The word Hilton or Hylton is a place name of English and Norwegian origin, which is also the source of a toponymic surname. At the time of the British Census of 1881, [1] the frequency of the surname Hilton was highest in Lancashire (5.3 times the British average), followed by Sussex, Lincolnshire, Westmorland, Cheshire, Norfolk and Bedfordshire. Its frequency was below national average in all the other British counties. Sometimes Hilton is found as a given name.
Members of the Hilton family associated with Conrad Hilton who founded Hilton hotels. This family take their name from a farm near Kløfta in Ullensaker, Norway.
Other people named Hilton or Hylton
Richard Howard Hilton is an American businessman. He is the chairman and co-founder of Hilton & Hyland, a real estate brokerage firm based in Beverly Hills, California, that specializes in homes and estates in Beverly Hills, Holmby Hills, Bel-Air, Brentwood, Pacific Palisades, Malibu, Hollywood Hills, as well as estates from Santa Barbara to San Diego.
Nicky is a diminutive form of the name Nicholas, Nicola and Nicole, occasionally used as a given name in its own right. Sometimes it is spelled as Nikki, Niki. It can also be used as a diminutive of Dominic.
White is a surname either of English or of Scottish and Irish origin, the latter being an anglicisation of the Scottish Gaelic MacGillebhàin, "Son of the fair gillie" and the Irish "Mac Faoitigh" or "de Faoite". It is the seventeenth most common surname in England. In the 1990 United States Census, "White" ranked fourteenth among all reported surnames in frequency, accounting for 0.28% of the population. By 2000, White had fallen to position 20 in the United States and 22nd position by 2014
Reid is a surname of Scottish origin. It means "red".
Nicholson is a Germanic and Scottish surname. It is a patronymic form of the given name Nichol, which was a common medieval form of Nicholas.
Ellis is a surname of Welsh and English origin. An independent French origin of the surname is said to derive from the phrase fleur-de-lis. It has also been noted to be a Jewish surname.
Constance Francesca Gabor Hilton, known as Francesca Hilton, was an American actress and comedian, member of the Hilton family. She was the only child of Hilton Hotels founder Conrad Hilton and his second wife, actress and socialite Zsa Zsa Gabor.
Cole is a surname of English origin, and is also now used as a given name. It is of Middle English origin, and its meaning is "swarthy, coal-black, charcoal".
Fisher is an English occupational name for one who obtained a living by fishing.
The word brook derives from the Old English broc and appears in the Medieval predecessors of Brooks. The surname arrived in North America from England in the mid-seventeenth century.
The Hilton family is an American family that originally comes from Kløfta, Norway, and spans over four generations from New York City and Los Angeles. The family members hold varying degrees of power, wealth and status as socialites in the United States. They are widely known for the Hilton Hotels & Resorts Group which was established by Conrad Hilton in 1919 when he bought his first hotel.
Riley is a surname of English origin, as well as an Anglicized version of an Irish surname.
Scott is a surname of Scottish origin. It is first attributed to Uchtredus filius Scoti who is mentioned in the charter recording the foundation of Holyrood Abbey and Selkirk in 1120, the border Riding clans who settled Peeblesshire in the 10th century and the family lineage of the Duke of Buccleuch.
Dowling is an Irish surname. It is an anglicised form representing two unrelated clans:
Conrad is a Germanic masculine given name and a surname.
Harrison is a common patronymic surname of Northern English origin. It means "son of Harry" or "Herry", due to the Middle English pronunciation of the given name Henry. It was first recorded in the 14th century. It may also be spelt Harrisson, Harryson or Harrysson. Henrison also appears in historical records, but has fallen out of use. Early records suggest that the surnames Harrison and Harris were used interchangeably by some families.
Crawford is a surname and a given name of English and Scottish origins.
Cummings is a surname.
Sewell is both a surname and a given name, derived from the Middle English personal names Sewal (Siwal) or Sewald (Siwald). As a toponymic surname, it may have originally referred to people of Sewell, Bedfordshire or other places named Sewell, Showell, or Seawell.