Energy in Iraq

Last updated

Total energy supply 2021 [1]

  Oil (61.93%)
  Natural gas (35.51%)
  Hydro (0.92%)
  Biofuels and Waste (0.12%)
  Wind, Solar, etc. (0.01%)

Energy in Iraq plays a crucial role in both the national economy and the global energy markets due to the country's vast oil reserves and significant status within the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). [2]


Iraq holds abundant oil and gas resources and has strong solar PV potential. Its production to 2030 is set to be the third largest contributor to global oil supply. By the same year, the government expects that renewable capacity will amount for 5% of the country's total system capacity. These developments highlight Iraq's efforts to diversify its energy sources and enhance its energy security, while still significantly contributing to the global oil market. [3] [2]


Energy in Iraq [4]
Population (million)Prim. energy
Change 2004–201027%27%22%20%20%29%
Mtoe (million tonnes of oil equivalent) = 11.63 TWh (terawatt-hours).
Primary energy includes energy losses.
2012R: CO2 calculation criteria changed; numbers updated.

Oil production

Iraqi oil production has surged after years of disorder. OilProduction.Iraq1990-2015.png
Iraqi oil production has surged after years of disorder.

In 2008, Iraq was the 9th highest crude oil exporter with 88 Mt. [6]

Oil provided 85% of government income. Iraq's oil reserves were the third biggest in the world, after Saudi Arabia and Iran. In 2009 the Iraq government set a target to increase oil production from 2.5-million-barrels (400,000 m3) to 7-million-barrels-per-day (1,100,000 m3/d) in six years. In June 2009 oil production rights in the Rumaila oil field were sold to BP and China National Petroleum [7] [8] for 20 years contracts. Investments are estimated as $10–20 billion. Field reserves are 16.998 billion barrels (2.7025×109 m3). In October 2009 Rumaila's capacity was 1.1 million barrels per day (170,000 m3/d). Iraq's total oil production was 2.4 Mbbl/d (380,000 m3/d). [9]

Electrical substation In Baghdad Electrical substation in Baghdad.jpg
Electrical substation In Baghdad

A second auction took place in December 2009, and Iraq sold rights to seven oil fields for 20 years, increasing oil production 4.7 million barrels per day (750,000 m3/d) in future. The production companies will receive between $1 and $5.5 per barrel produced: [7] [8]


Iraq electricity supply by source Iraq electricity production.svg
Iraq electricity supply by source

Iraq's electricity generation primarily depends on fossil fuels. In 2021, natural gas was the largest source at 57.3% of the total, followed by oil at 36.7%. Renewable energy, mainly from hydroelectric power, contributed 5.9%. [10] As of 2023, the 30 gigawatts (GW) of installed capacity cannot meet summer peak demand. [11]

In 2021, the majority of Iraq's electricity consumption was attributed to the residential sector, which used 65.0% of the total. This was followed by the commercial and public services sector at 21.6%, and industrial activities at 11.2%. The smallest share was consumed by the agriculture and forestry sector, accounting for only 2.2%. [10]

According to the United States Department of Energy officials, demand for electricity has been stimulated by a growing economy and a surge in consumer purchases of appliances and electronics. [12] In addition, electricity is subsidized in Iraq, which leads to increased demand. [11]

Due to a weak grid and institutional problems many consumers use small generators or rooftop solar panels. [11]


Iraq holds the 12th largest natural gas reserves in the world, estimated at 131 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) at the end of 2022, predominantly located in large oil fields in the south and mostly associated with oil production. Despite these substantial reserves, Iraq faces regulatory, investment, and infrastructure challenges, which have kept natural gas production largely unchanged since 2016. The majority of Iraq's natural gas, about two-thirds, is produced as a byproduct of oil extraction. Following production cuts in 2020 due to the OPEC+ agreement, natural gas production dropped but recovered in 2021 with increases in both associated and non-associated gas production. [13]

Iraq consumed significantly more natural gas than it produced in 2021, primarily for electric power generation. The country also flared over 630 billion cubic feet (Bcf) of natural gas in 2022 due to inadequate pipeline and processing infrastructure, making it the second-largest flaring country globally. To address flaring and meet domestic needs, Iraq has delayed its goal to eliminate flaring to 2027 and is working on expanding its natural gas processing capacity. [13]

In 2022, Iraq was the second-largest contributor to global gas flaring, highlighting its ongoing challenges in managing flaring despite having substantial natural gas reserves. This significant flaring rate underscores the need for improved infrastructure and regulations to better utilize gas for domestic energy and reduce environmental impacts. [14]


Oil revenues are the major income in the economy of Iraq. The management of the oil and gas sector has been criticised as “technically incompetent”. [15] As of mid-2024 oil exports to Turkey are very low. [16]

Oil prices

Iraq is a member of OPEC.

