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Hypercomputation or super-Turing computation is a set of hypothetical models of computation that can provide outputs that are not Turing-computable. For example, a machine that could solve the halting problem would be a hypercomputer; so too would one that could correctly evaluate every statement in Peano arithmetic.


The Church–Turing thesis states that any "computable" function that can be computed by a mathematician with a pen and paper using a finite set of simple algorithms, can be computed by a Turing machine. Hypercomputers compute functions that a Turing machine cannot and which are, hence, not computable in the Church–Turing sense.

Technically, the output of a random Turing machine is uncomputable; however, most hypercomputing literature focuses instead on the computation of deterministic, rather than random, uncomputable functions.


A computational model going beyond Turing machines was introduced by Alan Turing in his 1938 PhD dissertation Systems of Logic Based on Ordinals . [1] This paper investigated mathematical systems in which an oracle was available, which could compute a single arbitrary (non-recursive) function from naturals to naturals. He used this device to prove that even in those more powerful systems, undecidability is still present. Turing's oracle machines are mathematical abstractions, and are not physically realizable. [2]

State space

In a sense, most functions are uncomputable: there are computable functions, but there are an uncountable number () of possible super-Turing functions. [3]


Hypercomputer models range from useful but probably unrealizable (such as Turing's original oracle machines), to less-useful random-function generators that are more plausibly "realizable" (such as a random Turing machine).

Uncomputable inputs or black-box components

A system granted knowledge of the uncomputable, oracular Chaitin's constant (a number with an infinite sequence of digits that encode the solution to the halting problem) as an input can solve a large number of useful undecidable problems; a system granted an uncomputable random-number generator as an input can create random uncomputable functions, but is generally not believed to be able to meaningfully solve "useful" uncomputable functions such as the halting problem. There are an unlimited number of different types of conceivable hypercomputers, including:

"Infinite computational steps" models

In order to work correctly, certain computations by the machines below literally require infinite, rather than merely unlimited but finite, physical space and resources; in contrast, with a Turing machine, any given computation that halts will require only finite physical space and resources.

A Turing machine that can complete infinitely many steps in finite time, a feat known as a supertask. Simply being able to run for an unbounded number of steps does not suffice. One mathematical model is the Zeno machine (inspired by Zeno's paradox). The Zeno machine performs its first computation step in (say) 1 minute, the second step in ½ minute, the third step in ¼ minute, etc. By summing 1 + ½ + ¼ + ... (a geometric series) we see that the machine performs infinitely many steps in a total of 2 minutes. According to Oron Shagrir, Zeno machines introduce physical paradoxes and its state is logically undefined outside of one-side open period of [0, 2), thus undefined exactly at 2 minutes after beginning of the computation. [13]

It seems natural that the possibility of time travel (existence of closed timelike curves (CTCs)) makes hypercomputation possible by itself. However, this is not so since a CTC does not provide (by itself) the unbounded amount of storage that an infinite computation would require. Nevertheless, there are spacetimes in which the CTC region can be used for relativistic hypercomputation. [14] According to a 1992 paper, [15] a computer operating in a Malament–Hogarth spacetime or in orbit around a rotating black hole [16] could theoretically perform non-Turing computations for an observer inside the black hole. [17] [18] Access to a CTC may allow the rapid solution to PSPACE-complete problems, a complexity class which, while Turing-decidable, is generally considered computationally intractable. [19] [20]

Quantum models

Some scholars conjecture that a quantum mechanical system which somehow uses an infinite superposition of states could compute a non-computable function. [21] This is not possible using the standard qubit-model quantum computer, because it is proven that a regular quantum computer is PSPACE-reducible (a quantum computer running in polynomial time can be simulated by a classical computer running in polynomial space). [22]

"Eventually correct" systems

Some physically realizable systems will always eventually converge to the correct answer, but have the defect that they will often output an incorrect answer and stick with the incorrect answer for an uncomputably large period of time before eventually going back and correcting the mistake.

