Heavy-chain antibody

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A heavy-chain antibody is an antibody which consists only of two heavy chains and lacks the two light chains usually found in antibodies.


In common antibodies, the antigen binding region consists of the variable domains of the heavy and light chains (VH and VL). Heavy-chain antibodies can bind antigens despite having only VH domains. This observation has led to the development of a new type of antibody fragments with potential use as drugs, so-called single-domain antibodies. [1]


In 1989 a group of biologists led by Raymond Hamers at the Free University Brussels investigated the immune system of dromedaries. In addition to the expected four-chain antibodies, they identified simpler antibodies consisting only of two heavy chains. This discovery was published in Nature in 1993. [2] In 1995 a research team at the University of Miami found a different type of heavy-chain antibodies in sharks. [3]

In cartilaginous fishes

A heavy-chain shark antibody (left) and a heavy-chain camelid antibody (middle) in comparison to a common antibody (right). Heavy chains are shown in a darker shade, light chains in a lighter shade. Heavy chain and common antibody.svg
A heavy-chain shark antibody (left) and a heavy-chain camelid antibody (middle) in comparison to a common antibody (right). Heavy chains are shown in a darker shade, light chains in a lighter shade.

The immunoglobulin new antigen receptor (IgNAR) of cartilaginous fishes (for example sharks) is a heavy-chain antibody. IgNAR shows significant structural differences to other antibodies. It has five constant domains (CH) per chain instead of the usual three, several disulfide bonds in unusual positions, and the complementarity-determining region 3 (CDR3) forms an extended loop covering the site which binds to a light chain in other antibodies. These differences, in combination with the phylogenetic age of the cartilaginous fishes, have led to the hypothesis that IgNAR could be more closely related to a primordial antigen-binding protein than the mammalian immunoglobulins. To test this hypothesis, it would be necessary to discover IgNAR or similar antibodies in vertebrates that are phylogenetically still older, like the jawless fish lamprey and hagfish. [4] Non-vertebrates do not have antibodies at all.

Sharks, and possibly other cartilaginous fishes, have immunoglobulin M (IgM) and immunoglobulin W (IgW) as well, both types with two heavy and two light chains. [5]

In camelids

The only mammals with heavy-chain (IgG-like) antibodies are camelids such as dromedaries, camels, llamas and alpacas. [6] This is a secondary development: The heavy chains of these antibodies have lost one of their constant domains (CH1) and undergone modifications in the variable domain (VH), both structural elements necessary for the binding of light chains. In one subgroup, the missing CH1 seems to be replaced by an extended hinge region, as shown in the image. [1] [2] Despite their different overall structure, camelid heavy-chain antibodies share several properties with IgNAR, for example the extended CDR3 loop and the conformation of the CDR1. It has been reasoned that these similarities are caused by functional requirements, or convergent evolution, rather than a genuine relationship. [4]

About 50% of the antibodies in camelids are of the ordinary mammalian heavy/light-chain type. [7] It is not known whether any type of animal has only heavy-chain antibodies and completely lacks the common type with two heavy and two light chains.

Heavy-chain camelid antibodies have been found to be just as specific as a regular antibody and in some cases they are more robust. As well, they are easily isolated using the same phage panning procedure used for traditional antibodies, allowing them to be cultured ex vivo in large concentrations.[ citation needed ] Phage-displayed dromedary camel VHH libraries have been made for isolating single-domain antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 and other virus infections.[ citation needed ] The smaller size and single domain make these antibodies easier to transform into bacterial cells for bulk production, making them ideal for research purposes. [8]

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<span class="mw-page-title-main">IGHE</span>

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The basic structure of immunoglobulin (Ig) molecules is a tetramer of two light chains and two heavy chains linked by disulphide bonds. There are two types of light chains: kappa and lambda, each composed of a constant domain (CL) and a variable domain (VL). There are five types of heavy chains: alpha, delta, epsilon, gamma and mu, all consisting of a variable domain (VH) and three or four constant domains. Ig molecules are highly modular proteins, in which the variable and constant domains have clear, conserved sequence patterns. The domains in Ig and Ig-like molecules are grouped into four types: V-set, C1-set, C2-set and I-set. Structural studies have shown that these domains share a common core Greek-key beta-sandwich structure, with the types differing in the number of strands in the beta-sheets as well as in their sequence patterns.

Antibody structure is made up of two heavy-chains and two light-chains. These chains are held together by disulfide bonds. The arrangement or processes that put together different parts of this antibody molecule play important role in antibody diversity and production of different subclasses or classes of antibodies. The organization and processes take place during the development and differentiation of B cells. That is, the controlled gene expression during transcription and translation coupled with the rearrangements of immunoglobulin gene segments result in the generation of antibody repertoire during development and maturation of B cells.

Recombinant antibodies are antibody fragments produced by using recombinant antibody coding genes. They mostly consist of a heavy and light chain of the variable region of immunoglobulin. Recombinant antibodies have many advantages in both medical and research applications, which make them a popular subject of exploration and new production against specific targets. The most commonly used form is the single chain variable fragment (scFv), which has shown the most promising traits exploitable in human medicine and research. In contrast to monoclonal antibodies produced by hybridoma technology, which may lose the capacity to produce the desired antibody over time or the antibody may undergo unwanted changes, which affect its functionality, recombinant antibodies produced in phage display maintain high standard of specificity and low immunogenicity.


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