The Deltar (Delta Getij Analogon Rekenmachine, English: Delta Tide Analogue Calculator) was an analogue computer used in the design and execution of the Delta Works from 1960 to 1984. Originated by Johan van Veen, who also built the initial prototypes between 1944 and 1946, its development was continued by J.C. Schönfeld and C.M. Verhagen after van Veen's death in 1959.
The Deltar was first put to use in 1960, and was the successor to a previous analogue computer, the larger Electrisch model van waterlopen (English: Electric model of watercourses). [1]
The Deltar was specifically designed and built to perform complex calculations necessary to predict tidal movements and the effects of interventions such as the construction of compartmentalisation dams in the Delta area of the Netherlands. The Deltar's design was based on the hydraulic analogy between the phenomena of water and electricity. Analogous to water level, flow, inertia, and water storage, the design of the computer used electrical phenomena such as voltage, current, self-inductance, and capacitance.
Tidal calculations had been a focus of engineering research in the Netherlands for much of the early 20th century. In 1916, Gerard Henri de Vries Broekman had suggested a practical method for the calculation of tidal levels. [2] In 1926, Hendrik Lorentz had developed two methods for the prediction of tidal levels for the Zuiderzee Works. [3]
The methodologies for solving differential equations of tidal motion were continuously researched and improved in the years after this, notably by J.P. Mazure, [4] H.J. Stroband, [5] [6] [7] Jo Johannis Dronkers, [8] H. Holsters, [9] and Johan Christoph (J.C.) Schönfeld. [10]
In the 1930s, Johan van Veen worked on a model to compare tidal currents with electrical currents. Despite initial scepticism about its reliability, van Veen continued to develop his 'electrical method', which he described in an article in the Dutch journal De Ingenieur as a 'simple engineering method' with 'relatively great accuracy'. [11] [12]
His method stood in opposition to the more mathematical methods for tidal calculations, such as those of Dronkers, which required complicated mathematical effort. Dronkers had published several papers on tidal calculations, leading up to his magnum opus, Tidal computations in rivers and coastal waters, in 1964. It remains a benchmark in the field of tidal calculation theory, and led to the award of the Conrad Medal by the Royal Netherlands Institute of Engineers to Dronkers in 1965. [13]
Dronkers' computational approach, though rigorous, was criticised by van Veen for its complexity and computational demands, which he believed could hinder timely practical applications. [14] The Deltar, by comparison, offered a fast and accurate method to undertake tidal calculations. [14]
After the North Sea flood of 1953, the Deltacommissie (English: Delta Commission), led by A.G. Maris, the Director-General of Rijkswaterstaat, was established. This commission was tasked by the Minister of Transport and Water Management to develop plans to prevent such disasters in the future. Although a Delta Plan had been conceived by van Veen before the flood, this event expedited the decision to progress it, with the Dutch coastline to be shortened by approximately 700 kilometres. The scale and complexity of the Delta Works meant that the reduction in calculation time offered by the Deltar, compared with manual calculation methods, would be advantageous. [15] [16]
The Deltar was an advanced system designed for simulating tides and analysing river environments by converting tidal data, river flows, and environmental factors into electrical analogue signals. This approach enabled dynamic modelling of time-varying parameters, which was essential for fluid dynamics simulations in natural settings. [17]
Divided into multiple sections, each corresponding to a distinct part of the studied river system, the Deltar required initial configuration with precise values to simulate each segment accurately. Inputs such as fluctuating tide levels and wind conditions, often encoded on punched tapes, were translated into electrical signals to drive the simulation. [17]
Its output system recorded the resulting data, providing insights into water flow and currents. The Deltar's computing speed was managed via a time-scale setting, balancing computational capacity with the rate of data input and output. [1] [17] [18] Each module of the Deltar represented water flow and levels at both ends of a river segment using electrical currents and voltages. The primary computing elements were the operational amplifiers which continuously solved interconnected first-order differential equations. [1]
The system was organised in three groups of 40 units. Each unit corresponded to a particular section of a river, enabling up to three tidal problems to be investigated simultaneously. The analogue sections were configured so that a river section’s hydraulic properties such as length, width, depth, and resistance coefficient were immediately reflected within the simulation. [16] [19]
The Deltar accommodated both manual and automatic adjustments. Basic settings were entered manually, while changes in water height triggered automatic alterations via servomotor-controlled resistors in each module, ensuring dynamic reflection of changing water levels in the simulation. [1]
A mechanical function generator, driven by a servomotor spindle, was integral to accurately modelling water behaviour in each river segment. The low drift and high common-mode rejection required by the amplifiers were achieved using mirror galvanometer-based designs. Each module contained four such amplifiers and a ECC81 dual triode vacuum tube in the servo circuit. [18] The system was capable of running simulations at up to 100 times real-time speed. [20] [21]
The Deltar's first major assignment was to study the tidal movement in the North Delta area during and after the execution of the Delta Plan. It was also used for: [22] [23] [24] [25] [26]
Despite its advanced capabilities, the advent of digital computing, exemplified by the Electrologica X1, soon overshadowed the Deltar's analogue methodology. [18] After 1984, the system was dismantled and almost entirely lost. However, four units are known to have been preserved, three of which are on display at Deltapark Neeltje Jans, and one at the Computer Museum of the University of Amsterdam. [1]
The Oosterscheldekering, between the islands Schouwen-Duiveland and Noord-Beveland, is the largest of the Delta Works, a series of dams and storm surge barriers, designed to protect the Netherlands from flooding from the North Sea. The construction of the Delta Works was a response to the widespread damage and loss of life in the North Sea flood of 1953.