In mid 1960s, E Mark Gold and Hilary Putnam independently proposed models of inductive inference (the "limiting recursive functionals" [23] and "trial-and-error predicates", [24] respectively). These models enable some nonrecursive sets of numbers or languages (including all recursively enumerable sets of languages) to be "learned in the limit"; whereas, by definition, only recursive sets of numbers or languages could be identified by a Turing machine. While the machine will stabilize to the correct answer on any learnable set in some finite time, it can only identify it as correct if it is recursive; otherwise, the correctness is established only by running the machine forever and noting that it never revises its answer. Putnam identified this new interpretation as the class of "empirical" predicates, stating: "if we always 'posit' that the most recently generated answer is correct, we will make a finite number of mistakes, but we will eventually get the correct answer. (Note, however, that even if we have gotten to the correct answer (the end of the finite sequence) we are never sure that we have the correct answer.)" [24] L. K. Schubert's 1974 paper "Iterated Limiting Recursion and the Program Minimization Problem" [25] studied the effects of iterating the limiting procedure; this allows any arithmetic predicate to be computed. Schubert wrote, "Intuitively, iterated limiting identification might be regarded as higher-order inductive inference performed collectively by an ever-growing community of lower order inductive inference machines."

A symbol sequence is computable in the limit if there is a finite, possibly non-halting program on a universal Turing machine that incrementally outputs every symbol of the sequence. This includes the dyadic expansion of π and of every other computable real, but still excludes all noncomputable reals. The 'Monotone Turing machines' traditionally used in description size theory cannot edit their previous outputs; generalized Turing machines, as defined by Jürgen Schmidhuber, can. He defines the constructively describable symbol sequences as those that have a finite, non-halting program running on a generalized Turing machine, such that any output symbol eventually converges; that is, it does not change any more after some finite initial time interval. Due to limitations first exhibited by Kurt Gödel (1931), it may be impossible to predict the convergence time itself by a halting program, otherwise the halting problem could be solved. Schmidhuber ( [26] [27] ) uses this approach to define the set of formally describable or constructively computable universes or constructive theories of everything. Generalized Turing machines can eventually converge to a correct solution of the halting problem by evaluating a Specker sequence.

Analysis of capabilities

Many hypercomputation proposals amount to alternative ways to read an oracle or advice function embedded into an otherwise classical machine. Others allow access to some higher level of the arithmetic hierarchy. For example, supertasking Turing machines, under the usual assumptions, would be able to compute any predicate in the truth-table degree containing or . Limiting-recursion, by contrast, can compute any predicate or function in the corresponding Turing degree, which is known to be . Gold further showed that limiting partial recursion would allow the computation of precisely the predicates.

ModelComputable predicatesNotesRefs
supertaskingdependent on outside observer [28]
limiting/trial-and-error [23]
iterated limiting (k times) [25]
Blum–Shub–Smale machine incomparable with traditional computable real functions [29]
Malament–Hogarth spacetime HYP dependent on spacetime structure [30]
analog recurrent neural networkf is an advice function giving connection weights; size is bounded by runtime [31] [32]
infinite time Turing machineArithmetical Quasi-Inductive sets [33]
classical fuzzy Turing machinefor any computable t-norm [8]
increasing function oraclefor the one-sequence model; are r.e. [11]


Martin Davis, in his writings on hypercomputation, [34] [35] refers to this subject as "a myth" and offers counter-arguments to the physical realizability of hypercomputation. As for its theory, he argues against the claims that this is a new field founded in the 1990s. This point of view relies on the history of computability theory (degrees of unsolvability, computability over functions, real numbers and ordinals), as also mentioned above. In his argument, he makes a remark that all of hypercomputation is little more than: "if non-computable inputs are permitted, then non-computable outputs are attainable." [36]

See also

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A computation is any type of arithmetic or non-arithmetic calculation that is well-defined. Common examples of computation are mathematical equation solving and the execution of computer algorithms.

