Eugenics in Minnesota

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In Minnesota, developmentally disabled people, most of whom were women, were involuntarily committed to state guardianship and sterilized, but today, many of those who were either committed to state guardianship or sterilized would not be considered disabled. Native Americans who lived in the state were also subjected to discriminatory eugenic actions in residential schools, as well as eugenic sterilizations by the Indian Health Service. Eugenic ideals were popular in the state during much of the early-mid 1900s.


Eugenics in the United States

Minnesota was the 17th state in the United States that enacted laws which legalized eugenic practices. [1] . The practice of eugenics aims to improve the genetic quality of a population which has historically occurred through selective breeding, forced sterilization, and genocide. [2] Recently, technologies like CRISPR and genetic screening have created new discussions about the ethicality of eugenics. [3] [4]

Eugenics played a significant role in the history of the United States from the late 1800s to the mid-1900s. [5] Eugenic programs in the United States disproportionately targeted Latinx, Black, and Native Americans, as well as poor white people and people with disabilities. American eugenics resulted in the forced sterilization of over 60,000 people through laws passed in 30 states, including Minnesota, by the 1970s. [2]


In 1917, under pressure from Minnesota's Child Welfare Commission, 35 new laws were passed that related to children in the state, [6] called the Children's Code. [1] These laws gave the state the authority to involuntarily commit children who were "feebleminded", dependent, neglected, or "delinquent" to state guardianship. County probate judges were given the ability to commit any "feebleminded", "inebriate", or "insane" person without the consent of parents, guardians, or nearest kin. [6] This policy was shaped by Dr. Arthur C. Rogers, superintendent of the Minnesota School for the Feebleminded in Faribault, who supported compulsory commitment in the state. He also pushed for forced sterilization in Minnesota. [1]

Minnesota School for the Feebleminded in Faribault MN1893 pg054 STATE SCHOOL AT FAIRBAULT FOR THE FEEBLE MINDED.jpg
Minnesota School for the Feebleminded in Faribault

In 1911, Rogers arranged for research to occur in Minnesota on the families of the "feebleminded". Two fieldworkers from the Eugenics Record Office in Cold Spring Harbor, New York came to Minnesota to study families of inmates at the Minnesota School for the Feebleminded. The results of the study showed an "appalling amount" of hereditary "defectiveness" in Hog Hollow, a community in Minnesota. The report, Dwellers in the Vale of Siddem, depicted mentally ill and disabled people as social menaces and described the living conditions of those in Hog Hollow as lower than that of animals. Dwellers in the Vale of Siddem advocated against the reproduction of the "feebleminded" and laid a foundation for eugenics in the state. [1]

From 1924 to 1959, probate judges and Mildred Thomson, director of the control board's Bureau for the Feebleminded and Epileptic, made decision on which children to commit to institutions. For a decision to be made, two physicians were to be present. This rule, however, could be eluded if the person was "obviously feebleminded". Factors like physical health, family relations, school and work records, home environment, appearance, and IQ scores influenced commitment decisions. Those who did not speak English were vulnerable to commitment because of inability to pass English-language IQ tests. Low economic status and atypical behavior were considered symptoms of "feeblemindedness", which led to disproportionate commitment rates of working-class women. [6]

Lotus Coffman, President of the University of Minnesota Portrait of Lotus Coffman.jpg
Lotus Coffman, President of the University of Minnesota

At the University of Minnesota, University President Lotus Coffman supported eugenic principles regarding racial segregation. [7] Coffman was president of the university from 1920 until 1938. [8] Coffman believed that racial segregation and a racial hierarchy was natural. He also believed that this "natural order" should be maintained by the control of reproduction. He believed that white, Protestant people should be allowed to reproduce, while people of color, Jewish, and Catholic people, as well as those with disabilities should have their reproduction controlled. [7]

