Education For All (EFA) is a global movement led by UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization), aiming to meet the learning needs of all children, youth and adults by 2015. [1] Education for All, [2] is also a USA based 501 (c)(3) organization that strives to provide FREE education to disadvantaged underprivileged rural children, completely in line with UNESCO initiative.
Free education is the need of the hour to provide quality Education For All, completely FREE, irrespective of country, nationality, gender, race, creed, religion or any other background. World over quality education is no longer affordable to the general public while private institutions charge hefty fees or ask for large donations. Education for All, a non religious, non denominational , not-for-profit organization is an example that quality education can be provided FREE of cost to all by supporting schools that provide FREE education from school boarding, school tuition and including daily nutrition, all completely FREE of cost for all students.
EFA was adopted by The Dakar Framework in April 2000 at the World Education Forum in Senegal, Africa, with the goal in mind that all children would receive primary education by 2015. [3] [4] Not all children receive the education they need or want, therefore this goal was put in place to help those children.
UNESCO has been mandated to lead the movement and coordinate the international efforts to reach Education for All. Governments, development agencies, civil society, non-government organizations and the media are but some of the partners working toward reaching these goals.
The EFA goals also contribute to the global pursuit of the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), especially MDG 2 on universal primary education and MDG 3 on gender equality in education, by 2015.
The Fast Track Initiative (now called Global Partnership for Education) was set up to implement the EFA movement, aiming at "accelerating progress towards quality universal primary education".
UNESCO also produces the annual Global Education Monitoring Report. [5]
UNESCO works with others around the world to reach a mutual understanding for everyone to work well together. [6] UNESCO coordinates international cooperation, which allows access to education, grow and live in a diverse community, learn from advancements in technology, and freedom of expression. This cooperation allows UNESCO to work with others to create opportunities for children and other citizens around the world. Goals are created to provide all children with an elementary education, which is important to some families. [3] Educational programs are also created through the cooperation. [7]
Audrey Azoulay was elected as the Director-General on November 15, 2017 for a four-year term. Azoulay has priorities in place and one of the highest ones is education. Working with others will allow education programs to spread globally. Azoulay is working hard to make sure all these goals and cooperation are kept in line to help better the present and future for children and other citizens. [8] She believes that these issues faced by countries cannot be met by one country alone; therefore working with different countries will make it more possible to solve these issues and meet goals. [9]
Partnerships are what helps UNESCO fix global challenges. These partnerships are managed very carefully to reassure that the goals set in place are met. UNESCO works in different ways with their partnerships such as collaboration, volunteers, advocacy, and consultations. By having these different ways of working with others, UNESCO is able to have many partnerships and have them globally. [10] UNESCO's partners range from individuals to institutions all around the world. Some of them are governments, Private Sector companies, Goodwill Ambassadors, media organizations, corporate and philanthropic foundations, parliamentarians, the wider UN family, other intergovernmental organizations, specialized networks in UNESCO, and NGOs. [10]
UNESCO offers many entry levels for partnerships, which are organizations that have leadership and goals/priorities set in place to achieve. Some examples of those are education, natural sciences, oceans, social and human sciences, culture, communication and information, priority Africa, and crisis and transition. [11] Education is the top priority for UNESCO and they are working with EFA to create better education for all children and adults. The problem that comes from this is that every country is different and that reflects achieving these education goals. Countries differ in the quality of education due to economics and culture. This is where is a great need to strengthen finances, resources, and technology. Technology is booming in this time, and that has an effect on how much education students have access to globally. [12] Therefore, those areas need to be strengthened to ensure that education is top priority going into the future.