In computability theory, the Church–Turing thesis is a thesis about the nature of computable functions. It states that a function on the natural numbers can be calculated by an effective method if and only if it is computable by a Turing machine. The thesis is named after American mathematician Alonzo Church and the British mathematician Alan Turing. Before the precise definition of computable function, mathematicians often used the informal term effectively calculable to describe functions that are computable by paper-and-pencil methods. In the 1930s, several independent attempts were made to formalize the notion of computability:

In theoretical computer science and mathematics, computational complexity theory focuses on classifying computational problems according to their resource usage, and explores the relationships between these classifications. A computational problem is a task solved by a computer. A computation problem is solvable by mechanical application of mathematical steps, such as an algorithm.

In complexity theory and computability theory, an oracle machine is an abstract machine used to study decision problems. It can be visualized as a Turing machine with a black box, called an oracle, which is able to solve certain problems in a single operation. The problem can be of any complexity class. Even undecidable problems, such as the halting problem, can be used.

<span class="mw-page-title-main">Quantum computing</span> Technology that uses quantum mechanics

A quantum computer is a computer that exploits quantum mechanical phenomena. On small scales, physical matter exhibits properties of both particles and waves, and quantum computing leverages this behavior using specialized hardware. Classical physics cannot explain the operation of these quantum devices, and a scalable quantum computer could perform some calculations exponentially faster than any modern "classical" computer. In particular, a large-scale quantum computer could break widely used encryption schemes and aid physicists in performing physical simulations; however, the current state of the art is largely experimental and impractical, with several obstacles to useful applications.

In theoretical computer science and mathematics, the theory of computation is the branch that deals with what problems can be solved on a model of computation, using an algorithm, how efficiently they can be solved or to what degree. The field is divided into three major branches: automata theory and formal languages, computability theory, and computational complexity theory, which are linked by the question: "What are the fundamental capabilities and limitations of computers?".

In computability theory, a system of data-manipulation rules is said to be Turing-complete or computationally universal if it can be used to simulate any Turing machine. This means that this system is able to recognize or decode other data-manipulation rule sets. Turing completeness is used as a way to express the power of such a data-manipulation rule set. Virtually all programming languages today are Turing-complete.

Computability theory, also known as recursion theory, is a branch of mathematical logic, computer science, and the theory of computation that originated in the 1930s with the study of computable functions and Turing degrees. The field has since expanded to include the study of generalized computability and definability. In these areas, computability theory overlaps with proof theory and effective descriptive set theory.

Computability is the ability to solve a problem in an effective manner. It is a key topic of the field of computability theory within mathematical logic and the theory of computation within computer science. The computability of a problem is closely linked to the existence of an algorithm to solve the problem.

In quantum computing, a quantum algorithm is an algorithm that runs on a realistic model of quantum computation, the most commonly used model being the quantum circuit model of computation. A classical algorithm is a finite sequence of instructions, or a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem, where each step or instruction can be performed on a classical computer. Similarly, a quantum algorithm is a step-by-step procedure, where each of the steps can be performed on a quantum computer. Although all classical algorithms can also be performed on a quantum computer, the term quantum algorithm is generally reserved for algorithms that seem inherently quantum, or use some essential feature of quantum computation such as quantum superposition or quantum entanglement.

Computable functions are the basic objects of study in computability theory. Computable functions are the formalized analogue of the intuitive notion of algorithms, in the sense that a function is computable if there exists an algorithm that can do the job of the function, i.e. given an input of the function domain it can return the corresponding output. Computable functions are used to discuss computability without referring to any concrete model of computation such as Turing machines or register machines. Any definition, however, must make reference to some specific model of computation but all valid definitions yield the same class of functions. Particular models of computability that give rise to the set of computable functions are the Turing-computable functions and the general recursive functions.

A quantum Turing machine (QTM) or universal quantum computer is an abstract machine used to model the effects of a quantum computer. It provides a simple model that captures all of the power of quantum computation—that is, any quantum algorithm can be expressed formally as a particular quantum Turing machine. However, the computationally equivalent quantum circuit is a more common model.

In computability theory, the halting problem is the problem of determining, from a description of an arbitrary computer program and an input, whether the program will finish running, or continue to run forever. The halting problem is undecidable, meaning that no general algorithm exists that solves the halting problem for all possible program–input pairs. The problem comes up often in discussions of computability since it demonstrates that some functions are mathematically definable but not computable.

