Object detection

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Objects detected with OpenCV's Deep Neural Network module (dnn) by using a YOLOv3 model trained on COCO dataset capable to detect objects of 80 common classes Detected-with-YOLO--Schreibtisch-mit-Objekten.jpg
Objects detected with OpenCV's Deep Neural Network module (dnn) by using a YOLOv3 model trained on COCO dataset capable to detect objects of 80 common classes

Object detection is a computer technology related to computer vision and image processing that deals with detecting instances of semantic objects of a certain class (such as humans, buildings, or cars) in digital images and videos. [1] Well-researched domains of object detection include face detection and pedestrian detection. Object detection has applications in many areas of computer vision, including image retrieval and video surveillance.



Detection of objects on a road Computer vision sample in Simon Bolivar Avenue, Quito.jpg
Detection of objects on a road

It is widely used in computer vision tasks such as image annotation, [2] vehicle counting, [3] activity recognition, [4] face detection, face recognition, video object co-segmentation. It is also used in tracking objects, for example tracking a ball during a football match, tracking movement of a cricket bat, or tracking a person in a video.

Often, the test images are sampled from a different data distribution, making the object detection task significantly more difficult. [5] To address the challenges caused by the domain gap between training and test data, many unsupervised domain adaptation approaches have been proposed. [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] A simple and straightforward solution for reducing the domain gap is to apply an image-to-image translation approach, such as cycle-GAN. [10] Among other uses, cross-domain object detection is applied in autonomous driving, where models can be trained on a vast amount of video game scenes, since the labels can be generated without manual labor.


Every object class has its own special features that help in classifying the class – for example all circles are round. Object class detection uses these special features. For example, when looking for circles, objects that are at a particular distance from a point (i.e. the center) are sought. Similarly, when looking for squares, objects that are perpendicular at corners and have equal side lengths are needed. A similar approach is used for face identification where eyes, nose, and lips can be found and features like skin color and distance between eyes can be found.


Simplified neural network training example.svg
Simplified example of training a neural network in object detection: The network is trained by multiple images that are known to depict starfish and sea urchins, which are correlated with "nodes" that represent visual features. The starfish match with a ringed texture and a star outline, whereas most sea urchins match with a striped texture and oval shape. However, the instance of a ring textured sea urchin creates a weakly weighted association between them.
Simplified neural network example.svg
Subsequent run of the network on an input image (left): [11] The network correctly detects the starfish. However, the weakly weighted association between ringed texture and sea urchin also confers a weak signal to the latter from one of two intermediate nodes. In addition, a shell that was not included in the training gives a weak signal for the oval shape, also resulting in a weak signal for the sea urchin output. These weak signals may result in a false positive result for sea urchin.
In reality, textures and outlines would not be represented by single nodes, but rather by associated weight patterns of multiple nodes.

Methods for object detection generally fall into either neural network-based or non-neural approaches. For non-neural approaches, it becomes necessary to first define features using one of the methods below, then using a technique such as support vector machine (SVM) to do the classification. On the other hand, neural techniques are able to do end-to-end object detection without specifically defining features, and are typically based on convolutional neural networks (CNN).

See also

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Xiaoming Liu is a Chinese-American computer scientist and an academic. He is a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, MSU Foundation Professor as well as Anil K. and Nandita Jain Endowed Professor of Engineering at Michigan State University.


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