Rogers brought Frederick Kuhlmann, a psychologist, to the state, who would become one of Minnesota's most effective advocates for eugenics usage. [1] In 1910, Kuhlmann, director of research at the Faribault School for the Feebleminded, pushed for IQ testing as a measure for "defectiveness". [6] He tested the IQs of thousands of Minnesotan students. [1] He also helped to develop special education classes in the public schools of Minnesota to segregate student populations. [6] Kuhlmann was an advocate for statewide testing of students so that those not immediately recognizable as "feebleminded" could be better identified and managed. This work led to a higher percentage of Minnesotans being labeled as "feebleminded". [1]

Once under the guardianship of the state, individuals could not vote, make their own medical decisions, or own property. The vague definition of "feeblemindedness" led to the institutionalization of many "troublesome noncriminals" as a form of segregation, forcing them to leave their home communities and indefinitely institutionalizing them. [9]

By 1924, 1,802 people were placed under state guardianship. 27 people were being committed every month. This policy caused state institutions to exceed their holding capacity and become overcrowded. Today, the majority of these new commitments would not be regarded as having a disability. County judges who usually had little training in social work were placed in charge of committing Minnesotans to state institutions. In many cases, IQ tests were used as evidence to wrongfully send whole families into state guardianship, the results of later tests proved that they were not "feebleminded". Eugenics was seen as a way to reduce the overpopulation problem in state institutions and most of the survivors were discharged three months after operations were performed on them. [1]

Baby Health Contest

Rogers gave lectures on the topic of eugenics at the Minnesota State Fair in 1913. The fair also hosted the Baby Health Contest, which was grounded in eugenic ideology, that aimed to show off "human fitness". At the fair, Rogers stated that prize-winning babies were not necessarily complete models of "human fitness", instead claiming that the babies might be tainted with "an ancestry with a history of defectiveness." [10]

When he assessed babies for "fitness", Rogers looked for certain characteristics, which he called stigmata, to search for "defectiveness". Stigmata included shape of the ears, the underside of the jaw, racial angles, and asymmetry. These characteristics were purposely racist. The Baby Health Contest occurred in a 20 feet by 20 feet glass cage, which allowed the public to watch nurses and physicians, including Frederick Kuhlmann, examine the babies. [10]

Rogers and others promoted the idea that a single baby did not provide much data on the hereditary information they contained. Because of this, Dight and other eugenicists endorsed "Fitter Family" contests which examined whole families for "defectiveness". "Fitter Family" contests were never held at the Minnesota State Fair. [10]

Minnesota Eugenics Society

Charles Fremont Dight, a Minneapolis physician, is accredited as bringing the eugenics movement to Minnesota in the early 1920s. He approached this through eugenics education, limitations placed on marriages, and the segregation and sterilization of "unfit" individuals. [11] [12] Dight was a resident physician at the Shattuck School in Faribault, Minnesota and later took a position as professor of physiology at Hamline Medical School in Saint Paul. Between 1921 and 1935, Dight wrote over 300 articles on eugenics that appeared in Minnesota newspapers as well as hosting radio talks and lectures on the subject. [13] In his editorials, Dight often compared human reproduction to the selective breeding techniques used in agriculture. [12] He was also an outspoken supporter of Adolph Hitler and the Holocaust, praising his efforts to "stamp out mental inferiority". [14] [15] [16] In response, Hitler invited Dight to Munich. [17]

In 1923, Dight organized the Minnesota Eugenics Society, which campaigned for a statewide eugenics law. [11] Members of the society included doctors, surgeons, scientists, lawyers, psychiatrists, physicians, and ministers. Albert E. Jenks, founder of the University of Minnesota's anthropology department, and E. P. Lyon, the dean of its medical school, were supporters of the Minnesota Eugenics Society. The society's members were all male, and lived throughout the entire state. [10] Dight was voted as president of the Minnesota Eugenics Society on February 2, 1927 during its first annual meeting [13] and remained president until his death in 1938. [12]

