Enlargement of the European Space Agency

Last updated
ESA member states, CA and ECA states:

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ESA member states
ECS states
Signed Cooperation Agreement
Associated states Location ESA member countries.svg
ESA member states, CA and ECA states:
  ESA member states
  ECS states
  Signed Cooperation Agreement
  Associated states

The European Space Agency (ESA) was founded in 1975 when the European Space Research Organisation (ESRO) merged with the European Launcher Development Organisation (ELDO). The ESA Convention was signed by the ESRO and ELDO members on 30 May 1975 and by Ireland on 31 December 1975. Canada signed a Cooperation Agreement on 9 December 1978. The Convention entered into force on 30 October 1980 after the ratification procedures in the 10 ESRO/ELDO members were finalised.


Current membership

The current membership of the European Space Agency includes 22 member states, four associate members and one cooperating state:

StateCooperation AgreementECS AgreementPECS CharterESA Convention signatureRatification [1] National Program
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 1979 for associate membership12 April 1984 [2] 30 December 1986 FFG
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Belgium (civil).svg  Belgium ESA Founding member30 May 19753 October 1978 BELSPO
Flag of Canada (Pantone).svg  Canada [3] 9 December 1978 [4]
January 1984
May 1989
January 2000
15 December 2010 [5]
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czech Republic 199624 November 200324 November 20048 July 2008 [6] 12 August 2008through MoT
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Denmark.svg  Denmark ESA Founding member30 May 197515 September 1977 DTU Space
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia 20 June 2007 [7] 10 November 2009 [8] 22 September 2010 [9] 4 February 20151 September 2015 [10] ESO
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 1987 for associate membership22 March 1994 [11] 1 January 1995through MoEAE
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of France.svg  France ESA Founding member30 May 197530 October 1980 CNES
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Germany.svg  Germany ESA Founding member30 May 197526 July 1977 DLR
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Greece.svg  Greece January 2001N/AN/A19 July 2004 [12] 9 March 2005 HSC
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary April 1991 [13] [14] 7 April 2003 [15] 1st: 5 November 2003 [16]
2nd: 26 September 2008 [17]
3rd: 17 October 2013 [18]
24 February 20154 November 2015 [19] HSO
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Ireland.svg  Ireland [20] ESA Founding member31 December 197510 December 1980 Enterprise Ireland
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Italy.svg  Italy ESA Founding member30 May 197520 February 1978 ASI
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia 23 July 2009 [21] 19 March 2013 [22] 30 January 2015 [23] 30 June 2020 [24] 9 July 2020 [24] [25] LSO
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania 7 October 2010 [26] 7 October 2014 [27] 28 September 2015 [28] 28 April 2021 [28] 20 May 2021 [28] LSO
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg September 2000N/AN/A6 May 2004 [29] 30 June 2005 LSA
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of the Netherlands.svg  Netherlands ESA Founding member30 May 19756 February 1979 NSO
Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 1981 for associate membership12 December 1985 [30] 30 December 1986 NSA
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Poland.svg  Poland 28 January 1994 [31] 27 April 2007 [32] 28 April 2008 [33] 13 September 2012 [34] 19 November 2012 POLSA
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal 1996N/AN/A4 October 2000 [35] 14 November 2000 PT Space
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Romania.svg  Romania December 1992 [31] [36] 17 February 2006 [36] 16 February 2007 [37] 20 January 2011 [38] 22 December 2011 ROSA
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Slovakia.svg  Slovakia 28 April 2010 [39] 16 February 2015 [40] 4 February 2016 [41] 14 June 2022 [41] 12 October 2022 [41] SSO
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia 28 May 2008 [42] 22 January 2010 [43] 30 November 2010 [44] 18 June 2024 [45] 1 January 2025 [46] through MoHEST
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Spain.svg  Spain ESA Founding member30 May 19757 February 1979 AEE
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Sweden.svg  Sweden ESA Founding member30 May 19756 April 1976 SNSA
Flag of Switzerland (Pantone).svg   Switzerland ESA Founding member30 May 197519 November 1976 SSO
Flag of the United Kingdom.svg  United Kingdom ESA Founding member30 May 197528 March 1978 UKSA

Associate members

The ESA Convention does not require acquisition of the status of an associate member in order for a state to become a full member. The association status is envisaged to allow associate member states to take part in ESA's deliberative bodies and decision-making and also in ESA's programmes and activities. Associate member state firms can bid for and receive contracts to work on programmes. The accord has a provision ensuring a fair industrial return to the associate members. [47]

Previously, associate members were Austria, Norway and Finland (through its Ministry of Trade and Industry [48] ), all of which later joined ESA as full members. [49] Portugal, Greece and Luxembourg skipped associate membership and moved from Cooperation Agreements to full ESA membership. The Czech Republic also skipped associate membership, but it went through the new enlargement process via Cooperation Agreement, ECS Agreement and PECS Charter implementation.