Quantum complexity theory is the subfield of computational complexity theory that deals with complexity classes defined using quantum computers, a computational model based on quantum mechanics. It studies the hardness of computational problems in relation to these complexity classes, as well as the relationship between quantum complexity classes and classical complexity classes.

Random-access Turing machines (RATMs) represent a pivotal computational model in theoretical computer science, especially critical in the study of tractability within big data computing scenarios. Diverging from the sequential memory access limitations of conventional Turing machines, RATMs introduce the capability for random access to memory positions. This advancement is not merely a technical enhancement but a fundamental shift in computational paradigms, aligning more closely with the memory access patterns of modern computing systems. The inherent ability of RATMs to access any memory cell in a constant amount of time significantly bolsters computational efficiency, particularly for problem sets where data size and access speed are critical factors. Furthermore, the conceptual evolution of RATMs from traditional Turing machines marks a significant leap in the understanding of computational processes, providing a more realistic framework for analyzing algorithms that handle the complexities of large-scale data. This transition from a sequential to a random-access paradigm not only mirrors the advancements in real-world computing systems but also underscores the growing relevance of RATMs in addressing the challenges posed by big data applications.

In quantum computing, quantum supremacy or quantum advantage is the goal of demonstrating that a programmable quantum computer can solve a problem that no classical computer can solve in any feasible amount of time, irrespective of the usefulness of the problem. The term was coined by John Preskill in 2012, but the concept dates to Yuri Manin's 1980 and Richard Feynman's 1981 proposals of quantum computing.

Continuous-variable (CV) quantum information is the area of quantum information science that makes use of physical observables, like the strength of an electromagnetic field, whose numerical values belong to continuous intervals. One primary application is quantum computing. In a sense, continuous-variable quantum computation is "analog", while quantum computation using qubits is "digital." In more technical terms, the former makes use of Hilbert spaces that are infinite-dimensional, while the Hilbert spaces for systems comprising collections of qubits are finite-dimensional. One motivation for studying continuous-variable quantum computation is to understand what resources are necessary to make quantum computers more powerful than classical ones.

This glossary of quantum computing is a list of definitions of terms and concepts used in quantum computing, its sub-disciplines, and related fields.


