English prefix

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English prefixes are affixes (i.e., bound morphemes that provide lexical meaning) that are added before either simple roots or complex bases (or operands) consisting of (a) a root and other affixes, (b) multiple roots, or (c) multiple roots and other affixes. Examples of these follow:


English words may consist of multiple prefixes: anti-pseudo-classicism (containing both an anti- prefix and a pseudo- prefix).

In English, all prefixes are derivational. This contrasts with English suffixes, which may be either derivational or inflectional.

Selectional restrictions

As is often the case with derivational morphology, many English prefixes can only be added to bases of particular lexical categories (or "parts of speech"). For example, the prefix re- meaning "again, back" is only added to verb bases as in rebuild, reclaim, reuse, resell, re-evaluate, resettle. It cannot be added to bases of other lexical categories. Thus, examples of re- plus a noun base (such as the ungrammatical *rehusband, *remonopoly) or re- plus an adjective base (*renatural, *rewise) are virtually unattested. [1]

These selectional restrictions on what base a prefix can be attached to can be used to distinguish between otherwise identical-sounding prefixes. For instance, there are two different un- prefixes in English: one meaning "not, opposite of", the other meaning "reverse action, deprive of, release from". The first prefix un- "not" is attached to adjective and participle bases while the second prefix un- "reverse action" is attached to either verb or noun bases. Thus, English can have two words that are pronounced and spelled the same and have the same lexical category but have different meanings, different prefixes, a different internal morphological structure, and different internal bases that the prefixes are attached to:

In the first unlockable "not able to be locked", the prefix un- "not" is attached to an adjective base lockable (which, in turn, is composed of lock + -able). This word has the following internal structure:

[ un [ [ lock ]verb able ]adj ]adj

In the second unlockable "able to be unlocked", the prefix un- "reverse action" is attached to a verb base lock, resulting in the derived verb unlock. Subsequently, the -able suffix is added after the newly created unlock verb base deriving the adjective unlockable. This word has the following internal structure:

[ [ un [ lock ]verb ]verb able ]adj

Only certain verbs or nouns can be used to form a new verb having the opposite meaning. In particular, using verbs describing an irreversible action produces words often considered nonsense, e.g. unkill, unspend, unlose, unring. These words may nevertheless be in occasional use for humorous or other effect.

Changes in lexical category

Unlike derivational suffixes, English derivational prefixes typically do not change the lexical category of the base (and are so called class-maintaining prefixes). Thus, the word do, consisting of a single morpheme, is a verb as is the word redo, which consists of the prefix re- and the base root do.

However, there are a few prefixes in English that are class-changing in that the word resulting after prefixation belongs to a lexical category that is different from the lexical category of the base. Examples of this type include a-, be-, and en-. a- typically creates adjectives from noun and verb bases: blaze (noun/verb) > ablaze (adj). The relatively unproductive be- creates transitive verbs from noun bases: witch (noun) > bewitch (verb). en- creates transitive verbs from noun bases: slave (noun) > enslave (verb).

Native vs. non-native (neo-classical) prefixing

Several English words are analyzed as a combination of a dependent affix and an independent base, such as those found in words like boy-hood or un-just. Following Marchand (1969), these types of words are formed by native word-formation processes.

Other words in English (and also in French and German) are formed via foreign word-formation processes, particularly processes seen in Greek and Latin word-formation. These word types are often known as neo-classical (or neo-Latin) words and are often found in academic learned vocabulary domains (such as in science fields), as well as in inkhorn terms coined in the 17th and 18th centuries. Words of this nature are borrowed from either Greek or Latin or have been newly coined based upon Greek and Latin word-formation processes. It is possible to detect varying degrees of foreignness. [2]

In some analytic frameworks, such neo-classical prefixes are excluded from analyses of English derivation on the grounds that they are not analyzable according to a mostly synchronic (that is, relatively productive or easily recognizable and relating to present-day idioms) English (that is, "native") basis. [3] Conceptualized thus, anglicized neo-classical English words such as deceive are not analyzed by Marchand as being composed of a prefix de- and a bound base -ceive but are rather analyzed as being composed of a single morpheme (although the Latin sources of these English words are analyzed as such, as "native" Latin components in the Latin language). [4] Similarly, pairs such as defend/defense and double (or duple)/duplicity are not considered morphologically related in Marchand's treatment of English word formation and are thus excluded too, though they are regarded as derivatives of the shared roots in Jespersen's and Koizul's, while in others, they may be seen as allomorphs or variants (like deep/depth, a pair formed of Germanic components). However, not all foreign words are unanalyzable according to such an English basis: some foreign elements have been nativized and have become a part of productive English word-formation processes. An example of such a now native English prefix is co- as in co-worker, which is ultimately derived from the Latin prefix com- (with its allomorphs co-, col-, con-, and cor-); and ex- as in ex-soldier, which derives from the Latin ex-.

