Hutchinson's triad

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Hutchinson triad is a triad of signs that may be seen in late congenital syphilis; interstitial keratitis, malformed teeth (Hutchinson incisors and mulberry molars), and eighth nerve deafness. [1] [2]

The triad is named after British surgeon Sir Jonathan Hutchinson. [3] He noted that defects in teeth were a consistent feature in congenital syphilis. [3]

Interstitial keratitis is usually seen between five and twenty years of age. Damage to the teeth occurs in the first weeks after birth but is not seen until the first permanent teeth erupt around six years old. Eighth nerve deafness typically starts with high-frequency hearing loss between eight and ten years old, but can start at a younger age. [4] There may also be a deformity on the nose known as saddle nose deformity. [5] [6]

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  2. Messias, Amanda Dias; Maria, Lorrayne Cesario; De Barros, Liliana Aparecida Pimenta; Velloso, Tânia Regina Grão; Camisasca, Danielle Resende (1 September 2022). "Role of the dentist in congenital syphilis early diagnosis". Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology. 134 (3): e242. doi:10.1016/j.oooo.2022.01.782. ISSN   2212-4403.
  3. 1 2 Nissanka-Jayasuriya, EH; Odell, EW; Phillips, C (September 2016). "Dental Stigmata of Congenital Syphilis: A Historic Review With Present Day Relevance". Head and Neck Pathology. 10 (3): 327–31. doi:10.1007/s12105-016-0703-z. PMC   4972761 . PMID   26897633.
  4. Pessoa, Larissa; Galvão, Virgilio (2011). "Clinical aspects of congenital syphilis with Hutchinson's triad". Case Reports. 2011: bcr1120115130. doi:10.1136/bcr.11.2011.5130. PMC   3246168 . PMID   22670010.
  5. Singh, Ameeta E.; Barbara Romanowski (1 April 1999). "Syphilis: Review with Emphasis on Clinical, Epidemiologic, and Some Biologic Features". Clinical Microbiology Reviews. 12 (2): 187–209. doi:10.1128/CMR.12.2.187. PMC   88914 . PMID   10194456.
  6. Pessoa, L.; Galvão, V. (2011). "Clinical aspects of congenital syphilis with Hutchinson's triad". BMJ Case Reports. 2011: bcr1120115130. doi:10.1136/bcr.11.2011.5130. PMC   3246168 . PMID   22670010.