Child pornography is illegal in most countries, but there is substantial variation in definitions, categories, penalties, and interpretations of laws. Differences include the definition of "child" under the laws, which can vary with the age of sexual consent; the definition of "child pornography" itself, for example on the basis of medium or degree of reality; and which actions are criminal (e.g., production, distribution, possession, downloading or viewing of material). [1] Laws surrounding fictional child pornography are a major source of variation between jurisdictions; some maintain distinctions in legality between real and fictive pornography depicting minors, while others regulate fictive material under general laws against child pornography.
Several organizations and treaties have set non-binding guidelines (model legislation) for countries to follow. While a country may be a signatory, they may or may not have chosen to implement these guidelines. The information given in this article is subject to change as laws are consistently updated around the world.
International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children (ICMEC)
This organization combats child sexual exploitation, child pornography, and child abduction. For child pornography they have set up "model legislation" which defines child pornography, and sets up recommended sanctions/sentencing. According to research performed in 2018; child pornography is illegal in 118 of the 196 Interpol member states. This figure represents countries that have sufficient legislation in establishing 4 or 5 of 5 criteria met as defined by the ICMEC. [1]
ECPAT International (ECPAT)
ECPAT focuses on halting the online sexual exploitation of children, the trafficking of children for sexual purposes and the sexual exploitation of children in the travel and tourism industry. This organization tracks countries that have implemented standards as defined by agreements such as the Convention on Cybercrime, and Lanzarote Convention through their human rights reports. [2] [3]
At least two major treaties are in place with one "optional protocol" to combat child pornography worldwide. These are considered international obligations to pass specific laws against child pornography which should be "punishable by appropriate penalties that take into account their grave nature". The first of these treaties has to do with The Council of Europe's Cybercrime Convention, the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, and the EU Framework Decision that became active in 2006. These required signatory or member states to criminalize all aspects of child pornography. [4] The second involves the United Nations which established Article 34 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). This stated that all signatories shall take appropriate measures to prevent the exploitative use of children in pornographic performances and materials. An optional protocol was also added that requires signatories to outlaw the "producing, distributing, disseminating, importing, exporting, offering, selling or possessing for the above purposes" of child pornography. [5] Some of the negotiations and reviews of the process took place at the World Congress against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children held in 1996 and 2001. [6]
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While laws criminalizing child sexual abuse now exist in all countries of the world, [7] [8] more diversity in law and public opinion exists on issues such as the exact minimum age of those depicted in pornography, whether the mere possession of child pornography should be a crime, or the extent to which criminal law should distinguish between the possession, acquisition, distribution and production of child pornography. Convictions involving child pornography typically include prison sentences in most countries, but those sentences are often converted to probation or fines for first-time offenders in cases of mere possession. [4]
In 1999, in the case of R. v. Sharpe , British Columbia's highest court struck down a law against possessing child pornography as unconstitutional. [9] That opinion, written by Justice Duncan Shaw, held, "There is no evidence that demonstrates a significant increase in the danger to children caused by pornography", and "A person who is prone to act on his fantasies will likely do so irrespective of the availability of pornography." [10] The Opposition in the Canadian Parliament considered invoking the notwithstanding clause to override the court's ruling. [11] However, it was not necessary because the Canadian Supreme Court overturned the decision with several findings including that viewing such material makes it more likely that the viewer will abuse, that the existence of such materials further hurts the victims as they know of its existence, and that the demand for such images encourages the abuse. [12]
In the United States, some federal judges have argued that the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines' recommended penalties for possessors of child pornography are too harsh. [13] Judge Jack B. Weinstein of New York criticizes the mandatory sentence for possession of child pornography as often higher than the penalty for actually committing the act of child abuse it depicts. Furthermore, child pornography prosecutions have led to dozens of suicides, some of them among the innocently accused. [14] The requirement that people convicted of possessing child pornography pay restitution has been criticized by some judges and law professors. This has been particularly controversial in cases involving millions of dollars of restitution, as in those pertaining to the Misty Series. [15] But in 2010, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled that restitution directly to depicted minors was an appropriate penalty for possession of child pornography. [16]
During the nomination process at the 2008 Libertarian National Convention, anarcho-capitalist and U.S. presidential candidate Mary Ruwart came under fire for her comment in her 1998 book, Short Answers to the Tough Questions, in which she stated her opposition not only to laws against possession of child pornography but even against its production, based on her belief that such laws actually encourage such behavior by increasing prices. [17] Shane Cory, on behalf of the minarchist United States Libertarian Party in his role as executive director, issued a response saying, "We have an obligation to protect children from sexual exploitation and abuse, and we can do this by increasing communication between state and federal agencies to help combat this repulsive industry. While privacy rights should always be respected in the pursuit of child pornographers, more needs to be done to track down and prosecute the twisted individuals who exploit innocent children." Cory resigned after the party refused to vote on a resolution asking states to strongly enforce existing child porn laws. [18]
Legality | Description |
Illegal | Real child pornography: This tag assumes the sale, production, and distribution of child pornography is illegal ( de jure ) by default unless stated otherwise. Fictional child pornography: This tag assumes the sale, production, and distribution of fictional child pornography is illegal (de jure) by default unless stated otherwise. |
Situational | Real child pornography: This may cover a partially legal situation, or one where the law is not enforced. Details can be found in the "short summary" section. Fictional child pornography: This is used when fictional child pornography is not clearly defined by law, or for countries which define what parts are legal/Illegal. |
Legal | Real or fictional child pornography: No restrictions are in place. Possession: No restrictions are in place. |
No data | The status of the law is unknown, this may change with additional sourcing. |
Country [Note 1] | Real | Fictional | Possession | Short summary |
Algeria | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | Child pornography is illegal in Algeria by any means per Article 333 bis 1 of their penal code. [19] Punishments include prison sentences of up to 5 to 10 years with a fine of 500,000 DA to 1,000,000 DA. [20] |
Angola | Illegal | No data | Legal | Article 184 of the Angolan penal code prohibits the production, transport and sale of sexually explicit material involving a child. [21] The law does not include simple possession or mention fictional material. [22] |