Johannes Aleidis (Johan) Ringers was a Dutch hydraulic engineer and politician. He served as the director-general of Rijkswaterstaat and later as the director of Dutch East Indies Railways. During World War II, Ringers was appointed as the government commissioner for reconstruction, but was later interned by German forces.
The Philipsdam is a compartmentalisation dam constructed as part of the Delta Works in the Netherlands. It separates water of the lakes Krammer and Volkerak from the Oosterschelde, and connects the Grevelingendam to Sint Philipsland.
Johan van Veen was a Dutch hydraulic engineer. He is considered the father of the Delta Works.
The Markiezaatskade is a compartmentalisation dam in The Netherlands, situated between South Beveland and Molenplaat, near Bergen op Zoom. The dam was constructed as part of the Delta Works, and has a length of 4 kilometres.
The Volkerakdam or Volkerakwerken is the name given to a group of hydraulic engineering structures between Goeree-Overflakkee and North Brabant in the Netherlands. The works are not a single dam, but are composed of three distinct structures: a dam between Goeree-Overflakkee and Hellegatsplein, a series of locks from Hellegatsplein to North Brabant, and a bridge from Hellegatsplein to Hoekse Waard. The works cross three separate bodies of water: the Haringvliet, Hollands Diep and Volkerak. The works together comprise the fifth project of the Delta Works.
The Grevelingendam is a dam located in the Grevelingen sea inlet between Schouwen-Duiveland and Goeree-Overflakkee in The Netherlands. The Grevelingendam was the fourth structure constructed as part of the Delta Works.
The Zandkreekdam is a compartmentalisation dam located approximately 3 kilometres north of the city of Goes in The Netherlands, which connects Zuid-Beveland with Noord-Beveland, and separates the Oosterschelde from the Veerse Meer.
Pieter Jacobus (P.J.) Wemelsfelder was a Dutch hydraulic engineer who made significant contributions to the field of hydrometry in the Netherlands, and in hydraulic engineering internationally. In addition to his involvement in the design and planning of the Delta Works, he published widely and is notable for the first use of probability theory in the design of flood levels.
Jo Johannis Dronkers was a Dutch mathematician who is notable for the development of mathematical methods for the calculation of tides and tidal currents in estuaries. His work formed much of the mathematical basis for the design of the Delta Works. He attended the 1954 International Congress of Mathematicians in Amsterdam, where his work was discussed by David van Dantzig.
Johannes Theodoor Thijsse was a Dutch hydraulic engineer who made significant contributions to hydraulic engineering both in The Netherlands and internationally. In addition to having a major involvement in the design and planning of both the Zuiderzee Works and the Delta Works, he published widely and played a key role in the establishment of the IHE Delft Institute for Water Education.
Frank Spaargaren was a Dutch hydraulic engineer who was one of the main designers of the Oosterscheldekering and served as a director of the Waterloopkundig Laboratorium in Delft.
The Waterloopkundig Laboratorium was an independent Dutch scientific institute specialising in hydraulics and hydraulic engineering. The laboratory was established in Delft from 1927, moving to a new location in the city in 1973. The institute later became known as WL | Delft Hydraulics. In 2008, the laboratory was incorporated into the international nonprofit Deltares institute.
Pieter Philippus Jansen was a Dutch civil engineer and hydraulic engineer who made significant contributions to hydraulic engineering in The Netherlands. He spent the majority of his career with Rijkswaterstaat, working on several major projects including the first phase of the Delta Works and leading the reclamation and repair efforts following the inundation of Walcheren.
Jan Fokke Agema was a Dutch hydraulic engineer and professor at Delft University of Technology. He is notable for his design of the harbour entrance at Hoek van Holland and involvement in the construction of the Oosterscheldekering. The prof. J.F. Agemaprijs is named for him, and has been awarded every five years since 2000.
A fascine mattress(Dutch: Zinkstuk, literally sink piece), is a large woven mat made of brushwood, typically willow twigs and shoots, used to protect riverbeds and other underwater surfaces from scour and erosion. They are similar in construction to a fascine, but are primarily used for hydraulic engineering works, typically to strengthen the banks of rivers and streams, as well as coastal structures like revetments and groynes.
A compartmentalisation dam is a dam that divides a body of water into two parts. A typical use of such a dam is the regulation of water levels separately in different sections of a basin. One application of a compartmentalisation dam is to facilitate closures of areas with multiple tidal inlets, such as in the case of the Delta Works.
In coastal and environmental engineering, the closure of tidal inlets entails the deliberate prevention of the entry of seawater into inland areas through the use of fill material and the construction of barriers. The aim of such closures is usually to safeguard inland regions from flooding, thereby protecting ecological integrity and reducing potential harm to human settlements and agricultural areas.
Pieter Abraham van de Velde was a Dutch civil engineer and professor of road and hydraulic engineering. He contributed to several major water engineering projects in the Netherlands, notably the drainage of Walcheren at the end of the Second World War, dike restorations following the 1953 North Sea flood, and the Deltaplan.
Herman Arend Ferguson was a Dutch civil engineer and hydraulic engineer who contributed to water management in The Netherlands. He played a central role in the recovery efforts following the inundation of Walcheren in 1944, and the works to repair the significant damage caused by the North Sea flood of 1953. He held senior positions at Rijkswaterstaat, authored several key publications on hydraulic engineering, and was awarded the Order of the Netherlands Lion.