Business English

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Business English is a variety of the English language that can either be an English for specific purposes subset of International English used in international business by non-native speakers of English as a second or foreign language and/or a sociolinguistic register of Standard English used by native-speakers in professional settings.


Many non-native English speakers study the subject with the goal of doing business with English-speaking countries or with companies located outside the English-speaking world but which nonetheless use English as a shared language or lingua franca. Much of the English communication that takes place within business circles all over the world occurs between non-native speakers. In cases such as these, the object of the exercise is efficient and effective communication. [1] The strict rules of grammar are sometimes ignored in such cases when, for example, a stressed negotiator's only goal is to reach an agreement as quickly as possible. (See linguist Braj Kachru's theory of the "expanding circle".)

Business English means different things to different people and is used differently in different organization according their own needs and services. For some, it focuses on vocabulary and topics used in the worlds of business, trade, finance, and international relations. For others, it refers to the communication skills used in the workplace and focuses on the language and skills needed for typical business communication such as presentations, negotiations, meetings, small talk, socializing, correspondence, report writing, and a systematic approach. In both of these cases, it can be taught to native speakers of English, for example, high school students, university/college students, and underrepresented groups preparing to enter the job market or aiming to improve their social mobility, as well as those trying to situationally code-switch from a socially disadvantageous dialect of English to a dialect more palatable to the dominant society. One can also study it at a college or university. Institutes around the world have courses or modules in BE available, which can lead to a degree in the subject. [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

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  1. "English Grammar Lesson - Polite Business English! - ELC". ELC - English Language Center. 2017-07-11. Retrieved 2017-11-21.
  2. International Business English (Non-native Speakers) - BA (Hons) - Anglia Ruskin University
  3. "Ask a Self-Advocate: The Impact and Results of Code-Switching". Massachusetts Advocates for Children. 2022-02-03. Retrieved 2024-07-03.
  4. White, Nika (2023-07-14). "How Code-Switching Hurts People of Color in the Workplace". Entrepreneur. Retrieved 2024-07-03.
  5. "Code-switching in the Workplace: Everything Companies Need to Know". 2022-07-14. Retrieved 2024-07-03.
  6. Granøien, Erlend (2018). Forms and Functions of Code-Switching in Business English as a Lingua Franca (Master thesis thesis). NTNU.