Free education is the need of the hour to provide quality education free of cost to children, from all walks of life irrespective of country, nationality, gender, race, creed, religion or any other background. World over. Quality education is no longer affordable to the general public while private institutions charge hefty fees or ask for large donations. Education for All, a 501 (c)(3) charitable tax exempt organization in USA is one such initiative, that aims in providing free character building education to rural children in Need. The goal of not-for profit Education for All is that quality education should be provided FREE of cost to all, and thereby is helping build the required school infrastructure with FREE school boarding and FREE nutrition in rural regions, and currently focussing rural INDIA. For more information, visit [13]
In 2000, ten years later, the international community met again at the World Education Forum in Dakar, Senegal, an event that drew 1100 participants. The forum took stock of the fact that many countries were far from having reached the goals established at the World Conference on Education for All in 1990. The participants agreed on the Dakar Framework for Action which re-affirmed their commitment to achieving Education for All by the year 2015, and identified six key measurable education goals which aim to meet the learning needs of all children, youth and adults by 2015. In addition, the forum reaffirmed UNESCO's role as the lead organization with the overall responsibility of coordinating other agencies and organizations in the attempts to achieve these goals. The six goals established in The Dakar Framework for Action, Education for All: Meeting Our Collective Commitments are:
In order to evaluate each country's progress with regards to the EFA's goals set in the Dakar Framework for Action, UNESCO has developed the Education for All Development Index (EDI). The EDI measures four of the six EFA goals, selected on the basis of data availability. Each of the four goals is evaluated using a specific indicator, and each of those components is then assigned an equal weight in the overall index.
The EDI value for a given country is thus the arithmetic mean of the four indicators. Since they are all expressed as percentages, the EDI value can vary from 0 to 100% or, when expressed as a ratio, from 0 to 1. The higher the EDI value, the closer the country is to achieving Education For All as a whole.
The four goals measured in the EDI and their corresponding indicators are:
The EFA Global Monitoring Report [21] published annually by UNESCO tracks progress on the six education goals. The 2015 review indicates that only a third of countries reached all the goals with measurable targets. [22]
Inclusion is the main component that is used with EFA. Since EFA is a global movement all children are involved: different cultures, religions, disabilities, and more. The problem that is faced with inclusion is how different countries define disability. [3] To be more specific the problem comes with the definition of special needs. This can affect how or if those students can meet the goals that are created. To make sure all children are included schools collaborate to see how all the children can meet the certain goals given. [23] This area may be a challenging one for some and it comes down to what does the term "all" really mean in Education For All? [24] That is an answer that will vary from country to country and everywhere around the world. There have been predictions that by the year 2025 the number of children with disabilities will have risen. A majority of that number will be children in developing countries. Therefore, answers are needed on how to include all children in the learning and educational goals set. [24] Similar to technology in schools, inclusion can grow and become more common in schools.
These goals set by the EFA were not able to be met by all. Some countries were unable to meet these goals due to conflict in the area. [25] Conflicts can cause destruction and prevent children from even going to school or learning from home. [25] There was a fear that certain countries would not be able to gain access to certain technology and support to meet these goals. Technology is a problem that countries run into with trying to improve education for children and even adults. As technology advances it is becoming a bigger key component in some schools. Depending on some areas technology is the central focus point to help students learn. In other areas that may not be the case. If technology keeps advancing that may have different effects on countries. Some may not be able to keep up with the advances and others may be able to keep up. This all goes back to financial stability and economics in each country. One of UNESCO's partners, World Bank worked with the countries that were most likely not going to meet the goals by the deadline (2015). World Bank provided these countries with support and in return, they would get certain policy reforms. [26] This allows countries to receive support to help achieve the educational goals. This can be helpful for countries that are less fortunate in financial and economic stability. Some of these countries that struggled were in East Africa: Kenya and Tanzania. When all the countries in East Africa had declared independence, then education became the priority for all. The problem became that those countries struggled with educational literacy challenges.[ citation needed ]
UNESCO revealed in its 2017 Global Education Monitoring Report that around 264 million youngsters do not attend school. An additional $39 billion is needed annually to enhance the quality of schools worldwide. This will provide 2.2 billion children globally with equal access to learning. At present, only 83 percent of students who attend school are able to finish elementary education, and a low of 45 percent of kids 15 up to 17 years old complete the secondary level. [27] UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova stated in an official statement that "Education is a shared responsibility between us all: governments, schools, teachers, parents and private actors." Accountability describes how mentors teach, students learn, and bureaucracies take action. [28] The World Bank highlighted the global learning crisis in 2017, emphasizing the fact that millions of learners from different parts of the world in underdeveloped and developing nations are confronted with problems of lost opportunities and low wages since primary as well as secondary schools fail in educating these students properly. [29]
Over the past 25 years, substantial progress has been made towards achieving gender parity in efforts to improve girls’ education, including policies and programmes aimed at changing social attitudes, providing financial support to female students and making schools more accessible. [30] The fifth goal of the Education for All programme envisaged achieving parity by 2005, a target that was missed; however, continuous progress was made throughout the 1990s and 2000s, with the result that parity was reached in 2009 in primary and secondary education and had almost been achieved in youth literacy by 2016. Gender disparity to the disadvantage of females remained in adult literacy, where 63% of illiterate adults are female. And in tertiary education, gender disparity flipped to the disadvantage of males: As early as 2004, men became less likely than women to participate at the tertiary level. [30]
This article incorporates text from a free content work. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO Text taken from Global education monitoring report 2019: gender report: Building bridges for gender equality , UNESCO, UNESCO. UNESCO.