Initial combining forms vs prefixes

List of English prefixes


Prefix [5] MeaningExample
a-verb > predicative adjective with progressive aspectafloat, atremble
after-following after, behindaftermath, afterlife
back-behind an object/structure (locative/directional)backhoe, backfire
be-equipped with, covered with, beset with (pejorative or facetious)bedeviled, becalm, bedazzle, bewitch
by-near to, next tobyway, bypass, byproduct
down-from higher/greater to lower/lesserdownload, downright, downbeat
en-, em-to make into, to put into, to get intoempower, enmesh
fore-before, in frontforearm, forerunner, forebode
hind-afterhindsight, hindquarters
mid-middlemidstream, midlife
midi-medium-sizedmidi-length, Midibus
mini-smallminimarket, mini-room, minivan
mis-wrong, astraymisinformation, misguide, misfortune, misbehave, misspell
off-non-standard, awayoff-color, offish, offset
on-immediate proximity, locativeonset, onlook, ongoing, oncoming
out-better, faster, longer, fartheroutreach, outcome, outlier
over-excessive, aboveoverreact, overact, overbearing
self-selfself-sufficient, self-explanatory
step-family relation by remarriagestepbrother, stepmother, stepfather, stepsister
twi-twotwibill, twilight, twins
un-not, against, opposite ofunnecessary, unequal, undesirable, unhappy
un-reverse action, deprive of, release fromundo, untie, unexpected, unlock
under-below, beneath, lower in grade or dignity, lesser, insufficientunderachieve, underpass, understand, undergo
up-greater, higher, or betterupgrade, uplift, upright
with-against, back, away (from)withstand, withhold


Prefix [5] MeaningExamples
a-not, alpha privative acyclic, asexual, atonal, atheist
Afro-relating to AfricaAfro-American, Afro-Caribbean
ambi-bothambidextrous, ambitendency
amphi-around, two, both, on both sidesamphiaster, amphitheatre, amphibian
an-/a-not, withoutanemic, asymmetric, anarchy
ana-, an-up, againstanacardiaceous, anode, analog
Anglo-relating to EnglandAnglo-Norman, Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-American
ante-beforeantenatal, antechamber, antedate
anti-opposite, againstantagonist, antivenom
apo-, ap-away from, detachedaphelion, apogee, apomorphine
arch-ruling, dominating, most extreme (pejorative)archangel, archaen, archconservative
astro-starastrobiology, astrology, astronomy
auto-self autobiography, automatic, autonomy
bi-twobicycle, biped, bisexual, binomial, bigamy, binary
bio-life, biologicalbiology, biotic
circum-around, surroundingcircumlocution, circumnavigate, circumference
cis-on this side ofcislunar, cisgender
con-, co-, com-, col-, cor-together or withcohabit, colleague, commingle, confederation, correlation
contra-, contro-oppositecontradict, contraindication
counter-against, in opposition tocounteract, counterpart
crypto-hidden, secretcryptography
de-downdepress, descend
demo-people democracy, demography
deuter-second deuteragonist, deuterogamy
di-twodicotyledon, dioxide
dia-through dialysis, diameter
dis-/di-/dif-apartdiffer, dissect, divide
du-/duo-twodual, duet
electro-electric, electricityelectro-analysis, electromagnetic
en-, el-, em-inellipsis, emphasis, energetic
epi-, ep-upon, at, close upon, in additionephemeron, epicentre, epidermis
eu-good, true eukaryote, eulogy, euphoria
ex-out ofexit, expel, explode, exploit, explore, export
Franco-French, FranceFrancophile, Franco-British, Franco-German
geo-relating to the earth or its surface geography, geology, geometry
gyro-spinning on an axisgyrocopter, gyroscope, gyrosphere
hetero-different heterochromia, heterogeneous, heterotroph, heterozygous
hemi-halfhemimorphic, hemisphere
Hispano-Spanish, SpainHispanoamérica, hispanophobia
homo-samehomogeneous, homogenize, homologous, homophone, homozygous
hydro-relating to water, or using waterhydroelectricity, hydrant
hyper-excess, above, over hyperthermia
hypo-deficient, under or below something, low hypothermia
ideo-image, ideaideograph, ideology
idio-individual, personal, uniqueidiolect, idiopathic
in-in, intoinclude, insert
Indo-relating to the Indian subcontinentIndo-European
in-, il-, im-, ir-not, opposite ofillegal, illicit, impatient, impossible, inappropriate, inexact, irregular, irresponsible
infra-below, beneathinfrared
inter- [6] among, betweenintercede, internet, international
intra- [6] inside, withinintravenous
iso-equalisochromatic, isotherm
Italo-Italian, Italyitalophilia, italophobia
mal-badlymalnourish, maladjusted
maxi-very long, very largemaxi-skirt, maximum
mega-, megalo-great, largemegastar, megalopolis
meso-middle, intermediate, halfwaymesosphere, mesoderm, mesozoa
meta-after, along with, beyond, among, behind, transcending, self-referentialmetabolism, metaphysics, metacommunication
micro-smallmicrobacillus, microscope
mono-, mon-sole, onlymonogamy, monotone, monosyllabic, monomial, monobrow
multi-, mult-manymulticultural, multi-storey, multitude
neo-newneolithic, neoether
non-notnonexistent, non-fiction
ob-to, againstobject, obligate
omni-allomnipotent, omnipresent, omnivore
ortho-correcting or straighteningorthodontics, orthotropic
pan-all, worldwidepan-African, pandemic, panorama, pansexual
para-beside, beyondparallel, paraplegic, parasail
ped-footpedal, pedestrian
pen-almostpeninsula, penultimate, penumbra
per-through, completely, wrongly, exceedinglypermeate, permute
peri-around, near or adjacentperihelion, periphrase
photo-lightphotoelectric, photography, photosynthesis
pleo-morepleonasm, pleroma
poly-manypolygon, polyhedron, polygamy
post-afterpostfix, postpone, postscript
pre-beforepredict, prepare, preview, preschool, prewrite, prefix
preter-beyond, past, more thanpretermit, preternatural
pro-for, substitute, deputyproconsul
pros-toward prosthesis, prostrate, prose
proto-first, original protoplasm, prototype
pseudo-false, imitation pseudonym
pyro-firepyrokinetic, pyrotechnic
quadri-fourquadrilateral, quadrinomial
quasi-partly, almost, appearing to be but not reallyquasi-religious
semi-half semicircle
socio-society, social, sociologicalsociopath
sub-, sup-below, undersubmarine, subterranean, suburban, support
super-above, oversupervisor, superintendent
supra-above, oversuprarenal
sur-above, oversurreal, surrender, surplus
syn-, sy-, syl-, sym-together, withsyllable, symbol, synthesis, system
tele-at a distancetelegraph, telephone, telescope, television
trans-across, overtransatlantic, transverse, transform, transgender
tri-threetricycle, tripartite, triangle, tricolor, trinomial
ultra-beyondultramagnetic, ultrasonic, ultraviolet
uni-one, consisting of only one unicycle, universal
vice-deputyvice-president, vice-principal, vice-admiral


