Dirichlet series inversion

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In analytic number theory, a Dirichlet series, or Dirichlet generating function (DGF), of a sequence is a common way of understanding and summing arithmetic functions in a meaningful way. A little known, or at least often forgotten about, way of expressing formulas for arithmetic functions and their summatory functions is to perform an integral transform that inverts the operation of forming the DGF of a sequence. This inversion is analogous to performing an inverse Z-transform to the generating function of a sequence to express formulas for the series coefficients of a given ordinary generating function.


For now, we will use this page as a compendia of "oddities" and oft-forgotten facts about transforming and inverting Dirichlet series, DGFs, and relating the inversion of a DGF of a sequence to the sequence's summatory function. We also use the notation for coefficient extraction usually applied to formal generating functions in some complex variable, by denoting for any positive integer , whenever

denotes the DGF (or Dirichlet series) of f which is taken to be absolutely convergent whenever the real part of s is greater than the abscissa of absolute convergence, .

The relation of the Mellin transformation of the summatory function of a sequence to the DGF of a sequence provides us with a way of expressing arithmetic functions such that , and the corresponding Dirichlet inverse functions, , by inversion formulas involving the summatory function, defined by

In particular, provided that the DGF of some arithmetic function f has an analytic continuation to , we can express the Mellin transform of the summatory function of f by the continued DGF formula as

It is often also convenient to express formulas for the summatory functions over the Dirichlet inverse function of f using this construction of a Mellin inversion type problem.

Preliminaries: Notation, conventions and known results on DGFs

DGFs for Dirichlet inverse functions

Recall that an arithmetic function is Dirichlet invertible, or has an inverse with respect to Dirichlet convolution such that , or equivalently , if and only if . It is not difficult to prove that is is the DGF of f and is absolutely convergent for all complex s satisfying , then the DGF of the Dirichlet inverse is given by and is also absolutely convergent for all . The positive real associated with each invertible arithmetic function f is called the abscissa of convergence.

We also see the following identities related to the Dirichlet inverse of some function g that does not vanish at one:

Summatory functions

Using the same convention in expressing the result of Perron's formula, we assume that the summatory function of a (Dirichlet invertible) arithmetic function , is defined for all real according to the formula

We know the following relation between the Mellin transform of the summatory function of f and the DGF of f whenever :

Some examples of this relation include the following identities involving the Mertens function, or summatory function of the Moebius function, the prime zeta function and the prime-counting function, and the Riemann prime-counting function:

Statements of the integral formula for Dirichlet inversion

Classical integral formula

For any s such that , we have that

If we write the DGF of f according to the Mellin transform formula of the summatory function of f, then the stated integral formula simply corresponds to a special case of Perron's formula. Another variant of the previous formula stated in Apostol's book provides an integral formula for an alternate sum in the following form for and any real where we denote :

Direct proof: from Apostol's book

  1. Define the Dirichlet series and its associated partial sums .
  2. Define the function .
  3. Use partial summation to write .
  4. Apply the Euler–Maclaurin summation formula to obtain an approximation for in terms of and its derivatives.
  5. Express the error term in the approximation as an integral of a certain function over the interval .
  6. Use Abel's summation formula to express as a sum of integrals involving and its derivatives.
  7. Express the integrals involving and its derivatives in terms of and its derivatives.
  8. Substitute the results from steps 4, 5, and 7 into the formula from step 3, and simplify to obtain the classical integral formula for Dirichlet inversion.

This proof shows that the function can be recovered from its associated Dirichlet series by means of an integral, which is known as the classical integral formula for Dirichlet inversion.

Special cases of the formula

If we are interested in expressing formulas for the Dirichlet inverse of f, denoted by whenever , we write . Then we have by absolute convergence of the DGF for any that

Now we can call on integration by parts to see that if we denote by denotes the antiderivative of F, for any fixed non-negative integers , we have

Thus we obtain that

We also can relate the iterated integrals for the antiderivatives of F by a finite sum of k single integrals of power-scaled versions of F:

In light of this expansion, we can then write the partially limiting T-truncated Dirichlet series inversion integrals at hand in the form of

Statements in the language of Mellin transformations

A formal generating-function-like convolution lemma

Suppose that we wish to treat the integrand integral formula for Dirichlet coefficient inversion in powers of where , and then proceed as if we were evaluating a traditional integral on the real line. Then we have that

We require the result given by the following formula, which is proved rigorously by an application of integration by parts, for any non-negative integer :

So the respective real and imaginary parts of our arithmetic function coefficients f at positive integers x satisfy:

The last identities suggest an application of the Hadamard product formula for generating functions. In particular, we can work out the following identities which express the real and imaginary parts of our function f at x in the following forms: [1]

Notice that in the special case where the arithmetic function f is strictly real-valued, we expect that the inner terms in the previous limit formula are always zero (i.e., for any T).

See also


  1. To apply the integral formula for the Hadamard product, we observe that
    From this observation, the formula stated below is now a standard application of the cited integral formula to compute the Hadamard product of two generating functions.

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