Hogland Series

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Relief Map of Baltic Sea.png
Location of Gogland within the Baltic Sea.

The Hogland Series are a series of Subjotnian sedimentary rocks exposed on the island of Gogland (Swedish : Hogland), the Sommer Islands and the nearby sea floor in the Gulf of Finland. The series encompass quartz-rich conglomerates and breccias, as well as some volcanic rocks of mafic composition in the form of lava flows and some more silica-rich igneous rocks including quartz-porphyry. The porphyries, which lie at the top the pile, share their origin with the rapakivi granites located nearby. [1] An exhumed Subjotnian erosion surface is exposed on the island. [2]

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  1. Amantov, Alexey; Hagenfeldt, Stefan; Söderberg, Per (1995). "The Mesoporterozoic to Lower Palaeozoic sedimentary bedrock sequence in the northern Baltic Proper, Åland Sea, Gulf of Finland and Lake Ladoga". Proceedings of the Third Marine Geological Conference “The Baltic”. pp. 19–25.
  2. Laitakari, I.; Rämö, T.; Suominen, V.; Niin, M.; Stepanov, K.; Amantov, A. (1996). "Subjotnian: Rapakivi granites and related rocks in the Gulf of Finland". Geological Survey of Finland, Special Paper . 21: 59–97. Retrieved 27 July 2015.