y-inflectional prefixyclad, yclept (both archaic words)

See also


  1. Occasionally, these selectional restrictions are violated for stylist effect, as in the coinage of the word Uncola in Seven-Up soft drink advertisements. The prefix un- meaning "not" is typically added to adjectives, thus adding it to a noun cola makes the word more noticeable.
  2. See Marchand (1969: 7).
  3. See, for example, Quirk et al. (1985).
  4. Marchand's (1969:5-6) argumentation: "Bearing in mind the bi-morphemic, i.e. two-sign character of derivatives and the ensuing opposability of both elements, it seems a little embarrassing to revert to the topic of the analysis of conceive, deceive, receive described as bimorphemic by Bloomfield, Harris and Nida. Newman establishes such suffixal derivatives as horr-or, horr-id, horr-ify; stup-or, stup-id, stup-efy. What are the bases horr- and stup- and what are the meanings of the suffixes? With the exception of ‘‘stupefy’’, which by forced interpretation could be made to look like syntagma, none of the 'derivatives' is analysable into two significates.... The fact that we can align such formal series as con-tain, de-tain, re-tain; con-ceive, de-ceive, re-ceive does not prove any morphemic character of the formally identical parts as they are not united by a common significate. The preceding words are nothing but monemes. Conceive, deceive, receive are not comparable to syntagmas such as co-author 'joint-author', de-frost 'remove the frost', re-do 'do again', the correct analysis of which is proved by numerous parallel syntagmas (co-chairman, co-defendant, co-hostess; de-gum, de-horn, de-husk; re-furbish, re-hash, re-write). If the two series con-tain, de-tain, re-tain / con-ceive, de-ceive, re-ceive, through mere syllabication and arbitrary division of sound complexes yield morphemes, why should we not be allowed to establish the similar morpheme-yielding series ba-ker, fa-ker, ma-ker / bai-ling, fai-ling, mai-ling? If we neglect content, how can we expose such a division as nonsensical? .... In fact, nobody would think of making the wrong morpheme division as our memory keeps perfect store of free and bound morphemes as significant/significate relations. It is only with a certain restricted class of words of distinctly non-native origin that we fall into the error of establishing unisolable morphemes.... If conceive, deceive, receive, are matched by the substantives conception, deception, reception, this is so because Latin verbs in -cipere are anglicized as verbs in -ceive while the corresponding Latin substantives conceptio, deceptio, receptio in English have the form given above. The alternation -sume vb/-sumption sb is obviously restricted to pairs corresponding to the Latin alternation -sumere vb/-sumptio sb. Nobody, unless he was trying to be witty, would extend the correlative pattern to pairs of words outside the particular structural system to which the words ultimately belong.... The natural synchronic description will therefore deal with foreign-coined words on the basis of the structural system to which they belong."
  5. 1 2 Bauer, Laurie; Lieber, Rochelle; Plag, Ingo (2013). The Oxford Reference Guide to English Morphology . Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN   9780-19-957926-6.
  6. 1 2 "Inter- vs Intra- Everything After Z by Dictionary.com". Dictionary.com. Dictionary.com, LLC. December 23, 2016. Retrieved October 2, 2017.


