GRB 160625B

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GRB 160625B
Typical Gamma-Ray Burst (illustration)
Event type Gamma-ray burst   OOjs UI icon edit-ltr-progressive.svg
Duration680 seconds
Right ascension 20h 34m 23.25s [1]
Declination +06° 55  10.5 [1]
Other designationsGRB 160625B

GRB 160625B was a bright gamma-ray burst (GRB) detected by NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope on 25 June 2016 and, three minutes later, by the Large Area Telescope. [1] [2] [3] This was followed by a bright prompt optical flash, during which variable linear polarization was measured. [4] This was the first time that these observations were made when the GRB was still bright and active. [5] The source of the GRB was a possible black hole, within the Delphinus constellation, [6] about 9 billion light-years (light travel distance) away (a redshift of z = 1.406). [7] It had a fluence of 5.7×10−4 erg cm−2, and energy of 5 × 1054 erg. [8] The burst lasted over 11 minutes (680 s), [9] [10] and is one of the most energetic bursts ever recorded. [9]


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