Firearms regulation in France

Last updated

To buy a firearm in France, in line with the European Firearms Directive, a hunting license or a shooting sport license is necessary depending on the type, function and magazine capacity of the weapon.



In 1563, King Charles IX of France made an address to the Rouen parliament about forbidding firearms in which he made the following statement:

Middle FrenchEnglish

D'auantage cõsiderant que les meurtres, volleries, assassinats, & autres entreprinses, qui troublent le commun repos de nosdicts subects, s'exercent plus par les armes à feu, que nuls aultres : Défendons tresestroictement sur mesmes peines à toutes personnes, de quelque estat, dignité & qualité qu'ils soyent, porter ne faire porter par leurs gens & seruiteurs dedans les villes, ne par les champs, aucune hacquebute, pistolle ne pistolet, ne d'icelles tirer: sinon (...). [1]

Considering that murders, robberies, killings & other enterprises, which disturb regularly the rest of our subjects, are more caused by firearms than any others: we forbid very strictly with the same punishment for everyone, of any state, dignity & quality they may be, to carry or have carried by their people & servitors neither within any town, nor in the countryside, any hacquebute, pistol nor pistolet, nor to use them: except (...)[ clarification needed ]

Gun ownership was restricted until the Farcy law (Loi Farcy) of 1885, which liberalized gun ownership and production. This regime continued until 1939, when weapons were divided into categories and ownership of military caliber weapons was strictly regulated, almost prohibited. Political instability after WWII led to further regulation.

Firearms classification

As of September 2015, classification has been simplified to 4 categories: [2]

Ammunition Classification

Any handgun ammunition is classified as Category B, for example, someone who owns a lever-action carbine in Category C chambered for .357 magnum needs to have a B-categorized weapon in order to buy .357 magnum ammunition.

Some exceptions exist for calibers like in Category C-6°.


Ownership and purchase conditions

Exceptions exist for children and teenagers with a shooting or clay pigeon license and parental approval. A child aged between 9 and 12 can own D categorized weapon that shoot projectiles in a non-pyrotechnic way between 2 and 20 joules. Individuals between the ages of 12 and 16 can own C and D-categorized weapons. They can also own one-shot, rimfire Category B firearms if they participate in international shooting competitions (only with a shooting sport license).

Individuals between the ages of 16 and 18 who have a shooting, hunting, or clay pigeon license can own C and D-categorized weapons. They can also own Category B firearms if they participate in international shooting competitions (only with a shooting sport license).

Carrying a gun is defined as having a gun by one's side in a public place ready to use. Transporting a gun is defined as having an unloaded, locked or disassembled gun and having a legitimate reason for doing so in a public place. Some legitimate reasons to transport a firearm are activities such as hunting, sports shooting, collecting, or clay pigeon shooting. Personal defense, however, does not qualify as a legitimate reason. A special form allows a civilian to apply for a 1-year carry license, which allows them to carry a handgun and a maximum of 50 rounds if they are "exposed to exceptional risks to their life". In practice, these licenses are only issued to politicians. Hunting, collector, and clay pigeon licenses only allow the transportation of D- and C-categorized weapons. A shooting sport license allows transportation of all categories of weapons. Since the November 2015 Paris attacks, police officers are allowed to carry their service firearms while off duty.

Brandishing a firearm in public can result in charges for public disorder.


  1. texte, Charles IX (1550-1574 ; roi de France) Auteur du; texte, France Auteur du (May 9, 1563). La déclaration faicte par le Roy, de sa majorité, tenant son lict de justice en sa cour de parlement de Roüen : et ordonnance par luy faicte pour le bien & repos public de son royaume : et ce qu'il dict en ladicte cour avant la publication de ladicte ordonnance. Publiée en la cour de parlement à Paris, le vingthuictième jour de septembre, 1563 via{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link) CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  2. "Armes" [Arms] (in French). Direction de l'information légale et administrative. Retrieved 2016-09-06.
  3. "Tout savoir sur la réglementation sur les armes de chasse | FNC". Fédération Nationale des Chasseurs (in French). Retrieved 2023-07-11.
  4. "Arme de catégorie D (acquisition et détention libres)". (in French). Retrieved 2023-07-11.