  1. Turing, A. M. (1939). "Systems of Logic Based on Ordinals†". Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. 45: 161–228. doi:10.1112/plms/s2-45.1.161. hdl: 21.11116/0000-0001-91CE-3 .
  2. "Let us suppose that we are supplied with some unspecified means of solving number-theoretic problems; a kind of oracle as it were. We shall not go any further into the nature of this oracle apart from saying that it cannot be a machine" (Undecidable p. 167, a reprint of Turing's paper Systems of Logic Based On Ordinals)
  3. J. Cabessa; H.T. Siegelmann (Apr 2012). "The Computational Power of Interactive Recurrent Neural Networks" (PDF). Neural Computation. 24 (4): 996–1019. CiteSeerX . doi:10.1162/neco_a_00263. PMID   22295978. S2CID   5826757.
  4. Arnold Schönhage, "On the power of random access machines", in Proc. Intl. Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming (ICALP), pages 520–529, 1979. Source of citation: Scott Aaronson, "NP-complete Problems and Physical Reality" p. 12
  5. Andrew Hodges. "The Professors and the Brainstorms". The Alan Turing Home Page. Retrieved 23 September 2011.
  6. H.T. Siegelmann; E.D. Sontag (1994). "Analog Computation via Neural Networks". Theoretical Computer Science. 131 (2): 331–360. doi: 10.1016/0304-3975(94)90178-3 .
  7. Biacino, L.; Gerla, G. (2002). "Fuzzy logic, continuity and effectiveness". Archive for Mathematical Logic. 41 (7): 643–667. CiteSeerX . doi:10.1007/s001530100128. ISSN   0933-5846. S2CID   12513452.
  8. 1 2 Wiedermann, Jiří (2004). "Characterizing the super-Turing computing power and efficiency of classical fuzzy Turing machines". Theoretical Computer Science. 317 (1–3): 61–69. doi: 10.1016/j.tcs.2003.12.004 . Their (ability to solve the halting problem) is due to their acceptance criterion in which the ability to solve the halting problem is indirectly assumed.
  9. Edith Spaan; Leen Torenvliet; Peter van Emde Boas (1989). "Nondeterminism, Fairness and a Fundamental Analogy". EATCS Bulletin. 37: 186–193.
  10. Ord, Toby (2006). "The many forms of hypercomputation". Applied Mathematics and Computation. 178: 143–153. doi:10.1016/j.amc.2005.09.076.
  11. 1 2 Dmytro Taranovsky (July 17, 2005). "Finitism and Hypercomputation" . Retrieved Apr 26, 2011.
  12. Hewitt, Carl. "What Is Commitment." Physical, Organizational, and Social (Revised), Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, and Norms in Agent Systems II: AAMAS (2006).
  13. These models have been independently developed by many different authors, including Hermann Weyl (1927). Philosophie der Mathematik und Naturwissenschaft.; the model is discussed in Shagrir, O. (June 2004). "Super-tasks, accelerating Turing machines and uncomputability". Theoretical Computer Science. 317 (1–3): 105–114. doi: 10.1016/j.tcs.2003.12.007 ., Petrus H. Potgieter (July 2006). "Zeno machines and hypercomputation". Theoretical Computer Science. 358 (1): 23–33. arXiv: cs/0412022 . doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2005.11.040. S2CID   6749770. and Vincent C. Müller (2011). "On the possibilities of hypercomputing supertasks". Minds and Machines. 21 (1): 83–96. CiteSeerX . doi:10.1007/s11023-011-9222-6. S2CID   253434.
  14. Andréka, Hajnal; Németi, István; Székely, Gergely (2012). "Closed Timelike Curves in Relativistic Computation". Parallel Processing Letters. 22 (3). arXiv: 1105.0047 . doi:10.1142/S0129626412400105. S2CID   16816151.
  15. Hogarth, Mark L. (1992). "Does general relativity allow an observer to view an eternity in a finite time?". Foundations of Physics Letters. 5 (2): 173–181. Bibcode:1992FoPhL...5..173H. doi:10.1007/BF00682813. S2CID   120917288.
  16. István Neméti; Hajnal Andréka (2006). "Can General Relativistic Computers Break the Turing Barrier?". Logical Approaches to Computational Barriers, Second Conference on Computability in Europe, CiE 2006, Swansea, UK, June 30-July 5, 2006. Proceedings . Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Vol. 3988. Springer. doi:10.1007/11780342. ISBN   978-3-540-35466-6.
  17. Etesi, Gabor; Nemeti, Istvan (2002). "Non-Turing computations via Malament-Hogarth space-times". International Journal of Theoretical Physics. 41 (2): 341–370. arXiv: gr-qc/0104023 . doi:10.1023/A:1014019225365. S2CID   17081866.
