Christophe Plantin Prize

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The Christophe Plantin Prize ( French: Prix Christoffel Plantin), is a Belgian civilian prize, intended to reward a Belgian citizen who resides abroad, who has made significant contributions to cultural, artistic or scientific activities.


Named after noted printer Christophe Plantin, the prize was created in 1968 on the initiative of:

Funded by voluntary contributions, the prize consists of a 10,000 fund and a medal created by Antwerp artist May Néama. On one side the medal has a portrait of Christoffel Plantin, accompanied by his statement: "I have more hope in posteriority than in the current world population." To the reverse is an old picture of Antwerp quays, with a compass and another statement of Plantin: "Labore and Constantia."


1968Armand HENNEUSEPoetry Flag of France.svg Lyon
1969Antoon VOLLEMAEREMayan paleography Flag of Burundi.svg Bujumbura
1970Albert VAN DEN BRANDEN, S.J.Theology Flag of Lebanon.svg Lebanese University
1971Pierre LEONMusic Flag of Germany.svg Bonn Opera
1972Jean DEVAUXArts and Ballet Flag of Guatemala.svg Guatemala
1973 Jan YOORS Artist Flag of the United States.svg New York City
1974Pierre RIJCKMANSSinologist Flag of Australia (converted).svg Australian National University
1975Robert VLIEGENMusic Flag of Japan.svg Osaka College of Music
1976 Paul DETIENNE, S.J.Languages Flag of India.svg IndiaAuthor and Bengali translator
1977Claude ALARDSculptor Flag of France.svg Bourges
1978Mgr. Jose RUYSSCHAERTReligion Flag of Vatican City (2023-present).svg Vatican 1965 - vice-prefect, Vatican library
1971 - Honorary chaplain to Pope Paul VI
1979Professor Dr. Karel MAERTENSMedicine Flag of Zaire (1971-1997).svg University of Kinshasa
1980Professor Pierre van RUTTENEthetics and semantics Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg University of Ottawa
1981Henri R. LERIBAUXNuclear science Flag of the United States.svg Texas A&M University
1982Professor B. HENDRICKXHistory Flag of South Africa.svg University of Johannesburg
1983Philippe FALISSEMusic Flag of India.svg Indiatraditional music of Dhrupad
1984Charles L. SCHEPENSMedicine Flag of the United States.svg United States
1985Edouard VERSTEYLENArcheology Flag of Peru.svg Museo Nacional de Arqueología Antropología e Historia del Perú
1986Doctor Gabrielle WILLEDrug addiction Flag of Colombia.svg Universidad del Norte
1987Luc CROEGAERT, S.J.African studiesAfrica
1988Nicole DACOSPhilosophy Flag of Italy.svg Academia Belgica
1989Doctor Ghislaine GODENNEMedicine Flag of the United States.svg University of Maryland, College Park
1990Willem A. Grootaers, C.I.C.M.Dialect Flag of the Republic of China.svg Fu Jen Catholic University and Flag of Japan.svg Sophia University Japanese women
1991Jan OF YOURPhilosophy Flag of Mexico.svg Academia of Investigaciòn Científica Mexican
1992Doctor Emile L. BoulpaepMedicine Flag of the United States.svg Yale University
1993Doctor Marc R. of LEVALMedicine Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Great Ormond Street Hospital
1994Doctor Lilyan KestelootCulture and litereature of Africa Flag of Senegal.svg University of Dakar
1995Ferdinand of TRAZEGNIES there GRANDALawyer Flag of Peru.svg Ambassador
1998Doctor Jan Modest QuaegebuerMedicine Flag of the United States.svg Columbia University
1999 Robert Cailliau Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg CERN co-creator of the World Wide Web
2000Professor Lutgarde BuydensPharmacology Flag of the Netherlands.svg University of Nijmegen
2001Robert CasteelsPerforming Arts Flag of Singapore.svg LASALLE College of the Arts
2002 Pierre De Meyts Medicine Flag of Denmark.svg Hagedorn Research Institute
2003Professor Eduardo Dargent ChamotHistory of Nutrition Flag of the United States.svg St. Mary's University
2004Professor Christian WellekensComputer voice recognition Flag of France.svg Institut Eurécom
2005Professor Hervé BourlardComputer sciences Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
2006Professor Dr. Bart Willem Kempenaers Flag of Germany.svg Max Planck Institute
2007 Dirk van Braeckel [1] Automotive design Flag of the United Kingdom.svg Bentley Motors Design Bentley Continental GTC
2008Professor Patrick De DeckkerResearch/Lecturer Past climates, earth's history Flag of Australia (converted).svg Australian National University
2009Professor Jo Haazen Musicus, beiaardier Staatsuniversiteit van Sint-Petersburg, Flag of Russia.svg
Faculteit voor Vergelijkende Godsdienstwetenschappen, Flag of Belgium (civil).svg
2010Professor Jean-Pierre Danthine Econoom Zwitserse Nationale Bank, Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg
2011 Catherine Geens Bedrijfsmanager Fundación Carlos de Amberes, Flag of Spain.svg
2012 Koen Sevenants vzw Morning Tears, Flag of the People's Republic of China.svg
2013 An Van Camp Kunsthistoricus, conservator British Museum, Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
2014Professor H. Daniel Wagner Materiaalkundige Weizmann Instituut van Wetenschappen, Flag of Israel.svg
2015 Bernard Kervyn Ontwikkelingswerker Mekong Plus, Flag of Vietnam.svg
2016 Chris Dercon Curator en museumdirecteur Tate Modern, Flag of the United Kingdom.svg
Volksbühne, Flag of Germany.svg
2017Professor Hilde De Reuse Onderzoeker microbiologie Institut Pasteur, Flag of France.svg
2018Dr. Piet Noë Oogarts Rwanda Charity Eye Hospital, Flag of Rwanda.svg
2019 Gilbert Deflo Operaregisseurwereldwijd
2021Veerle SterkenRuimtewetenschapperETH Zürich Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg
2022Christophe CoxSociaal ondernemerAPOPO, Flag of Tanzania.svg

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  1. "Dirk van Braeckel receives top Belgian award". 2007-10-09. Retrieved 2009-06-21.