Benin | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | The "Child Code" of Benin prohibits child pornography including possession and simulated images. Persons convicted of child pornography face sentences of two to five years' imprisonment and fines ranging from two to five million CFA francs ($3,610 to $9,025). [1] |
Botswana | Illegal | Illegal: electronic forms | Illegal | Possession of child pornography is illegal in Botswana, and punishable with between 5 and 15 years' imprisonment. [23] Electronic forms of an apparent child are also illegal, but define a "child" as under the age of 14. [24] |
Burkina Faso | Illegal; not defined | Legal | Legal | Child pornography is illegal in Burkina Faso, but not clearly defined. Mere possession, simulated representations, or realistic images of a non-existent child are not criminalized. [25] [26] |
Burundi | Illegal | No data | Legal | Child pornography is illegal in Burundi and punishable by fines and between 3 and 5 years in prison. [27] Possession of child pornography is not criminalized. [28] |
Cameroon | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | Producing, possessing, or distributing child pornography is illegal in Cameroon with punishments of 5 to 10 years of imprisonment and fines from 5 million CFA francs to 10 million CFA francs. [19] [29] Virtual child pornography (“realistic” images) and a person “appearing” to be a child are also punishable conducts. [30] |
Cape Verde | Illegal | No data | Illegal | Cape Verdean law prohibits the use of children under age 18 in pornography, with penalties for conviction of up to three years' imprisonment. [1] [31] |
Central African Republic | Legal | Legal | Legal | No laws in the Central African Republic prohibit child pornography. [32] |
Chad | Illegal | No data | Illegal | Article 362 of the Penal Code 2017 of Chad criminalizes the production, distribution, importation, exportation, supply, making available, sale, obtaining or handing over to others, possession of any material. [1] |
Comoros | Illegal | No data | No data | Conviction of child pornography is punishable in Comoros by fines or imprisonment. [33] There is no information available regarding fictional forms or mere possession. |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | The Democratic Republic of the Congo's penal code prohibits child pornography by any means whatsoever. Those convicted face 10 to 20 years imprisonment. [1] [34] [35] Mere possession by any means is not addressed in the law. |
Republic of Congo | Illegal | No data | Illegal | Child pornography (including possession) in the Republic of the Congo is punishable by Article 66 of the Law on the Protection of the Child of the Republic of Congo (Law No. 4-2010). [1] |
Djibouti | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of pornography are prohibited. [36] |
Egypt | Illegal; not defined | Illegal | Illegal | While all forms of pornography are prohibited, Egyptian laws do not specifically define or prohibit child pornography. [37] [38] |
Equatorial Guinea | Legal | Legal | Legal | No laws in Equatorial Guinea prohibit child pornography. [39] |
Eritrea | Illegal | No data | No data | Child pornography is illegal in Eritrea, however this law does not mention possession or anything fictional. [40] |
Eswatini | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | Practices related to child pornography are illegal in Eswatini under the "Sexual Offences and Domestic Violence Act, 2018". [41] Offenders face up to 25 years imprisonment. [42] |
Ethiopia | Illegal; not defined | Illegal: electronic forms | Illegal | Child pornography is illegal (but not defined) in Ethiopia per Article 12 of the "Computer Crime Proclamation (2016)" act. [43] [44] There is no information given for physical forms such as drawings or paintings. |
Gabon | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of pornography are prohibited. [45] |
The Gambia | Illegal; not defined | No data | Legal | While child pornography is illegal in the Gambia, the law in place is "extremely under-developed". [46] Mere possession of "child sexual abuse materials" is not criminalized. [46] |
Ghana | Illegal; not defined | Illegal | Illegal | Child pornography is illegal in Ghana, but no clear definition is given on what “sexually explicit conduct” means leaving the law open for discretion. [47] Virtual child pornography (“realistic” images) and a person “appearing” to be a child are also punishable conducts. [30] |
Guinea | Illegal, but unenforced | Illegal, but unenforced | Illegal, but unenforced | Child pornography in any representation is illegal in Guinea under the "Criminal Code Act (1974)". [48] The United States Department of State notes that this law is "generally unenforced". [49] |
Guinea-Bissau | Illegal | No data | Legal | Child pornography is illegal in Guinea-Bissau, but possession and distribution are not criminally prohibited. [50] [51] |
Ivory Coast | Illegal | No data | No data | The law in Ivory Coast prohibits the use, recruitment, or offering of minors for commercial sex or use in pornographic films, pictures, or events. [52] |
Kenya | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of pornography are prohibited. [53] |
Lesotho | Illegal | No data | No data | Child pornography is illegal in Lesotho, and is punishable by not less than 10 years' imprisonment. [54] |
Liberia | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | Child pornography is illegal "in any form or manner" and is punishable by up to five years' imprisonment. [1] [55] |
Libya | Legal | Legal | Legal | No laws in Libya prohibit child pornography. [56] |
Madagascar | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | Article 346 of the Penal Code of Madagascar criminalizes the use of “any means” to disseminate child pornography. [1] Officials have stated that the laws were often not uniformly interpreted or applied. [57] |
Malawi | Illegal; not defined | Illegal | Illegal | Although laws in Malawi do not clearly define child pornography, it criminalises possession with a sanction of 14 years' imprisonment. This covers any visual depiction, including any photograph, film, video, image, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical, or other means. [58] |
Mali | Illegal | Illegal | No data | Child pornography is illegal in Mali per Article 228 of the 2001 adopted penal code. [59] Penalties for conviction range from five to 20 years in prison. [60] This law includes "pornographic pictures, films or drawings showing one or several minors aged less than thirteen". [59] |
Mauritania | Illegal | No data | Illegal | Possession of child pornography is illegal in Mauritania with penalties of 2 months to 1 year in prison and a fine. [61] |
Mauritius | Illegal | Legally unclear | Illegal | While child pornography and possession is illegal in Mauritius, its unclear whether pure fiction counts as a representation of a person. [62] [63] |
Morocco (including most of Western Sahara) | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of pornography are prohibited. [64] [65] |
Mozambique | Illegal, partly enforced | No data | Illegal, partly enforced | Child pornography is illegal in Mozambique but is only partly enforced. [1] [66] |
Namibia | Illegal | No data | Illegal | Production and possession of child pornography is illegal in Namibia. [67] |
Niger | Illegal | No data | No data | Child pornography is illegal in Niger. [68] |
Nigeria | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | The Child Rights Act makes child pornography illegal in Nigeria, but not all states have implemented it. [69] It is also criminalized by the Cybercrimes Prohibition Act of 2015. [70] Virtual child pornography (“realistic” images) and a person “appearing” to be a child are also punishable conducts. [30] |
Rwanda | Illegal | Illegal | No data | Child pornography is illegal in Rwanda, and convictions are punishable by life imprisonment along with a substantial monetary fine. [71] The law also applies to "objects of sexual nature" which includes the production of writings and drawings. [72] |
São Tomé and Príncipe | Illegal | No data | No data | Child pornography is illegal in São Tomé and Príncipe per article 180 of the penal code. [1] [73] |
Senegal | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of pornography are prohibited. [74] [75] |
