Glossary of symplectic geometry

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This is a glossary of properties and concepts in symplectic geometry in mathematics. The terms listed here cover the occurrences of symplectic geometry both in topology as well as in algebraic geometry (over the complex numbers for definiteness). The glossary also includes notions from Hamiltonian geometry, Poisson geometry and geometric quantization.


In addition, this glossary also includes some concepts (e.g., virtual fundamental class) in intersection theory that appear in symplectic geometry as they do not naturally fit into other lists such as the glossary of algebraic geometry.


Arnold conjecture.


completely integrable system


Darboux chart
derived symplectic geometry
Derived algebraic geometry with symplectic structures.


Emmy Noether's theorem


Floer homology
1.   Kenji Fukaya.
2.   Fukaya category.




Kontsevich formality theorem


3.  Lagrangian fibration
4.  Lagrangian intersection
Liouville form
The volume form on a symplectic manifold of dimension 2n.


Maslov index
(sort of an intersection number defined on Lagrangian Grassmannian.)
Moser's trick


Novikov ring


2.   Poisson manifold.
5.  The Poisson sigma-model, a particular two-dimensional Chern–Simons theory. [1]


shifted symplectic structure
A generalization of symplectic structure, defined on derived Artin stacks and characterized by an integer degree; the concept of symplectic structure on smooth algebraic varieties is recovered when the degree is zero. [2]
Spectral invariant
Spectral invariants.
Springer resolution
symplectic action
A Lie group action (or an action of an algebraic group) that preserves the symplectic form that is present.
symplectic reduction
symplectic variety
An algebraic variety with a symplectic form on the smooth locus. [3] The basic example is the cotangent bundle of a smooth algebraic variety.
A symplectomorphism is a diffeomorphism preserving the symplectic forms.


Thomas–Yau conjecture
see Thomas–Yau conjecture


virtual fundamental class
A generalization of the fundamental class concept from manifolds to a wider notion of space in higher geometry, in particular to orbifolds.


  1. Martin Bojowald; Alexei Kotov; Thomas Strobl (August 2005). "Lie algebroid morphisms, Poisson sigma models, and off-shell closed gauge symmetries". Journal of Geometry and Physics. 54 (4): 400–426. doi:10.1016/j.geomphys.2004.11.002.
  2. Pantev, T.; Toen, B.; Vaquie, M.; Vezzosi, G. (2013). "Shifted Symplectic Structures". Publications mathématiques de l'IHÉS. 117: 271–328. arXiv: 1111.3209 . doi:10.1007/s10240-013-0054-1. S2CID   11246087.
  3. Is the generic deformation of a symplectic variety affine?

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">Richard Thomas (mathematician)</span>

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Kaoru Ono is a Japanese mathematician, specializing in symplectic geometry. He is a professor at the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences (RIMS) at Kyoto University.

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