Cellulosimicrobium cellulans

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Cellulosimicrobium cellulans
Scientific classification OOjs UI icon edit-ltr.svg
Domain: Bacteria
Phylum: Actinomycetota
Class: Actinomycetia
Order: Micrococcales
Family: Promicromonosporaceae
Genus: Cellulosimicrobium
C. cellulans
Binomial name
Cellulosimicrobium cellulans
(Metcalfe and Brown 1957) Schumann et al. 2001
Type strain
ATCC 12830 [1] [2]
BCRC 17274
CCRC 17274
CCUG 50776
CECT 4282
CFBP 4267
CIP 103404
DSM 43189
DSM 43879
DSMZ 43879
IAM 14866
IFO 15516
IMET 7404
JCM 9965
KCTC 1771
KCTC 3259
KCTC 3411
LMG 16221
NBRC 15516
NCIB 8868
NCIMB 8868
NCTC 8868
NRRL B-2768
VKM Ac-1412
Synonyms [3]
  • Brevibacterium fermentansChatelain and Second 1966 (Approved Lists 1980)
  • Brevibacterium lyticumTakayama et al. 1960 (Approved Lists 1980)
  • Cellulomonas cartaeStackebrandt and Kandler 1980
  • Cellulomonas cellulans(Metcalfe and Brown 1957) Stackebrandt and Keddie 1988
  • Nocardia cellulansMetcalfe and Brown 1957 (Approved Lists 1980)
  • Oerskovia xanthineolyticaLechevalier 1972 (Approved Lists 1980)

Cellulosimicrobium cellulans is a Gram-positive bacterium from the genus of Cellulosimicrobium . [1] [4] Cellulosimicrobium cellulans can cause rare opportunistic infections. [5] [6] [7] [8] The strain EB-8-4 of this species can be used for stereoselective allylic hydroxylation of D-limonene to (+)-trans-carveol. [9] [10]



Morphology and features

Cellulosimicrobium cellulans is a pleomorphic Gram-positive bacteria. Initially, C.cellulans are rod-shaped bacilli that become more coccoid as the bacteria grows and matures. [11] C. cellulans may also form branches or filaments, allowing the bacteria to better adhere to structures (including implanted devices and catheters) and allow for communication between cells.  

C. cellulans is a facultative anaerobic organism, growing from both aerobic and anaerobic media conditions such as blood culture bottles. C. cellulans is catalase positive. [11]


C. cellulans produces endo-β-1,3-glucanase family glucanases and mannanases. These three enzymes are particularly effective in breaking down the cell walls of yeast, so C. cellulans is considered a major source of yeast-lytic enzymes. [12]

C. cellulans produce a variety of degradative enzymes, such as beta-glucosidase, protease, glycoside hydrolase, and chitinase. As a result, C. cellulans is capable of biodegrading xylans and celluloses and performing a role in alcohol fermentation. One significant compound the bacteria can biodegrade is benzo(a)pyrene (BaP). [13] BaP is a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH), well-known organic pollutant associated with properties of teratogenicity, mutagenicity, and carcinogenicity. BaP is a degradation-resistant compound; thus, it is more inclined to accumulate in the environment. [14] While able to degrade easily in aerobic environments, [15] BaP is more commonly found in anaerobic environments in nature. [16] C. cellulans can biodegrade BaP in these anaerobic environments utilizing its degradative enzymes. [17]  

Based on the automatic genome annotation and pathway reconstruction server named Kaas, three Cellulosimicrobium strains, including C. cellulans, metabolism pathways were reconstructed. [18] The data revealed a conserved set of central pathways such as glycolysis and gluconeogenesis, the citric acid cycle, β-alanine metabolism, inositol phosphate metabolism, propanoate metabolism, and two-component system (TCS). [19] The metabolism of xanthine and hypoxanthine were discovered to be unique to C. cellulans. [20]


Genome evolution

As of 2017, The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) contains 17 assembled genomes for Cellulosmicrobium cellulans. [21] The median GC content for this species is 74.3771%, with a median total length of 4.32208 Mb and a median protein count of 3871. [22]  

A recent breakthrough for the C. cellulans genome was discovered after researching certain carbohydrate lysing enzymes found in strain MP1, an isolate found in termite gut symbionts. Three of the 17 assembled genomes were selected for comparison: J36, LMG16121, and ZKA 48. Clusters of Orthologous Genes (COGs) were compared between the three known genomes of C. cellulans and the MP1 strain and demonstrated many similarities between the genomes. A strong correlation was revealed between strain LMG16121 and MP1, implying that the two genomes formed a monophyletic clade. [23]