Seychelles | Illegal | Illegal; not defined | Illegal | Producing or possessing child pornography is illegal in Seychelles, with imprisonment for conviction of up to 20 years. [76] Fictional 'indecent' images or representations are also illegal, but these remain undefined in the law. [77] |
Sierra Leone | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | Child pornography is illegal in Sierra Leone ("includes other visual representation") punishable by a term of imprisonment of not more than 10 years. [1] [78] |
Somalia | Legal | Legal | Legal | No laws in Somalia criminally prohibit child pornography. [79] |
South Africa | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of child pornography are illegal in South Africa. This includes possessing, creating, or importing any image or description of a person "real or simulated". [80] [81] |
South Sudan | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of pornography are prohibited. [82] |
Sudan | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of pornography are prohibited. [83] |
Tanzania | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of pornography are prohibited. [84] |
Togo | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | Child pornography is illegal in Togo by any means whatsoever, and is punishable by 5 to 10 years in prison. [1] [85] |
Tunisia | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of pornography are prohibited. [86] |
Uganda | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of child pornography are prohibited. [87] |
Zambia | Illegal; not defined | Illegal | Illegal | Child pornography is illegal in Zambia but is not defined. [88] [89] |
Zimbabwe | Illegal | No data | Illegal | Child pornography is illegal in Zimbabwe as anyone in possession can be charged with public indecency which is punishable by a 'small fine", imprisonment up to 6 months, or both. [90] All forms of pornography are prohibited. [91] |
Country [Note 1] | Real | Fictional | Possession | Short summary |
Country [Note 1] | Real | Fictional | Possession | Short summary |
Afghanistan | No data | No data | No data | Child pornography was illegal in Afghanistan under the Afghan penal code: “[i]f an adult male has intercourse with a person younger than the legal age, his act shall be considered rape and the victim's consent is invalid.” This law also applied to women offenders who may have been additionally charged with adultery. [92] Following Fall of Kabul and subsequent takeover of power by the Taliban in 2021, the legal status of child pornography is unclear. |
Azerbaijan | Illegal | Illegal | No data | All forms of child pornography are illegal in Azerbaijan, but laws regarding simple possession are not stated. [93] [94] |
Bahrain | Illegal | No data | Legally unclear: In hand | Child pornography is forbidden in Bahrain, its legally unclear if this applies to non electronic possession or fictional forms. [95] [96] |
Bangladesh | Illegal | Legal | Legally unclear: fictional | Child pornography is illegal in Bangladesh except for virtual forms which are not addressed. [97] |
Bhutan | Illegal | Legally unclear | No data | Child pornography is illegal in Bhutan as it falls under "obscene material". Virtual child pornography, and mere possession are not addressed. [98] [99] |
Brunei | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of pornography are prohibited. [100] |
Cambodia | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of pornography are prohibited in Cambodia, which includes photographs and drawings. [101] |
China (including Hong Kong and Macau) | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of pornography are prohibited with the exceptions of Hong Kong and Macau, which only make child pornography illegal. [102] [103] |
Cyprus | Illegal | No data | Illegal | Child pornography is illegal in Cyprus with maximum sentences of up to life in prison. [104] |
India | Illegal | Legal, art only | Illegal | All forms of pornography except fictional depictions "in the interest of art or literature" are prohibited. [105] [106] |
Indonesia | Illegal; not defined | Illegal, not defined | Illegal, not defined | All forms of pornography in Indonesia are prohibited in theory. The law makes no clear definition of child pornography and its forms. [107] |
Iran | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of pornography are prohibited. [108] |
Iraq | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of pornography are prohibited. [109] |
Israel (excluding Palestinian territories) | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of child pornography are illegal in Israel. This includes possession and fictional depictions. [110] |
Japan | Illegal | Legal | Legal; fictional only | Simple possession, production, and distribution of child pornography is illegal in Japan. [111] [112] Fictional child pornography, such as Lolicon and Shotacon, are excluded from the law. These fall under "cultural and artistic activities" which are protected by freedom of expression. [113] |
Jordan | Legal; restricted online | Legally unclear | Legal | Child pornography is not explicitly defined nor criminalized in the Jordanian legislation, but there are online laws in place which criminalize dissemination. [114] |
Kazakhstan | Illegal | No data | Legal | Child pornography is illegal in Kazakhstan except for mere possession. [115] The law also provides administrative penalties to cover the sale of pornographic materials to minors. [116] |
North Korea | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of pornography are prohibited. [117] [118] |
South Korea | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of pornography (real or fictional) are prohibited. These actively enforced laws also allow government monitoring and censorship, possession of any form (child or not) is also illegal. [119] [120] |
Kuwait | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of pornography are prohibited. [121] |
Kyrgyzstan | Illegal; not defined | Legally unclear | Legal; some restrictions | While child pornography is illegal in Kyrgyzstan, there is no legislation that defines child pornography by law. [122] Computer related activities such as access to child pornography online, and mere possession are not fully criminalized. [122] [123] |
Laos | Illegal | Legally unclear | Legal | Laws in Laos prohibit the dissemination of pornography, giving it a broad definition that could be interpreted to include simulated representations of children. Simple possession is not criminalized. [124] |
Lebanon | Illegal | Illegal | No data | The Penal Code and Law 422 protect children from child pornography which include the artificial practice of simulating sexual activities or virtual portrayals. [125] [126] |
Malaysia | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | Offenses related to child pornography in Malaysia was loosely defined in the Penal Code, before being restricted in detail with the inclusion of Sexual Offences Against Children Act 2017 (first amended in 2023). [127] |
Maldives | Illegal; not defined | Legally unclear | Illegal | While all forms of pornography are prohibited in Maldives under Sharia, there are no specific provisions defining "child pornography". [128] [129] |
Mongolia | Illegal; not defined | Legally unclear | No data | While illegal, there are no specific provisions focused on child pornography. Legal penalties depend on the interpretation of other related laws. [130] |
Myanmar | Illegal | No data | No data | Child pornography is illegal in Myanmar, it is unknown if the law covers simple possession or fictional forms. [131] |
Nepal | Illegal | Legal | Legally unclear; real | Nepalese law prohibits taking or allowing to be taken any photograph of children for the purpose of engaging a child in immoral profession. Virtual child pornography is not criminalized under Nepalese law, while mere possession under "real" is not mentioned. [132] [133] |
Oman | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of pornography are prohibited. [134] |
Pakistan | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of pornography (adult and child) are prohibited. [135] [136] |
Philippines | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | The "Anti-Child Pornography Act" makes child pornography illegal in the Philippines in all forms. [137] [138] |
Qatar | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of pornography are prohibited. [139] |