Sterilization law of 1925

In 1925, the Minnesota Legislature passed a bill, drafted by Representative Edwin L. MacLean, [18] which would sterilize the "feebleminded" and "insane", living in the state's mental asylums. [11] Dight considered people who were mentally ill, developmentally disabled, epileptic, criminals, and "sexual deviants" to be "feebleminded". [10] Governor Theodore Christianson signed this bill into law. This law took effect on January 8, 1926. On this day, eight women living in a mental asylum in Faribault were sterilized. [13] Unlike many other states in the United States, Minnesota's sterilization law required the consent of the person being operated on and the consent of their spouse or nearest kin. [6] However, when deemed incompetent—which many of the "feeblemineded" and "insane" were—the state was allowed to make this choice in the absence of a guardian. [12] [19]

Dr. George G. Eitel, vice president of the Minnesota Eugenics Society and sterilization surgeon George G Eitel-ca1914.jpg
Dr. George G. Eitel, vice president of the Minnesota Eugenics Society and sterilization surgeon

Dr. George G. Eitel, vice present of the Minnesota Eugenics Society, performed the first 150 sterilization surgeries in the state. A consultation with a psychologist, usually Kuhlmann, was a requirement for the operation. This consultation always included at least one IQ test. [1]

Dr. David J. Vail became the director of the Minnesota Department of Welfare in 1961, and, under his leadership, the rate of sterilizations dropped. In 1975, the law was altered to provide Minnesotans with a larger protection from sterilizations. Forced sterilization is still sanctioned in the state when authorized by a court order. [1]

Native Americans

American Indian boarding schools

In March of 1891, the United States Congress authorized the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to create laws requiring Native American children to attend boarding schools. As a result of these laws, the Indian Office was able to withhold clothing, rations, and other necessities from Indigenous parents and guardians who did not send their children to residential schools. Indian agents abducted Native children from their homes and placed them in Christian-run and government-run boarding schools. This practice continued until the 1970s. [20]

Dormitory at the Morris Industrial School for Indians Dormitory at the Morris Industrial School for Indians.jpg
Dormitory at the Morris Industrial School for Indians

There were 21 American Indian boarding schools in Minnesota [21] [22] with students from all of the state's reservations. Schools were located in Avoca, Beaulieu, Bena, Cass Lake, Clontarf, Collegeville, Graceville, Morris, Nett Lake, Onigum, Pipestone, Ponemah, Ponsford [a] , Red Lake, Saint Paul, St. Joseph, Tower, Walker, and White Earth [a] . [23] Discipline was harsh at these schools; some had cells and dungeons where students were held for days, only given bread and water. Discipline methods also included forcing students to dress as an opposite gender identity. The dormitories of these schools were overcrowded and allowed for epidemics of measles, influenza, diphtheria, sepsis, scarlet fever, typhoid, pneumonia, tuberculosis, mumps, and trachoma to occur. Students died of these illnesses as well as accidents like falls and drowning. [24] [20]

No residential schools remain open in Minnesota today. They are now understood to have been tools for ethnic cleansing, utilizing genocidal policies to destroy Native American communities and culture. Throughout the US, thousands of Native American children died due to disease, malnutrition, and hunger caused by the residential schools. [20]

Sterilization of Native American women

Between 1973 and 1976, the United States Indian Health Service (IHS) sterilized between 25% and 50% of Native American women. These sterilizations occurred across the US, including in Minnesota. [25] The IHS utilized dishonest consent forms, threats, as well as other methods of misinformation to coerce the women to "give consent" for the procedures, however some were sterilized without their knowledge, with the surgery occurring during unrelated operations. Many women were told to sign consent documents while under the effects of anesthesia or in labor and, later, could not remember signing the forms. [26] In Minnesota, a 28-year-old woman was sterilized in an IHS facility who had signed a consent form while in labor, thinking she was signing for a painkiller. [27] [26]

Donald Trump and the racehorse theory

On September 18, 2020, [28] President Donald Trump performed a campaign speech in Bemidji, Minnesota. During his closing remarks, Trump stated that the mostly-white audience had "good genes". He then included a statement about racehorse theory, stating again that Minnesota had "good genes". [29] [30]

“You have good genes, you know that, right? You have good genes. A lot of it is about the genes, isn’t it, don’t you believe? The racehorse theory, you think we’re so different? You have good genes in Minnesota.”

