Calendar of saints (Orthodox Tewahedo)

Last updated

Drawing of Mary, mother of Jesus, 'with her beloved son,' from a Ge`ez manuscript copy of Weddase Maryam, circa 1875 Ethiopian Madonna.jpg
Drawing of Mary, mother of Jesus, 'with her beloved son,' from a Geʽez manuscript copy of Weddasé Māryām, circa 1875

The following list contains calendar of saints observed by the Orthodox Tewahedo Church, the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church and Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church. It includes both annual feast days and calendar of saints by month.


Annual feasts

Regular saint days per month

Days per month (using the Ethiopian calendar)Dedicated saint(s) [4] [ unreliable source? ]
1stLideta (Birth of the Holy Virgin Mary) and Elias (Elijah)
2nd Thaddius
3rdBe'eta (Presentation of the Holy Virgin to the Temple of Jerusalem)
4th Yohannes Wolde Negedquad (John Son of Thunder)
5thPetros and Paulos (Peter and Paul) and Gebre Menfes Kiddus
6thOur Lady of Qusquam (Egypt)
7thHoly Trinity Day
8thKiros (Cyrus) and Abba Banuda
9thThomas (not the Apostle)
10thKidus Meskel (Feast of the Holy Cross)
11thHanna we Iyaqem (St Anne and St. Joachim, parents of the Holy Virgin Mary) and Fasilides
12th Michael the Archangel, Samuel, and Yared
13thFeast of Igziabher Ab (God the Father) and Raphael the Archangel
14th Abuna Aregawi and Gebre Kristos
15thKirkos and his mother Iyeluta (Cyricus and Julitta)
16thKidane Mihret (Our Lady Covenant of Mercy)
17thEstifanos (Stephen the Martyr) and Abba Gerima
18th Ewostatewos
19th Gabriel the Archangel
21st Holy Virgin Mary, Mother of God
23rdGeorgis (Saint George)
24thAbune Tekle Haymanot
25thMerkorios (Saint Mercurius)
26th Thomas the Apostle
27thMedhane Alem (Savior of the World)
28th Immanuel
29thBale Wold (Feast of God the Son)
30thMarkos (Mark the Evangelist)


  1. "Fasts & Feasts". Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church - Menbere Berhan Kidest Mariam (St. Mary) Cathedral in Toronto. Retrieved 2022-09-23.
  2. "Other celebrations - Boundless Ethiopia Tours". Retrieved 2022-09-24.
  3. "The Feast of Saint Michael – Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahdo Church Sunday School Department – Mahibere Kidusan" . Retrieved 2022-09-25.
  4. "Feast Days of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church". Angelfire . Retrieved 2022-09-23.