Relatively little research has been conducted on the genus Cellulosmicrobium, contributing minimal data to the NCBI database. However, 16S rRNA gene sequences provided by GenBank made possible a phylogenetic tree to determine the relationships between each species. As of 2021, there are only 6 other known species that have been discovered within the genus Cellulosmicrobium:C. cellulans,C. aquatile, C. arenosum, C. funkei, C.marium, C. terreum, and C. varabile. [23] Some strains of these species, namely C. cellulans and C. terreum, were isolated from samples of soil, whereas the C. funkei species was isolated from human blood. [21]  



C. cellulans infections are rare and the organism is considered an opportunistic pathogen. C. cellulans usually only affects immunocompromised individuals or foreign body carriers that penetrate the body via catheters, plant thorns/needles, etc. Fewer than 100 people have been infected by this pathogen and this pathogen has shown a variety in severity of symptoms. Those with pre-existing conditions who contract C. cellulans experience more severe disease; healthy individuals typically present with mild symptoms. In these cases, C. cellulans causes local inflammation where the affected sites become painful, swollen, and tender. [24]

In one case study, a 52-year-old woman developed endocarditis and intracranial infarction due to C. cellulans infection. [25]


Modern-day advances

The enzymatic properties of C. cellulans demonstrate great biotechnological and industrial potential. The endo-β-1,3-glucanase is a yeast cell wall lysing enzyme that has been utilized to study yeast and fungal cell walls. Derivatives of this enzyme have been synthesized commercially to isolate yeast DNA, prepare yeast protoplasts, and catalyze biological processes. [26] C. cellulans is also a known producer of Levan polysaccharide, which is a polysaccharide used in food, medicinal, and cosmetic industries. [23]

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  21. 1 2 Zheng, Fei; Zhang, Wei; Chu, Xiaodan; Dai, Yulin; Li, Jing; Zhao, Huanxi; Wen, Liankui; Yue, Hao; Yu, Shanshan (2017-07-11). "Genome sequencing of strain Cellulosimicrobium sp. TH-20 with ginseng biotransformation ability". 3 Biotech. 7 (4): 237. doi:10.1007/s13205-017-0850-2. ISSN   2190-5738. PMC   5505874 . PMID   28698996.
  22. "Cellulosimicrobium cellulans (ID 15565) - Genome - NCBI". www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov. Retrieved 2021-12-08.
  23. 1 2 3 Vu, Nguyen Thi-Hanh; Quach, Tung Ngoc; Dao, Xuan Thi-Thanh; Le, Ha Thanh; Le, Chi Phuong; Nguyen, Lam Tung; Le, Lam Tung; Ngo, Cuong Cao; Hoang, Ha; Chu, Ha Hoang; Phi, Quyet-Tien (2021-07-28). "A genomic perspective on the potential of termite-associated Cellulosimicrobium cellulans MP1 as producer of plant biomass-acting enzymes and exopolysaccharides". PeerJ. 9: e11839. doi: 10.7717/peerj.11839 . ISSN   2167-8359. PMC   8325422 . PMID   34395081.
  24. Petkar, Hawabibee; Li, Anthony; Bunce, Nicholas; Duffy, Kim; Malnick, Henry; Shah, Jayesh J. (March 2011). "Cellulosimicrobium funkei: First Report of Infection in a Nonimmunocompromised Patient and Useful Phenotypic Tests for Differentiation from Cellulosimicrobium cellulans and Cellulosimicrobium terreum▿". Journal of Clinical Microbiology. 49 (3): 1175–1178. doi:10.1128/JCM.01103-10. ISSN   0095-1137. PMC   3067735 . PMID   21227990.
  25. Zhang, Huifang; He, Chunyan; Tian, Rui; Wang, Ruilan (2020-11-26). "A case report of the differential diagnosis of Cellulosimicrobium cellulans-infected endocarditis combined with intracranial infection by conventional blood culture and second-generation sequencing". BMC Infectious Diseases. 20 (1): 893. doi: 10.1186/s12879-020-05559-6 . ISSN   1471-2334. PMC   7689970 . PMID   33243151.
  26. Ferrer, Pau (2006-03-17). "Revisiting the Cellulosimicrobium cellulans yeast-lytic β-1,3-glucanases toolbox: A review". Microbial Cell Factories. 5 (1): 10. doi: 10.1186/1475-2859-5-10 . ISSN   1475-2859. PMC   1458353 . PMID   16545129.

Further reading