Saudi Arabia | Illegal | No data | Illegal | Child pornography is illegal in Saudi Arabia. This includes possession but virtual/fictional forms are not addressed. [140] |
Singapore | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of pornography are prohibited. [141] [142] [143] ICMEC Singapore has a voluntary Asia-Pacific Financial Coalition Against Child Pornography (APAC-FCACP) to fight online child sexual exploitation. [144] |
Sri Lanka | Illegal; not defined | Legally unclear | Illegal | Child pornography is illegal in Sri Lanka, but is undefined, and not always enforced by authorities. [145] [146] "Fictional" child pornography such as drawings and cartoons are also covered but face the same undefined issue. [146] |
Syria | Illegal, possibly unenforced | No data | Illegal, possibly unenforced | Syrian law considers child pornography a trafficking crime, but the punishment for child pornography is set at the local level with unclear enforcement. [147] |
Taiwan | Illegal | Legal | Legal; fictional only | The "Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act" criminalizes the production, broadcast, distribution, and exhibition of pornography. Simple possession of such materials without justifiable cause is punishable by fines. [148] Fictional child pornography, with the exception of creations depicting real people or realistic images generated by AI, are excluded from the "Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act". [149] |
Tajikistan | Illegal | Legal | Legal; fictional only | Child pornography is illegal in Tajikistan, except for possession which is not mentioned by law. [150] [151] Virtual child pornography, and suggestive representations of children are not defined. [150] |
Thailand | Illegal | Legally unclear | Illegal | Child pornography including possession is illegal in Thailand, [152] as is pornography in general. [153] According to ECPAT though, the law does not reflect the definition of virtual “child pornography” set forth in international legal instruments. [154] |
East Timor | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of child pornography including possession of it is illegal in East Timor. Convictions are punishable with 3 to 10 years imprisonment. [155] |
Turkey | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | Child pornography and possession is illegal in Turkey with imprisonment of 2 to 5 years and a fine for violations. Fictional child pornography has been illegal since 2016. [156] |
Turkmenistan | Illegal; not defined | Legally unclear | No data | While there are no specific child pornography laws in Turkmenistan, legislation states that the production and dissemination of (child) pornographic printed publications, films or any pornographic items shall be prohibited. [157] [158] |
United Arab Emirates | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | Child pornography is illegal, [159] and all forms of pornography. [160] |
Uzbekistan | Illegal | No data | Legal | Although the production and distribution of child pornography are criminally prohibited, possession is not criminalized in Uzbekistan. [161] |
Vietnam | Illegal; not defined | Legally unclear | No data | Child pornography is illegal, but not defined under Vietnamese law. [162] The production, distribution, dissemination, and sale of material deemed to be child pornography is punishable by 3 to 10 years in prison. [163] Virtual "child pornography" is not defined or explicitly criminalized. [162] |
Yemen | Illegal, but unenforced | No data | No data | The legal framework in Yemen does not adequately prohibit child pornography. [164] This country has been hampered by an ongoing civil war since 2014, and the extent of Sharia law implementation is unclear. [165] |
Country [Note 1] | Real | Fictional | Possession | Short summary |
Country [Note 1] | Real | Fictional | Possession | Short summary |
Albania | Illegal | Legal | Legal; fictional only | The production and distribution of child pornography is illegal in Albania, and is punishable by a prison sentence of three to 10 years. [166] While the possession of "real" child pornography is illegal, there are no provisions for fictional forms. [167] |
Andorra | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of child pornography (real or fictional) including ownership are illegal in Andorra. Prison sentences range from one to four years depending on the severity of the crime committed. [168] [169] |
Armenia | Illegal | No data | No data | Child pornography is illegal in Armenia and punishable by up to 7 years in prison. [170] |
Austria | Illegal | Legal; not realistic | Legal; fictional only | Child pornography is illegal in Austria except for unrealistic depictions. [171] [172] Photorealistic (lit. "close to reality") forms are prohibited, and are treated as regular child pornography. [171] |
Belarus | Illegal | Legal | Legal | Producing and distributing pornographic materials depicting a minor is illegal in Belarus, and punishable by up to 13 years in prison. [173] The law does not criminalize simple possession or virtual forms of "child pornography". [174] |
Belgium | Illegal | Legal; not realistic | Legal; fictional only | Possession of, producing, and disseminating child pornography is illegal in Belgium. [175] While fictional child pornography is legal, the law applies to pornographic art that realistically depicts underage characters. [176] |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | The Criminal Codes of FBiH, RS, and BD prohibit the production, possession, and distribution of child pornography. [177] These laws also apply to a person who "looks like a child" in real or explicitly simulated evident sexual behaviour. [178] |
Bulgaria | Illegal | Legal | Legal; fictional only | Child pornography and possession is illegal in Bulgaria. [179] [180] Fictional forms such as "realistic images" or "virtual" representations are not included nor criminalized. [179] [181] |
Croatia | Illegal | Legal; artwork only | Legal; Artwork only | Child pornography is illegal in Croatia with laws actively enforced. [182] [183] Fictional forms are only allowed if they are considered to be "artistic, medical, scientific, and informative" content. [183] |
Czech Republic | Illegal | No data | Illegal | Child pornography and possession is illegal in the Czech Republic with laws that are actively enforced. [184] There is no information regarding the implementation of fictional child pornography laws. |
Denmark (including all territories) | Illegal | Legal | Legal; fictional only | Possession, distribution, and production of child pornography is illegal under Danish law. Penalties for the distribution of child pornography include up to a six-year prison sentence. [185] [186] Fictional forms are legal as there are no laws in Denmark which prohibit "pornographic" drawings of children. [187] |
Estonia | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | Child pornography is illegal in Estonia with punishments ranging from a fine to three years in prison. [188] While fictional forms are also illegal per article 178 of the Penal Code, this law does not apply to Estonian citizens who legally commit the offense abroad. [189] |
Finland (including Åland) | Illegal | Legal; not realistic | Legal; fictional only | Under Finnish law, it is illegal to possess, produce or distribute child pornography. [190] If there is no child (defined as a real person) in child pornography, then it is legal depending on realism. [190] |
France (including all territories) | Illegal | Legal; Artwork only | Legal; Artwork only | Child pornography is illegal in France, with a maximum penalty of 5 years in prison and a €75,000 fine for its use and distribution. [191] Fictional forms are also covered in the law except for works which are deemed artistic in value. [191] [192] |
Georgia | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of child pornography including possession are illegal in Georgia, and punishable by up to five years' imprisonment. [1] [193] |
Germany | Illegal | Legal; not realistic | Legal; fictional only | Distributing, acquiring, and possessing child pornography is illegal in Germany with punishments from three months to 10 years imprisonment. [194] Acquisition and possession of fictional "child pornography" is legal as long as it does not appear to be real. [194] [195] |
