Convex measure

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In measure and probability theory in mathematics, a convex measure is a probability measure that loosely put does not assign more mass to any intermediate set between two measurable sets A and B than it does to A or B individually. There are multiple ways in which the comparison between the probabilities of A and B and the intermediate set can be made, leading to multiple definitions of convexity, such as log-concavity, harmonic convexity, and so on. The mathematician Christer Borell was a pioneer of the detailed study of convex measures on locally convex spaces in the 1970s. [1] [2]

Probability theory is the branch of mathematics concerned with probability. Although there are several different probability interpretations, probability theory treats the concept in a rigorous mathematical manner by expressing it through a set of axioms. Typically these axioms formalise probability in terms of a probability space, which assigns a measure taking values between 0 and 1, termed the probability measure, to a set of outcomes called the sample space. Any specified subset of these outcomes is called an event.

Mathematics field of study concerning quantity, patterns and change

Mathematics includes the study of such topics as quantity, structure, space, and change.

Probability measure Measure of total value one, generalizing probability distributions

In mathematics, a probability measure is a real-valued function defined on a set of events in a probability space that satisfies measure properties such as countable additivity. The difference between a probability measure and the more general notion of measure is that a probability measure must assign value 1 to the entire probability space.


General definition and special cases

Let X be a locally convex Hausdorff vector space, and consider a probability measure μ on the Borel σ-algebra of X. Fix s 0, and define, for u, v 0 and 0 λ 1,

In topology and related branches of mathematics, a Hausdorff space, separated space or T2 space is a topological space where for any two distinct points there exists a neighbourhood of each which is disjoint from the neighbourhood of the other. Of the many separation axioms that can be imposed on a topological space, the "Hausdorff condition" (T2) is the most frequently used and discussed. It implies the uniqueness of limits of sequences, nets, and filters.

Vector space mathematical structure formed by a collection of elements called vectors

A vector space is a collection of objects called vectors, which may be added together and multiplied ("scaled") by numbers, called scalars. Scalars are often taken to be real numbers, but there are also vector spaces with scalar multiplication by complex numbers, rational numbers, or generally any field. The operations of vector addition and scalar multiplication must satisfy certain requirements, called axioms, listed below.

For subsets A and B of X, we write

for their Minkowski sum. With this notation, the measure μ is said to be s-convex [1] if, for all Borel-measurable subsets A and B of X and all 0 λ 1,

The special case s = 0 is the inequality


Thus, a measure being 0-convex is the same thing as it being a logarithmically concave measure.

In mathematics, a Borel measure μ on n-dimensional Euclidean space is called logarithmically concave if, for any compact subsets A and B of and 0 < λ < 1, one has


The classes of s-convex measures form a nested increasing family as s decreases to "

or, equivalently

Thus, the collection of -convex measures is the largest such class, whereas the 0-convex measures (the logarithmically concave measures) are the smallest class.

The convexity of a measure μ on n-dimensional Euclidean space Rn in the sense above is closely related to the convexity of its probability density function. [2] Indeed, μ is s-convex if and only if there is an absolutely continuous measure ν with probability density function ρ on some Rk so that μ is the push-forward on ν under a linear or affine map and is a convex function, where

Euclidean space Generalization of Euclidean geometry to higher dimensions

In geometry, Euclidean space encompasses the two-dimensional Euclidean plane, the three-dimensional space of Euclidean geometry, and similar spaces of higher dimension. It is named after the Ancient Greek mathematician Euclid of Alexandria. The term "Euclidean" distinguishes these spaces from other types of spaces considered in modern geometry. Euclidean spaces also generalize to higher dimensions.

Probability density function Function whose integral over a region describes the probability of an event occurring in that region

In probability theory, a probability density function (PDF), or density of a continuous random variable, is a function whose value at any given sample in the sample space can be interpreted as providing a relative likelihood that the value of the random variable would equal that sample. In other words, while the absolute likelihood for a continuous random variable to take on any particular value is 0, the value of the PDF at two different samples can be used to infer, in any particular draw of the random variable, how much more likely it is that the random variable would equal one sample compared to the other sample.

In measure theory, a discipline within mathematics, a pushforward measure is obtained by transferring a measure from one measurable space to another using a measurable function.

Convex measures also satisfy a zero-one law: if G is a measurable additive subgroup of the vector space X (i.e. a measurable linear subspace), then the inner measure of G under μ,

In mathematics, in particular in measure theory, an inner measure is a function on the set of all subsets of a given set, with values in the extended real numbers, satisfying some technical conditions. Intuitively, the inner measure of a set is a lower bound of the size of that set.

must be 0 or 1. (In the case that μ is a Radon measure, and hence inner regular, the measure μ and its inner measure coincide, so the μ-measure of G is then 0 or 1.) [1]

Related Research Articles

In mathematics, specifically in measure theory, a Borel measure on a topological space is a measure that is defined on all open sets. Some authors require additional restrictions on the measure, as described below.

Measure (mathematics) mathematical function which associates a comparable numeric value to some subsets of a given set

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Jensens inequality Theorem of convex functions

In mathematics, Jensen's inequality, named after the Danish mathematician Johan Jensen, relates the value of a convex function of an integral to the integral of the convex function. It was proven by Jensen in 1906. Given its generality, the inequality appears in many forms depending on the context, some of which are presented below. In its simplest form the inequality states that the convex transformation of a mean is less than or equal to the mean applied after convex transformation; it is a simple corollary that the opposite is true of concave transformations.

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  1. 1 2 3 Borell, Christer (1974). "Convex measures on locally convex spaces". Ark. Mat. 12 (1–2): 239–252. doi:10.1007/BF02384761. ISSN   0004-2080.
  2. 1 2 Borell, Christer (1975). "Convex set functions in d-space". Period. Math. Hungar. 6 (2): 111–136. doi:10.1007/BF02018814. ISSN   0031-5303.