Child sex ring

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A child sex ring is a group of adults who are simultaneously involved sexually with multiple minors during the same general time frame. [1] The dynamics of these rings differ from those of more common one-on-one intrafamilial cases in that they are more organized and ran over a long period of time. [2] Commercialization and group sex are not necessarily present. [3]



They are also referred to as pedophile rings, [4] [5] pedophile networks, paedophile gangs [6] and child abuse rings. [7]


In 1989, a study [1] [8] indicated 31 child sex rings identified by police within a geographically separated population of 710,000 during two years in UK. In the two years, they accounted for 4.6% of all reported child sexual abuse. Forty-seven male offenders aged 16 to 82 years and 334 victims aged 4 to 15 were involved. The offenders usually operated in pairs or alone. Three of the rings were becoming semicommercial. Some children acted as victim recruiters for the offenders in 22 rings. The recruiters usually receive the money. The reported abuse included masturbation and fondling in 30 rings, oral, anal, or vaginal intercourse in 21 rings, as well as production of child pornography in 2 rings.

Offenders and the mode of operation

Child sex rings operate like pipelines. [2] New members are regularly recruited, seduced, abused, and later 'dumped'. [2] They often involve educational or recreational organizations where they can be recruited and seduced. [2] The seduction often involves acts of kindness and giving gifts to the victims to lower their inhibitions and to gain their cooperation and trust. [2] One of the factors that facilitates the recruitment of children is peer pressure from observing the behavior of other children participating in the ring. [9] The offenders tend to be from a higher socio-economic background, as running a child sex ring requires high interpersonal skills and economic resources. [2] It often means a financial loss for the offenders. [2]

Notable cases

Aylesbury child sex abuse ring UK2 girls
Banbury child sex abuse ring UK7 underaged girls
Berkhamsted paedophile network UK7 girls aged from 13 to 15
Bristol child sex abuse ring UKunderaged girls
Casa Pia child sexual abuse scandal Portugal100 boys
Sidney Cooke's "Dirty Dozen" UKup to 20 boys
Derby child sex abuse ring UK26 girls from 12 to 18
UN child sexual abuse scandal in Haiti Haiti9 children
Halifax child sex abuse ring UKunderaged girls
Huddersfield grooming gang UK18 girls from 11 to 17
Jersey child abuse investigation UKunderaged boys and girls
Keighley child sex abuse ring UKunderaged girls
Kidwelly sex cult UKunderaged girls
Manchester child sex abuse ring UKgirls from 12 to 15
Norwich sexual abuse ring UK2 boys and 3 girls under 13
Oulu child sexual exploitation scandal Finlandgirls under 15
Oxford child sex abuse ring UKunderaged girls
2004 Pitcairn Islands sexual assault trial UKunderaged girls
Rochdale child sex abuse ring UK47 underaged girls
Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal UK1,400 girls
Telford child sexual exploitation scandal UKup to 1,000 girls
North Wales child abuse scandal UKunderaged boys and girls

See also

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  1. 1 2 Wild, N. J. (1 April 1989). "Prevalence of Child Sex Rings". Pediatrics. 83 (4): 553–558. doi:10.1542/peds.83.4.553. PMID   2927996. S2CID   8886396.
  2. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Understanding and Investigating Child Sexual Exploitation. U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. 1997.
  3. "Child Sex Rings: A Behavioral Analysis | Office of Justice Programs". Retrieved 21 June 2023.
  4. Massie, Alex (July 29, 2015). "The Child Sex Ring Around Westminster's Neck". foreignpolicy. Retrieved 5 January 2024.
  5. Magramo, Kathleen (August 8, 2023). "Dozens arrested over alleged child sex abuse following murder of two FBI agents". CNN. Retrieved 5 January 2024.
  6. "Child sex ring man sent to jail". 10 August 2007. Retrieved 1 March 2024.
  7. "Child abuse ring victims suffered 'horrific ordeal'". bbc. 14 November 2023. Retrieved 5 January 2024.
  8. Harkins, Leigh; Dixon, Louise (March 2010). "Sexual offending in groups: An evaluation" (PDF). Aggression and Violent Behavior. 15 (2): 87–99. doi:10.1016/j.avb.2009.08.006.
  9. Breger, Melissa (1 October 2021). "Stemming the Tide: Social Norms and Child Sex Trafficking". Dickinson Law Review (2017-Present). 126 (1): 135. ISSN   2574-2604.