dat mensen vijf keer per week een trans persoon op tv zien"". Het Nieuwsblad (in Dutch). 3 January 2025.