  18. Earman, John; Norton, John D. (1993). "Forever is a Day: Supertasks in Pitowsky and Malament-Hogarth Spacetimes". Philosophy of Science. 60: 22–42. doi:10.1086/289716. S2CID   122764068.
  19. Brun, Todd A. (2003). "Computers with closed timelike curves can solve hard problems". Found. Phys. Lett. 16 (3): 245–253. arXiv: gr-qc/0209061 . doi:10.1023/A:1025967225931. S2CID   16136314.
  20. S. Aaronson and J. Watrous. Closed Timelike Curves Make Quantum and Classical Computing Equivalent
  21. There have been some claims to this effect; see Tien Kieu (2003). "Quantum Algorithm for the Hilbert's Tenth Problem". Int. J. Theor. Phys. 42 (7): 1461–1478. arXiv: quant-ph/0110136 . doi:10.1023/A:1025780028846. S2CID   6634980. or M. Ziegler (2005). "Computational Power of Infinite Quantum Parallelism". International Journal of Theoretical Physics . 44 (11): 2059–2071. arXiv: quant-ph/0410141 . Bibcode:2005IJTP...44.2059Z. doi:10.1007/s10773-005-8984-0. S2CID   9879859. and the ensuing literature. For a retort see Warren D. Smith (2006). "Three counterexamples refuting Kieu's plan for "quantum adiabatic hypercomputation"; and some uncomputable quantum mechanical tasks". Applied Mathematics and Computation. 178 (1): 184–193. doi:10.1016/j.amc.2005.09.078..
  22. Bernstein, Ethan; Vazirani, Umesh (1997). "Quantum Complexity Theory". SIAM Journal on Computing. 26 (5): 1411–1473. doi:10.1137/S0097539796300921.
  23. 1 2 E. M. Gold (1965). "Limiting Recursion". Journal of Symbolic Logic. 30 (1): 28–48. doi:10.2307/2270580. JSTOR   2270580. S2CID   33811657., E. Mark Gold (1967). "Language identification in the limit". Information and Control. 10 (5): 447–474. doi: 10.1016/S0019-9958(67)91165-5 .
  24. 1 2 Hilary Putnam (1965). "Trial and Error Predicates and the Solution to a Problem of Mostowksi". Journal of Symbolic Logic. 30 (1): 49–57. doi:10.2307/2270581. JSTOR   2270581. S2CID   44655062.
  25. 1 2 L. K. Schubert (July 1974). "Iterated Limiting Recursion and the Program Minimization Problem". Journal of the ACM. 21 (3): 436–445. doi: 10.1145/321832.321841 . S2CID   2071951.
  26. Schmidhuber, Juergen (2000). "Algorithmic Theories of Everything". arXiv: quant-ph/0011122 .
  27. J. Schmidhuber (2002). "Hierarchies of generalized Kolmogorov complexities and nonenumerable universal measures computable in the limit". International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science. 13 (4): 587–612. arXiv: quant-ph/0011122 . Bibcode:2000quant.ph.11122S. doi:10.1142/S0129054102001291.
  28. Petrus H. Potgieter (July 2006). "Zeno machines and hypercomputation". Theoretical Computer Science. 358 (1): 23–33. arXiv: cs/0412022 . doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2005.11.040. S2CID   6749770.
  29. Lenore Blum, Felipe Cucker, Michael Shub, and Stephen Smale (1998). Complexity and Real Computation. Springer. ISBN   978-0-387-98281-6.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  30. P.D. Welch (2008). "The extent of computation in Malament-Hogarth spacetimes". British Journal for the Philosophy of Science. 59 (4): 659–674. arXiv: gr-qc/0609035 . doi:10.1093/bjps/axn031.
  31. H.T. Siegelmann (Apr 1995). "Computation Beyond the Turing Limit" (PDF). Science. 268 (5210): 545–548. Bibcode:1995Sci...268..545S. doi:10.1126/science.268.5210.545. PMID   17756722. S2CID   17495161.
  32. Hava Siegelmann; Eduardo Sontag (1994). "Analog Computation via Neural Networks". Theoretical Computer Science. 131 (2): 331–360. doi: 10.1016/0304-3975(94)90178-3 .
  33. P.D. Welch (2009). "Characteristics of discrete transfinite time Turing machine models: Halting times, stabilization times, and Normal Form theorems". Theoretical Computer Science. 410 (4–5): 426–442. doi: 10.1016/j.tcs.2008.09.050 .
  34. Davis, Martin (2006). "Why there is no such discipline as hypercomputation". Applied Mathematics and Computation. 178 (1): 4–7. doi:10.1016/j.amc.2005.09.066.
  35. Davis, Martin (2004). "The Myth of Hypercomputation". Alan Turing: Life and Legacy of a Great Thinker. Springer.
  36. Martin Davis (Jan 2003). "The Myth of Hypercomputation". In Alexandra Shlapentokh (ed.). Miniworkshop: Hilbert's Tenth Problem, Mazur's Conjecture and Divisibility Sequences (PDF). MFO Report. Vol. 3. Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach. p. 2.

Further reading