Digital pathology

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Digital pathology is a major part of pathology informatics, and encompasses topics including slide scanning, digital imaging, image analysis and telepathology. Major topics of pathology informatics.png
Digital pathology is a major part of pathology informatics, and encompasses topics including slide scanning, digital imaging, image analysis and telepathology.

Digital pathology is a sub-field of pathology that focuses on managing and analyzing information generated from digitized specimen slides. It utilizes computer-based technology and virtual microscopy to view, manage, share, and analyze digital slides on computer monitors. [1] This field has applications in diagnostic medicine and aims to achieve more efficient and cost-effective diagnoses, prognoses, and disease predictions through advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence in healthcare. [2] [3]



The roots of digital pathology trace back to the 1960s with early telepathology experiments. The concept of virtual microscopy emerged in the 1990s across various areas of life science research [4] . At the turn of the century the scientific community more and more agreed on the term "digital pathology" to denote digitization efforts in pathology. However, in 2000, the technical requirements (scanner, storage, network) were still a limiting factor for a broad dissemination of digital pathology concepts. This changed as new powerful and affordable scanner technology as well as mass / cloud storage technologies appeared on the market. The field of radiology has undergone the digital transformation almost 15 years ago, not because radiology is more advanced, but there are fundamental differences between digital images in radiology and digital pathology: The image source in radiology is the (alive) patient, and today in most cases, the image is even primarily captured in digital format. In pathology the scanning is done from preserved and processed specimens, for retrospective studies even from slides stored in a biobank. Besides this difference in pre-analytics and metadata content, the required storage in digital pathology is two to three orders of magnitude higher than in radiology. However, the advantages anticipated through digital pathology are similar to those in radiology:

Digital pathology is today widely used for educational purposes [5] in telepathology and teleconsultation as well as in research projects. Digital pathology allows to share and annotate slides in a much easier way and to download annotated lecture sets generates new opportunities for e-learning and knowledge sharing in pathology. Digital pathology in diagnostics is an emerging and upcoming field.



A microscopy slide scanner. Leica microscopy slide scanner, annotated.jpg
A microscopy slide scanner.
Whole slide image quality comparison, with a slide scanned with a 20x objective and about 0.8 gigabytes (GB) in size to the left, and a 40x objective and approximately 1.2 GB in size to the right. Each image shows a red blood cell. Whole slide image quality comparison.png
Whole slide image quality comparison, with a slide scanned with a 20x objective and about 0.8 gigabytes (GB) in size to the left, and a 40x objective and approximately 1.2 GB in size to the right. Each image shows a red blood cell.

Digital slides are created from glass slides using specialized scanning machines. All high quality scans must be free of dust, scratches, and other obstructions. There are two common methods for digital slide scanning, tile-based scanning and line-based scanning. [6] Both technologies use an integrated camera and a motorized stage to move the slide around while parts of the tissue are imaged. Tile scanners capture square field-of-view images covering the entire tissue area on the slide, while line-scanners capture images of the tissue in long, uninterrupted stripes rather than tiles. In both cases, software associated with the scanner stitch the tiles or lines together into a single, seamless image.

Z-stacking is the scanning of a slide at multiple focal planes along the vertical z-axis. [7]


Digital slides are accessible for viewing via a computer monitor and viewing software either locally or remotely via the Internet. An example of an open-source, web-based viewer for this purpose implemented in pure JavaScript, for desktop and mobile, is the OpenSeadragon [8] viewer. QuPath [9] is another such open source software, which is often used for digital pathology applications because it offers a powerful set of tools for working with whole slide images. OpenSlide, [10] on the other hand is a C library (Python and Java bindings are also available) that provides a simple interface to read and view whole-slide images.


Digital slides are maintained in an information management system that allows for archival and intelligent retrieval.


Digital slides are often stored and delivered over the Internet or private networks, for viewing and consultation.


Image analysis tools are used to derive objective quantification measures from digital slides. Image segmentation and classification algorithms, often implemented using deep learning neural networks, are used to identify medically significant regions and objects on digital slides. A GPU acceleration software for pathology imaging analysis, cross-comparing spatial boundaries of a huge amount of segmented micro-anatomic objects has been developed. [11] The core algorithm of PixelBox in this software has been adopted in Fixstars' Geometric Performance Primitives (GPP) library [12] as a part of NVIDIA Developer, which is a production geometry engine for advanced graphical information systems, electronic design automation, computer vision and motion planning solutions. [13]


Digital pathology workflow is integrated into the institution's overall operational environment. Slide digitization is expected to reduce the number of routine, manually reviewed slides, maximizing workload efficiency.