Currently there are three associate members: Latvia, Lithuania and Slovakia. [24] [28] [41]

Despite that the provisions in the ESA Convention do not show restrictions that only European states can join, [50] the ESA Council implements such rule de facto and that is why Canada has only the status of a cooperating state. [3] However, it is as tightly integrated with the ESA institutions as possible for a non-member state.

The ELDO associate member Australia (CSIRO) decided not to continue as an associate member of ESA. Nevertheless, on 5 March 2003 the first of ESA's deep space ground stations in the world opened in Western Australia in an inauguration ceremony. [51]


ESA member countries
2nd stage: ECS states
1st stage: signed Cooperation Agreement
Observer state negotiating cooperation agreement
ESA associate members European Space Agency Enlargement including Associates.png
  ESA member countries
  2nd stage: ECS states
  1st stage: signed Cooperation Agreement
  Observer state negotiating cooperation agreement
  ESA associate members

After the decision of the ESA Council of 21/22 March 2001 the procedure for accession of the European states was detailed as described here. [52] Nations who want to become a full member of ESA do so in 3 stages. First a Cooperation Agreement is signed between the country and ESA. In this stage the country has very limited financial responsibilities. If a country wants to cooperate more fully with ESA it signs a European Cooperating State (ECS) agreement.

The ECS Agreement makes companies based in the country eligible for participation in ESA procurements. The country can also participate in all ESA programmes, except for the Basic Technology Research Programme. While the financial contribution of the country concerned increases, it is still much lower than that of a full member state. The agreement is normally followed by a Plan for European Cooperating State (or PECS Charter).

This is a 5-year program of basic research and development activities aimed at improving the nations' space industry capacity. At the end of the 5-year period, the country can either begin negotiations to become a full member state or an associated state or sign a new PECS Charter. [53] ESA is likely to expand quite rapidly in the coming years. Many countries, most of which joined the EU in both 2004 and 2007, have started to cooperate with ESA on various levels.

Progress of all the states that have taken or are taking part in the enlargement process
Applicant stateCooperation AgreementECS AgreementPECS CharterESA Convention signatureFull Membership [1] National Program
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Austria.svg  Austria 1979 for associate membership12 April 198430 December 1986 FFG
Flag of Norway.svg  Norway 1981 for associate membership12 December 198530 December 1986 NSA
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Finland.svg  Finland 1987 for associate membership22 March 19941 January 1995through MoEAE
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Portugal.svg  Portugal 1996NANA4 October 200014 November 2000 PT Space
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Greece.svg  Greece January 2001NANA19 July 20049 March 2005 HSC
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Luxembourg.svg  Luxembourg September 2000NANA6 May 200430 June 2005 LSA
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of the Czech Republic.svg  Czechia 199624 November 200324 November 20048 July 200812 August 2008through MoT
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Romania.svg  Romania December 199217 February 200616 February 200720 January 201123 December 2011 ROSA
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Poland.svg  Poland 28 January 199427 April 200728 April 200813 September 201219 November 2012 POLSA
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Estonia.svg  Estonia 20 June 200710 November 200922 September 20104 February 20151 September 2015 ESO
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Hungary.svg  Hungary April 19917 April 20031st:
5 November 2003 2nd:
26 September 2008 3rd:
17 October 2013
24 February 20154 November 2015 HSO
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Latvia.svg  Latvia 23 July 200919 March 201330 January 201530 June 202027 July 2020 LSO
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Lithuania.svg  Lithuania 7 October 20107 October 201428 September 201528 April 202121 May 2021 LSO
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Slovakia.svg  Slovakia 28 April 201016 February 20154 February 201614 June 202213 October 2022 SSO
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Slovenia.svg  Slovenia 28 May 200822 January 201030 November 201018 June 20241 January 2025through MoHEST
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Bulgaria.svg  Bulgaria NA8 April 2015 [54] 4 February 2016 [55] SRTI
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Cyprus.svg  Cyprus 27 August 2009 [56] 6 July 2016 [57] 2017 [58] through MoCW
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Croatia.svg  Croatia 19 February 2018 [59] 23 March 2023 [60] 16 August 2023 [61] through MoSE
Flag of Turkey.svg  Turkey 15 July 2004 [62] TUA
Flag of Ukraine.svg  Ukraine 25 January 2008 [63] SSAU
Flag of Israel.svg  Israel 30 January 2011 [64] ISA
Flag of Europe.svg Flag of Malta.svg  Malta 20 February 2012 [65] MCST [66]

Possible future cooperation

The political perspective of the European Union (EU) had been to make ESA an agency of the EU by 2014, [67] however, this date was not met. The EU is already the largest single donor to ESA's budget and non-ESA EU states are observers at ESA.