If mainstream dictionary definitions still reflect the assumption that literacy is an ability to read and write in at least one method of writing, contemporary literacy researchers and scholars hold that reading and writing are not abilities that can exist apart from particular contexts of use. Reading, in this view, is always reading something for some purpose; writing is always writing something for someone for some particular ends. As literacy theorist Brian Street explains, literacy is best understood as "particular ways of thinking about and doing reading and writing"
Adult education, distinct from child education, is a practice in which adults engage in systematic and sustained self-educating activities in order to gain new forms of knowledge, skills, attitudes, or values. It can mean any form of learning adults engage in beyond traditional schooling, encompassing basic literacy to personal fulfillment as a lifelong learner. and to ensure the fulfillment of an individual.
International education refers to a dynamic concept that involves a journey or movement of people, minds, or ideas across political and cultural frontiers. It is facilitated by the globalization phenomenon, which increasingly erases the constraints of geography on economic, social and cultural arrangements. The concept involves a broad range of learning, covering, for instance, formal education and informal learning. It could also involve a reorientation of academic outlook such as the pursuit of "worldmindedness" as a goal so that a school or its academic focus is considered international. For example, the National Association of State Universities prescribes the adoption of "proper education" that reflects the full range of international, social, political, cultural, and economic dialogue. International educators are responsible for "designing, managing, and facilitating programs and activities that help participants to appropriately, effectively, and ethically engage in interactions with culturally diverse people and ideas."
The history of education in Africa can be roughly divided into pre- and post- colonial periods. Since the introduction of formal education to Africa by European colonists, African education, particularly in West and Central Africa, is characterised by both traditional African teachings and European-style schooling systems. The state of education reflects not only the effects of colonialism, but instability resulting from and exacerbated by armed conflicts in many regions of Africa as well as fallout from humanitarian crises such as famine, lack of drinking water, and outbreaks of diseases such as malaria and Ebola, among others. Although the quality of education and the quantity of well-equipped schools and teachers has steadily increased since the onset of the colonial period, there are still evident numerous inequalities in the existing educational systems based on region, economic status, and gender.
The Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD) 2005-2014 was an Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) initiative of the United Nations. The Decade was delivered by UNESCO as lead agency, and gave rise to Regional Centres of Expertise (RCE) networks, and the GUPES universities' partnership. The launch of the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development started a global movement to reorient education to address the challenges of sustainable development. It was the first UN Decade to establish a global monitoring and evaluation process and expert group. Building on the achievement of the Decade, stated in the Aichi-Nagoya Declaration on ESD, UNESCO endorsed the Global Action Programme on ESD (GAP) in the 37th session of its General Conference. Acknowledged by UN general assembly Resolution A/RES/69/211 and launched at the UNESCO World Conference on ESD in 2014, the GAP aims to scale-up actions and good practices. UNESCO has a major role, along with its partners, in bringing about key achievements to ensure the principles of ESD are promoted through formal, non-formal and informal education.
The right to education has been recognized as a human right in a number of international conventions, including the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights which recognizes a right to free, compulsory primary education for all, an obligation to develop secondary education accessible to all, in particular by the progressive introduction of free secondary education, as well as an obligation to develop equitable access to higher education, ideally by the progressive introduction of free higher education. In 2021, 171 states were parties to the Covenant.
