Early warning satellite

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Artist's rendering of a US DSP phase III satellite. DSP Phase3.jpg
Artist's rendering of a US DSP phase III satellite.

An early warning satellite is a satellite designed to rapidly identify ballistic missile launches and thus enable defensive military action. This type of satellite was developed during the Cold War and later became a component of missile defense systems.


The United States, Russia and China have a constellation of early warning satellites.


Example of the firing sequence of the Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile: the propulsion allows detection by an early warning satellite during phases 2, 3 and 4 corresponding to the operation of the 3 stages of the missile (A, B and C). This missile rises to between 100 and 200 km in altitude (diagram not to scale). Minuteman III MIRV path.svg
Example of the firing sequence of the Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile: the propulsion allows detection by an early warning satellite during phases 2, 3 and 4 corresponding to the operation of the 3 stages of the missile (A, B and C). This missile rises to between 100 and 200 km in altitude (diagram not to scale).

Early warning satellites primarily work through the detection of infrared radiation. [1] For the detection of ICBMs, this is only possible during the initial phases after a launch. The missile emits a large cloud of hot exhaust as it ascends to the desired altitude. After this stage, detection of the missile is difficult. The thrusters are turned off and the missile separates from previous stages, now carried to its target through momentum alone.

The missile - now without hot exhaust behind it - is rendered invisible to the early warning satellite, making the relatively short first phases of an ICBM a crucial moment for detection. Because the window for detection is small, multiple satellites are necessary for complete coverage of Earth. [2]

In orbit, the satellites are able to detect an ICBM launch through earth's background infrared radiation due to specific properties in how the water vapor absorbs infrared radiation. Once the missile has passed through the water-rich lower layers of the atmosphere, the specific infrared spectrum given off by the exhaust contrasts against the infrared emitted off the surface of earth, which must be filtered through the water vapor in the atmosphere. After focusing the light onto hundreds of infrared detectors, the satellite sends the location of the missile launch back to earth - alerting of a potential missile attack. [3]


United States

Artist's rendering of a SBIRS-GEO satellite. SBIRS-GEO 3.jpg
Artist's rendering of a SBIRS-GEO satellite.
Observation of a Delta II rocket launch by a SBIRS satellite in 2008. Infrared satellite imagery depicts a Delta II rocket launch through the clouds.jpg
Observation of a Delta II rocket launch by a SBIRS satellite in 2008.

The United States was the first country to attempt to establish a space-based early warning system. The goal was to detect Soviet ballistic missile launches and give 20 to 33 minutes notice of the missile's arrival (against 10 to 25 minutes for the BMEWS ground-based radar network).

The MIDAS satellites were launched between 1960 and 1966, and although they never entered a truly operational phase, they allowed the development of this type of satellite. DSP satellites in geostationary orbit took over in the early 1970s. Several generations of increasingly efficient DSP satellites followed one another until 2007.

Since 2011 the DSPs have been replaced by the SBIRS system, which includes dedicated satellites in geostationary orbit (SBIRS-GEO) and in low Earth orbit (SBIRS-LEO), as well as sensors on board Trumpet satellites for mixed use (wiretapping/warning) located in a Molniya orbit.

Soviet Union and Russia

The US-K and US-KS satellites developed under the Oko program were the first generation of Soviet early warning satellites. 86 US-K satellites were placed in a Molniya orbit between 1972 and 2010 and 7 US-KS satellites, of a very similar design, were placed in geostationary orbit between 1975 and 1997, the system becoming operational in 1980.

In 1983, a design error in the on-board software of the US-KS satellites led to the so-called fall equinox incident, which consisted of a false nuclear launch warning after a confusion between the heat caused by the reflection of solar radiation in clouds and that released by the launch of a nuclear missile. [4]

Unlike their US counterparts, the US-K and US-KS only detect surface-to-surface ballistic missile launches, due to less sophisticated electronics. Later, the US-KS were replaced by the US-KMO, capable of detecting sea-to-land ballistic missile launches as well. The first of them would be placed in geostationary orbit in 1991.

In the early 1990s, after about ten years of operation, the coverage provided by these satellites was only partial, due to a reduction in the launch rate.

In 2014, the last 3 US-type satellites in service ceased their activities. [5] They have been replaced starting in 2015 by a new generation of satellites: EKS, formerly known as Tundra. [6] [7] [8]

Other countries

In France, the Direction générale de l'Armement carried out preliminary tests for the development of an early warning satellite. Infrared sensors were tested on two small experimental SPIRALE satellites launched in 2009. However, an operational satellite was not expected to be launched before the end of 2020. [9]

China operates Huoyan-1 series satellites under the Tongxin Jishu Shiyan (TJS) program. [10]

Satellite series

References: [11]  · [12]  · [13]  · [14]  · [15]  · [16]  · [17]  · [18]  · [19]  · [20]  · [21]  · [22]  · [23]  · [24]  · [25]  · [26]
CountrySeriesLaunch datesLaunches number / failuresLauncherMassOrbitLifespanStatusComments
United States MIDAS 1960-196612/4 Atlas- Agena 2 tons approx. Low Earth orbit from some weeks to 1 yearRetiredFirst generation; experimental; 4 versions
United States DSP (phase I)1970-19734/1 Titan-3C907 kg Geostationary orbit 1,25 yearsRetired
United States DSP (phase II)1975-19773/0 Titan-3C1043 kg Geostationary orbit 2 yearsRetired
United States DSP (phase II MOS/PIM)1979-19844/0 Titan-3C1170 kg Geostationary orbit 3 yearsRetired
United States DSP (phase II v2)1954-19872/0 Titan-IVD Transtage1674 kg Geostationary orbit 3 yearsRetired
United States DSP (phase III)1989-200710/1 Titan-IVD Transtage2386 kg Geostationary orbit ¿3 years?¿Operational?To be replaced by SBIRS
United States SBIRS 2011-12/0 Atlas V 401 or

Delta IV-4M+(4,2)
4500 kg (SBIRS-GEO)

1000 kg (SBIRS-LOW)
Geostationary orbit / Low Earth orbit / Molniya orbit 12 years (SBIRS-GEO)OperationalGeostationary satellites (SBIRS-GEO), satellites in low orbit (SBIRS-LEO), and sensors on Trumpet satellites in Molniya orbit
USSR/Russia US-K 1972-201086/3 Molniya 2400 kg Molniya orbit 1 yearRetiredReplaced by EKS
USSR/Russia US-KS 1975-19977/0 Proton-K/Bloc-DM2400 kg Geostationary orbit 1 yearRetiredAlmost identical to the US-K, replaced by the US-KMO
USSR/Russia US-KMO 1991-20128/0 Proton-K/Bloc-DM-22600 kg Geostationary orbit 5–7 yearsRetiredReplaced by EKS
Russia EKS 2015-6/0 Soyuz-2.1b/Fregat-M? Molniya orbit ?Operational

See also

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