Brucella intermedia

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Brucella intermedia
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Domain: Bacteria
Phylum: Pseudomonadota
Class: Alphaproteobacteria
Order: Hyphomicrobiales
Family: Brucellaceae
Genus: Brucella
B. intermedia
Binomial name
Brucella intermedia
(Velasco et al. 1998) Hördt et al. 2020 [1]
Type strain
BCRC 17247, CCM 7179, CCRC 17247, CCUG 24694, CIP 105838, CL 350/83, CNS 2-75, DSM 17986, IFO 15820, LMG 3301, NBRC 15820, NCTC 12171, VTT E-991166 [2]
Synonyms [3]
  • Ochrobactrum intermediumVelasco et al. 1998

Brucella intermedia is a bacterium from the genus of Brucella . [4] [5] It was first described by Velasco and others in 1998. [6] It causes diseases in humans only rarely, with single case reports of cholangitis following liver transplantation, [7] bacteremia in a patient with bladder cancer, [8] a pelvic abscess after abdominal surgery, [9] [10] dyspepsia, [11] endophthalmitis in the presence of a foreign body, [12] pneumonia, [13] and endocarditis. [14]

B. intermedia, B. anthropi, and Brucella melitensis can be distinguished on the basis of a multi-primer polymerase chain reaction that targets the recA gene. [15] A genome of B. intermedia was sequenced and submitted to GenBank in 2013. [16]

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  2. Straininfo of Ochrobactrum intermedium
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