Literacy in India is a key for social-economic progress. Despite government programmes, India's literacy rate increased only 77%. The 2011 census, indicated a 2001–2011 literacy growth of 9.2%, which is slower than the growth seen during the previous decade. An old analytical 1990 study estimated that it would take until 2060 for India to achieve universal literacy at then-current rate of progress.
International Literacy Day is an international observance, celebrated each year on 8 September, that was declared by UNESCO on 26 October 1966 at the 14th session of UNESCO's General Conference. It was celebrated for the first time in 1967. Its aim is to highlight the importance of literacy to individuals, communities and societies. Celebrations take place in several countries.
The second goal in the United Nations Millennium Development Goal is to achieve Universal Primary Education, more specifically, to "ensure that by 2015, children everywhere, boys and girls alike will be required to complete a full course of primary schooling." Education is vital to meeting all other Millennium Development Goals: "Educating children gives the next generation the tools to fight poverty and prevent disease, including malaria and AIDS." Despite the significance of investing in education, the recent report, Fixing the Broken Promise of Education for All: Findings from the Global Initiative on Out-of-School Children—produced by UNESCO Institute for Statistics and UNICEF found that the world has missed this 2015 target of universal primary education, and there are currently 58 million children, of primary school age, out of school worldwide.
UNESCO leads the United Nations Literacy Decade (UNLD) under the slogan of "Literacy as Freedom". Launched at UN Headquarters in 2003, the Decade aims to increase literacy levels and to empower all people everywhere. In declaring this Decade, the international community recognised that the promotion of literacy is in the interest of all, as part of efforts towards peace, respect and exchange in a globalizing world.
The education system of Djibouti is strongly influenced by France.
The Gender Parity Index (GPI) is a socioeconomic index usually designed to measure the relative access to education of males and females. This index is released by UNESCO. In its simplest form, it is calculated as the quotient of the number of females by the number of males enrolled in a given stage of education. A GPI equal to one signifies equality between males and females. A GPI less than one is an indication that gender parity favors males while a GPI greater than one indicates gender parity that favors females. The closer a GPI is to one, the closer a country is to achieving equality of access between males and females. It is used by international organizations, particularly in measuring the progress of developing countries. The Institute for Statistics of UNESCO also uses a more general definition of GPI: for any development indicator one can define the GPI relative to this indicator by dividing its value for females by its value for males. For example, some UNESCO documents consider gender parity in literacy.
Developed by an independent team and published by UNESCO, the EFA Global Monitoring Report published from 2002–2015, aimed to sustain commitment towards Education for All. It published 12 Reports from 2002 until 2015, and was then renamed, and relaunched under a new mandate as the Global Education Monitoring (GEM) Report, UNESCO, whose principal role is to monitor progress towards the education targets in the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. It has been replaced by the Global Education Monitoring Report.
The UNESCO stated “education for sustainable development is a broad task that calls for the full involvement of multiple educational organizations and groups in bureaucracies and civil societies. These include Non-Governmental Organizations or NGOs.
Females in Nigeria have a basic human right to be educated and this right has been recognized since the 1948 adoption of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. According to a report in 2014, female education has an important impact on the development of a stable, prosperous and healthy nation state resulting in active, productive and empowered citizens. Educating girls develops growth rates and reduces social disparities. In 2009, the Nigerian Population Council (NPC) observed that women with higher educational qualifications are more likely to be in formal wage employment than those at the level of primary school education.
According to the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), basic education comprises the two stages primary education and lower secondary education.
The Incheon declaration is a declaration on education adopted at the World Education Forum in Incheon, South Korea on 15 May 2015. It is the logical continuation of the Education For All (EFA) movement and the Millennium Development Goals on Education, and many of its goals were based on a review of progress made since the 2000 World Education Forum in Dakar.
Education 2030 Agenda refers to the global commitment of the Education for All movement to ensure access to basic education for all. It is an essential part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The roadmap to achieve the Agenda is the Education 2030 Incheon Declaration and Framework for Action, which outlines how countries, working with UNESCO and global partners, can translate commitments into action.
Sustainable Development Goal 4 is about quality education and is among the 17 Sustainable Development Goals established by the United Nations in September 2015. The full title of SDG 4 is "Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all".