HD 65216 b

Last updated
HD 65216 b
Discovery [1]
Discovered by Mayor et al.
Discovery site La Silla Observatory
Discovery date2003
Doppler spectroscopy
Orbital characteristics [2]
1.301±0.020  AU
Eccentricity 0.27±0.02
577.6±1.328 d
212±3 º
Semi-amplitude 35.70±1.28  m/s
Star HD 65216
Physical characteristics [2]
Mass ≥1.295±0.062  MJ

    HD 65216 b is an extrasolar planet located approximately 115 light-years away [3] in the constellation of Carina, orbiting the star HD 65216. This planet was discovered by the Geneva Extrasolar Planet Search Team in 2003. Like most planet candidates so far, it was detected with the radial velocity method. [1]

    The planet has a minimum mass about 30% more than Jupiter. Since the discovery method gives only the minimum mass, its true mass is probably larger than this. The planet orbits the star in an eccentric orbit and takes 577 days to complete one orbit. [2]

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    1. 1 2 Mayor, M.; et al. (2004). "The CORALIE survey for southern extra-solar planets XII. Orbital solutions for 16 extra-solar planets discovered with CORALIE". Astronomy and Astrophysics. 415 (1): 391–402. arXiv: astro-ph/0310316 . Bibcode: 2004A&A...415..391M . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361:20034250 .
    2. 1 2 3 Wittenmyer, Robert A.; et al. (2019). "Truly eccentric – I. Revisiting eight single-eccentric planetary systems". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 484 (4): 5859–5867. arXiv: 1901.08471 . Bibcode:2019MNRAS.484.5859W. doi: 10.1093/mnras/stz290 .
    3. Brown, A. G. A.; et al. (Gaia collaboration) (August 2018). "Gaia Data Release 2: Summary of the contents and survey properties". Astronomy & Astrophysics . 616. A1. arXiv: 1804.09365 . Bibcode: 2018A&A...616A...1G . doi: 10.1051/0004-6361/201833051 . Gaia DR2 record for this source at VizieR.