Greece | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of child pornography are illegal in Greece. Article 348A of the Greek criminal code punishes offenders with imprisonment of at least one year and a fine of €10,000 to €100,000. [196] |
Hungary | Illegal | Legal; not realistic | Legal; fictional only | Child pornography and possession is illegal in Hungary per "Act C" of the 2012 criminal code. Hungarian law defines "child pornography" as "any video, movie or photograph or other form of recording". [197] This law does not include capturing a child (under 18) by drawing or painting as long as the content is non "realistic". [198] [199] [200] |
Iceland | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of pornography (adult and child) are prohibited. [201] |
Ireland | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of child pornography and possession are illegal in Ireland. [202] This includes 'pornography" that doesn't contain any "real children". [203] |
Italy | Illegal | Legally unclear | Illegal | Child pornography and possession is illegal in Italy per Article 600 of the Italian criminal code. [204] [205] |
Latvia | Illegal | Legal; Artwork only | Legal; Artwork only | All forms of child pornography are prohibited in Latvia except for works that are educational, informative, scientific, or artistic in value. [206] |
Liechtenstein | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | Possession or distribution of child pornography is a criminal offense, with penalties of up to three years in prison. [207] The legal definition of "pornographic depictions of minors" makes no distinction between real or fictional pornography. [208] |
Lithuania | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | Child pornography and possession is illegal in Lithuania per Articles 162 and 309 of the Lithuanian criminal code. The law includes material "displaying a child or presenting a person as a child", with punishments of up to 3 years imprisonment. [209] |
Luxembourg | Illegal; not defined | No data | Illegal | Child pornography (including possession) is illegal in Luxembourg. An ongoing issue is that there is no clear definition for "child pornography" as highly sexualised pictures of children are sometimes considered perfectly legal. [210] [211] The law does not mention fictional forms leaving no data available. |
Malta | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | Child pornography and possession is illegal in Malta with punishments ranging from 3 to 12 years imprisonment depending on the action involved. [212] This law also includes simulated images in the form of drawings and cartoons under Malta's criminal code. [213] |
Moldova | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | Child pornography, in both real or fictional forms is illegal in Moldova according to article 208.1 of the penal code, with punishments ranging from 1 to 3 years imprisonment. [214] [215] |
Monaco | Illegal | Legally unclear; not realistic | Legally unclear: fictional | Child pornography and possession is illegal in Monaco per Article 294-3 of the Monacan criminal code. The law also includes falsified "realistic" images of a physical person that was fully or partially created using digital technology. [216] No information is given for other possible real or unrealistic forms. |
Montenegro | Illegal; not defined | Legally unclear | Legally unclear: fictional | Article 211 of the Criminal Code criminalises “pornographic” content and performances but does not define the term “pornographic” or what is considered to be “child pornography”. [217] [218] Fictional forms are not defined or criminalized, but a provision under Article 211 could cover them. [218] |
Netherlands (including all territories) | Illegal | Legally unclear; not realistic | Legally unclear: fictional | Child pornography and possession is illegal in the Netherlands per Article 240b of the criminal code. [219] The law also includes "realistic" images which are in a legal grey area, as judgements are made that vary from image to image. [220] |
North Macedonia | Illegal | Legally unclear; not realistic | Legally unclear: fictional | Child pornography and possession is illegal in North Macedonia per Article 193 (plus a and b) of the criminal code. [221] The law also covers "realistic pictures" without providing a definition. [221] |
Norway (including all territories) | Illegal | Legally unclear | Illegal | Child pornography and possession is illegal in Norway per Section 311 of the penal code. This is defined as any depiction of sexual abuse of children, or any content that sexualises children. "Children" is defined as "persons who are or appear to be under 18 years of age". The law makes an exception for works deemed to be artistic, scientific or informational, as well as cases involving 16 and 17 year olds "if this person consented and the two are approximately equal in age and development". [222] |
Poland | Illegal; not defined | Legally unclear | Legally unclear: fictional | Child pornography (including possession) is illegal in Poland, but legislation does not define the concept of "child pornography". [223] Fictional forms are in a legal gray area as they could arguably fall under Section 4b of article 202 of the penal code. [223] |
Portugal (including all territories) | Illegal | Legally unclear | Legally unclear: fictional | Child pornography and possession is illegal in Portugal under Article 176 of the Portuguese penal code. [2] The law is also vague in its definition of "pornographic depictions" when mentioning "realistic representations of children". [224] [Note 2] |
Romania | Illegal | Legally unclear | Legally unclear: fictional | Art. 374 of the Romanian Penal Code defines "Child pornography material" as any material “presenting a minor having explicit sexual behaviour or an adult who is presented as a minor having explicit sexual behaviour or images that, although not presenting a real person, simulate, credibly, a minor having that kind of behaviour and any representation of children sexual organs with the intent of depicting sexual behaviour.” [226] It's unclear if images that present unrealistic fictional characters are also considered images that simulate minors. [227] [228] [229] |
Russia (including occupied Ukraine) | Illegal | Illegal | Legal | Storage with the intend of distribution of child pornography is illegal in Russia according to article 242-1 of the Criminal Code. [230] [231] There is also nothing in the law that prohibits simple possession of child pornography. [232] [231] |
San Marino | Illegal | No data | Legal | Child pornography is illegal in San Marino except for simple possession. [233] [234] There is no data available for fictional forms. |
Serbia | Illegal | Legal; not "abusive" | Legal; Fictional only | Child pornography is illegal in Serbia under article 185 of the criminal code, being punishable by up to 5 years imprisonment. [235] [236] Fictional forms are not criminalized unless they are found to be abusive to a "juvenile" by electronic or other means. |
Slovakia | Illegal | No data | Illegal | Child pornography (including possession) is illegal in Slovakia under sections 368-370 of the criminal code. [237] Penalties range from two to 20 years' imprisonment. [238] Section 127 of the criminal code defines "child" as "a person under eighteen years of age, unless [they] ha[ve] reached the legal age earlier". The section defines child pornography as "pornographic material that visually depicts sexual intercourse, different act of sexual intercourse, or other conduct similar to sexual intercourse with a child, or naked parts of the child’s body, and that is designed to gratify sexual desire of another." It is not known if fictional content would fall under that definition. However, in June 2013, the law was amended to prohibit "depiction of real or pretended intercourse, another method of sexual intercourse or other similar sexual intercourse with a child or a person who looks like a child, or the depiction of exposed parts of the body of a child or a person who looks like a child aimed at inducing the sexual satisfaction of another person". Accordingly, it is probable that fictional depictions fall under this definition. [239] |
Slovenia | Illegal | Legally unclear; not realistic | Legally unclear: fictional | Child pornography (including possession) is illegal in Slovenia under article 176 of the criminal code. [240] [241] While the law also covers "pornographic or other sexual material depicting minors or their realistic images", no definition of "realistic" is given. [240] |
