Employee stock ownership

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Employee stock ownership, or employee share ownership, is where a company's employees own shares in that company (or in the parent company of a group of companies). US employees typically acquire shares through a share option plan. In the UK, Employee Share Purchase Plans are common, wherein deductions are made from an employee's salary to purchase shares over time. [1] In Australia it is common to have all employee plans that provide employees with $1,000 worth of shares on a tax free basis. [2] [ better source needed ] Such plans may be selective or all-employee plans. Selective plans are typically only made available to senior executives. All-employee plans offer participation to all employees (subject to certain qualifying conditions such as a minimum length of service).


Most corporations use stock ownership plans as a form of an employee benefit. [3] Plans in public companies generally limit the total number or the percentage of the company's stock that may be acquired by employees under a plan. [4] Compared with worker cooperatives or co-determination, employee share ownership may not confer any meaningful control or influence by employees in governing and managing the corporation.

In the United States, private companies often use employee share ownership to maintain the political feasibility of the founding business plan and culture after the founders have left. Generally, the most senior employees own a majority stake and represent the leading voice in the company that employs them. They may be required to sell back the shares upon leaving the company.

A number of countries have introduced tax advantaged share or share option plans to encourage employee share ownership.

Types of plan

To facilitate employee stock ownership, companies may allocate their employees with stock, which may be at no upfront cost to the employee, enable the employee to purchase stock, which may be at a discount, or grant employees stock options. Shares allocated to employees may have a holding period before the employee takes ownership of the shares (known as vesting). The vesting of shares and the exercise of a stock option may be subject to individual or business performance conditions.

Various types of employee stock ownership plans are common in most industrial and some developing countries. Executive plans are designed to recruit and reward senior or key employees. In the U.S. and the UK there is a widespread practice of sharing this kind of ownership broadly with employees through plans in which participation is offered to all employees. The tax rules for employee share ownership vary widely from country to country. Only a few, most notably the U.S., the UK, and Ireland have significant tax laws to encourage broad-based employee share ownership. [5] For example, in the U.S. there are specific rules for Employee Stock Ownership Plans (ESOPs). In the UK there are two all-employee tax advantaged plans that enable employees to acquire shares: the Share Incentive Plan and the Sharesave share option plan.

Varieties of employee share ownership plan (including associated cash based incentive plans) include:

Direct purchase plans

Direct purchase plans simply allow employees to buy shares in the company with their own money. In several countries, there are special tax-qualified plans that allow employees to buy stock either at a discount or with matching shares from the company. For instance, in the U.S., employee stock purchase plans enable employees to put aside after-tax pay over some period of time (typically 6–12 months) then use the accumulated funds to buy shares at up to a 15% discount at either the price at the time of purchase or the time when they started putting aside the money, whichever is lower. In the U.K., Share Incentive Plans allow employee purchases that can be matched directly by the company.

Stock options

Stock options give employees the right to buy a number of shares at a price fixed at grant for a defined number of years into the future. Options, and all the plans listed below, can be given to any employee under whatever rules the company creates, with limited exceptions in various countries.

Restricted stock

Restricted stock and its close relative restricted stock units give employees the right to acquire or receive shares, by gift or purchase, once certain restrictions, such as working a certain number of years or meeting a performance target, are met.

Phantom stock

Phantom stock pays a future cash bonus equal to the value of a certain number of shares.

Stock appreciation rights

Stock appreciation rights provide the right to the increase in the value of a designated number of shares, usually paid in cash but occasionally settled in shares (this is called a "stock–settled" SAR).

Employee ownership

Employee ownership is a way of running a business that can work for different sized businesses in diverse sectors. [6]

Employee ownership requires employees to own a significant and meaningful stake in their company. [7] The size of the shareholding must be significant. This is accepted as meaning where 25 percent or more of the ownership of the company is broadly held by all or most employees (or on their behalf by a trust). [8] There are three basic forms of employee ownership: [9]

In addition, the employees' stake must give employees a meaningful voice in the company's affairs by it underpinning organisational structures that promote employee engagement in the company. [10]

Employee ownership can be seen as a business model in its own right, in contrast to employee share ownership which may only provide selected employees with shares in their company and an insignificant overall shareholding.