Three non-EU nations — Israel, Turkey and Ukraine — have cooperation agreements with ESA. Agency officials consider the prospects of full membership for these three countries as remote at the current time.[ when? ]

However, ESA ministers instructed agency officials to begin discussions with Australia, Israel and South Africa on future association agreements with ESA. The ministers noted that “concrete cooperation is at an advanced stage” with these nations and that “prospects for mutual benefits are existing”. [68]

Besides EU countries, the EFTA members Norway and Switzerland are also members of ESA. Neither the remaining EFTA member states of Iceland and Liechtenstein nor the EU candidates not listed above have publicly expressed their intention to participate in the European Space Agency's activities.

In 2016, certain ESA programs were extended to Eastern Partnership member states. Armenia, Georgia and Moldova joined the ESA's Earth Observation for Eastern Partnership initiative. This move brought new perspectives to develop cooperation between the ESA and Eastern European countries. The project aims to achieve an increase in the uptake of satellite-based environmental information, while promoting regional cooperation and knowledge exchange. [69] [70]

See also


  1. 1 2 "ESA Convention / Law at ESA / About Us / ESA". Esa.int. 2014-02-07. Retrieved 2016-02-11.
  3. 1 2 Lydia Dotto. "Canada and The European Space Agency Three Decades of Cooperation" (PDF). Esa.int. Retrieved 2016-02-11.
  4. "Canada and ESA: 20 Years of Cooperation" (PDF). Esa.int. Retrieved 2016-02-11.
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  6. "Rozeslána dne 6. října 2009" (PDF). Esa.int. Retrieved 2016-02-11.
  7. "Estonia signs Cooperation Agreement with ESA". European Space Agency. 26 June 2007. Retrieved 6 September 2014.
  8. "Estonia becomes fifth ESA European Cooperating State". European Space Agency. 12 November 2009. Retrieved 6 September 2014.
  9. "Dozen Estonian companies to create solutions for European Space Agency". Estonian Investment Agency. 22 September 2010. Retrieved 2 July 2014.
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  12. "Hellenic Republic : Ratification" (PDF). Esa.int. Retrieved 2016-02-11.
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  14. "ESA/Poland cooperation agreement" (Press release). European Space Agency. 28 January 1994. Retrieved 6 September 2014.
  15. "Agreements 2003" (PDF). ESA Annual Report 2003. European Space Agency. pp. 112–113.
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  17. "Hungary and ESA sign PECS Agreement for another five years". European Space Agency. 11 November 2008. Retrieved 30 January 2013.
  18. "Extension of ECS Agreement between ESA and Hungary". National Innovation Office. 11 November 2008. Archived from the original on 9 March 2014. Retrieved 21 October 2013.
  19. "Hungary becomes ESA's 22nd Member State / Welcome to ESA / About Us / ESA". Esa.int. Retrieved 2016-02-11.
  20. Ireland is considered initial signatory, but since it was not member of neither ESRO nor ELDO (the precursor organisations to ESA) the convention entered into force when the last of the other 10 founders ratified it.
  21. "Līgums ar Kosmosa aģentūru liks tiekties pēc augstākiem rezultātiem". Diena.lv (in Latvian). 23 July 2009. Retrieved 24 July 2009.
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  25. "Saeima ratificē līgumu par asociētās dalībvalsts statusu Eiropas Kosmosa aģentūrā" [The Saeima ratifies the European Space Agency Associated Member State treaty]. www.lsm.lv (in Latvian). 2020-07-09. Retrieved 2020-07-09.
  26. "Lithuania signs Cooperation Agreement". www.esa.int. Retrieved 2022-10-14.
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  34. "Agreement Between the European Space Agency and the Government of the Republic of Poland" (PDF). Esa.int. Retrieved 2016-02-11.
  35. "Decreto do Presidente da República n.o 42/2000" (PDF). Esa.int. Retrieved 2016-02-11.
  36. 1 2 "Romania becomes third ESA European Cooperating State". European Space Agency. 27 February 2006. Retrieved 2008-07-17.
  37. "Romania". ESA PECS. European Space Agency. Archived from the original on 2008-07-16. Retrieved 2008-07-17.
  38. "Monitorul Oficial al Romaniei" (PDF). Esa.int. Retrieved 2016-02-11.
  39. "Slovak Republic signs Cooperation Agreement". www.esa.int. Retrieved 2022-10-14.
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  42. "Slovenian Government and ESA Sign Cooperation Agreement". Slovenian Government Communication Office. 28 May 2008. Archived from the original on 8 June 2008.
  43. "Slovenia becomes sixth ESA European Cooperating State". ESA. 25 January 2010. Retrieved 6 September 2014.
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  59. "Croatia signs Cooperation Agreement". www.esa.int. Retrieved 2022-10-14.
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  70. "Welcome to earth observation for eastern partnership | earth observation for eastern partnership".