Digital pathology also allows internet information sharing for education, diagnostics, publication and research. This may take the form of publicly available datasets or open source access to machine learning algorithms.


Bone tissue is particularly prone to folding artifacts. In this micrograph, the automatic camera is focused on a fold (left in image), resulting in defocus aberration (blur) of the surrounding tissue (right in image). Folding artifact on whole slide imaging of bone.png
Bone tissue is particularly prone to folding artifacts. In this micrograph, the automatic camera is focused on a fold (left in image), resulting in defocus aberration (blur) of the surrounding tissue (right in image).
In this case, there is no clear distinction between tumor cells and surrounding large stromal cells, requiring delimitation before applying automatic stain quantification tools. CD117 (c-kit) stain of mixed malignant germ cell tumor - crop.png
In this case, there is no clear distinction between tumor cells and surrounding large stromal cells, requiring delimitation before applying automatic stain quantification tools.

Digital pathology has been approved by the FDA for primary diagnosis. [16] The approval was based on a multi-center study of 1,992 cases in which whole-slide imaging (WSI) was shown to be non-inferior to microscopy across a wide range of surgical pathology specimens, sample types and stains. [17] While there are advantages to WSI when creating digital data from glass slides, when it comes to real-time telepathology applications, WSI is not a strong choice for discussion and collaboration between multiple remote pathologists. [18] Furthermore, unlike digital radiology where the elimination of film made return on investment (ROI) clear, the ROI on digital pathology equipment is less obvious. The strongest ROI justification includes improved quality of healthcare, increased efficiency for pathologists, and reduced costs in handling glass slides. [19]


Validation of a digital microscopy workflow in a specific environment (see above) is important to ensure high diagnostic performance of pathologists when evaluating digital whole-slide images. There are different methods that can be used for this validation process. [20] The College of American Pathologists has published a guideline with minimal requirements for validation of whole slide imaging systems for diagnostic purposes in human pathology. [21]


Trained pathologists traditionally view tissue slides under a microscope. These tissue slides may be stained to highlight cellular structures. When slides are digitized, they are able to be shared through tele-pathology and are numerically analyzed using computer algorithms. Algorithms can be used to automate the manual counting of structures, or for classifying the condition of tissue such as is used in grading tumors. They can additionally be used for feature detection of mitotic figures, epithelial cells, or tissue specific structures such as lung cancer nodules, glomeruli, or vessels, or estimation of molecular biomarkers such as mutated genes, tumor mutational burden, or transcriptional changes. [22] [23] [24] This has the potential to reduce human error and improve accuracy of diagnoses. Digital slides can be easily shared, increasing the potential for data usage in education as well as in consultations between expert pathologists. Multiplexed imaging (staining multiple markers on the same slide) allows pathologists to understand finer distribution of cell-types and their relative locations. [25] An understanding of the spatial distribution of cell-types or markers and pathways they express, can allow for prescription of targeted drugs or build combinational therapies in a personalized manner.

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Elizabeth Anne Krupinski is a Professor and Vice Chair for Research of Radiology & Imaging Sciences at Emory University. She works on the perception of medical images and decision-making. Dr. Krupinski is a Fellow of SPIE, Fellow of the Society Imaging Informatics in Medicine, Fellow of the American Telemedicine Association(ATA) and Fellow of the American Institute for Medical & Biological Engineering (AIMBE). She has previously served as Chair for the SPIE Medical Imaging Conference, Chair of SIIM, President of the American Telemedicine Association, President of the Medical Image Perception Society and Vice President of the Society for Education and the Advancement of Research in Connected Health.

Tissue image cytometry or tissue cytometry is a method of digital histopathology and combines classical digital pathology and computational pathology into one integrated approach with solutions for all kinds of diseases, tissue and cell types as well as molecular markers and corresponding staining methods to visualize these markers. Tissue cytometry uses virtual slides as they can be generated by multiple, commercially available slide scanners, as well as dedicated image analysis software – preferentially including machine and deep learning algorithms. Tissue cytometry enables cellular analysis within thick tissues, retaining morphological and contextual information, including spatial information on defined cellular subpopulations.


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Further reading