In the UK organisations such as the Employee Ownership Association (EOA), Scottish Enterprise, Wales Co-operative Centre and Co-operatives UK play an active role in promoting employee ownership.

An employee controlled company is a majority employee-owned company. This might arise through an employee-buyout. This can be set up through an employee ownership trust. Employee-owned companies are totally or significantly owned (directly or indirectly) by their employees.

Different forms of employee ownership, and the principles that underlie them, have contributed to the emergence of an international social enterprise movement. A public service mutual, by definition, has a significant degree of employee ownership, influence or control, but most public service mutuals identify themselves as social enterprises rather than employee owned. [11]

A worker cooperative is a cooperative owned and self-managed by its workers. It is a type of employee owned company that operates according to the international values of co-operation and adheres to an additional code, beyond the core international principles, focused on democracy and participation in the workplace. [12] [13] The most celebrated (and studied) case of a group of companies based wholly on co-operative principles is the Spanish Mondragon Cooperative Corporation. [14] Spanish law, however, requires that members of the Mondragon Corporation are registered as self-employed and are not employees. This further differentiates this type of co-operative ownership (in which self-employed owner-members each have one voting share, or shares are controlled by a co-operative legal entity) from employee ownership (where ownership is typically held as a block of shares on behalf of employees using an employee ownership trust, or company rules embed mechanisms for distributing shares to employees and ensuring they remain majority shareholders). [15]

By country

United Kingdom

Employee Share Ownership Plans (ESOPs) became widespread for a short period in the UK under the government of Margaret Thatcher, particularly following the Transport Act 1985, which deregulated and then privatised bus services. Councils seeking to protect workers ensured that employees accessed shares as privatisation took place, but employee owners soon lost their shares as they were bought up and bus companies were taken over. [16] The disappearance of stock plans was dramatic. [17]

United States

In the United States, there is a widespread practice of employee stock ownership. It began with industrial companies and today is particularly common in the technology sector but also companies in other industries, such as Whole Foods Market, WinCo Foods, and Starbucks.

In his 2020 presidential campaign, Bernie Sanders proposed that 20% of stocks in corporations with over $100 million in annual revenue be owned by the corporation's workers. [18]

See also

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In the United States, an employee stock purchase plan (ESPP) is a means by which employees of a corporation can purchase the corporation's capital stock, or stock in the corporation's parent company, often at a discount. Employees contribute to the plan through payroll deductions, which accumulate between the offering date and the purchase date. On the purchase date, the company uses the accumulated funds to purchase shares in the company on behalf of the participating employees. The amount of the discount depends on the specific plan but can be around 15% lower than the market price. ESPPs can also be subject to a vesting schedule, or length of time before the stock is available to the employees, which is typically one or two years of service.

Phantom stock is a contractual agreement between a corporation and recipients of phantom shares that bestow upon the grantee the right to a cash payment at a designated time or in association with a designated event in the future, which payment is to be in an amount tied to the market value of an equivalent number of shares of the corporation's stock. Thus, the amount of the payout will increase as the stock price rises, and decrease if the stock falls, but without the recipient (grantee) actually receiving any stock. Like other forms of stock-based compensation plans, phantom stock broadly serves to align the interests of recipients and shareholders, incentivize contribution to share value, and encourage the retention or continued participation of contributors. Recipients (grantees) are typically employees, but may also be directors, third-party vendors, or others. Business owners may offer phantom stocks as a way to reward and retain employees, however employees can only own phantom stock during the duration of their employment with the company.

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An Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) in the United States is a defined contribution plan, a form of retirement plan as defined by 4975(e)(7)of IRS codes, which became a qualified retirement plan in 1974. It is one of the methods of employee participation in corporate ownership.

