Emanuela Brizio

Last updated

Emanuela Brizio
Personal information
Aquila rosa (Pink eagle) [1]
L'aquila di Aurano
Nationality Italian
Born (1968-09-10) 10 September 1968 (age 56)
Home town Aurano
CountryFlag of Italy.svg  Italy
Sport Ski mountaineering
Event Mountain running
ClubValetudo Skyrunning Italia
Achievements and titles
World finals2 World cup
  • 2009 Overall
  • 2010 Overall
Medal record
World Championships
Bronze medal icon (B initial).svg 2010 Premana SkyMarathon
European Championships
Silver medal icon (S initial).svg2011 PoschiavoSkyRace

Emanuela Brizio (born 10 September 1968) is an Italian female sky runner who won two Skyrunning World Cups (2009, 2010). [2]



She started with the mountain running in 1999, at the age of 31, is considered among the greatest skyrunners of all-time, still active and winning at the threshold of 40 years, the Aquila di Aurano (Aurano's Eagle), as she is nicknamed, boasts its rich palmarès two World Cups (Skyrunner World Series) and 10 national titles at individual level. [3]


2010 World Championships Flag of Italy.svg Premana 3rdSkyMarathon 3:58:19

World Cup wins

1 2004 13 June Valposchiavo-Valmalenco SkyRace
24 July Sentiero 4 Luglio SkyRace SkyRace
3 2005 12 June Valmalenco-Valposchiavo SkyRace
4 2008 21 September Sentiero delle Grigne SkyRace
5 2009 18 April Irazú SkyRace SkyRace
624 May Maratòn Alpina Zegama-Aizkorri SkyRace
728 June SkyRace Andorra SkyRace
824 October Mount Kinabalu Climbathon SkyRace
912 July Monte Rosa SkyMarathon Sky Marathon
10 2010 16 May Maratòn Alpina Zegama-Aizkorri SkyRace
1122 August Red Rock SkyMarathon Sky Marathon
12 2011 17 July Bettelmatt Ultra Trail SkyRace
1318 September Sentiero delle Grigne SkyRace

National titles


Other results


  1. "Storico risultato dell'aquila rosa Emanuela Brizio: 12 i titoli Italiani conquistati. In compagnia degli scudetti tricolori ci sono 5 titoli mondiali di skyrunning". runningpassion.it (in Italian). Retrieved 10 October 2017.
  2. "2010 ISF International Calendar & Championships". old.skyrunning.com. Retrieved 31 October 2017.
  3. "EMANUELA BRIZIO - VALETUDO SKYRUNNING ITALIA". sportdimontagna.com (in Italian). 26 October 2011. Retrieved 10 October 2017.
  4. 1 2 3 "Buff Skyrunner results". buffskyrunner.com. Archived from the original on 5 October 2009. Retrieved 5 November 2009.