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Exoplanet Comparison HAT-P-13 b.png
Size comparison of HAT-P-13b with Jupiter.
Discovered by Bakos et al. [1]
Discovery site Flag of the United States.svg  United States
Discovery date21 July 2009
Radial velocity
Orbital characteristics
0.0426 AU (6,370,000 km)
Eccentricity 0.021
2.91626 d
Inclination 83.4
Star HAT-P-13
Physical characteristics
Mean radius
1.28 RJ
Mass 0.851 MJ

    HAT-P-13b is an extrasolar planet approximately 700 light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major. The planet was discovered when it transited across its sun, HAT-P-13. This planet is a hot Jupiter with 0.851 times the mass of Jupiter and 1.28 radius. The planet has a lower mass, but its overall size is larger than Jupiter. [1]

    The study in 2012, utilizing a Rossiter–McLaughlin effect, have determined the planetary orbit is probably aligned with the rotational axis of the star, misalignment equal to 1.9±8.6°. [2]

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    1. 1 2 Bakos, G. Á.; et al. (2009). "HAT-P-13b,c: A Transiting Hot Jupiter with a Massive Outer Companion on an Eccentric Orbit". The Astrophysical Journal. 707 (1): 446–456. arXiv: 0907.3525 . Bibcode:2009ApJ...707..446B. doi:10.1088/0004-637X/707/1/446. S2CID   7591731.
    2. Albrecht, Simon; Winn, Joshua N.; Johnson, John A.; Howard, Andrew W.; Marcy, Geoffrey W.; Butler, R. Paul; Arriagada, Pamela; Crane, Jeffrey D.; Shectman, Stephen A.; Thompson, Ian B.; Hirano, Teruyuki; Bakos, Gaspar; Hartman, Joel D. (2012), "Obliquities of Hot Jupiter Host Stars: Evidence for Tidal Interactions and Primordial Misalignments", The Astrophysical Journal, 757 (1): 18, arXiv: 1206.6105 , Bibcode:2012ApJ...757...18A, doi:10.1088/0004-637X/757/1/18, S2CID   17174530

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