Spain (including all territories) | Illegal | Legal; not realistic | Legal; fictional only | Child pornography (including "real" possession) is illegal in Spain per Article 189 of the Spanish criminal code. [242] [243] Exceptions include fictional depictions that are not realistic enough to fall under the scope of the law. [244] |
Sweden | Illegal | Legally unclear | Legally unclear: fictional | Child pornography (including "real" possession) is illegal in Sweden per chapter 16, section 10A of the Swedish penal code. [245] In terms of "fictional" depictions, Sweden's supreme court ruled that a "manga expert" could keep one or two drawings in his possession that could, in other cases, be regarded as illegal child pornography. [246] [247] |
Switzerland | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | Child pornography, including possession, is illegal in Switzerland per article 197 of the Swiss Criminal Code. [248] [249] This law includes purely fictional forms such as drawings or virtual depictions. [250] |
Ukraine | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | Child pornography is illegal in Ukraine which defines [251] it as a "depicting in any way a child or a person who looks like a child, in a real or simulated sexually explicit image or involved in real or simulated sexual behaviour, or any image of the child's genitals for sexual purposes". [252] [253] Article 301-1 of the Criminal Code (added in 2021) prohibits possession. As Ukraine is currently subject to an invasion, occupied land controlled by Russia is in a legal gray area. |
United Kingdom (including all territories) | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of child pornography (real or fictional) including possession is illegal in the United Kingdom per the Protection of Children Act of 1978 and the Coroners and Justice Act 2009. The law includes real and fictional "indecent pseudo-photographs of a child". [254] [255] Punishments for indictment incur a maximum of 10 years imprisonment. [256] |
Vatican City | Illegal | No data | Illegal | Pope Francis specifically listed possession of child pornography as a crime against children that can be punished by up to 12 years in prison. [257] |
Country [Note 1] | Real | Fictional | Possession | Short summary |
Country [Note 1] | Real | Fictional | Possession | Short summary |
Antigua and Barbuda | Illegal | No data | No data | Child pornography is illegal in Antigua and Barbuda. Offenders are subject to fines of up to $500,000 XCD ($185,000) and 20 years in prison. [258] |
The Bahamas | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of child pornography including mere possession of it are illegal in the Bahamas. Those found guilty are liable to imprisonment for life. [259] |
Barbados | Legal: film distribution only | Legal; not realistic | Legal; fictional only | The Protection of Children Act prohibits the use of children in pornographic activities, but this does not apply to distribution of films. [260] Non-realistic representations without involvement from a real person are excluded in the law. [261] [262] |
Belize | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | The law in Belize prohibits the simple possession of child pornography. [263] |
Canada | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | Section 163.1 of the Criminal Code of Canada, enacted on June 25, 1993, [264] forbids the production, distribution, and possession of both real and fictional child pornography, including material in the form of writing, [265] fictional visual representations, [266] and audiovisual recordings. Maximum punishments vary from ten to fourteen years in prison depending on the type of offense. [267] [268] [269] |
Costa Rica | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of child pornography, including its possession, are illegal in Costa Rica. Defendants found guilty of selling, financing, distributing or exhibiting child pornography will serve convictions of four to eight years. [270] [271] [272] |
Cuba | Illegal | No data | Legal | Child pornography is illegal in Cuba, and the law imposes seven- to 15-years' imprisonment. Mere possession of child pornography is not criminalized. [273] |
Dominica | Legal | Legal | Legal | There are no laws in Dominica that prohibit child pornography. [274] |
Dominican Republic | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal: electronic form | Laws in the Dominican Republic contain specific provisions that prohibit child pornography. [270] [275] Possession is only illegal in electronic form. [276] |
El Salvador | Illegal, but unenforced | Legal | Legal; Fictional only | El Salvador's penal Code prohibits child pornography involving real children. This remains unenforced due to inadequate training and resources. [270] [277] |
Grenada | Illegal: electronic forms | Legal; complex situation [Note 3] | Illegal: electronic forms | Electronic forms of child pornography are illegal in Grenada under the Electronic Crimes Act. Psychical forms and possession of them are not mentioned. [278] |
Guatemala | Illegal; production | Illegal | Legal | Production of child pornography is illegal in Guatemala. Non-realistic images of child pornography are also criminalized, but possession remains legal. [270] [279] |
Haiti | Illegal, but unenforced | Legal | Legal | Haitian law prohibits child pornography, but there are no mechanisms established for enforcement. [280] There are also no provisions on the production, possession, and dissemination of child pornography. [281] |
Honduras | Illegal | Legal | Legal; Fictional only | Pornography involving real children is illegal in Honduras. Penalties range from 4 to 15 years imprisonment from possession to distribution, production, etc. [270] [282] |
Jamaica | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | The production, possession, importation, exportation, and distribution of child pornography is illegal in Jamaica and is punishable by a maximum penalty of 23 years in prison and a fine of J$500,000. [283] |
Mexico | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of child pornography are illegal in Mexico with prison sentences ranging from six months to 12 years depending on the felon's age. [270] [284] [285] |
Nicaragua | Illegal | Illegal | No data | All forms of child pornography are illegal in Nicaragua, including fictional drawings. [270] The government generally enforces the law with prison sentences ranging from 10 to 15 years. [286] |
Panama | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of child pornography including possession are illegal in Panama. [270] [287] |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | Illegal: electronic forms | Legally unclear; not realistic | Illegal; electronic forms | The criminal code makes publishing, producing, or possessing child pornography through an electronic device a crime. There is no information given on psychical forms, unrealistic images, and possession of them. [288] |
Saint Lucia | Legal | Legal | Legal | There are no laws in Saint Lucia that define or specifically prohibit child pornography. [289] |
Trinidad and Tobago | Illegal | No data | Illegal | Child pornography and possession of it is illegal in Trinidad and Tobago. Offenders are liable on conviction on indictment, to a fine of thirty thousand dollars and to imprisonment for ten years. [290] |
United States (including all territories) | Illegal | Legal; not "obscene" | Legal; fictional only | The U.S. laws against child pornography are virtually always enforced and among the harshest in the world. [291] "Fictional child pornography" is legally protected as freedom of expression under the First Amendment, unless it is considered obscene. [Note 4] |
Country [Note 1] | Real | Fictional | Possession | Short summary |
Country [Note 1] | Real | Fictional | Possession | Short summary |
Australia (all states and territories) | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | Acts such as possession, production and distribution of child pornography (real or fictional) are illegal in Australia, and can be punished by up to a maximum penalty of ten years in prison or a $275,000 fine. [295] [296] [297] |
Federated States of Micronesia | Illegal; in Pohnpei | No data | No data | Only Pohnpei has a statute prohibiting child pornography. Both Chuuk and Pohnpei have provisions against filming explicit movies of underage children, but Yap and Kosrae have no such provisions. [298] |