Donald Trump, Campaign speech, September 18, 2020

Initially used to justify the selective breeding of horses, the racehorse theory has historically been used to justify the selective breeding of humans. It is based on the belief that certain people have genes and genetic histories which are superior to the genes and genetic histories of other people. [28] This comment, along with others Trump had made in the past about immigrants, was met with scrutiny and criticism, with some comparing Trump's remarks with Nazism during World War II and the history eugenics has in the United States. [31] [29] Interviewer Hugh Hewitt pressed Trump about the similarity of the phrase with the statements made by Adolph Hitler in Mein Kampf, to which Trump replied he "[knew] nothing about Hitler." [29] Trump had previously been known to comment on the "superiority" of his genes. [28]


At least 2,204 Minnesota residents were sterilized because of the 1925 law. 77 percent of those sterilized were women. [32] The true number of those sterilized is unknown because Minnesota did not have an agency that tracked sterilizations, unlike other states. [12] The impact of sterilization was not as substantial as Dight had hoped it would be. Dight had hoped to sterilize nearly 10 percent of the state's population. [14]

Eugenics remained highly approved by many Minnesotans for decades after its institution in the state. Minnesotans like Charles Lindbergh, [12] Dr. Charles Mayo, and Dr. William Mayo were supporters of sterilizing the "unfit". The Mayo brothers founded Mayo Clinic. Dr. Chalres Mayo was very outspoken in his support of eugenics and the Kansas City Times called him an "apostle of the school of eugenics." Dr. William Mayo declined an invitation from Charles Fremont Dight to join the Minnesota Eugenics Society as its vice president in 1926. [33]

Dight Avenue in Minneapolis was named for Charles Fremont Dight [14] until March of 2022, when it was renamed to Cheatham Avenue, in honor of John Cheatham, Minneapolis's first Black fire captain. [34] [17] After the murder of George Floyd, as a program to divest from white supremacy, the Minnesota Disability Justice Network and City Council Member Andrew Johnson worked to rename the street. [10] On March 17, 2022, the avenue was renamed to Cheatham Avenue. [34] [17]

In his will, Dight left his estate to the University of Minnesota to found the Dight Institute for the Promotion of Human Genetics, later named the Institute for Human Genetics, which remained active until the 1960s. [35] [11]

Minnesota Correctional Facility - Faribault, which operates on the former grounds of the Minnesota School for the Feebleminded MCF-Faribault Orthoimagery.png
Minnesota Correctional Facility – Faribault, which operates on the former grounds of the Minnesota School for the Feebleminded

The Minnesota School for the Feebleminded closed in 1998 and the Minnesota Correctional Facility – Faribault now operates on its grounds. [1]

Many Native American communities still face the effects of intergenerational trauma caused by the residential schools. [20] The University of Minnesota Morris now operates on the campus of the Morris Industrial School for Indians, an American Indian boarding school operated by the Sisters of Mercy in Morris. [36] [37] Native American students receive free tuition to the university due to a federal mandate. [36] [38] As of 2018, over 20% of the students at the Morris campus identify as Native American. In other University of Minnesota campuses, only 2.5% of the student population identify as Native. [39]


Sterilization and state guardianship in the Minnesota School for the Feebleminded is depicted in "Sequel to Love", a fictional short story by Meridel Le Sueur. In the story, Margaret is placed in the institution after she became pregnant while unmarried. Margaret is told that she will be unable to leave the institution until she becomes sterilized. She refuses to consent to a sterilization and remains an inmate at the conclusion of the story. [40] [41]

See also


a. ^ ^ Two boarding schools were located in both Ponsford and White Earth.