Economic democracy is a socioeconomic philosophy that proposes to shift ownership and decision-making power from corporate shareholders and corporate managers to a larger group of public stakeholders that includes workers, consumers, suppliers, communities and the broader public. No single definition or approach encompasses economic democracy, but most proponents claim that modern property relations externalize costs, subordinate the general well-being to private profit and deny the polity a democratic voice in economic policy decisions. In addition to these moral concerns, economic democracy makes practical claims, such as that it can compensate for capitalism's inherent effective demand gap.

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Employee share schemes are part of the remuneration packages offered to some employees in the United Kingdom.

In the United States, there is a widespread practice of employee stock ownership. It began with industrial companies and today is particularly common in the technology sector but also companies in other industries, such as Whole Foods and Starbucks.

An employee trust is a trust for the benefit of employees.

An employee ownership trust (EOT) holds a permanent or long-term shareholding in a company on trust for the benefit of all the company's employees. An EOT provides indirect (trust) employee ownership of a company.


  1. "Employee Stock Purchase Plan (ESPP)". Practical Law. Retrieved 2023-12-23.
  2. Australian Tax Office|https://www.ato.gov.au/general/employee-share-schemes/employers/types-of-ess/concessional-ess/taxed-upfront-scheme---$1,000-reduction/
  3. "Attitudes to employee share ownership - See it from their perspective" (PDF). ProShare. 2018. Retrieved 13 November 2019.
  4. See, for example, in the UK, The Investment Association Principles of Remuneration (1 November 2019) Rule 2 xi (Dilution)
  5. National Center for Employee Ownership, Employee Ownership for Multinational Companies, 2010
  6. Moving to Employee Ownership - a brief guide for employees (PDF). URN BIS/13/939. Department for Business, Innovation and Skills. 2013. p. 2.
  7. Nuttall, Graeme (2012). Sharing Success: The Nuttall Review of Employee Ownership (PDF). Department for Business, Innovation & Skills. pp. 5, 20.
  8. Robinson, Andrew; Pendleton, Andrew (2019). Employee Ownership In Britain: Size and Character (PDF). White Rose Employee Ownership Centre. p. 1.
  9. Nelson-Jones, John; Nuttall, Graeme (1987). Employee ownership – legal and tax aspects. Fourmat. Chapter 8. ISBN   1-85190-033-0.
  10. Lampel, Joseph; Banerjee, Aneesh; Bhalia, Ajay (2017). The Ownership Effect Inquiry: What Does the Evidence Tell Us? (PDF). The Ownership Effect Inquiry. p. 11.
  11. Social Enterprise UK (April 2018). "Public service mutuals: The state of the sector" (PDF). gov.uk. Retrieved 13 November 2019.
  12. "Worker co-operative code international translations". Co-operatives UK. 21 May 2018. Retrieved 13 November 2019.
  13. Nuttall, Graeme (4 July 2012). "Sharing Success: The Nuttall Review of Employee Ownership" (PDF). GOV.UK. Retrieved 13 November 2019.
  14. Whyte, W. F. and Whyte, K. K. (1991) Making Mondragon, New York: ILR Press/Itchaca.
  15. Erdal, D. (2008) Local Heroes: How Loch Fyne Oysters Embraced Employee Ownership and Business Success, London: Viking.
  16. Pendleton, Andrew; McDonald, John; Robinson, Andrew; Wilson, Nicholas (1996-06-01). "Employee Participation and Corporate Governance in Employee-Owned Firms". Work, Employment and Society. 10 (2): 205–226. doi:10.1177/0950017096102001. ISSN   0950-0170. S2CID   154299458.
  17. Trewhitt, Lisa (2000). "Employee buyouts and employee involvement: a case study investigation of employee attitudes". Industrial Relations Journal. 31 (5): 437–453. doi:10.1111/1468-2338.00175. ISSN   1468-2338.
  18. "Corporate Accountability and Democracy".

Further reading