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In linguistics, an affix is a morpheme that is attached to a word stem to form a new word or word form. The main two categories are derivational and inflectional affixes. Derivational affixes, such as un-, -ation, anti-, pre- etc, introduce a semantic change to the word they are attached to. Inflectional affixes introduce a syntactic change, such as singular into plural, or present simple tense into present continuous or past tense by adding -ing, -ed to an English word. All of them are bound morphemes by definition; prefixes and suffixes may be separable affixes.

A morpheme is the smallest meaningful constituent of a linguistic expression. The field of linguistic study dedicated to morphemes is called morphology.

In linguistics, morphology is the study of words, including the principles by which they are formed, and how they relate to one another within a language. Most approaches to morphology investigate the structure of words in terms of morphemes, which are the smallest units in a language with some independent meaning. Morphemes include roots that can exist as words by themselves, but also categories such as affixes that can only appear as part of a larger word. For example, in English the root catch and the suffix -ing are both morphemes; catch may appear as its own word, or it may be combined with -ing to form the new word catching. Morphology also analyzes how words behave as parts of speech, and how they may be inflected to express grammatical categories including number, tense, and aspect. Concepts such as productivity are concerned with how speakers create words in specific contexts, which evolves over the history of a language.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Prefix</span> Affix which is placed before the stem of a word

A prefix is an affix which is placed before the stem of a word. Particularly in the study of languages, a prefix is also called a preformative, because it alters the form of the word to which it is affixed.

An analytic language is a type of natural language in which a series of root/stem words is accompanied by prepositions, postpositions, particles and modifiers, using affixes very rarely. This is opposed to synthetic languages, which synthesize many concepts into a single word, using affixes regularly. Syntactic roles are assigned to words primarily by word order. For example, by changing the individual words in the Latin phrase fēl-is pisc-em cēpit "the cat caught the fish" to fēl-em pisc-is cēpit "the fish caught the cat", the fish becomes the subject, while the cat becomes the object. This transformation is not possible in an analytic language without altering the word order. Typically, analytic languages have a low morpheme-per-word ratio, especially with respect to inflectional morphemes. No natural language, however, is purely analytic or purely synthetic.

Morphological derivation, in linguistics, is the process of forming a new word from an existing word, often by adding a prefix or suffix, such as un- or -ness. For example, unhappy and happiness derive from the root word happy.

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In linguistics, agglutination is a morphological process in which words are formed by stringing together morphemes, each of which corresponds to a single syntactic feature. Languages that use agglutination widely are called agglutinative languages. For example, in the agglutinative language of Turkish, the word evlerinizden consists of the morphemes ev-ler-i-n-i-z-de-n. Agglutinative languages are often contrasted with isolating languages, in which words are monomorphemic, and fusional languages, in which words can be complex, but morphemes may correspond to multiple features.

A root is the core of a word that is irreducible into more meaningful elements. In morphology, a root is a morphologically simple unit which can be left bare or to which a prefix or a suffix can attach. The root word is the primary lexical unit of a word, and of a word family, which carries aspects of semantic content and cannot be reduced into smaller constituents. Content words in nearly all languages contain, and may consist only of, root morphemes. However, sometimes the term "root" is also used to describe the word without its inflectional endings, but with its lexical endings in place. For example, chatters has the inflectional root or lemma chatter, but the lexical root chat. Inflectional roots are often called stems. A root, or a root morpheme, in the stricter sense, may be thought of as a monomorphemic stem.

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A content morpheme or contentive morpheme is a root that forms the semantic core of a major class word. Content morphemes have lexical denotations that are not dependent on the context or on other morphemes. For instance, in English, the abstract noun beauty may mean 'pleasing quality'. Adding the causative verbal suffix -fy produces the verb beautify 'to make pleasing'. By adding the suffix -ful, the adjective beautiful is formed. Further adding the adverbializer -ly produces the adverb beautifully. The various functional morphemes surrounding the semantic core are able to modify the use of the root through derivation, but do not alter the lexical denotation of the root as somehow 'pleasing' or 'satisfying'.