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Charles Fremont Dight (1856–1938) was an American medical professor and promoter of the human eugenics movement in the U.S. state of Minnesota. Dight Avenue, a street in Minneapolis, was named for him until the city re-designated it as Cheatham Avenue in 2022.

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Eugenics, the set of beliefs and practices which aims at improving the genetic quality of the human population, played a significant role in the history and culture of the United States from the late 19th century into the mid-20th century. The cause became increasingly promoted by intellectuals of the Progressive Era.

The history of eugenics is the study of development and advocacy of ideas related to eugenics around the world. Early eugenic ideas were discussed in Ancient Greece and Rome. The height of the modern eugenics movement came in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Eugenics in California</span>

Eugenics in California is a notable part of eugenics in the United States. As an early leading force in the field of eugenics, California became the third state in the United States to enact a sterilization law. By 1921, California had accounted for 80% of sterilizations nationwide. This continued until the Civil Rights Movement, when widespread critiques against society's "total institutions" dismantled popular acceptance for the state's forced sterilizations. There were an estimated 20,000 forced sterilizations in California between 1909 and 1979; however, that number may be an underestimation. In 2021, California enacted a reparations program to compensate the hundreds of still living victims from its eugenics program.

Institutions for Defective Delinquents (IDDs) were created in the United States as a result of the eugenic criminology movement. The practices in these IDDs contain many traces of the eugenics that were first proposed by Sir Francis Galton in the late 1800s. Galton believed that "our understanding of the laws of heredity [could be used] to improve the stock of humankind." Galton eventually expanded on these ideas to suggest that individuals deemed inferior, those in prisons or asylums and those with hereditary diseases, would be discouraged from having children.

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In the 1960s and 1970s, the Indian Health Service (IHS) and collaborating physicians sustained a practice of performing sterilizations on Native American women, in many cases without the free and informed consent of their patients. In some cases, women were misled into believing that the sterilization procedure was reversible. In other cases, sterilization was performed without the adequate understanding and consent of the patient, including cases in which the procedure was performed on minors as young as 11 years old. A compounding factor was the tendency of doctors to recommend sterilization to poor and minority women in cases where they would not have done so to a wealthier white patient. Other cases of abuse have been documented as well, including when health providers did not tell women they were going to be sterilized, or other forms of coercion including threatening to take away their welfare or healthcare.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">George G. Eitel</span> American surgeon; designed and built Eitel Hospital

George Gotthilf Eitel was an American surgeon who designed and built Eitel Hospital in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in 1912. Eitel was its chief of staff for fifteen years until 1927, after which he was called proprietor.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Sterilization of Latinas</span>

Sterilization of Latinas has been practiced in the United States on women of different Latin American identities, including those from Puerto Rico and Mexico. There is a significant history of such sterilization practices being conducted involuntarily, in a coerced or forced manner, as well as in more subtle forms such as that of constrained choice. Forced sterilization was permissible by multiple states throughout various periods in the 20th century. Issues of state sterilization have persisted as recently as September 2020. Some sources credit the practice to theories of racial eugenics.


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  39. "Tuition waiver helps Native American students in Minnesota". AP News. 2018-10-15. Retrieved 2024-06-03.
  40. Ladd-Taylor, Molly (2017). Fixing the Poor: Eugenic Sterilization and Child Welfare in the Twentieth Century. Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press. ISBN   9781421423722.
  41. Nekola, Charlotte; Rabinowitz, Paula, eds. (1987). Writing Red: An Anthology of American Women Writers, 1930-1940. New York: Feminist Pr. at the City Univ. of New York. ISBN   978-0-935312-77-5.