Fiji | Illegal | No data | Illegal | Child pornography is illegal in Fiji per Article 91 of the "Employment Relations Promulgation" (2007), and Article 62A of the "Juveniles Act". [299] [300] [301] This law includes the wording: "persons who look like juveniles whether they are or not". [299] |
Kiribati | Legally unclear | Legally unclear | Legally unclear | The status of child pornography in Kiribati is unclear. A report by the United States Department of State conducted in 2020 explains that "(Kiribati's) penal code has no specific provision concerning child pornography". This however, contradicts an apparent amendment made in 2016 to their penal code. [302] [303] |
Marshall Islands | Illegal; not defined | No data | Legal | Child pornography is criminalized, but not defined in the Marshall Islands. [304] There is no mention of production, possession or dissemination of child pornography in the law. [305] |
Nauru | Illegal | No data | No data | All forms of child pornography are illegal in Nauru. [306] It is unclear if this applies to unrealistic images or for possession. |
New Zealand (including all territories) | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | Browsing for, distributing, producing, and possessing child pornography are all illegal in New Zealand. [307] |
Palau | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of child pornography are illegal in Palau. This law makes no exceptions for simple possession, photographs, films, videos, pictures, and computer-generated images or pictures. [308] |
Papua New Guinea | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | All forms of pornography (including websites) are illegal in Papua New Guinea. Child pornography is punishable by 5 to 15 years' imprisonment or a fine up to 2 million kina. [309] |
Samoa | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | Samoan law specifies a seven-year prison sentence for any person found guilty of possessing, publishing, distributing, or exhibiting indecent material featuring a child. [310] [311] |
Solomon Islands | Illegal | No data | Illegal | Child pornography is illegal in the Solomon Islands, and carries a maximum penalty of 10 years' imprisonment. [312] [313] |
Tonga | Legal: film production only | No data | Illegal | Child pornography and possession is illegal in Tonga with penalties of a maximum fine of TOP 100,000 ($43,000) or a maximum of 10 years in prison for individuals. Using children younger than 14 in the production of pornography is not criminalized. [314] [315] |
Tuvalu | Legally unclear | No data | Illegal; adult pornography | All forms of pornography are prohibited, and the penal code includes penalties for those who make, distribute, or possess obscene publications. However, Tuvaluan law does not specifically address child pornography. [316] |
Vanuatu | Illegal | No data | Illegal | The maximum penalty in Vanuatu for publishing child pornography is five years' imprisonment, and for possession, two years' imprisonment. [317] |
Country [Note 1] | Real | Fictional | Possession | Short summary |
Country [Note 1] | Real | Fictional | Possession | Short summary |
Argentina | Illegal | Legally unclear | Illegal | Article 128 of the Argentine penal code prohibits the possession and distribution of child pornography with prison sentences between four months and one year for possession and three to six years for distribution. [318] Fictional child pornography is in a legal gray area as the law does not specifically mention it. [318] [319] |
Bolivia | Illegal | Legal | Legal; Fictional only | Child pornography is illegal, and is persecuted in Bolivia. Sentences are punishable by privation of freedom from 2 to 6 years. [320] Fictional child pornography and possession thereof remains legal. [321] [270] |
Brazil | Illegal | Legal | Legal; Fictional only | Production, distribution and possession of child pornography is illegal, and prosecuted in Brazil in accordance with its "Code of Minors". [322] Fictional child pornography and possession thereof remains legal. [323] [324] |
Chile | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | Possession of child pornography real or faked, or any representation of their genitalia with the purpose of sexual gratification is illegal under Chilean law. Sentences are punishable from 541 days to 5 years imprisonment depending on the situation. [325] |
Colombia | Illegal | Legal | Legal; Fictional only | Real child pornography is illegal and is prosecuted in Colombia. [326] The Supreme Court of Justice of Colombia ruled in 2018 that "artificial child pornography" is not a crime. This applies to non nude photographs, drawings, animation, and situations that do not involve actual abuse. [327] |
Ecuador | Illegal | Illegal | Illegal | The possession, storing, fabrication or distribution of child pornography or any other kind of sexually explicit pedophile material is illegal under Ecuadorian law. [328] |
Guyana | Legal, restricted by regulations | Legal | Legal | There are no laws in Guyana that specifically prohibit child pornography. The sale, publishing, or exhibiting of obscene material, defined as anything that could deprive or corrupt those open to immoral influences is instead subject to regulations. [329] |
Paraguay | Illegal | Legal | Legal; Fictional only | Child pornography involving actual children is illegal in Paraguay. [330] Virtual forms were not included in the "Paraguayan Criminal Code" of 1997. [331] |
Peru | Illegal | Legal | Legal; Fictional only | Child pornography is illegal in Peru under article 183-A of the penal code except for fictional material that does not depict a real child. [270] [332] |
Suriname | Illegal | No data | Illegal | Child pornography is prohibited in Suriname. Convictions carry a maximum penalty of six years' imprisonment and maximum fine of SRD 50,000 ($6,650). [333] [334] |
Uruguay | Illegal | Illegal | Legal | All forms of child pornography are illegal, but Uruguay does not prohibit simple possession. [270] [335] |
Venezuela | Illegal | Legal | Legal | Venezuela does not prohibit the simple possession of child pornography. [336] But sale and distribution of child pornography is illegal and punished by fines or imprisonment from three months to four years. [337] There are no laws that criminalize fictional forms. [270] |
Country [Note 1] | Real | Fictional | Possession | Short summary |
The age of consent is the age at which a person is considered to be legally competent to consent to sexual acts. Consequently, an adult who engages in sexual activity with a person younger than the age of consent is unable to legally claim that the sexual activity was consensual, and such sexual activity may be considered child sexual abuse or statutory rape. The person below the minimum age is considered the victim, and their sex partner the offender, although some jurisdictions provide exceptions through "Romeo and Juliet laws" if one or both participants are underage and are close in age.
Sex tourism is the practice of traveling to foreign countries, often on a different continent, with the intention of engaging in sexual activity or relationships, in exchange providing money or lifestyle support. This practice predominantly operates in countries where sex work is legal. The World Tourism Organization of the United Nations has acknowledged that this industry is organized both within and outside the structured laws and networks created by them.
Child sex tourism (CST) is tourism for the purpose of engaging in the prostitution of children, which is commercially facilitated child sexual abuse. The definition of child in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is "every human being below the age of 18 years". Child sex tourism results in both mental and physical consequences for the exploited children, which may include sexually transmitted infections, "drug addiction, pregnancy, malnutrition, social ostracism, and death", according to the State Department of the United States. Child sex tourism, part of the multibillion-dollar global sex tourism industry, is a form of child prostitution within the wider issue of commercial sexual exploitation of children. Child sex tourism victimizes approximately 2 million children around the world. The children who perform as prostitutes in the child sex tourism trade often have been lured or abducted into sexual slavery.