The global oil and gas prices have been strongly influenced by political decisions and events. For example, the oil embargo 1967 and 1973 oil crisis during the 1970s, the Iran-Iraq War in the 1980s, the Iraq-Kuwait War in the 1990s and the Iraq War from 2003. [17]

Corruption risks

One of the corruption risks is that the oil resources are publicly owned but often privately produced. The complex system of licenses and fees may drive corruption incentives. According to Transparency International Bribe Payers Index 2008, the oil and gas industry in general is highly vulnerable to 1) bribery of public officials and 2) undue influence on the legislative process and government policies. IMF Working Paper confirms the relationship between oil rents and corruption. Higher increases in oil rents tends to increase corruption and erode political rights. Open Budget Survey 2008 by International Budget Partnership confirmed that the oil- and gas-dependent countries tend to be less transparent. [18]

See also

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Iraq was the world's 5th largest oil producer in 2009, and has the world's fifth largest proven petroleum reserves. Just a fraction of Iraq's known fields are in development, and Iraq may be one of the few places left where vast reserves, proven and unknown, have barely been exploited. Iraq's energy sector is heavily based upon oil, with approximately 94 percent of its energy needs met with petroleum. In addition, crude oil export revenues accounted for over two-thirds of GDP in 2009. Iraq's oil sector has suffered over the past several decades from sanctions and wars, and its oil infrastructure is in need of modernization and investment. As of June 30, 2010, the United States had allocated US$2.05 billion to the Iraqi oil and gas sector to begin this modernization, but ended its direct involvement as of the first quarter of 2008. According to reports by various U.S. government agencies, multilateral institutions and other international organizations, long-term Iraq reconstruction costs could reach $100 billion (US) or higher.


  1. "Iraq - Countries & Regions". IEA. Retrieved 2024-04-29.
  2. 1 2 "International - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)". Retrieved 2024-04-29.
  3. "Iraq - Countries & Regions". IEA. Retrieved 2024-04-29.
  4. IEA Key World Energy Statistics Statistics 2015 Archived 2016-03-04 at the Wayback Machine , 2014 (2012R as in November 2015 Archived 2015-04-05 at the Wayback Machine + 2012 as in March 2014 is comparable to previous years statistical calculation criteria, 2013 Archived 2014-09-02 at the Wayback Machine , 2012 Archived 2013-03-09 at the Wayback Machine , 2011 Archived 2011-10-27 at the Wayback Machine , 2010 Archived 2010-10-11 at the Wayback Machine , 2009 Archived 2013-10-07 at the Wayback Machine , 2006 Archived 2009-10-12 at the Wayback Machine IEA October, crude oil p.11, coal p. 13 gas p. 15
  5. "Country Analysis Brief: Iraq". US Energy Information Administration. 28 April 2016. Retrieved 6 May 2016.
  6. IEA Key statistics 2010
  7. 1 2 Irak huutokauppasi seitsemän öljykenttää [ permanent dead link ] yle 12.12.2009
  8. 1 2 Irak huutokauppaa öljykenttiä yle 11.12.2009
  9. Rasheed, Ahmed (8 October 2009). "Iraq signs deal with BP, CNPC for Rumaila field". Reuters.
  10. 1 2 "Iraq - Countries & Regions". IEA. Retrieved 2024-04-16.
  11. 1 2 3 "Iraq needs renewables, but they won't solve its power problems without broader reforms". Middle East Institute. Retrieved 2023-05-05.
  12. Rebuilding Iraq (PDF) (Report). United States Government Accountability Office. May 2007. p. 34.
  13. 1 2 "International - U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)". Retrieved 2024-04-29.
  14. Global Gas Flaring Tracker Report (PDF) (Report). March 2023.
  15. "Addressing Human Resource and Development Concerns in Iraq's Oil and Gas Sector | The Washington Institute". Retrieved 2024-08-12.
  16. "BP and Iraq to Develop Oilfields in Kirkuk". Retrieved 2024-08-12.
  17. 2011 report on oil and gas companies, Promoting revenue Transparency Archived 2011-06-02 at the Wayback Machine Transparency International 2011 page 113
  18. 2011 report on oil and gas companies, Promoting revenue Transparency Archived 2011-06-02 at the Wayback Machine Transparency International 2011 page 117