Child prostitution is prostitution involving a child, and it is a form of commercial sexual exploitation of children. The term normally refers to prostitution of a minor, or person under the legal age of consent. In most jurisdictions, child prostitution is illegal as part of general prohibition on prostitution.
Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children (CSEC) defines the "umbrella" of crimes and activities that involve inflicting sexual abuse on to a child as a financial or personal opportunity. Commercial Sexual Exploitation consists of forcing a child into prostitution, sex trafficking, early marriage, child sex tourism and any other venture of exploiting children into sexual activities. According to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, the lack of reporting the crime and "the difficulties associated with identifying and measuring victims and perpetrators" has made it almost impossible to create a national estimate of the prevalence of Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children in the United States. There is an estimated one million children that are exploited for commercial sex globally; of the one million children that are exploited, the majority are girls.
Trafficking of children is a form of human trafficking and is defined by the United Nations as the "recruitment, transportation, harboring, and/or receipt" kidnapping of a child for the purpose of slavery, forced labour, and exploitation. This definition is substantially wider than the same document's definition of "trafficking in persons". Children may also be trafficked for adoption. Not all adoption is a form of human trafficking, but illegal adoption is. Illegal adoptions violate multiple child rights norms and principles, including the best interests of the child, the principle of subsidiarity and the prohibition of improper financial gain.
Human trafficking and the prostitution of children has been a significant issue in the Philippines, often controlled by organized crime syndicates. Human trafficking is a crime against humanity.
The International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children (ICMEC), headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia, USA, with a regional presence in the United Kingdom, Europe, Turkey, Africa, Canada, Latin America, Caribbean, Southeast Asia, India, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Australasia, is a private 501(c)(3) non-governmental, nonprofit global organization. It combats child sexual exploitation, child pornography, child trafficking and child abduction.
Prostitution in Guatemala is legal but procuring is prohibited. There is an offence of “aggravated procuring” where a minor is involved. Keeping a brothel is not prohibited.
Prostitution in Costa Rica is legal. Costa Rica's legal system is based on Roman law rather than common law, and so for prostitution to be illegal it would have to be explicitly stated as such in a penal code, and it is not. Nevertheless, many of the activities surrounding it are illegal, as the law forbids promoting or facilitating the prostitution of another, and therefore pimping, brothels, or prostitution rings are illegal. Prostitution is common and is practiced openly throughout the country, particularly in popular tourism destinations.
Laws against child sexual abuse vary by country based on the local definition of who a child is and what constitutes child sexual abuse. Most countries in the world employ some form of age of consent, with sexual contact with an underage person being criminally penalized. As the age of consent to sexual behaviour varies from country to country, so too do definitions of child sexual abuse. An adult's sexual intercourse with a minor below the legal age of consent may sometimes be referred to as statutory rape, based on the principle that any apparent consent by a minor could not be considered legal consent.
The Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act of 2003, officially designated as Republic Act No. 9208, is a consolidation of Senate Bill No. 2444 and House Bill No. 4432. It was enacted and passed by Congress of the Philippines' Senate of the Philippines and House of Representatives of the Philippines assembled on May 12, 2003, and signed into law by President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo on May 26, 2003. It institutes policies to eliminate and punish human trafficking, especially women and children, establishing the necessary institutional mechanisms for the protection and support of trafficked persons. It aims "to promote human dignity, protect the people from any threat of violence and exploitation, and mitigate pressures for involuntary migration and servitude of persons, not only to support trafficked persons but more importantly, to ensure their recovery, rehabilitation and reintegration into the mainstream of society."
Human trafficking is the act of recruiting, transporting, transferring, harboring, or receiving individuals through force, fraud, or coercion for the purpose of exploitation. This exploitation may include forced labor, sexual slavery, or other forms of commercial sexual exploitation. It is considered a serious violation of human rights and a form of modern slavery. Efforts to combat human trafficking involve international laws, national policies, and non-governmental organizations.
Maud de Boer-Buquicchio is a Dutch jurist and former UN Special Rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography. She served as Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe from 2002 and retired from the post in 2012 and was succeeded by Gabriella Battaini-Dragoni.
Child pornography is erotic material that depicts persons under the designated age of majority. The precise characteristics of what constitutes child pornography varies by criminal jurisdiction.
Transnational efforts to prevent human trafficking are being made to prevent human trafficking in specific countries and around the world.
ECPAT is a global network of civil society organisations that works to end the sexual exploitation of children. It focuses on ending the online sexual exploitation of children, the trafficking of children for sexual purposes, the sexual exploitation of children in prostitution, child, early and forced marriages, and the sexual exploitation of children in the travel and tourism industry.
Human trafficking in Southeast Asia has long been a problem for the area and is still prevalent today. It has been observed that as economies continue to grow, the demand for labor is at an all-time high in the industrial sector and the sex tourism sector. A mix of impoverished individuals and the desire for more wealth creates an environment for human traffickers to benefit in the Southeast Asia region. Many nations within the region have taken preventive measures to end human trafficking within their borders and punish traffickers operating there.
Child prostitution in Ukraine has been described by Juan Miguel Petit, Special Rapporteur on the Sale of Children, Child Prostitution and Child Pornography for the United Nations, as a major problem in the country.
Cybersex trafficking, live streaming sexual abuse, webcam sex tourism/abuse or ICTs -facilitated sexual exploitation is a cybercrime involving sex trafficking and the live streaming of coerced sexual acts and/or rape on webcam.
The world community recently has recognized every child's fundamental human right to protection from sexual maltreatment. This right has been expressed in recent declarations, conventions, and programs of action. Indeed, the right to protection from sexual maltreatment is now entrenched so strongly in international human rights law that no country can relinquish its obligation.
States Parties shall take all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and educational measures to protect the child from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse... States Parties undertake to protect the child from all forms of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse. For these purposes, States Parties shall in particular take all appropriate national, bilateral and multilateral measures to prevent: (a) The inducement or coercion of a child to engage in any unlawful sexual activity; (b) The exploitative use of children in prostitution or other unlawful sexual practices; (c) The exploitative use of children in pornographic performances and materials.
Wirklichkeitsnah ist ein Geschehen nur dann, wenn ein durchschnittlicher, nicht sachverständiger Beobachter nach dem äußeren Erscheinungsbild der Darstellung nicht sicher ausschließen kann, dass es sich um ein tatsächliches Geschehen handelt.[A depiction is only considered realistic if an average, non-expert observer, based on the external appearance of the representation, cannot confidently rule out that it might be an actual event.]
{{cite web}}
: CS1 maint: url-status (link)A NSW Supreme Court judge has ruled an internet cartoon in which lookalike child characters from The Simpsons engage in sexual acts is child pornography.